pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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Theme: Love
Length: one-act-play
Mode: Romance 
Medium: Television
Setting (Time and Place): Apartment 
Character/s: Callie
What will be your name in the play? 
* Callie
What will you be like? 
* A girlfriend
Narration(Introduction): Karl has disappeared for 6 years due to his personal reasons and he decided to come back and he will ask for a chance to Callie to talk about their relationship. 
Looking down at the crumpled up piece of paper in his hands and Karl realizes what he's  really about to do. He's about to knock on the door of his ex girlfriend Callie, whom he hasn't seen in six years, six painful years. He's not sure how Callie will react but it's too late to turn back. 
Karl: I hope this is the right apartment. 
(with a shaky hand slowly knocks on the door) 
Callie: (slowly opens the door) Karl. Is that really you?
Karl: Hi Callie.
Callie: Hello. 
Karl: As much as I appreciate awkward door conversations I'd really like to get out of the hallway now.
Callie: Oh right. Please come in.
Karl: (Enters house)
Callie: I hate to be a downer but why are you here?
Karl: To talk.
Callie: What about?
Karl: Us
Callie: There stopped being an "us" years ago.
Karl: I've come a long way to see you.
Callie: I don't have time for this Karl
Karl: Callie please, just hear me out.
Callie: (Annoyed) It wouldn't be the first time I've heard you say that.
Karl: I see not much has changed since I've been gone.
Callie: You're lucky I haven't kicked you out of my house yet.
Karl: Does this mean we can talk about us now? Or am I still talking to the bitter Callie that answered the door?
Callie: I wouldn't know, I haven't decided how I feel yet. I'll let you know though.
Karl: Seriously, Callie, I don't have all night. Can you just listen to me.
Callie: That depends after we talk are you gonna leave me for six years again? Or was that some one-time thing? Cause I don't have time for games anymore
Karl: Being bitter isn't a good look on you, my love
Callie: Flattery gets you nowhere when I can easily ignore you. Or push you off my balcony but I don't think I'm bitter enough to kill you. Maybe I am but I'd rather not find out
Karl: Six years and you still hide behind that awful sense of humor of yours.
Callie: Six years and I'm still angry with you.
Karl: (stares blankly at Callie)
Callie: Oh sorry, were we not pointing out the obvious here?
Karl: For once can you stop being such an arrogant bitch and listen to something other than your own thoughts?
Callie: How am I the arrogant one?! I'm not the one who thought it would be just a lovely idea to leave without a trace...for six years
Karl: Callie, I had my reasons.
Callie: And you just magically neglected to tell me?
Karl: I wanted to tell you, I wanted to tell you everything. Every last thought that went through my head but dammit Callie, I couldn't do it. I couldn't face you and my inner demons at the same time. It was just too difficult.
Callie: But you didn't have to leave me. You didn't have to disappear for six years.
Karl: Callie, I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you, that was never my intention of leaving.
Callie: Don't you get it? You hurt me. You don't get to say you didn't Karl because you did and I don't know if I can ever forgive you for that.
Karl: I'm not asking for forgiveness. I'm asking for a chance to talk.
Callie: And I'm giving you that chance but you're doing a really crappy job.
Karl: Cal….
Callie: I hate this. I hate you. I hate that I'm talking to you. I hate that you're here. Most of all, I hate that it's been six long years and I'm still in love with you.
Karl: You don't hate me Callie, you're angry with me. Hate and anger are two separate things.
Callie: I have every fucking right to be angry with you!
Karl: Callie, please, calm down.
Callie: Six years! You were gone for six years!
Karl: Callie! I'm sorry!
Callie: Why did you leave me for six years! What did I ever do to deserve that?
Karl: I didn't leave because of you! I never in a million years would have left because of you!
Callie: Then why did you leave?!
Karl: I needed to figure myself out. Who I was. How I felt. I couldn't do that while I was still here with you. While I was loving you, I couldn't drag you through my personal hell. It wouldn't have been fair to you, to what we have.
