pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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  —  theo’s basically a clenched fist with hair.
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
catch me flip flopping @detouch thanks
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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relaxing sip of i finished my essay and i’m rewatching dw so here’s a reckless starter/plotting call
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
when i finish exams its all over for u bitches
when i finish my research proposal its over for all u bitches
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
when i finish exams its all over for u bitches
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
blows a kiss @ the stars for mar.tha jo.nes 
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
DOCTOR WHO SERIES 7A sentence meme (7B here). feel free to change context/pronouns/etc as necessary.
They say you can help.
Who told you about me?
So, how much trouble are we in? 
I did make you a souffle but it was too beautiful to live. 
I’m sorry, there weren’t any good questions left. 
Are you real? Are you actually, properly, real?
Is there a word for total screaming genius that sounds modest and a tiny bit sexy? 
Don’t lie. I know when you’re lying to me.
Pretty soon she’s going to try and kill you.
Okay, I’m counting three lost causes. Anyone else? 
The basic fact of our relationship is that I love you more than you love me.
Don’t you dare say that to me. Don’t you ever dare. 
You dreamed it for yourself because the truth was too terrible. 
Why do they hate you so much? They hate you so much. 
You think I’ll just let you leave without me, after what we’ve just been through?
I’ve no idea what it is. Do you want to find out?
Why can’t you just phone ahead like any normal person? 
Look, you need to learn some manners.
Oh, I never talk about myself with a gun pointed at me. Let’s talk about you.
It isn’t your choice. It’s mine. 
No. No debts. You don’t owe me anything. 
I just worry there’ll come a time when you never turn up. That something will have happened to you and I’ll still be waiting, never knowing. 
No, come on. You’ll be there till the end of me. 
I knew you’d find me eventually. 
Make peace with your gods. 
I see ‘keep out’ signs as suggestions more than actual orders. Like ‘dry clean only’. 
Why would he want to kill you? Unless he’s met you. 
Oh, so you’re not even a tiny bit curious? 
Why would I be curious? It’s a mysterious space cowboy assassin. Curious? Of course I’m not curious. 
He’s lying. Every word, every thing he says, it’s all lies.
War is another world. 
Looking at you is like looking into a mirror, almost. 
We can end this right now. We could save everyone right now.
When did killing someone become an option?
Don’t you see? Violence doesn’t end violence, it extends it.
For what it’s worth, I know you’re going to save us.
Justice doesn’t work like that. You don’t get to decide when and how your debt is paid.
I’ll find you. If I have to tear this universe apart, I will find you.
I have to face the souls of those I’ve wronged. Perhaps they will be kind.
Look at you now. All grown up. 
Look, what you do isn’t all there is. 
Somebody was talking, and I just said yes. 
Some left me. Some got left behind. And some, not many but, some died.
No, no, no. I mean, I’ll be better at it this time. I miss you.
These people are precious to me. And I will defend them to my last breath.
There was a time, there were years, when I couldn’t live without you.
This is one corner of one country in one continent on one planet that’s a corner of a galaxy that’s a corner of a universe that is forever growing and shrinking and creating and destroying and never remaining the same for a single millisecond. 
You are giving off some very strange signals. 
Whoa! Whoa! What kind of a welcome do you call that?
Things to do, worlds to save, swings to swing on. 
There’s something different about you, isn’t there?
Only you could fancy someone in a book.
I always rip out the last page of a book. Then it doesn’t have to end. I hate endings. 
Beware the yowza. Do not, at this point, yowz.
Once we know what’s coming, it’s written in stone. 
Are you an archaeologist as well as a detective?
Didn’t you used to be somebody? 
Nothing is gained by you being a sentimental idiot!
I won’t let them take him. 
Even if you got out, you’d have to keep running for the rest of your life. They would be chasing you forever. 
To save you, I’d do anything. 
Together or not at all. 
Look, next time, could we could just go to the pub? 
Stop it. Just, just stop it!
You look after him. You be good, and you look after him.
I will never be able to see you again!
I’m sorry. I didn’t think.
Above all else, know that we will love you always. 
Sometimes I do worry about you, though. 
Don’t be alone.
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
@withothers / gróa.
               in all honesty, he looks a little ridiculous -- there’s a cup of ale in one hand that tastes more like rainwater and hops, and a helmet that doesn’t fit his head quite right (he’d refused the pelts and rough spun wool that would take him from doctor to one of the natives, but he slides in without much fuss and holds his cup up with a vigour that makes it splash out onto his sleeve).
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
❛ You wake up with a death wish today? ❜
                 “well. i wouldn’t call it a death wish.”     barrelling down one hallway to another, three types of aliens hot on his heels as though he’s just the right fit for every single one, and sliding through metal before sealing it with his screwdriver is one thing. a death wish is more marching into a never-ending war and pretending it won’t be the end to him.
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           “– more like a well-placed knowledge of the world and a positive attitude.”
alongside a screwdriver, worn sneakers that see more than their fair share of skidding and quick leaps over obstacles, and a couple hearts that beat faster and faster with every time he has to run. death wish or not, it’s always exciting when his coat billows out behind him and he scarpers faster than ever before.
