piperoxas · 11 years
fan a: and percabeth will have like 12 kids!
fan b: percabeth will love each other across so many lifetimes and find each other every time and aghadlkghdlkgh
fan c: percabeth will probs becomes gods and make out for the rest of eternity
fan d: it tots means this one thing--look! rick totally wrote in that single sentence for percabeth!
fan e: i like that we have some queer context for percy and annabeth outside percabeth, even if it's unintentional
fandom: now wait just a minute--
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piperoxas · 11 years
Uniform or PE?
Well, guys the latest news about tomorrow's attire was to wear full type A uniform rather than the PE uniform. The information about the PE uniform was from Mrs. Aguiman, but later sources (AKA Phoebe Resma's GM) gave me some more data that said Sir Joem, a high school teacher, told them to wear complete school uniform this Wednesday. 
" Uy classmates/schoolmates, good evening! Ahm.. Ingon sir Joem nga magwear daw complete school uniform this wednesday..
(c) Anshie. Tnx! :D"
-the Group Message
As for me, I will wear the complete uniform: sailor cut top with three green lines, round-pleated skirt, black low-cut leather shoes and the FCC necktie.  As for the boys, the usual khaki dress-pants and the White polo with the FCC seal on the left chest-pocket.
From what I've heard the transferee students are allowed to wear casual or civilian attire, but all the original Fatimanians, must wear the uniform.
See you tomorrow guys!
Love you!
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piperoxas · 11 years
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yehey! made this myself
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piperoxas · 11 years
follow me on twitter as @indira_cahill
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piperoxas · 11 years
The Lost Dragon
     The Lost Dragon by John Aquino is one of my favorites on wattpad. It juggles both the past and the 39 clues present. It also has the aura of the first part of Vespers rising. I was a little flattered when John Aquino tweeted me about it. It was really nice to have one make a 39 clues fanfic but another sense of happiness when they write it so well.
     I would like to congratulate the author on the prologue and the chapter one. It seemed like the writing just captured me. I actually thought it was written professionally. But there are also some minuses. The introdution’s description didn’t catch me that well, it was confusing. I did not get it at first and I almost decided on not reading, expecting some corny and below par, but I stand corrected. It was awesome!
     It only needs a clearer introduction and maybe, a cover? It would really be a nice thing to read more, a book that needs to be published!
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piperoxas · 11 years
Nowhere to Run
Well the Cahills are in it again! I have just finished the excerpt of “Nowhere to Run”. I actually thought it would help me survive a few more months without holding a new 39 clues book – I was dead wrong!!!
                Before I start writing down everything I read about, I would like to give you a warning: SPOILERS UP AHEAD. If I ruin the first four chapters for you, remember I warned you!
                Okay! Here I go. It all starts with the Pierce’s. I really think that they are weird. They are all so Cahill-like but they are also too evil to have the blood. Their servants didn’t even flinch when they were told to eliminate kids! How cruel! But as expected, they are not ordinary people, probably another family who either wants to dominate the world, or get their hands on the serum then dominate the world, or a family that, like the Cahills, already have the serum, but unlike that Cahills want to dominate the world with it. I sort of saw it coming, you know, from the code in the “Day of Doom” that hinted someone else had the serum. At first I thought it was Isabel, but she’s dead so I guessed it was someone else.
From what I’ve learned from all the Cahill books, I now know that a Cahill’s fate is always intertwined with the past and the serum. Like all books, this one has something to do with the serum, and probably another lunatic that Amy and Dan have to get rid of.
                Dan and Amy’s first appearance is at the funeral of their lawyer, William- mac ’n’ cheese ( courtesy of Jonah Wizard). At first I was a little confused, I mean, how stinky would his body be after six months? But they were actually burying his ashes, so that made more sense. As they were hovering over his open grave, somebody- you’ve guessed it – throws them in. They escape eventually, but then they notice false news about them, just like the one in the cover page of the “Day of Doom”. They trace it and then go to the building of J. Rutherford Pierce… and something happens.
                Did you actually think I was going to spill? No way.
                Now for my opinion!!! The new characters are awesome. They, I think are weirder than Vesper 1! And that is saying something. They are very rich and very cunning, but also, as I have said earlier, so Cahill-like that it freaks me out.
(fangirl moment)
                I am a total AMIAN fan and not so much of a JAMY, but since Jake and Amy are already dating… I lost a lot of hope! But I am guessing that all the deaths from the other series will be more significant than what the last book brought us. I just feel it in my bones that their deaths will play a big part, thus Natalie’s death will bring out more of IAN!!! (that came out wrong)
                But until next time! Piperoxas over and out!
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piperoxas · 11 years
Nowhere to Run ('till chapter 4 review)
Well the Cahills are in it again! I have just finished the excerpt of “Nowhere to Run”. I actually thought it would help me survive a few more months without holding a new 39 clues book – I was dead wrong!!!
                Before I start writing down everything I read about, I would like to give you a warning: SPOILERS UP AHEAD. If I ruin the first four chapters for you, remember I warned you!
                Okay! Here I go. It all starts with the Pierce’s. I really think that they are weird. They are all so Cahill-like but they are also too evil to have the blood. Their servants didn’t even flinch when they were told to eliminate kids! How cruel! But as expected, they are not ordinary people, probably another family who either wants to dominate the world, or get their hands on the serum then dominate the world, or a family that, like the Cahills, already have the serum, but unlike that Cahills want to dominate the world with it. I sort of saw it coming, you know, from the code in the “Day of Doom” that hinted someone else had the serum. At first I thought it was Isabel, but she’s dead so I guessed it was someone else.
