pinkmisanthrope · 6 years
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I’m always a day late to these things heh, but happy late 5/4 💛💜
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pinkmisanthrope · 7 years
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hey guys whats up i love matt so so much.
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
Harken on, and please help.
Indeed: The problems of this world arise As everybody cares but for their own. So if another - friend or otherwise - Doth need assistance: Send your help anon! For now, such dreadful case hath fallen to The lovely @lucidorange, whose great art Doth everyone surprise each time anew. So let compassion play and do your part!
In truth: I cannot think of anyone That more deserving is of our aid. And what is more: The work she gives in turn Is wonderful, so be you not afraid To contact her and ask for a commission Or even just to send a small donation. All help she doth with heart appreciate - Don’t hesitate and hurry to her aid!
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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Hello! So, I just want to take a moment to explain my current situation. It’s been a few years since I began struggling pretty badly as starving freelance artist. Sometimes I wonder why I even got into this field knowing that there will be many difficult struggles. This uphill battles many times seem more like a downhill, sliding backward into the dumpster battle. I never got a stable job and I had been living on part time, odd jobs, and small freelances. In a short summary I am just barely earning enough to scrap by while carrying many debts. I had hope that my situation would change by now because don’t get me wrong I had been applying to full time jobs since the dawn of time. I went to a few interviews but at the end they picked someone else over me. I am really trying to keep myself a float at the moment because my last freelance just ended abruptly. I have about five bucks in the banks and nothing else. So I decided to open my commission to help during this difficult time. ——————————–>
= = = = = Commission is OPEN = = = = = Sketch (per character // BUST ONLY) - $11 Color (per character // BUST ONLY) - $22 Sketch (per character // WHOLE BODY) - $22 Color on top of Sketch (per character // WHOLE BODY) - $33 * if you would like a background + $11 Message me if you are interested or have any questions.
* * * I accept paypal ~ ——————————–>
= = = = = Kickstarter? = = = = = Me and another artist started a kickstarter a while back and we only have 11 days left and we are about 31% funded. Please support us so we can make this project happen. Thank you! You can find our kickstarter page here @ BLCB !! Support original artists! ——————————–> = = = = = Donations = = = = = This is where you can just help out without expecting anything in return BUT I would like to offer you something anyways. If you decided to donate to me I would love to create a post with your link and advertise your tumblr as a simple thank you for your kindness. $5+ your tumblr link would be up for a week $10+ your tumblr link would be up for 2 weeks $15 + your tumblr link would be up for 3 weeks $20 + your tumblr link would be up for 4 weeks and it can go on for forever — but you get it. * * * I accept paypal ~ If you just want to donate privately that is also completely fine too. Message me for more info. Thank you everyone for your time. =‘)
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
watching yourself being replaced by people better than you
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
Dark eyes are the prettiest eyes. 
Light colored eyes look nice, but they’re so shallow looking. Like the clear shore of a beach. Brown/black eyes are  dark and deep, like miles beneath the sea, or the clear night sky, riddled with stars, or a cup of fresh coffee, warm and welcoming.
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
I can tell myself all day, “be heartless, fuck em” but in all reality, I have a big ass heart, and can’t treat people bad, that’s just not me.
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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Happy Father’s Day!
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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Please Disney
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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This is what i wanted!!!^P^
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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Thing 2.0 xD
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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More doodles of this sin AU because I have absolutely no self control.
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pinkmisanthrope · 8 years
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finally gonna start posting these on here
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