pinki-minki · 12 days
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SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! These will be in set 07, alt arts of previously released versions of the two. But the art connects and has the others in it and it's all perfect and cute and wonderful and I'll have to get both even if they cost a fair amount. Though I'd imagine these two will end up on the cheaper end of alt arts. At least I hope so.
Look at Kiku in Izo's background. Look at that pose. Look at Izo's face. Tell me she isn't mid roasting him for something. Poor guy getting upstaged by his sassy lil sister on his own fancy card...
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pinki-minki · 12 days
It's late in my timezone, time to post attractive One Piece men!
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pinki-minki · 14 days
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Woah look its the Heart Pirates in Wano these are totally real can u believe Cora saw Law fan boy over Stealth Black
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pinki-minki · 14 days
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pinki-minki · 28 days
Hey! You write for Sabo? If u do... can you write Sabo x Marine reader? This man needs more attention
Bound by Justice Sabo x Marine! Reader
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My love, I'd write just about anything for this man.
Babes, we are adding another husband to the list!!
Ngl, I think he's a real cutie, and in a perfect world, Sabo and Ace are protecting Luffy like the good big brothers they are.
This is a request from my Follower Fridays: Requests from followers are posted. If you have a story request or anything you want to ask go ahead and do so on this day. Just make sure you send them in early so I can get to it in time. If you send something the day of I might be able to make it happen.
Don't be afraid to send me any requests my loves and if you are waiting for the next installment I have my masterlist posted!
Like usual, never be afraid to hang out in the comments. I love your feedback and snort up all the love you show. <33
Here are some relationship headcanons for Sabo and the marine reader:
Mutual Respect: Despite being on opposite sides of the conflict, Sabo and the marine reader share a deep respect for each other's beliefs and principles. They admire each other's dedication to justice and are willing to put aside their differences to work together when necessary.
Intellectual Equals: Both Sabo and the marine reader are intelligent and quick-witted individuals. They engage in lively debates and discussions, challenging each other's perspectives and broadening their horizons in the process. Their intellectual connection strengthens their bond and fosters a deep sense of understanding between them.
Shared Values: Despite their different allegiances, Sabo and the marine reader share many core values, such as compassion, integrity, and a strong sense of duty. They both strive to make the world a better place in their own way, and this shared purpose forms the foundation of their relationship.
Unwavering Support: In times of need, Sabo and the marine reader are always there for each other. Whether it's offering a listening ear, providing moral support, or standing by each other's side in the face of danger, they never hesitate to lend a helping hand.
Opposites Attract: Sabo is fiery and passionate, while the marine reader is steadfast and determined. Despite their differences in temperament, they complement each other perfectly, balancing each other out and bringing out the best in one another.
Secret Admirers: Both Sabo and the marine reader harbor secret feelings for each other, unsure if their affection is reciprocated. They often find themselves stealing glances when they think the other isn't looking, their hearts fluttering with each fleeting touch and meaningful exchange.
Forbidden Love: Theirs is a love that defies societal expectations and challenges the boundaries of their respective worlds. Despite the risks and obstacles they face, Sabo and the marine reader are determined to fight for their relationship, refusing to let anything stand in the way of their happiness.
Growth and Development: Through their relationship, both Sabo and the marine reader experience personal growth and development. They learn to see the world through each other's eyes, gaining new perspectives and evolving as individuals in the process.
Shared Adventures: Whether it's fighting side by side in battle or embarking on thrilling adventures together, Sabo and the marine reader make the most of every moment they spend together. Their shared experiences strengthen their bond and create memories that will last a lifetime.
Hope for the Future: Despite the challenges they face, Sabo and the marine reader remain hopeful for the future. They dream of a world where their love can exist without fear or prejudice, and they're willing to do whatever it takes to make that dream a reality.
The moon hung low in the sky, casting an ethereal glow over the deserted streets of the coastal town. Sabo, shrouded in the darkness, moved with the grace of a shadow as he watched the marine outpost from a safe distance. His mission tonight was crucial, yet his thoughts were unexpectedly drawn to her.
