pipebombsabitsuki · 1 month
Every time my therapist mentions my "need to always feel in control"
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pipebombsabitsuki · 2 months
Collective Unconscious - Sewing Cat Cove
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pipebombsabitsuki · 2 months
algún día, no muy lejano, moriré.
y no querré llantos
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pipebombsabitsuki · 4 months
Closing eyes,
my room is full of
spider, ants that want my rotting meat.
it is humid,
i am full of
spiders, bite me until it's painful.
i sit lonely,
it's dark and hopeless,
will my body still be useful?
im ashamed of all I am now,
make me cry until it's painful.
you smell of
i smell of the sewers
that i rot in.
im ashamed of all that i am now
and all that i am now
it's just,
so painful.
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pipebombsabitsuki · 4 months
people will defend the poor medical system and incompetent doctors tooth and nail like their medical history doesn't look like this
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
I've said this before and I'll say it again: it's more important to know and understand fully why something is harmful than it is to drop everything deemed problematic. It's performative and does nothing. People wonder why nobody has critical thinking skills and this is part of it because no one knows how to simousltansly critique and consume media. You need to use discernment.
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
reposting bc this needs as much reach as it can get.. thank you for sharing!
Hey, if anyone is still looking for the bathroom horror lost media known as "Go for a punch" then I guess I can share what I know about it as I've seen it a few times.
It begins with a cold open
A girl cries a single tear that drops on the photo in their flip phone
The photo features a family member who I think was stated to be a rich oil tycoon by one of the others
"Go for a punch" is a quote from one of the characters if I remember correctly
The whole thing ends weirdly with a girl walking to the door after everything is over and she opens it to a bright light and says "It's open"
I remember telling the creator (?) of the whole thing that I saw this on a website because it was pretty interesting and I wanted to let them know that they should make sure that they properly archive their animation because it was really well done
The video was removed from that website at some point, so I think that maybe they don't actually want to be known for it as it is a pretty disturbing piece of media albeit an impressive one
This is one lost media that anyone into horror needs to see! It's twisted, violent, and traumatic. The strange ending leaves much to the imagination. Does she actually escape?
Update: I think that "Go for a Punch" may have been inspired by "Guinea Pig: Devil's Experiment" which is gruesome yet strikingly similar from the description I've read online.
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
that's.. unexpectedly relatable, actually,,,,
using as many pain remedies as I do as often as I do is crazy cause I snipped the ever loving fuck out of my finger while cutting my hair and I didn't even feel it. I just slapped neosporin and a bandaid on that bitch and kept cutting my hair 💀
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
i never really had any friends, at least in real life... i mean, there was one! we would try to hang out from time to time and do stuff like take walks or draw.. i never really felt like I was truly close.. but i didn't feel alone, I could speak to someone!!
but they're long gone, now, and I'm left with nothing but rusting souvenirs.
my world has ended and somehow I still feel as if I were the only one still alive
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
but now.. I feel like, like there's an echo in this void. like the silence is deafening. like it genuinely feels lonely.... and it hurts, it had been such a long time since I didn't feel alone, truly, truly alone.
and now I feel as if I'm clawing at the cliff I'm falling into, being swallowed in by a darkness that's bottomless and.. real.
it's dumb.
and I don't want to learn anything from this...
it's like, this used to be fun - i would rant or ramble on about things I liked or whatever, and no one really ever seems to see them? But I never really mind, I just wanted a place to pour my thoughts and emotions in, without caring about criticism!! I was so, so happy to be screaming into a silent, welcoming void...
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
I don't know if I have anything else to say...
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
i don't understand i don't don't don't don't don't
understand why? why? why? why? why? why?
i have never been more alone.
and yet. and yet and yet and yet and yet.
im not. im not at peace.
why am I so tired why am I so restless
i need to turn off before i burn out.
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
im just a lonely caterpillar,, waiting to shed its skin
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
i understand the evolutionary processes which lead us to do so, but I believe there's something inherently masochistic about vulnerability. Invariably any amount of vulnerability leads to being hurt by the person we open our ribcages to, whether because we're hated, mistreated, misinterpreted, misunderstood, cast aside, attacked... and yet, there's this irrational craving to repeat the process: show vulnerability to someone, enable others to hurt you should they wish to, or not care for. hell, sometimes even fantasize about the fact, engaging in false imagined realities of bonding...
but over and over i try, breaking my fists against a wall. icarus falling only to attempt flight once again, burning my wings, flaying my skin..
there is no point to having a heart.
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
reposting this to say I've owned two different physical copies of the Bibliomania manga. Currently I only own one. Both were bought in my native language, however I was only able to find them second hand.
It's worth noting, despite being secondhand these were under absolute perfect condition.
I cannot overstate how weird the background surrounding the BIBILIOMANIA manga is.
- There's no info on the creators at all and this is their only work
- They won an award for it
- The art and story are credited to separate people, which is unusual in manga
- This, combined with the fact the manga reads left to right and features double-length chapters makes some people think the creator names might be pseudonyms
- But that just raises the questions of "who" and "why"
- Actual physical copies are near-impossible to find and may not exist legitimately at all
Either way it's insane that the creators just made one of the most breathtaking horror manga ever, released it online and then dipped
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pipebombsabitsuki · 5 months
ive been researching about egregors and tulpas, im inclined to believe the must exist a digital equivalent of these
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pipebombsabitsuki · 6 months
About the fishing village I mentioned in my last post, I think I've got a really good picture of around that time!!!
I was coming back to my room from a nightwalk when this HUGE thunderstorm started to rage, and so I took a bunch of pictures of the village from the other side of the bay! So one of them, by sheer luck, caught SO. MANY. LIGHTNING BOLTS!!
Check this out!!
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this was my lucky day.. also, yeah! the village was beautiful.. I wonder what happened to it..
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