Callie: Talking to me and telling me how you felt was unfair but leaving me without at least saying goodbye wasn't? Did you even think of me? Did you even care about me?
Karl: Of course I cared about you, you never once gave me a reason not to care. I thought about you more than I'm willing to admit
Callie: (Now sitting down and looking up at Karl) Why now? Why did you decide now was the time to come back? Do you understand what these last six years have been like? I told myself every day for two years you'd be coming back but you never did so I stopped feeding myself false hope. Eventually, I just told myself you were dead.
Karl: Why?
Callie: Because there are stages for dealing with grief, there aren't stages for dealing with a never fully broken heart.
Karl: I came back because I couldn't leave things from my past the way I did, that includes you. My life has been falling into place recently but I knew it would never be a perfect fit until I made amends with everything I left.
Callie: Do you.. Have a life there, wherever it is you've been?
Karl: (sits down next to Callie) I do. 
Callie: Does it make you happy?
Karl: Not the way it used too.
Callie: Why?
Karl: I've changed and so have my reasons for being there. It's not the life I imagined for myself
Callie: What was the life you imagined? What was the life you wanted for yourself?
Karl: A life with you. A long happy life with you.
Callie: Funny how things change.
Karl: Callie, do you remember the last night we were together?
Callie: With perfect detail
Karl: It was the night I realized I had to leave.
Callie: Everything was perfect that night. The best it had ever been.
Karl: It was that night I realized I couldn't love you like you deserved, I couldn't be everything you needed or that you wanted. I was only gonna take you down with me if I stayed, that's why I left.
Callie: All these years and I thought it was my fault, I thought I did something wrong.
Karl: You did everything right, it was me that was the problem Callie. I was falling in love with you right before my very eyes and I couldn't handle it, it was all too much for me, our love scared me.
Callie: How could it have possibly scared you?
Karl: Do you blame me? Everything was right with you, everything was safe but at the same time, I was struggling to come to terms with who I was as a person, something that went further than a label. I was lost and I thought maybe just maybe I could find all of who I was with you but I knew I couldn't and you didn't deserve that. You deserved someone who knew what they were doing, so I left. I'm so sorry for the pain me leaving caused you, Callie. I never wanted you to become bitter and angry, I wanted you happy, I wanted you to forget me.
Callie: How could I possibly forget you?
              (A prolonged silence falls in the room)
Karl: (breaking the silence) Callie?
Callie: Yes, Karl?
Karl: Would you be willing to give me another chance? to give us another chance? I'm not expecting a yes or even a maybe but I've come all this way and I don't think I could forgive myself if I let you go for the second time in six years. I understand if you're not willing or if you're still angry with me. Hell, I'd be angry with me too if I were you but it's worth a try. Shit sorry I'm just rambling now I'll be quiet
Callie: (Stares somewhat longingly at Karl)
Karl: Okay, with the way you're staring at me I can't tell if you're contemplating the question or seriously considering pushing me off your balcony.
Callie: (Kisses Karl) does that answer your question?
Karl: (Shyly) Absolutely
Callie: But I swear to god Karl, if you ever leave again, you're not gonna be able to find me this easily. This is the only chance I have left in me. Don't let me down.
Karl: I wouldn't dream of it Callie
Callie: Well, you could but I don't know why you'd want too, it would be a pretty awful dream.
Karl: Callie?
Callie: Yes Karl?
Karl: I missed you
Callie: I missed you too
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pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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Title: Sharp Objects
Author: Gillian Flynn 
Characters: Camille Preaker
                   Amma Crellin
                   Adora Crellin
                   Detective Richard Willis
                   Alan Crellin
                   Ann Nash 
                   Natalie Keene
                   Chief Vickery
                   John Keene
                   Frank Curry
                   Eileen Curry 
Camille Preaker: A young journalist trying to make a better life for herself in Chicago. She has suffered for years after the death of her sister Marian at a very young age. Camille spent time in a psychiatric hospital near Chicago after years of self-harm.