She was a force to be reckoned with, a marine with a fiery spirit and a heart of gold. Sabo couldn't help but admire her from afar, her dedication to justice both inspiring and captivating. It was a dangerous game he played, allowing himself to be drawn to someone on the opposite side of the conflict, but he couldn't deny the pull she had on him.
Meanwhile, at the marine outpost, she paced the dimly lit corridors, her mind racing with thoughts of the day's events. Her encounters with the notorious Straw Hat Pirates had left her questioning everything she thought she knew about the world. But amidst the chaos, one thing remained clear to her: her unwavering commitment to protecting innocent lives, even if it meant defying orders.
As she rounded a corner, she caught sight of a familiar figure lurking in the shadows. Instinct kicked in as she reached for her weapon, ready to confront the intruder. But as the moonlight fell upon his face, she recognized him instantly.
"Sabo," she breathed, her voice a mixture of surprise and disbelief. "What are you doing here?"
Sabo stepped forward, his gaze meeting hers with a mixture of determination and something else, something she couldn't quite place. "I could ask you the same thing, Marine," he replied, his voice low and steady. "But I think we both know the answer."
She felt her heart race at his words, a flutter of excitement mingled with fear coursing through her veins. "I won't let you interfere with our operations," she said, trying to sound stern despite the uncertainty in her voice.
Sabo chuckled softly, the sound sending shivers down her spine. "I'm not here to cause trouble, I assure you," he said, taking a step closer to her. "In fact, I could use your help."
Her brow furrowed in confusion. "My help? With what?"
He hesitated for a moment, his gaze searching hers as if trying to gauge her reaction. "There's someone I need to protect," he said finally, his voice barely above a whisper. "Someone who means everything to me."
She studied him for a long moment, sensing the sincerity in his words. Despite everything, she couldn't bring herself to turn him away. "Lead the way," she said quietly, her resolve firm as she followed him into the night.
As they made their way through the deserted streets, Sabo couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at him. He knew the risks of involving her in his mission, yet he couldn't deny the sense of relief he felt having her by his side.
Suddenly, a commotion up ahead caught their attention, drawing them towards the source of the disturbance. As they rounded a corner, they came face to face with a familiar figure: Luffy, the infamous Straw Hat Pirate.
Sabo's heart clenched at the sight of his brother, battered and bruised yet still defiant in the face of danger. Without hesitation, he rushed to Luffy's side, grateful for the marine's presence as they worked together to fend off their attackers.
Amidst the chaos, Sabo stole glances at the marine, marveling at her strength and determination as she fought alongside them. He couldn't help but admire her, her fiery spirit a stark contrast to the darkness that threatened to consume them all.
As the dust settled and their enemies retreated into the night, Sabo turned to the marine, a newfound sense of gratitude and respect burning within him. "Thank you," he said softly, his voice laced with emotion. "For everything."
She smiled at him, a glimmer of warmth in her eyes as she returned his gaze. "Anytime," she said, her voice soft yet resolute. "After all, we're on the same side, aren't we?"
Sabo's heart swelled with affection at her words, a sense of belonging washing over him like a wave crashing against the shore. In that moment, he knew he had found something worth fighting for, something worth risking it all for.
As they stood together in the moonlit street, a silent understanding passed between them, binding them together in a bond that transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds. And as they walked into the night, side by side, Sabo couldn't help but feel grateful for the unexpected twist of fate that had brought them together.
This is also posted on the a03 account by the same name. I also have a sexy Ace x Straw-Hat! reader posted in the masterlist! Please go check it out!
Please check out my other works and leave likes and comments, they really help. Drop a follow as well if you please. Don't be shy to leave me a little reblog if you want.
Seen you soon my loves!!~ <<33
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pinki-minki · 2 months
I love these 😭😭😭
whitebeard pirates groupchat
wb pirates (ace, izo, marco, thatch) x reader
cw: funny/crack, drug mention
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428 notes · View notes
pinki-minki · 3 months
When I'm reading a fanfic and it leaves me so speechless at how perfect it is and I can't comment how wonderful and perfect it is without repeating my words
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pinki-minki · 4 months
one piece social media + dating feat: law
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♡ liked by beeeepo, p1rateking_luffy and 1.2k others
_ynln: date night cut short by fans 😪
tagged: trafalgar_d.law, themarinesofficial
sogekingg.usopp: aint no way you tagged them 💀💀
↳ _ynln: gotta give credit where its due
p1rateking_luffy: Tra guy why didn't you invite me? ☹️☹️
↳ trafalgar_d.law: the real question is why would i ever invite you
↳ p1rateking_luffy: yn would invite me ☹️
↳ _ynln: i would, come w us next time!
