pinkschnelly · 5 years
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kind of in shock with how on-brand these are wtf
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pinkschnelly · 5 years
Neolodge Discord Invite Check (4/21/19)
Heyo! It’s been quite a while since our original invite post went live, and since then we’ve decided that it’d be a lot easier to open up a new one. A ton of folks who liked the original post left tumblr in the wake of the last update, so to make sure we don’t end up waiting on abandoned blogs, we figured this’d be easier!
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If you’re interested in joining the Neolodge discord, please like or reblog this post! In the interest of transparency here’s the breakdown of what happens next: we’ll be taking one week after this post goes live to vet and catalog everyone who’s expressed interest in this post. We don’t want to let in any hateful folk, here’s some stuff that we’ll be vetting against; if you’re transphobic, homophobic, racist, anti-semetic, or a TERF, we will not let you in. In less words: don’t be a dick, and you’ll be fine. Additionally, we will not allow users under 18 into the server. 
Thank you for your continued interest and participation in the Neolodge tag! See you in a week!
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pinkschnelly · 5 years
[stomps feet on the ground]
Hello everyone I’m sure nobody frequents the Neopets side of tumblr anymore but MY ACCOUNTS* GOT RETURNED TODAY AND I’M ESCTATIC
[*Well, 3 of the 5 of them did - Tony asked how many accounts I was playing on before they returned, and since I had 2, I guess they didn’t want me to have any more than 5 by any means. I’m already almost done clearing out the account I was playing on up til now and freezing it, so here’s praying I can get my last two accounts unfrozen...]
I have no idea what I feel most like doing on this website but I’ve just been staring at my portfolio page and reminding myself of all the cool fun things on my accounts. I’m happy right now
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
what the fucki s stolen nc anyway
your guess is like as good as mine? he’s insinuating that i somehow credited 2500 NC to myself even though i had an active ticket at the time describing that i was missing neocash... which i subsequently closed when i received it... had to explain this to the dense motherfucker twice for nothing lmfao
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
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My entire ticket history with Tony P. So far (minus sensitive info)
So take it from me yall if you get Tony on your ticket just. immediately ask to speak to someone else he is useless
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
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i took art requests over on the art boards when i got iced because i wanted something cute to make me feel better. thanks for coming by to show me your cuties im sorry i couldn’t draw more of them and that i’m super slow
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
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they’re insinuating that I cheated to receive the Neocash I was OWED FROM A CARD THAT DIDN’T REDEEM PROPERLY IN APRIL HOLY SHIT
why would i risk my fully accomplished accounts and a history of at least 500$ USD in Neocash items/transactions ofr FUCKENING 2500 NEOCASH??? I HATE THIS WEBSITE
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
Real talk, I'm high key frustrated that this is actually twice now that I've been chain frozen despite not doing anything wrong. My first accounts were all ripped from me overnight because I was receiving items from someone for the packrat avatar. They were all junk, and decidedly worthless as items, and yet because they wrongfully marked my case as me "scamming" the other party, they wouldn't even give my attempts to get the issue repealed a second glance. ALL my attempts to appeal to them were shut down immediately. the ONLY reason I sucked it up and continued playing was because I didn't have anything of great value that I couldn't get back - aside from what would have been two UC maraquan hissis, there was nothing I couldn't work back up from. Now? I'd accomplished literally every goal I could have wanted, spent probably a total of 500 or 600 USD in NC over the past 3ish years, and was enjoying playing the site quietly with what I had amassed and thinking up other cursory goals I could achieve, like filling my stamp albums and working on game trophies. There is absolutely no way I'd be able to get back to that state of completion and satisfaction all over again, especially not when I'm at a point in my life where i need to devote 90% of my time to saving money and becoming independent. They have lost a loyal player in me and I will honestly never consider playing this site seriously again, even if I'm given what I lost back in perfect order. There is no sense or reasoning behind completely shutting an honest player out over a small mistake or bout of poor judgment, while there are still rampant issues especially concerning that of neocash redemption and site security that are not being addressed adequately enough. I played loyally through these issues, even if with a few well-placed complaints - I never wanted to believe that the site was just going to absolute shit and just meekly staying afloat by the force of people still willing to go in and support it despite all of it’s issues and lack of meaningful correspondence to the playerbase. No matter what they do to rectify this situation to me, this website is a complete wash and I'm officially fed up with it. If I do get any of my things back they'll be gifted to friends, and then I’ll leave for good myself. I'm not going to forgive them over this ridiculousness again.