Amma Crellin: Camille's 13-year-old half-sister, who is the "it girl" in the town of Wind Gap, Missouri. She lives a double life as a perfect Southern daughter to Adora and also the mean girl to the rest of the town. She terrorizes those living in the town as she attempts to rule everyone around her.
Adora Crellin: Camille and Amma's mother, a strict woman who rarely shows any type of positive emotion towards Camille, and treats Amma like a baby doll. Her family is the wealthiest in the area and owns many of the businesses in the surrounding areas, and she has a firm hold on the social atmosphere of Wind Gap.
Detective Richard Willis: A detective from Kansas City homicide division tasked to investigate the crimes happening in Wind Gap.
Alan Crellin: Adora's husband, Amma and Marian's biological father, and Camille's stepfather. He is well reserved, quiet and believes whatever Adora tells him, even if it is a lie. He lets Amma do everything she pleases and provides whatever she asks for.
Ann Nash and Natalie Keene: Two innocent victims of a gruesome crime in Wind Gap being investigated by Camille Preaker and Detective Willis. Ann, 9, is the first victim, and Natalie, 10, is the second.
Chief Vickery: Chief of police in Wind Gap who asked for Detective Willis' help in investigating the crimes.
John Keene: Natalie's 18-year-old brother. He is one of the main suspects in the murders, and his alibi during the disappearance of his sister sounds suspicious to the police and townspeople.
Frank Curry: Camille's editor-in-chief, boss and friend. He encourages Camille to return to Wind Gap to cover a story of unresolved murders in her hometown.
Eileen Curry: Frank's wife and a surrogate mother to Camille. Eileen often corresponds with Camille over the phone while she's in Wind Gap.
Summary: Gillian Flynn’s Sharp Objects tells the story of Camille, a crime reporter living in Chicago. After a little girl goes missing in Camille’s hometown of Wind Gap, Missouri, Camille’s boss talks her into going home to report on the disappearance. Although she is reluctant to revisit her hometown, a place she hasn’t seen in over ten years, she is eager to please her boss and gives in to his pleas. Most the novel takes place in Wind Gap as Camille tries to connect details of the little girl’s disappearance to a previous murder, while also trying to avoid her past. Told from Camille’s point of view, the straightforward and often vulgar syntax reflects her journalistic background and the bitter view she has of her environment. While the novel technically starts with Camille sitting in her Chicago office at the Daily Post, the plot really begins once she enters Wind Gap. Wind Gap seems like a normal small Midwestern town, but it quickly becomes clear that Camille and her hometown share many dark secrets. Camille immediately begins drinking once she reenters her hometown, and continues to do so for most of the novel. Her obsessive drinking demonstrates her desire to forget her past. Most notably, Camille tries not to think about her little sister, who died of a mysterious illness, while also trying to reconcile the contempt between she, her mother, and her little half-sister. It’s revealed that Camille used to carve words into her body with sharp objects, and that she was recently released from a self-imposed stay at a psychiatric hospital. While Camille’s internal struggle is the heart of the novel, the external plot revolving around the Wind Gap child murders gives the novel forward momentum. Throughout each chapter, Camille talks to various people, including police detectives and her former friends and acquaintances, ultimately leading her to uncover the truth behind the crimes—her mother slowly poisoned her little sister to death, and her half-sister killed the little girls. Although the general plot is a straightforward murder mystery, the many subplots, including Camille’s budding romance with the out-of-town detective, complicate the narrative and reveal Camille’s metamorphosis as a character. While Camille starts out as secretive and self-harming, by the end she has become self-aware and accepting of love.
Moral Lesson: The moral lesson that we must have in the story is  that we must always be observant, and if it looks like a child is being abused you have to act and get them help. Too many people looked away while Adora was slowly killing her girls. Never be that person and take an action. 
