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When Will was a cop and Hannibal was a surgeon 😌♥️
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Dear Lily
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Hello and welcome to Remus Lupin fest!
Remus Lupin fest is a prompt-based fest featuring the one and only Remus Lupin. We welcome fics and art of any rating, and any (or no) pairing, as long as our favourite werewolf is central to the story/image.
Prompting: 9th November - 23rd November 2018
Claiming: 24th November - 8th December 2018
Creative works due: February 28th 2019
Posting begins: 10th March 2019 on AO3 (Remus’ Birthday!)
All fic entries must be at least 500 words in length. There is no maximum word count. Art submissions should be equivalent to this. Fics will initially be posted anonymously, to allow exposure to new authors and remove any chance of reader bias, but authors will be revealed once all fics have been posted.
If you are submitting a fic we suggest that you use a beta. We will put out a call for betas when the due date for entries is approaching, so if you have any issue finding a beta please ask a mod. All artwork files should be at least 640x480 pixels, and scans of physical artworks should be clean and clear.
Once your entry is completed and beta’d, post it to our collection at https://archiveofourown.org/collections/Remus_Lupin_Fest_2018 - it’ll be moderated and released by us. Please include all HTML markup (bold, italics, etc). Extensions can be granted if you just send us an email at [email protected]
The biggest requirement though is to have fun and share the love for Remus! That’s kind of the entire point :P
[art by the amazing Amé  <3]
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Probably none of the people that follow me remember my existence, i disappeared a long time ago, but i’m back, i had some personal issues that made me so sad that i wasn’t drawing anymore. Fortunatley everything is good now, and i will continue to do what i like to do, and get better at it.
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Bring back Hannibal! It's been 3 years and we're no less hungry! thndr.me/QvVWXh http://thndr.me/QvVWXh
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As you may have seen, shows are getting cancelled and renewed left right and centre and still Hannibal is missing from the table. I think we need to be louder, more upfront about what we want and we need participation to get it…
So, I am proposing a Summer of Love, basically an Ode to Hannibal!
There are lots of things going on, please take part in what you can and posting about your taking part with #Hannibal and #SaveHannibal in some of what’s below:
This one you should already know about, Fannibals exchanging gifts, culminating in a mass posting about them on the 29th of August 2018, The Wrath of the Lamb’s birthday. (Sign ups are closed I’m afraid!)
A thunderclap is a pre-organised social media mass posting service. Basically you sign up and the app posts a specific post for you at a specific time, on a specific day. Mass posting out of nowhere on a specific subject is the best way to get you noticed on social media. Unfortunately, the site will no longer let you put hashtags in your post. But please use #SaveHannibal when talking about the project or SIGNAL BOOSTING the link! We’ll need 500 signs up MINIMUM, and it’s a big ask, I could have gone lower but I think we can get 500 easy. If we don’t get 500, the Thunderclap doesn’t happen.
All you need to do is sign up and sit back. The THUNDER reigns down at 7:00pm (EDT) on the 29th of August 2018, The Wrath of the Lamb’s birthday. (Are you sensing a theme?) JOIN THE THUNDER HERE!
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Although tumblr is fab for certain things, twitter is the powerhouse in terms of getting noticed! Retweeting THIS TWEET will enter you into a prize draw for a It’s Beautiful #SaveHannibal flag (1mx0.5m) (T&C’s apply, see twitter for details.)
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So, every show gets a bad review, and so I thought, rather than question it, lets just post our own reviews. So between now and the 29th of August 2018, I’ll be posting an in depth review of every episode of Hannibal.
You don’t have to do individual episodes if you don’t want too, they can be seasonal reviews or a review of the show as a whole, a review of the DVD’s/BluRays etc. 
Please use the hashtag when posting, please feel free to have some fun with the format, and the best will get a little pack of free badges sent to them. You can post on twitter or tumblr! Please feel free to tag me, and use #HannibalSummerOfLove so I can find them! 
Every year since the first airing of the Wrath of the Lamb, on the 23rd of August we’ve celebrated Fannibals! Use this day to send individual fannibals some love, it’s a day to celebrate US! This year personalise your thanks, feel free to post across twitter or tumblr! 
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#FANNIBALSCHATNETFLIX - 1000 Chat Challenge!
WE POSE A CHALLENGE FOR YOU! We’d like to chat with netflix over 1000 times before the Wrath of the Lamb anniversary, have a bit of a chat, request Hannibal, take a cheeky photo/screenshot, POST WITH THE TAG! And we’ll tally them up and see if we can break the 1000 wall!
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Send Netflix, Hulu and Amazon a little #SaveHannibal business card, sometimes a physical representation of what we’re about works wonders! See the post for full information of exactly how to do this, but feel free to add your own spin on it! 
There’s a petition that has been running since the show was cancelled 3 years ago, and it needs a TON more signatures! Please sign and signal boost! Lets get it to 100k!
CHECK OUT MY #SAVEHANNIBAL PAGE FOR THIS STUFF AND MORE YOU CAN DO! I will also make individual posts for the events, and links to these bite size posts will be on the page.
Any Q’s?
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Hannibal season 4 playlist
Wake me up before you wendi-go-go
Stayin’ alive
Stairway to hell
Shut up and murder with me
Put a little (thyme) leave on the heart
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IF YOU HAVEN’T SUPPORTED IT YET, WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?!!!! YOU CAN DO SO RIGHT HERE: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/70751-savehannibal
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It's sooo good, I love it 💕 it's more than amazing!! I can't with The Denial™ haha :33
Young!Darko/Nigel Ficlet
Being with Darko comes with a certain ease that Nigel rarely finds with anyone else, even when he’s being told off.