        “speaking of well-placed knowledge, that door will hold for approximately two minutes longer, because of something very clever and very well-placed, so, uh – we should run.”
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
        listen, he says, except that the blood is rushing so loudly in her ears that bea can barely hear a thing over it, except that she is scared and frozen, legs cemented into the ground, and she doesn’t want to — she can’t — take his hand. ( she pulls her sleeves down over her hands, and wraps her arms around herself. it’s the most that she’s moved in minutes. ) 
        she’s scared. she’s scared, she’s scared. 
        the man — the doctor — is scared, too. what does that tell her? it’s telling her to run.
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        bea doesn’t run, not yet at least, but it’s enough to get her feet to move, enough for her to be able to edge backwards, carefully, hands still held away from his. is she far enough away, now? can she look somewhere else? is it over?
at least she moves -- that’s more than he was expecting, and he peers over her shoulder. (he keeps it all within his eye line, carefully watching, carefully waiting -- his hand remains outstretched, but he won’t touch her unless she wills it. talks. motions. does anything that doesn’t scream frightened child and force him to turn the tardis right back around until he can fix it for her. he’s going to have to start storing lollipops in his coat or something -- trust is a hard thing to instil when he’s got less than a few minutes to safe a few thousand lives.)
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          “that’s good. just keep coming back.”    keep following his voice. keep staring straight ahead. keep watching and hoping that whatever is glaringly and ominously watching from the dark stays right where it is without a blip or any kind of extraterrestrial setback that draws her in a little further. 
       “i’m right here. i’m not going anywhere. i’m the doctor. i’m right where you need me to be -- one of my best traits, actually -- and i swear to you, i’ll keep you safe. so follow my voice. just a little further.”
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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              “i’m the doctor. uh -”  quickly, he checks the paper, before flicking it back over to her. he’s not really an authority kind of person -- a man in a forage cap calls for a salute, and it’s all he can do to not roll his eyes and smack his hand right back down again. get the formalities out of the way before he snaps the psychic paper closed again and shoves it right back into his pocket, and saunters right past the do-not-cross lines.
           “chief intelligence. of -- earth. and whatnot. very qualified. very high up. anyway, you have -- something not of this place that i need to take a look at. after you, detective.”
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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    me, ignoring drafts and posting another starter call.
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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It doesn’t work like that.
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
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No-one should have that much power
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pinstrpe-blog · 5 years
These may have been edited for clarity or length or to better apply for roleplaying.
❛ I mean, I know there are guys with integrity, who lead with truth. I’ve just never met any of them. ❜
❛ I see you’ve decided to double down on your nihilism this morning. ❜
❛ My personal favorite: “Think, therefore, on revenge and cease to weep.” ❜
❛ I’m not hungry. ❜
❛ So fess up. What did you do? ❜
❛ Go away, evil one. ❜
❛ Don’t say whatever it is you’re about to say. ❜
❛ Win by losing. That’s the spirit. ❜
❛ I’m not gonna hurt you. ❜
❛ Why should I believe you? ❜
❛ One word and I could burn her perky little boobs to ash. ❜
❛ You have every right to be mad at me, but I am telling you the truth. ❜
❛ You’re ruining an epic moment here. ❜
❛ No, no, this isn’t what we talked about. ❜
❛ And there’s more where that came from. ❜
❛ I’m calling an audible of my own. ❜
❛ Get to the car and get out of here. ❜
❛ You wake up with a death wish today? ❜
❛ What do I do? ❜
❛ It doesn’t matter, ‘cause there’s no way I’m gonna throw you the ball. ❜
❛ Say something. ❜
❛ So, what’d I miss? ❜
❛ What is this? This isn’t earth magic. ❜
❛ This wasn’t an earth magic problem. ❜
❛ I’ll see you back at the car. ❜
❛ Oh, whoa, towel on. Please. 'Cause vampire or not, the last thing I want to see is your lost boy. ❜
❛ It’s time for a strategy sesh. ❜
❛ This is a long con. ❜
❛ Today was a total win for you. ❜
❛ Why do you care? ❜
❛ Some people just want to watch the world burn. ❜
❛ You mad at me? ❜
❛ I’m mad at the world, and you just happen to be in it. ❜
❛ I did a little spell at the game. ❜
❛ You betrayed me. ❜
❛ I promise. ❜
❛ I mean, betrayal and all aside, you had my back today. ❜
❛ I have never been welcomed anywhere in my life. ❜
❛ I’m always the extra. ❜
❛ I lied to protect myself, but in doing so, I hurt you. And for that, I will be forever sorry. ❜
❛ The time I spent with you the other night was one of the happiest moments in my life. ❜
❛ Trying to make a run for it? ❜
❛ I just noticed this gate wasn’t locking the other day. ❜
❛ I’d forgotten the world is full of nasty surprises. ❜
❛ I can explain. ❜
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