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
so yeah the moral of the story is, if you have a side you don’t use and think they don’t know or care about, they do. my friend got hit with this exact same shit and i didn’t even think that the same thign could happen to me
this was AGES ago okay. maybe they already ahd my IP on file or whatever and just didn’t get around to freezing me before now because they have like 4 people on their staff. GO AND FREEZE ANY EXCESS SIDES U HAVE ASAP shit i don’t even know if that would save you since u Already Broke The Rules :tm: or whatever, but do it anyway. don’t be like me on the “they can’t know or care” garbage. i may still draw neos sometime but i’m probably not going to petition to get my accounts back  tbh
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
first of all: hi i didn’t realize two posts reblogged here like 3 months ago. that wasn’t intentional
second of all: i got chain frozen so neopets is dead forever to me now. i’m not even terribly mad so much as i am just like “why though”
Basically i had some irrelevant and old ass sides that i never bothered freezing because i figured, oh ok if something happens to my main accounts i have something to fall back on later. there wasn’t activity on any of them for the absolute longest iirc and now they just. decide “hey don’t do that”. it must have been a year+ since i’ve logged into them, i obviously wasn’t abusing them for anything, they were just There kind of hanging around. and they decide to fucking do that after how long lol
it comes at a conveniently pivotal time where i do kind of need to spend more time focusing on my actual life so i guess in a way i’m grateful to be forcefully ejected from it. now i can start earning all the money i blew on this site when i didn’t know how to budget better lol.
i’m just sorry to anyone who was having fun and excited about the artist directory i was making, literally how ironic is it that i make to to follow up on someone else’s project who ALSO got frozen. niiiiiiiice fuckening meme yall
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
still totally up for more suggestions!! just leave a comment on this post and i’ll do my best to make somethin’ up ;w; this is fun because i’m going through a lot more of my music collection
give me a neopets species and I'll try to make a lil playlist for them
something fun to try…I’m headed to bed just now but I’ll check out this post again in the morning
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
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Here’s the first of those playlists: one for a Jubjub!!
thought process was basically “calming/fluffy music that is lighthearted and soothing”
Lullatone - Leaves Falling
Lullatone - The Bathtime Beat
Cheerful Calvary - Mamoru Fujisawa 
Arriety’s Song done by Kazumi Tateishi Trio
Universe - Maaya Sakamoto
Dalmoon - Dalmoon
フラッピー - Galileo Galilei
Candy Candy - GUMI Cover
My Boyfriend is a Pilot - DJ AMAYA vs. GROOVEBOT EDIT
Hoshi wo Todoreba - Yuiko Ohara (The LWA anime ending!)
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
give me a neopets species and I'll try to make a lil playlist for them
something fun to try…I’m headed to bed just now but I’ll check out this post again in the morning
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pinkschnelly · 7 years
pssst please vote for my dress to impress suggestion
hi friends i know i’ve been really silent aside from reblogging people’s cute art once a month..... i hope you’re all doing well
i was wondering if yall could take a second to consider upvoting this suggestion i sent to DTI’s little suggestion cloud thing.
i figure if more ppl see it and agree it’ll have a better chance of being implemented?? or something?!? gestures wildly @ it
i’ll try to stop being all depressed and post more og content but until then. bye 
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pinkschnelly · 8 years
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I can appreciate their design… so many kinds of mane fluff. 
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pinkschnelly · 8 years
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pinkschnelly · 8 years
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White Acara
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