pinkdrones · 4 years
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pinkdrones · 5 years
Meanwhile in Italy! 😍
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pinkdrones · 5 years
Jordan Peterson
Got to love it when the crybabe spokesmen of ageing white male assholes like Jordan Buttf*ck Peterson try to figure out why so many young Americans are attracted to Socialism: those stupid kids have zero knowledge of History, hell yeah!!!
In other words: their favourite system, literally wrecking the planet in order to finance their jet set lifestyles, is just way too f*ckin' greedy to pay the lazy liberal teachers to tell the stupid kids of their servants about the horrors that did indeed actually happen in the name of Communism. Huh? Now what? Yeah, well, it's because of those goddamn smartphones distracting them at school: as we all know it, they are mostly produced in Communist China. Fuck yeah, Illuminati confirmed!!!
Never mind that horrors are still happening NOW in the name of Socialism, in places like Venezuela or North Korea or the Uyghur autonomous region: It really just doesn't matter cuz the money that was spent on public Education back in the cold war, you know, when commies were still at large, is now spent on an insanely overpriced (and yet insanely ineffectual) military plus also gargantuan tax cuts for the rich.
Alas, that's life: if you wanna brainwash the kids with your ideology to make them accept your rule, you just have to fuckin' pay for it cuz otherwise it's not gonna happen and your enemies will win. Yeah bro, life's a bitch!!! And she's back in heat...
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pinkdrones · 6 years
Certainly the guy is a lot better than Trump, but so is horseshit a lot better than dogshit - as a soil fertilizer for example, but not necessarily as food!
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pinkdrones · 9 years
During the lifetime of great revolutionaries, the oppressing classes constantly hounded them, received their theories with the most savage malice, the most furious hatred and the most unscrupulous campaigns of lies and slander. After their death, attempts are made to convert them into harmless icons, to canonize them, so to say, and to hallow their names to a certain extent for the “consolation” of the oppressed classes and with the object of duping the latter, while at the same time robbing the revolutionary theory of its substance, blunting its revolutionary edge and vulgarizing it.
Lenin (1917)
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pinkdrones · 9 years
Nicole Arbour
A few random thoughts about the private life of a notorious Canadian socialite you really don’t have to know about, but just in case you do:
- You don't have to be a shrink to figure out from miles away in advance that Nicole is a fuckin psychopath! Of course that doesn't mean she has any right to do all that stuff to men, but still it's best to think before dating egocentric douchebags like her - especially if you like slut-shaming girls who do just that!
- Many men fantasize about being "dominated" by a "strong woman" like her, only to change their minds after hooking up with one of them. Yeah, life's a bitch!
- The majority of Feminists kind of hate her like very much. No shit, they do!
- The VAST majority of Feminists do stand up against any kind of abuse done by females to males just as much as they do against those done by males to females... Or other males, for that matter! No one denies the fact that this shit happens.
Again, just random thoughts! Please don't send me death threats & shit :)
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pinkdrones · 9 years
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Here’s the new version with an anti-speciesist twist!
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pinkdrones · 9 years
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pinkdrones · 9 years
299999978012994568019939999999123459999992399999999299999901999999978 299456789012994568019939956780923496780123456799121399678012994567890 299456780912994568019939999999234599901234567899234499999923999999956 299456780912399568099239956780923456799923456799162399678012995678012 299456789012399680199239956780923456780191234599802199456780993456780 299999980123459999992349999991234599999934567899234199999923996780123
Highlight (i.e. select) the numbers above
Press Ctrl + F for a search box to appear
Enter the number 9 and press Enter
Feel the SWAG in your veins!!!
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pinkdrones · 9 years
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pinkdrones · 9 years
PUA Vibes
I try to get those badass PUA vibes now and then, just to catch up with the Volksgeist of my defiantly patriarchic nation. Sometimes I can even make it and it feels like wow! Like yeah, of course I can go with the flow and be a bit of a selfish bastard every now and then, like why not? 
Well, at least for a few minutes. After the climax of those precious few minutes, however, all of a sudden I fall back on my anti-social feminist vibes as if I were just thrown out of the John Malkovich hole... Except for the fact that I don't feel the urge to go back inside because the whole thing feels so pointless and stupid. It's a bit like that crucial moment in the lives of middle class teenagers when they realize what John Galt has in common with Santa Claus. Alas, it ain't easy to be PUA these days!
Wisdom of your life: male feminists are all anti-social & probably gay!!! It's because of those invisible pink dragons in my garage. Try to guess how they can be pink and invisible at the same time in order to win !!!__VALUABLE_SHIT™__!!!
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pinkdrones · 9 years
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Superheroes beware: enter the Insecure Warrior!!!