“That move you pulled back there was fucking reckless as shit Nigel, you could have gotten us fucking killed, what the hell were you thinking huh? Prost, be more fucking careful next time."   
This happens more often than Nigel would like to admit, though he doesn’t entirely mind it. Nigel can get stupid sometimes, too high off of adrenaline to look out for himself enough, whenever Darko has to swoop in and cover his ass he usually gets an earful later on. It’s the same spiel as always, and Nigel sits back and listens, head propped up against his palm.
"Alright alright, I get it man. You’re like a fucking mother hen, I had it under perfect control till you stepped in, feathers all in a ruff. C'mon, chill out, we’re home safe” he says, reaching a hand out to lower Darko’s pointed finger from his face.
“Home safe this time, Nigel. It’s not a fucking game, you know how hard it is to find a loyal fucking partner in this business? Someone I can trust? Near impossible, you fucking brat! So I gotta keep saving your sorry ass.” Darko spits, it as if that’s all it is, phrasing it so that it’s about the business, and Nigel is nothing more to him than a work partner.
Nigel knows, though, that it’s just the only way Darko knows how to express his worry for him. He’s never been good at being honest and up-front with his emotions. Nigel, on the other hand, is often too open with them, too intense, which is why Darko frets over him so much, but he can handle his own.
“Chill out Darko, I’ll be more careful, fuck knows this business would collapse without me.” Nigel says with a snicker, giving a grunt of surprise as Darko briefly shoves his shoulder, eyes narrowed. 
“You better, nenorocitule, or I’ll drag you back from the fucking dead.” he says, voice serious as his eyes bore into Nigel’s. 
“Okay, okay, shit. C'mon necromancer, let’s have a smoke yeah? Calm your fucking frayed nerves.”
 Darko finally relents, sighing as he gets out their supplies to roll them a joint to share while Nigel flops back on the shitty motel bed they’re sitting on. The motel is a temporary hideout, since their last landlord kicked them out, and the two of them being crammed in there together has caused more trouble than it’s worth, plenty of petty arguments due to the tension that rises in the close confines. Really, soon enough one of them is going to end up with a black eye from it eventually. For now, though, they’re getting along as well as can be expected.
Lighting up the joint, Darko takes the first long drag from it, keeping the smoke trapped in his lungs as he passes it over to Nigel, finally letting it spill from his nose in a sigh, beginning to relax already. Nigel is safe, Darko is safe, and while this heist was too close for comfort… the lazy way Nigel takes a hit and tilts his head back to let the smoke cloud above him is familiar enough to provide ease.
“See? Better already, yeah?” Nigel says, voice thick with the smoke, eyes cracking open to look up at Darko with a contented grin, returning the joint to Darko’s fingers.
 "Yeah..“ he admits, and from then on they remain in easy company, finally allowing the tension to ease from their muscles and minds.
Eventually, though, they run out of joint to smoke as Darko takes in the last hit, flicking the butt somewhere over the edge of the bed. 
"Hey fuck off you stole the last puff!” Nigel protests, beginning to prop himself up on his elbows. “Greedy son of a-” he starts, only to be surprised as Darko leans over him, meeting his eyes and freezing Nigel in place.
Before he knows it, Darko’s lips press against his own with surprising softness, smoke being exchanged from one mouth to the other.
Shotgun Nigel realizes belatedly, shuddering as he inhales Darko’s breath. It escalates from there, though, as things often do. The kiss is surprisingly gentle, and all thoughts are lost in the press of lips, warm with the flavor of marijuana. 
As things start heating up Nigel gives a soft hum into the kiss, shivering at the way Darko bites lightly at his lower lip before pulling away, shifting down to press open-mouthed kisses along Nigel’s jaw and neck.
 -The hell are we doing?- Nigel thinks hazily, gasping softly as Darko sucks a mark into his skin and promptly deciding that he doesn’t care, as long as they don’t stop.
The next morning Nigel looks at the bruise left on his neck from the night before in the mirror, pressing fingertips lightly to feel the remaining soreness with a shaky sigh. He’s not gay. Darko is his best friend. 
They were high and still feeling the rush of their last heist, that shit happens sometimes. Yeah. They needed to let off steam and were too tired and broke to go to a strip club. At least, that’s what he tells himself, stepping into the shower to wash off the lingering scent of pot smoke and Darko’s cologne.
Translations from Romanian: 
“Prost” = “Dumbass”
 “Nenorocitule” = “Motherfucker” 
Hey! So this ficlet was inspired by @pinotsunflowerart and some beautiful drawings they did!! I know there’s not many people who ship this but like?? I don’t care I just wanted to write some of these two when they were younger, before Gabi was ever in the picture! 
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Asdfjfjdgkgls hermosooo 👀💕
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Uh, pensé mucho si subirlo o no porque no me convence del todo… Pero, no quiero dejar abandonado esto. 
Ni que decir ya. Un loki to’ Brayan y defo.
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au where everything is the same except sirius black is played by jonathan van ness from queer eye
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Brought to you by this stag and @starkaryen (Insp.)
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(oh jeez sorry I didn't see it earlier)
Thank you so much!!! I have a lot of reading to do now asdgjdk 👀💕
I just watched Blood and Chocolate (the werewolves movie with Hugh Dancy) and i hope Aiden/Nigel is a thing (well… Aiden/Anybody because I’ll probably ship him with everyone)
Maybe I’ll make fanart of that 👀 any suggestions?
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Hannibal | Flatmates AU
part 4
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Charlie Countryman doodles 👀
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“Hello gorgeous, i brought fucking presents.”
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