trafalgar_d.law: delete this please
↳ _ynln: sometimes i like to be nice and not gatekeep ur greek god musculature from the world 😌😌
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♡ liked by CAPTAIN.KIIIID, p3ngu1n and 2.3k others
_ynln: my babygirl 😍😍
tagged: trafalgar_d.law
↳ trafalgar_d.law: what are u doing on my gf's page, get off
↳ beeeepo: if u guys ever break up, i don't believe in love 💔
↳ _ynln: bepo omgg 🥹🥹💕
↳ p3ngu1n: @trafalgar_d.law why aren't you reacting to the caption 😭😭
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♡ liked by lovenami, blackleg.sanji and 2.7k others
_ynln: my other half 👩🏻‍🤝‍👩🏼
tagged: lovenami
blackleg.sanji: PLEASE DATE ME 😫😫💖💕💞💘
↳ theroronoa.zoro: dating u would be a charity case
↳ theroronoa.zoro: mb u wouldn't know bout dating u got noo hoes 🤣
↳ lovenami: @_ynln block him rn
↳ trafalgar_d.law: agreed
p3ngu1n: @trafalgar_d.law LMFAOWAOO IMAGINE GETTING REPLACED 🤣🤣
↳ trafalgar_d.law: toilet cleaning duties for 3 months. start rn.
↳ p3ngu1n: IT WAS A JOKE I SWEAR PLS 🙏
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♡ liked by _ynln, shachichi.chi and 4.7k others
trafalgar_d.law: i love my gf
↳ trafalgar_d.law: i love my gf
_ynln: my boyfriend is officially on sale. bids start off at 3,000,000,000 berries 😙
↳ themarinesofficial: @_ynln Please check your DMs
↳ trafalgar_d.law: first our date and now our ig? you guys are the most dedicated fangirls fr 😒😒
5K notes · View notes
pinki-minki · 5 months
if you follow me and you satisfy these conditions: no icon/header, no interactions with my posts, no likes/following, no bio—you will be blocked. reposting my works WITHOUT CREDIT including edits, colorings/art, and writings are strictly prohibited. full masterlist and rules for requests under the cut.
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rules for requests
no yandere tropes or anything violent/abusive
no race specific nor gender specific (in this case, i only write for gn and afab) nor appearance specific nor age specific or generally something-specific SJASDDJSAJ
i can only write for afab readers identifying as she/her as of the moment
no oc
minors should proceed with their own discretion when visiting my blog and giving requests (i am not enabling minors but i also have no control of their content consumption, this is only a warning and a reminder)
not a native english speaker but i am fluent in this language, just don't expect top tier grammar lmao
i mostly write for kidd, but i'm willing to try and write for these characters. these are the only characters i will accept for requests: (these may subject to change)
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fantasy tropes are welcomed! i especially love writing for these, you can check my past hcs for reference (although i don't write for hybrids/minks/fishman/furries, it's uncomfortable for me)
smut and/or suggestive themes are also welcomed, but please don't expect much i'm just starting to get the hang of it T^T
i only write from upto 3 characters for each request, you can put more than 3 people in your requests but i will only choose upto 3
i'm a very selective author so don't expect for your request/s to be accepted and made, i only pick ones i like and can give justice to
i only write for one piece as of the moment. i'm caught up with the anime, not so much in the manga
please be patient with me bc i either complete requests very fast (bc i'm probably on vacation that time) or very slow (bc i'm a student :c). i only do this in my free time and if we have regular school days, there is no free time!!
be respectful and don't spam requests
requests are: open
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sasaki to miyano
kaeya, diluc, and zhongli
dr. vegapunk/york
izou of ringo
why so serious?
the king of the underworld
raitei no yoroi
hibari and kujaku
BEELZEBUB; Hurry... Quickly... Please... Kill me. As brutally... and... as hideously as you can.