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pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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Title: Gone Girl
Author: Gillian Flynn
Characters: Amy Elliott Dunne
                    Lance Nicholas ("Nick") Dunne
                    Jim Gilpin
                    Rhonda Boney
                    Tanner Bolt
                    Betsy Bolt
                    Andie Hardy 
                    Margo ("Go") Dunne
                    Hilary Handy
                    Desi Collings
Amy Elliott Dunne: The title character, who vanishes from her home at the start of the novel. She was the source of inspiration for her psychologist parents' "Amazing Amy" children's book series, and she enjoyed a wealthy childhood. She made a living in New York as a writer of personality quizzes. She is intelligent, charming, strategic, and proves to have psychopathic characteristics with a history of manipulating and incriminating those around her and posing herself as a victim. After they moved to Missouri, she began resenting Nick and her isolated lifestyle. Upon realizing that Nick was being unfaithful, Amy was enraged at his disregard for the effort she had made to become the perfect "cool girl" to keep him happy in their relationship, and feels that he stole her life. Amy then spent a year developing a complex revenge plan to frame him for her murder. 
Lance Nicholas ("Nick") Dunne: Raised in a working-class household with a verbally abusive father, a mother who eventually divorced his father, and a twin sister, Margo, with whom he is close. Nick worries about the influence his misogynistic father has had on his personality, and is very concerned with being likable. He worked as a journalist after moving to New York City. He and Amy returned to his hometown, where he became increasingly distant from Amy and depressed from the stress of his mother's cancer and father's Alzheimer's disease. Amy gave him money to open "The Bar" with his twin sister. He fell out of love with Amy and had an affair with one of his students, Andie. After Amy's disappearance, Nick realizes her plan to frame him, and grasps the extent of her sociopathy. He manipulates her into coming home by saying what he knows she wants to hear during television interviews. When Amy returns, Nick tried to convince her to divorce him, but she refuses, requiring him to maintain the image of their healed marriage. He ultimately resigns to stay with her after she threatens to make his child hate him or falsely accuse him of abuse. 
Jim Gilpin: A detective who participated in Nick's investigation. He is described by Nick as having "fleshy bags under his eyes" and "scraggly white whiskers in his mustache.
Rhonda Boney: A detective who participated in Nick's investigation. She has a younger brother whom she "dotes on," and is the mother of a teenaged daughter, Mia. She is described by Nick as "ugly," although he says he has an "affinity" for "ugly women." She does not want to believe Nick is really guilty despite the seeming evidence piling on the case and gives him the benefit of the doubt until things really take a turn for the worse. When Amy returns, Nick tells Boney about Amy's confession but nobody is able to find enough evidence against her.
Tanner Bolt: Nick's lawyer, a defense attorney who specializes in defending husbands accused of murdering their spouses.
Betsy Bolt: Tanner's wife who helps condition Nick to perform better during media interviews. Her main way of conditioning him is by throwing jelly beans at him when he seems stiff and unnatural.
Andie Hardy: A woman in her early 20s, who has a sexual dalliance with Nick. Andie met Nick as a student in his magazine-writing class and their affair began 15 months before Amy's disappearance. She appears genuinely in love with Nick and becomes resentful when he abandons her due to Amy's disappearance, as the affair would make him appear obviously suspect. Andie goes on a talk show and tells the story of their affair at the same time that Nick confesses to his infidelity during a separate interview.
Margo ("Go") Dunne: Nick's twin sister, with whom he owns a bar and has a close relationship. She remains loyal to Nick throughout the murder investigation, despite her suspicions.
Hilary Handy: Amy's former friend from elementary school. She was accused of being crazy and wanting to be like Amy.
Desi Collings: Amy's boyfriend in high school, who is wealthy and was obsessed with Amy. In their youth, she manipulated her parents into thinking that he was stalking her and overdosed in her bedroom, but has privately stayed in touch with him for years. When Amy is robbed of all her money, she reaches out to Desi for financial help and manipulates him into falling in love with her by using his pompous savior nature against him. However, rather than giving her money, he brings her to a summer home where he does not give her keys or security codes; there is evidence that he had been previously planning or waiting for her to move in. Amy quickly grows resentful of his controlling disguised as caring behavior. Her last night at Desi's house, she seduces him, puts sleeping pills in his cocktail, and kills him. She later revealed that she had been abusing herself with a wine bottle and tying twine around her wrists to leave marks in order to make it look like Desi kidnapped and raped her. Desi's mother remained convinced of his innocence, but nobody is able to find evidence of Amy's guilt.