Author: http://daverapoza.com
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pinkdrones · 10 years
Circle of Life
You know that song about the circle of life when Simba asks his father whether it's okay to kill zebras? The big lion goes like "it’s the circle of life: we eat the zebras, but someday we will also die and turn into dust, and our dust will feed the grass which will be eaten by zebras! It's all one big circle..." Okay, now let's just imagine the kid in Benigni's Life Is Beatiful asking his father why Germans are killing Jews? I mean he was probably knowing it all along and I can easily imagine Benigni singing "Okay, these uniformed chaps will probably kill us now, but then they will also die and turn into dust to feed the grass which is eaten by the cows which are eaten by us Jews..." The circle of life, right?
Don't get me wrong! Life is Beautiful is brilliant beyond doubt because Benigni in his zebra-striped garb is lying in order to save his son's life and his game is very clearly presented as a lie. Mufassa on the other hand is lying in order to save his hereditary privilege of ultra-violent exploitation and yet his bullshit is presented as the greatest piece of wisdom ever told. The difference is more than subtle.
There have to be a different circle!
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pinkdrones · 10 years
Syriza Debate in Hungary
EU hipster: Howdy! Good to know you're a Putinist :P :D
Me: Good to know you're a Merkelist, fucko! I mean at least he's doing his fascism abroad while Tante Angela is doing it right here at home, treating Greece the very same way he's treating Europe: not listening to any rational arguments, not giving a damn fuck about their willingness to cut a deal of compromise.
EU hipster: LoL dude, you really sound just like Orban telling us that Brussels is the new Moscow! Merkel is not killing civilians in the Donbass as far as I know...
Me: No, she's killing them in Athens!
EU hipster: By not willing to give them a 14th month [...] :P :D
Me: By not fucking your ass with a big dildo, shithead! Like why did the number of suicides raise tenfold in Greece? Cut the neocon bullshit!
EU hipster: Neocon? Care to elaborate? :P :D
Me: I just did, Sgt Columbo! The choice is once again between primitive fascism abroad versus modern fascism at home, which is by the way just turning into primitive fascism as we speak. I mean the Front Nationale is easily a hundred times more "Putinist" than Syriza and nonetheless they are the most popular party in France, which is Europe's 2nd largest economy as you may also know. It's not Putin but Germany's austerity agenda fueling their fire! The Germans will long back for the days of negotiating with Varoufakis.
EU hipster: No, it's Putin! And Syriza is Putinist as well, so what's the difference? They made a coalition with right-wingers! They should do a left-wing critique of the EU instead!
Me: Fuck you! Everything they ever said, every fuckin line of their program is nothing but a left-wing critique of that shit-show! You're just wilfully blind to this because it's more confortable to parrot the "Syriza = Putin" line instead of questioning it for a second. You are worse than a traitor!
EU hipster: Look, I'm being so the gentleman here! See, that's the difference between Europe and your beloved Russia!
Me: Fuck Off & Rot & Die!!!
Sure you want this? Let's just talk about girls and stuff, now pretty please!
I mean of course I will hate you anyway... But that's not your problem, right?
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pinkdrones · 10 years
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pinkdrones · 10 years
Mais pas vous!
Great! Now everyone is Charlie except for the very people this magazine was originally created for since those have mostly decided to identify with a dead cop instead. Like seriously: Viktor Orban and Sergei Lavrov marching for the memory of 12 ultra-libertarian satire journalists who would have killed themselves in advance if only they knew this shit would happen in their name? Let's just congratulate the French government for achieving what the murtad camelfuckers would never dare to dream about: resurrecting the rotten carcass of Huntington's ideological monstrosity, that spinelessly retarded reactionary children's tale called the Clash of Civilizations...
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pinkdrones · 10 years
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- Michelle Bachman is basically Sarah Palin. She's kind of silly and she asks why?
- Lenin replies: "It's right there in your favourite book, ma'am! Nothing more and nothing less."
- This catches the ears of her master wrestling with the great prophet king Mr Jesus. The man trying to lift the weight represents the impossible task of Humanism trying to define the human condition.
- The great prophet king replies: "Your logic is self-defeating, Mr Satan! There is no human condition because Communism is the ultimate reality and the ultimate truth. There's nothing you can do about it."
- John Lennon represents the double-edgedness of popular culture as a mediating force. Even Mr Jesus rejects him on the night sky over the Kuznetsk basin where the dictatorship of the proletariat is finally established, but popular culture turns out to be inevitable since the working class as the fabric of history is the only valid agent of its own enlightenment and so the Beatles become even more popular than the great prophet king and the Soviet Union falls. They have to reconcile. Alas, life is hard!
But rejoice: the days have just stopped shrinking! Light is going to prevail.
Wishing you a very merry Xmas: Daniel
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