QIFREY; o, rushing waves... bring to me the one i seek
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hcs and scenarios
all my writing are catered to fem readers unless mentioned otherwise
KIDD; it all started with a drink
ACE; guitar
KIDD; make me pretty, aye?
KIDD; bet
KIDD; 9 things i hate about you
KIDD; how does eustass kidd propose?
KIDD; kidd as a father
KIDD; coming home to you
KIDD; eustass kidd as a college student
KIDD; 3 times he almost said i love you and 1 time he actually did
SHANKS; bathing with the emperor on a hot summer day🔞
KIDD; beauty & the beast
KIDD; dates with college kidd
BENN; billiards séx🔞
KIDD; the captain has an allergy!
KIDD; the captain's madam🔞
KIDD; the pirate's princess🔞
KIDD; kidd being sweet
KIDD; reconcilation
KIDD; n/sfw alphabet🔞
IZOU; haircare with izou
KONIG; someone to come home to🔞
KIDD; overnight
KIDD; how does he apologize after a petty fight
KIDD; giving him flowers
KIDD; toxic ex
KIDD; doing the shaving for him
KIDD; biker kidd au
KIDD; babysitter🔞
SHANKS; safeword🔞
KIDD; fvck me like you love me🔞
KIDD; calm to his storm
ACE; the way you look tonight
KIDD & KILLER; gifts
KIDD; christmas headcanons
KIDD & KILLER; north blue s/o
KIDD; soft and loving kidd
KIDD; tending to his wounds
KIDD; it's the captain's birthday🔞
KIDD; birthday present🔞
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KIDD; make way for the king
KÖNIG; der Panzer
RWRB; tahanan
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eustass kidd
nico robin
weeb sh!t
113 notes · View notes
pinki-minki · 5 months
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9K notes · View notes
pinki-minki · 5 months
Don’t Fall In Love With Me (Yet) Pt. 2
Pairing: Trafalgar Law x reader
Content: mentions of fights/canon typical violence and weapons, sooo much pining, can be read as a stand alone or as part of the mini series, allies to friends to lovers (soon!?), etc!
Word Count: 1.5k
A/N: hmmm where do i start? i changed the pov from third to second person, (the first part was third person) the writing style of this is a little different from what i usually do but i still like it so hopefully you do to! pls enjoy and ty for reading <333
edited 1/8/24
Part 1
Law finds y/n leaning on the starboard railing of the Thousand Sunny.
You feel Law’s steps on the wooden planks and look over your shoulder to see him approaching. you swear you can hear your own heartbeat, and only hope that he won’t be able to hear it, too. Your thoughts are interrupted by his presence to your left. Law leans over the railing, mug of coffee in hand. A moment of silence passes while he watches you watch the sea from the corner of his eye.
“Can you even see anything?” he questions, his words coming off much harsher than intended,
A bit caught off guard, you simply respond, “Mhm, everything.” you have good vision, so you’re sort of the natural choice for keeping watch if Zoro doesn’t feel like staying up.
You can feel Law’s gaze on your profile. You can also feel your cheeks heating up, but those two things are completely independent… It doesn’t even matter though, because the darkness of the night should be enough to hide that from him.
“Are you having a good time on board the Thousand Sunny?” 
“It’s alright. You guys are really loud.” He says in a near scoff.
“Oh… Sorry about that.” Did you really bother him so much?
Law mentally kicks himself and is quick to wave a hand in front of his face apologetically, “No, I just mean… you’re all very energetic. Not you specifically, either. You’re actually really, uh…”
You wait patiently, now peering up at him through your lashes. He meets your eyes with his own, much more frantic gaze.
“You’re… nice.” He finally averts his eyes with a turn of cheek.
“Oh… thank you.” You smile to yourself. “I think you’re really nice, too.”
Law releases another scoff, though it comes off as more surprised than mean. He struggles with accurately portraying his feelings for you, who remains equally oblivious to his feelings as he does to yours. “You must be thinking of someone else.”
“Why’s that?”
“I’m not known for being nice.”
“People must not really know you, then.”
“And you do?”
“Not as much as I’d like to, but well enough.”
“… What?” He finds that you make him feel dumb sometimes, be it through quick rebuttals or patient stares.