Summary: It follows the disappearance of Amy Dunne as she comes up missing on her fifth anniversary to Nick Dunne. Her husband becomes the main suspect since she’s vanished from their Missouri house with evidence claiming he could be guilty. The story Gone Girl has a twist, with suspenseful turns throughout, carrying out how misleading the media can be, including relatable events, characters with secrets that all make the film captivating and entertaining. The media carries out an essential role in the story, starting with Amy’s parents going to the news as soon as possible after hearing about her disappearance. Also, the media already thought they knew Amy considering she’s been in the public eye ever since she was a child because her parents created a book called “Amazing Amy”. Next the news began focusing on Nick being a potential suspect since he kept making mistakes in the public eye that made people believe he was possibly guilty. After going on TV and talking, he changed the audience’s opinion of him. Nick said after an interview, “They disliked me, then they liked me. They hated me, and now they love me.” which was true because the people always changed their perception of him. On the other hand, some characters in the story had secrets of their own. The characters in ‘Gone Girl’ all seem to be hiding the real version of themselves, starting with Amy, she tried her whole life to live up to people’s expectations, especially her parents since they created a children’s book called “Amazing Amy”. Amy’s parents were both psychologists, whenever Amy would quit a sport, not even make the team, or stop playing an instrument as a child, ‘Amazing Amy’ would keep going and succeed. This way, ‘Amazing Amy’ could be more engaging, make smarter choices, and becomes a role model. Amy hides the fact that she’s a control freak with manipulative behavior. Throughout the story, she tells her story through her diary, where she manipulates the audience, and the cops to believe her. Meanwhile Nick tries to come off as a good guy, and he wants to be viewed as that. In the middle of the story, “good guy” Nick starts to ware off showing his self-centeredness. His mistress Andie goes public about her relationship with Nick, and people begin to believe he had a role in his wife’s disappearance. On the other hand, Nick and Amy both created fake versions of themselves for each other and their false reality. It shows that their marriage is built on lies and is toxic. Also, the couple Amy met on her little adventure that acted as they were her friends but robbed her instead. The only person who didn’t hide who they were was Nick’s twin Margo who went by  "Go” who was the same throughout the story. The story had lots of twists, which made it unexpected, beginning with Amy arranging her whole disappearance to get back at her husband. She read and studied lots of crime novels, creating her own crime scene in her home that looked half cleaned up. The fake crime scene she created that looked like a struggle, that would easily point to Nick, and it would be effortless for people to put it together. He was cheating on her, took her money, basically ruined her life, and she wasn’t going to let him move on after what he’s done to her. Toward the beginning of the story, she no longer had control over him and her marriage, so she would act how he wanted her to but now that her plan worked out, she has control over him. Once Amy has power over him in the story, she knows he’s not going anywhere because his image is ruined. Society labeled Amy as someone who was kidnapped, a victim, and a pregnant wife that got cheated on, while Nick was labeled as a cheater and a liar.
Moral Lesson:  The story “Gone Girl” is one of a kind for revenge, people aren’t always who they say they are, and the truth will always come out eventually. “Gone Girl” reminds us that not everything you see is what’s really going on behind the scenes, and especially how quickly the media can turn the public against you. Let's choose carefully the person who will be with us for eternity.
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pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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Who are you? 
    I am a teenager who has an amazing personality and I am going to encourage you all that despite everything that is happening in your life, you will always continue to dream big and continue to pursue your goals in life because there is no one to do this for yourself but you. But before that, let me introduce myself first, for you to know who I am. I am Nadine Remorin Elcano, I was born on October 16, 2005, I am now a 17 years old and guess what? I am about to turn 18 this coming October 2023. I live in Cuyapo, Nueva Ecija. Currently, I am a grade 11 student in Saint Pius X Institute of Cuyapo. I am a student who is dreaming to achieve all of my goals in life even though sometimes I lose my own hope. I am the youngest in our family and I have two siblings and yes we are three marias . Being the youngest is fun because I am the one who is being spoiled by them. My parents' names are Cristina and Andrew. They are the ones who taught me to be content with my life and all the things I have. They are also the ones who taught me what are the values I have right now. For you to know, I am a very soft hearted person that even small things make me cry. I love listening to music because I can relate to how I feel and music can comfort me. I love staring at sunsets and  I love taking pictures of it everytime it looks so beautiful. Since I was in elementary, I have been participating in photojournalism contests because this is where I can express my passion for taking pictures. I also love playing volleyball because I can escape the sadness I feel every time I play. I love to eat especially creamy and cheesy foods. My favorite creamy and cheesy foods are lasagna and carbonara.  Sometimes I hear other people who don't like carbonara but I believe that we have different tastes in food. I also love eating sweet foods and my favorite is cookies and cream. I love to travel to different places especially if the view is nature because trees make me calm. My dream place here in the Philippines is in Batanes because I think this place can give me peace and I will be far from all of the problems I have. During the pandemic I often read wattpad books and here I realized and learned a lot from the stories I read that I can relate to myself. I really love pastel colors. Doing things I love can make me feel happy everyday even though life problems are really hard to cope with. Those things I love to do can help me to be free from a chaotic world. 
How are you?
    In the past years and months, I have been through a lot that taught me many life lessons that I should apply to who I am today. It's been three years since the pandemic happened and a lot has changed in our lives. Since August, I have done nothing but focus on my studies because I want to get high grades even though sometimes schoolworks has drained me physically and mentally. There are times when I'm lazy to do things but I wonder where I'll be picked up if I'm lazy. Nowadays, I value things that make sense because I don't want to waste my time. I love spending time with my favorite people, especially my family, friends, and my lover. In the things I go through in my life, I believe that there is a reason and there is always an exchange. Honestly, last 2021 I experienced losing a friend without knowing the reason why they cut me off. And that experience makes me traumatized to make friends with new people. But now I am surrounded with good people that are good for my mental health. I have many silent battles that only I know about. And those silent battles make me stronger. Right now I'm limiting myself to know new people. The things I went through in the past years and months makes my life better today because now I know how to handle things that is happening in my life. 
    As I grow up, I gradually know and discover what my strengths and weaknesses really are. And in our lives, strength and weakness are part of it. The first thing that I will say is my weaknesses. My first weakness is I have a fear of heights where I can't stare at high places because it feels like I am going to fall. My second weakness is snakes, I don't know why but everytime that I can see it, it makes me faint. My third weakness is when someone pointed out and talked about my insecurities, I will suddenly lose my mood and become silent and it also makes me cry. My fourth weakness is when someone yelled and raised their voice at me because it feels like my heart broke in pieces and I will think about what I have done to you. My fifth weakness is when someone talks about me with other people. My sixth and last weakness is that I can't tell to other people what I really feel and I can't tell them my personal problems even though sometimes it kills me inside. Despite of those weaknesses, I always have a way to overcome it. If I have a weaknesses, of course I also have a strengths. My first strength is that I do believe in myself that those things that I thought I can’t do in the past is now I am capable to do it without a doubt. My second strength is that I am worshiping God no matter what happen because he is the reason behind those other strengths I have and he is the reason why I am here. My third strength are the things that makes me happy. My fourth strength is foods, sounds funny right? But everytime I ate my favorite foods it gives me strength and it keeps me hyper. My fifth and last strength is my self and my family because they are the one who believe and trust me in what I do in my life. 
       My strengths and weaknesses give me realizations that life contains happiness and fear. My strength and weaknesses helps me in my everyday life of how I can handle my everyday situations. Those weaknesses and strength is a part of me as I grow up and it can help me to become more mature and how I can know myself better. My weaknesses help me to deal with my problems and how I can face it. Life doesn’t always contains happiness and as I grow up I realize that I need to face all of my fears because here I can discover different things. “Even if you sometimes feel like you have no idea where life will take you, I hope you can always hold on to that tiny hope that one day you will be able to live the life you’ve always wanted.”