“I just mean, we could be friends. But I understand if you don’t-“
“I do.”
“… Ok.” You grin once more.
The pair stare out to sea, and Law takes another sip of his coffee.
“How come I never see you in fights with your crew?”
“I try to stay out of the way. Plus, I don’t really like fighting in the first place- that’s not why I joined my crew. It’s more of a last resort.”
“You think so?”
“That you would rather play support than have to get into a fight? Definitely. It’s not very pirate-like.” He nearly sneers- he has certain beliefs on what a pirate should be in order to be of use to their crew.
But, ever the optimist, you simply laugh, “So I’ve been told,” you start. “I guess I’m a little… strict about my morals. Just never really want to hurt someone, you know? Even if it makes people think I’m weak, because I know I’m not.”
“At least you’re self aware.” Law begins, but for some unknown reason feels compelled to continue. To give you some little piece of himself in return for what you’ve told him. However, after he tells you, “I don’t enjoy fighting much either, I just do it to protect my crew.” he feels like he’s talking too much.
You listen intently, “And do you have a family? If you don’t mind me asking.”
He shakes his head no, “Gone.”
You nod solemnly. “Well, I’m sure they’d be proud of you.”
“Have you… lost someone?” Law immediately regrets asking such a personal question.
But, you aren't offended. “No, I’ve been lucky in that way. Though we aren’t really… We don’t… Well, we’re not close.”
“Why’s that?” he mimics your earlier question, which you pick up on and smirk at.
So you sigh; “I guess the whole running-away-with-a-pirate crew thing kind of soiled their opinion of me.”
Your eyes meet again after your confession, and after a moment of silence, you both break out in laughter. Except, Law’s is more of just the shake of his shoulders, while you actually laugh.
“It’s not funny-” Law says through broken exhales.
“No, it’s really not!” you shake your head, still caught in a fit of giggles.
Eventually you both still yourselves, and Law concentrates on his half empty mug while you look up at the stars above head. Then you look at him from the corner of their eye, just for a split second, but find his eyes are already trained on you. So you offer a smile, like always, and go back to star gazing. Another moment passes, and your enjoyment of conversation gets the best of you.
“What’s it like living in a submarine?” Law raises a brow and gives a sidelong glance at your question. “Don’t you miss land and the sky when you’re down there?”
“Yeah. I miss land sometimes, I guess.”
You explore the answer to your question further by standing up on the ledge before you, and leaning over the railing to look down into the waves being split by the Thousand Sunny. It’s not a particularly dangerous stunt at all- there’s the floor, a 3 inch raised ledge, and the railing on top of it. When you stand on it, your height is barely altered; that’s how non perilous what you are doing is, for context. You simply want to lean over to see the waves.
But Law’s hand shoots out to grasp your shoulder, acting as a tether. You look at him with a concerned expression, which turns into a smirk. You could stay up there, maybe even turn and lift yourself slightly to sit on the railing itself, but you decide to come back down to the floor on your heels instead of giving the surgeon something else to stress over. Law then pulls his hand back rigidly and scratches the back of his neck with near painful awkwardness due to his sudden display of concern for your safety.
“I don’t think I could trip all the way over the railing unless I tried.” You tease.
“No, I- I know.” he coughs. Did he really just stutter?
“See? You are nice. You care.” you punctuate your statement with a smirk and the side to side tilt of their head. An occasional habit that, if someone were around you often enough to witness, they would know signified a feeling of triumph.
Law is at a loss for words at the moment, thoughts clouded by the growing warmth in his chest that seems to fluctuate up and down his neck and face, but never disappears completely when he’s around you.
“Sure.” he takes to mumbling again.
“You know, I really like having you here with us.”
“…You do?”
“Yeah. I love the other Straw Hats of course, but… I don’t know, you’re different.”
“You’re different from my crew, too.”
“Oh yeah? In a good way, I hope.”
Law shrugs, “Yeah.” He pauses, then mutters something under his breath. “In a good way.”
You’d blurt out your feelings here and now, if it were anyone else. But this is Law, and you kind of like him a lot, so you want to do things right. Besides, that would probably only scare him away- he seems like the kind of man who carefully works his way up to a relationship. With a friendly smile, you accept his statement. Because now that you know he considers you a friend at the very least, and more than likely shares your affections… you’re in no rush.