If you are in the darkness
Dark clouds are always passes
Know that I will be dauntless
And fight for your happiness
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pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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I am Nadine Remorin Elcano, and I was born in the so-called rice granary of the Philippines, Cuyapo Nueva Ecija. My mother gave birth to me on October 16, 2005, she told me that her doctors said to her that I am a miracle baby because giving birth to me nearly took her life. And this year I am turning 17 years old and as of now I am a senior high school student in a catholic school that is an academic community committed to serve the religious and educational needs of the people of Cuyapo which is in St. Pius X Institute. I grew up as a member of a middle class family. My father's name is Andrew Cariño Elcano, he is the one who is working to earn money for us. My papa's personality is like all the characters in marvels. My mother's name is Cristina Remorin Elcano, she is the one who is taking good care of us at home. My mama is also the one who inspires me to be strong in life. My mama is like our sister because of her height. I have two female siblings and we are the tres marias of our family. My older sister's name is Mary Rose R. Elcano, who is currently a 3rd year college BSBA student in CLSU. My middle sister's name is Nicole Andrea R. Elcano, who is currently a 1st year college nursing student in OLFU. My sisters are my crying shoulders, they are both always there for me every time I am in a difficult situation especially in my academics. I am so blessed that my parents raised me so well, they teach me how to be contented in life like what my grandmothers and grandfathers teach to them.
My childhood is like a roller coaster ride. I was a child that was curious about many different things that turned into memories. I experienced playing all road games with my childhood friends. I remember crying so loud because my parents didn't allow me to take a shower in the rain. I remember playing without even thinking of life problems. When I was in elementary school, that was the only time that all schoolworks was easy for me. I don't think of my grades too much because I only believe that grades are just a number. That time I am busy creating memories with my batchmates. I experienced playing tag games or taya-tayaan on the whole school campus, not only that game but many more. I experienced being a volleyball athlete who competes with other schools. My mother is always there making my snacks for me not to skip my meals at school, she is so sweet as a caring mother. When I went to Junior High School, many things have changed because I considered it as a maturing stage of life. Being a junior high school feels like unlocking a door to a new world. You will encounter different people without even searching for it. This time I cannot believe that I am now grade conscious because this is far from what I have done when I was in elementary. Being in a catholic school makes my faith in God deeper as an hole in the ocean.
I only spent my junior high school face to face class for two years because covid-19 comes out so that the remaining two years was spent in our house. But before it happened, I experienced many events in our school such as the intramurals, foundation, pilgrimage, aces camp, and many more. I can say that it is still worth it even though I only experienced face to face class for two years when I was in junior high school because of the memories I earned like money that is needed to be treasured. My junior high school is like the one that got away. 
Now, I am a senior high school student and still at the same school as my junior high school. As I expected, senior high school is like a difficult problem in life when it comes to academics. But even though I am having a hard time in my academics I still pursue my studies. When it comes to my classmates, they are funny as a clown and solid a rock. I'm glad that I am spending my senior high school life with them because I am creating new memories that will be treasured and I made unexpected friendships.  
In my life, I have many different likes and dislikes. I love taking pictures of pink sunsets or not only pink but a sunset, I love staring at it because it gives me peace and comfort. I love travelling together with my family, this is one of our bonding. Travelling is the reason why I want to be a flight attendant. I want to travel the world while earning money to pay for my parents' sacrifices. I love eating different kind of foods, especially my favorite street foods and cheesy foods.  I love iced coffee so much. I love nature, because everytime I'm surrounded by it, it gives me a peace of mind. I love cookies and cream in all variants. If there's something I like, I also have something I don't like, when it comes to food I don't like buro no matter what you do, I still hate and not eat that food. 