The night goes by quickly in his company, and soon enough you spot the golden rays of the sun peaking over the horizon.
“We should do this again sometime,” you tell him as the sun starts to climb higher into the sky (quicker than you’d like), “I had fun talking to you.”
Law nods, “Just let me know when your keeping watch,” he waves over his shoulder as he walks away, “I’ll be there.
And when he makes it back to the privacy of his room, Law replays the night in his head. Over and over and over again, until he comes to the conclusion, “Shit.”
“I have feelings for y/n.”
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pinki-minki · 5 months
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cowboy ace and some doodles
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pinki-minki · 8 months
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i just think they’re neat (is insane about them)
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pinki-minki · 8 months
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Violet, Xaden, Rhiannon, Ridoc, and Liam with their dragons!! Hopefully I can have these up soon, waiting on them to be approved for official licensing! 💖
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pinki-minki · 8 months
Men are more interesting in books than they are in real life.
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pinki-minki · 9 months
No one talk to me.
I'm mourning a fictional character.
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pinki-minki · 10 months
Sailor Moon Name Meanings: 10 Main Sailor Senshi Edition
Most of the names in Sailor Moon are packed full of meaning, so I've decided to do a series of posts examining each name's etymology! Let's start with the main Sailor Senshi themselves.
Usagi Tsukino: “Rabbit of the Moon”
Usagi’s name is packed full of symbolism, as it directly references the East Asian legend of the “rabbit on the moon.” If you look at the full moon and observe its darker areas contrasted against the white ones, you may see the shape of a rabbit standing over a mortar with a pestle. According to folklore, this rabbit is making anything from the elixir of life to simple mochi.
It’s not just Usagi’s name that references this legend. Her odango hairstyle is meant to resemble rabbit’s ears (although this is far more obvious with Chibiusa), and many of her belongings feature cute pictures of bunnies. Unlike real rabbits though, Usagi hates carrots!
Ami Mizuno: “Asian Beauty of Water”
Time to clear up a misconception I myself have spread in the past. Ami’s name does not mean “Friend of Water,” it actually means “Asian Beauty of Water” according to the kanji in her name. Although Rei is commonly seen as the traditional Japanese beauty of the bunch, Ami isn’t far behind!
Of course, “Water” is a reference to Sailor Mercury’s powers over water and its different forms (ice and gas/fog). Apart from having powers over water, Ami is shown to love water in her civilian life, being an avid swimmer. Finally, Mercury in Japanese is “Suisei,” or “Water Star.”
Rei Hino: “Spirit of Fire”
Rei’s name reflects her status as the most spiritual of the Senshi, being a miko who is capable of using special powers (her psychic and purification powers) even when she’s not transformed. “Spirit of Fire” even brings to mind one of her special abilities, which is divining the future by meditating and staring into flames.
Of course, the “Fire” also references how Sailor Mars is the Senshi of Flames and Passion, being the Sailor Senshi who has mastery over fire. Finally, Mars in Japanese is “Kasei,” or “Fire Star.”
Makoto Kino: “Sincerity of Wood”
“Makoto” can have a number of different meanings, and we don’t 100% for sure know which one Mako’s is because her name is in hiragana. However, the fandom has largely chosen to go with the meaning of “sincerity.” This is a very suitable name for Mako, as she is one of the most sincere and honest characters in the entire series.
“Kino” means “of wood.” Although Sailor Jupiter is commonly associated with electricity, her powers really encompass nature as a whole. In the manga/reboot anime, she has a number of attacks that involve plants. Finally, the Japanese name for Jupiter is “Mokusei,” or “Wood Star.”
Minako Aino: “Beautiful Child of Love”
Minako’s name is very straightforward, being a reference to the mythological goddess Venus- the Roman goddess of love and beauty. Out of all the Senshi, Minako/Sailor Venus by far has the most associations with the deity who is the namesake of their guardian planet. In Codename: Sailor V, she is even outright stated to be the incarnation of the goddess Venus.