Well by now you might know some of my personality. I am the one who makes my family laugh in our home all the time because of my jokes and my funny side. I am friendly but now that I have experienced friendship break ups, I no longer make myself encounter many people because I must prefer quality over quantity. I am also a talkative person like nonstop music but a cold as an ice when yelled at or reprimanded. 
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pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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What I have learned in Creative Writing last week are all about Literary Devices, Mood, Different level of Diction, Tone, Fiction, and Classification of Fiction. There are three literary devices and these are Foreshadowing, Symbolism, and Motif. Foreshadowing is like our clue of what is going to happen in a story because it gives us advanced suggestions and hints of what is going to happen in a story, it is also building up suspense by a technique called plants and payoffs which means putting something in and getting something out. Symbolism is the use of words or images to symbolize specific concepts, people, objects, or events, it is also representing abstract ideas that are different from literal sense. Motif is a recurring element that is usually sound, image, action, and other figures that suggestive or symbolic significance that advances the message of your story or its theme. Mood are the elements that are used to evoke certain feelings or vibes in your readers through words. And another way of creating the mood is recognizing the several levels of diction. The first level of diction is the formal diction or high diction, its preferred vocabulary is devoid of slang, idioms, colloquialisms, contractions, etc. The second level of diction is the neutral diction, it uses standard languages and vocabulary without difficult words. And the last level of diction is the informal diction which is like the cool convo that includes idioms, street lingo, slang, and also contractions. Tone gives life to your work by creating the mood that stimulates your readers to read your work. The last lesson that I have learned is about fiction. Fiction can be classified into two types, first is the literary fiction or serious fiction, it is more concerned with the writer's personal style and self expression, and the second one is genre fiction or popular fiction or commercial fiction, it is the fiction of emotions and its purpose is to entertain the readers. Those lessons helps me to know what are the other things that I am going to consider or what I need to put when writing a story. 
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pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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The lessons that I have learned the whole week in Creative Writing are all about Characters, Modes of Fiction, Settings, Type of Plots, and Possible Conflict in your Fiction. Characters are the one whom the events of the story happen, they are not real people, they are not imaginary and fictitious, they are created by the writers using behaviours and traits. Characters can also be classified as Major Character, Minor Character, and Round Character. Major Character is also known as the protagonist. Minor Character has certain purpose to move a plot. Round Character has a capacity to surprise you in a convincing way and has the power to change his or her character. Modes of Fiction is a type of writing where all the fictions are made. It has five modes, these are Myth, Romance, High Mimetic, Low Mimetic, and Ironic. A myth is a story mode where the hero is kind to other people. A romance is a story mode where the hero has marvelous actions. A high mimetic is a story mode where the hero is a leader with an ability superior in degree to other people but no to his environment. A low mimetic is a story mode where the hero is one of us with an ability superior neither to other people nor environment. An ironic is a story mode where the hero has an ability or intelligence. There are also additional important things in writing a fiction and this are the Setting, Props, Plot, and Theme. Setting is where the story is actually happened and where it is going to happen. Props are the things that you may use to make your story more creative. Plot is the happenings in the story. Theme is the message of a writer that he/she is trying to convey in a story. I also learned different types of plots which are Linear Plot, Episodic Plot, Cumulative Plot, and Circular Plot. Linear Plot is where the events in the story are arranged or organized logically. Episodic Plot are the short events or episodes that are connected with one another when it comes to characters, places, or unified themes. Cumulative Plot are the repetition of events but there are new aspects added in every repetition of events. Circular Plot are the characters in a story ends up with the same place.  And the last lesson that I have learned in the discussion in our subject Creative Writing is about the Possible Conflict in your Fiction, these are the man against man, man against society, man against nature, and man against self conflict. Man against man is where the characters are fighting with each other. Man against society is where the characters are fighting with the man made institutions like government, and other social rules. Man against nature is where characters are fighting with the forests, animals, and other natural environment related to our nature. Lastly, the man against self conflict, this is where characters are dealing with his/her own problems and how he/she overcome conflicts in his/her lives. This lessons help me to have more knowledge of what are the important things that I can use in writing a story. 
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pinkskiesthings · 1 year
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