Out of all the Senshi, Minako is the only one who does not have a reference to the Japanese name of her planet in her name. In Japanese, “Venus” is called “Kinsei,” which means “Metal Star.” Although this is referenced in her powers (in the manga/reboot anime, Venus uses her metallic chain as well as a sword to attack), the reason why it’s not reflected in her name is probably because she was the very first Sailor Senshi created and Naoko Takeuchi hadn’t hammered out the naming scheme yet.
Chibiusa: “Small Rabbit”
“Chibiusa” is actually a nickname given to the girl when she arrived in the 20th century; her birth name is “Princess Usagi Small Lady Serenity.” Introducing herself as “Usagi,” she quickly got the name “Chibiusa” to distinguish her from the first Usagi (who, unbeknownst to her at the time, was her mother). It’s an appropriate nickname, as it basically just means “the smaller Usagi.” The same symbolism behind Usagi’s name applies here as well.
Setsuna Meioh: “Moment Dark King”
“Setsuna” means “moment” or “instant,” which is fitting for a character so heavily associated with time. “Setsuna” also sounds very similar to “setsunai,” which while difficult to get an exact translation of, basically means a strong mix of happiness and sadness. Think nostalgia, bittersweetness, sweet sorrow, etc. Again, this is very fitting for Setsuna, who is noted by other characters to appear slightly sorrowful at all times but still carries out her duties with pride.
“Dark King” is a reference to the Roman god Pluto, the namesake of Sailor Pluto’s guardian planet and the god of the underworld. While Sailor Pluto is most often associated with time, she is also referred to as the “Senshi of the Underworld” and some of her attacks (such as Dead Scream) are related to the underworld. Also, “Dark King” starts a naming convention with the Outer Senshi (sans Hotaru) who all directly reference their planet’s mythological namesakes in their family names.
Haruka Tenoh: Distant Sky King
“Haruka” can have a few different meanings, but our Haruka’s name means “distant” or “far off” (Haruka’s name, like most of the Senshi, is written in hiragana instead of kanji, meaning that its exact meaning is ambiguous). This reflects her initially standoffish, aloof nature and how she first presents herself to the Inner Senshi.
“Sky King” is a reference to the Roman god Uranus, the namesake of Sailor Uranus’s guardian planet and the primordial deity who represents the sky. Sailor Uranus’s powers are related to wind and the sky, making this a fitting tribute.
Michiru Kaioh: Rising Sea King
“Michiru” is a name that has nuance to it. I used “rising” here, but it can also translate to “mature,” “complete,” etc. The impression that “Michiru” gives off is a fulfilment of growth, like hopes that have been nurtured. Of course, this is extremely fitting for our Michiru. Like the rest of the Outer Senshi, she is very mature and is initially further along in her development as a Senshi than the Inners. I also like the term “rising” in particular, as it gives off the imagery of ocean waves as well as hinting that Michiru’s maturation and growth is still ongoing.
“Sea King” is a reference to the Roman god Neptune, the namesake of Sailor Neptune’s guardian planet and the god of the ocean. Sailor Neptune has powers over the sea, making it obvious where Naoko Takeuchi made mythological connections.
Hotaru Tomoe: Firefly Sprouting From Earth
Unlike the other Outer Senshi, whose names have significance from Greek/Roman mythology, Hotaru’s name is rooted in Japanese symbolism. In Japanese folklore, fireflies are thought to be the carriers of the souls of the dead (more specifically, the souls of soldiers who died in war). This is very fitting symbolism for Sailor Saturn, the Senshi of Death and Rebirth; in the manga and Crystal, Hotaru is even shown carrying and guarding the souls of the Inner Senshi. Other symbolism for fireflies is that they are beautiful and burn bright, but are short-lived; this is again fitting for Hotaru in her original life, as her life was doomed to be cut short before she was fortunately reborn.
The ”earth” (as in “dirt,” not the planet Earth) kanji in “Tomoe” is a reference to the planet Saturn, which in Japanese is called the “Earth Star” ("Dosei"). The planet Saturn has been known since ancient times, whereas the planets beyond it were only discovered thanks to modern telescopes. This is reflected in their Japanese names, as Saturn follows the traditional Japanese planet naming scheme of “element + star” whereas Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are named following the same Roman mythological naming convention that Western astronomers used (“Neptune” being “Sea King Star,” etc).
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