From what I’ve learned from all the Cahill books, I now know that a Cahill’s fate is always intertwined with the past and the serum. Like all books, this one has something to do with the serum, and probably another lunatic that Amy and Dan have to get rid of.
                Dan and Amy’s first appearance is at the funeral of their lawyer, William- mac ’n’ cheese ( courtesy of Jonah Wizard). At first I was a little confused, I mean, how stinky would his body be after six months? But they were actually burying his ashes, so that made more sense. As they were hovering over his open grave, somebody- you’ve guessed it – throws them in. They escape eventually, but then they notice false news about them, just like the one in the cover page of the “Day of Doom”. They trace it and then go to the building of J. Rutherford Pierce… and something happens.
                Did you actually think I was going to spill? No way.
                Now for my opinion!!! The new characters are awesome. They, I think are weirder than Vesper 1! And that is saying something. They are very rich and very cunning, but also, as I have said earlier, so Cahill-like that it freaks me out.
(fangirl moment)
                I am a total AMIAN fan and not so much of a JAMY, but since Jake and Amy are already dating… I lost a lot of hope! But I am guessing that all the deaths from the other series will be more significant than what the last book brought us. I just feel it in my bones that their deaths will play a big part, thus Natalie’s death will bring out more of IAN!!! (that came out wrong)
                But until next time! Piperoxas over and out!
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piperoxas · 11 years
this just has to be in the city of bones movie
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piperoxas · 11 years
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add me to your allies, Cahills???
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piperoxas · 11 years
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i simply cannot wait until this thing hits bookstores! this is one of my most awaited ones, plus the house of hades. 'Cause uncle rick, took the term cliff-hanger waaaay to seriously!!!
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piperoxas · 11 years
Day Of Doom
well, this is a review of the Book Day of doom from the 39 clues Cahills Vs. Vespers series. This might be a little too opinionated, but remember, this is just my reaction, feel free to feel the other way:
Day of Doom
            David Baldacci’s Day of Doom, in three words is: sort of fanfic. I don’t know if it was because he is a new writer to the 39 clues series, or if the storyline was originally written to have an ending like that, or if it was his unfamiliar writing-style that pushed us to think that it was a little different from the other books.
            First point of being different is the characters. Has anyone noticed the characters are out-of-character? Amy is lovesick, and Dan is suicidal. Okay, I take it back, Dan is always suicidal. But Amy? She’s the rock of the Cahill family. Not someone who get’s distracted by boys during a world crisis. I can even imagine her telling Jake: yeah, you’re cute, but we have to save the world. She always had her priorities straight. Even though in some books like “Beyond The Grave” and “In Too Deep” she doubts, herself, her parents and Grace, she keeps her mind in the game.
            Next point, the deaths. The deaths were not as spectacular as they were supposed to be; at least that’s my opinion. The nerd gets replaced by the hunk, and then dies a very boring death, with the last words: well this sucks. And Natalie? The girl that’s not afraid to kill a 7-footer wrestler, gets electrocuted? She might be brat in all definitions, but she’s someone we have grown to love. I never saw her coming.
            Another point: Sinead’s immediate redemption and love affair with Vesper One. I never really found Vesper one attractive, looking at the descriptions of him, he’s like a toddler throwing a tantrum, forcing mommy to help him destroy the world! He is manipulative, and I get why Sinead helped him, to save her brothers and stuff. But why does she get an easy redemption from Amy while, Amy hasn’t even totally forgiven Ian for being used as a puppet by his mom? A few words of apology can cut her off the hook while someone who has shown remorse in every way possible, gets accused of being a mole?
            Last point, why would Scholastic choose someone who is not familiar with the series write the last book? I mean, isn’t that a little like driving a Ferrari through a wall to check if the airbags work or not? It was a major gamble, and for me, a gamble they lost. Why not let Rick Riordan write it and close the series with a bang?
            I know what you’re thinking: too many question marks. But how am I supposed to cure my fangirling heart? I was disappointed, and the only thing I can do is ask God “WHY?”
            The good points are that, David left us in a good place, not hanging on a cliff with one of Rick Riordan’s life-destroying cliffhangers, leaving us staring at the glossary page of “The Mark of Athena”. David, for me is a combination of Peter Lerangis’s confusing, but entangling words and Linda Sue Park’s character-killing wrath.
            I thought the book would be better.
            Las thing, poor poor poor Ian. His father’s in hiding, probably plotting his death, his mom’s dead, his sister’s dead, Amy’s with another guy who he can’t top, and he’s a high schooler who is a part time stock broker, who doesn’t even have time for Polo anymore.
            I hope Unstoppable would be better, Atlantis here we come!
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piperoxas · 11 years
so I was looking for a British flag t-shirt on Amazon because I remembered Nellie had one in The Maze of Bones and that exact book came up in the search with an excerpt about Nellie’s ripped British flag t-shirt and I just
I have a connection with Amazon
we have an understanding
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piperoxas · 11 years
on the day of doom: was that books honestly as bad as what everyone made it out to be? Yes, in my opinion.
Read More
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piperoxas · 11 years
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cannot wait
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piperoxas · 11 years
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thanks to my good friend chelsea, i got this
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piperoxas · 11 years
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hahah got lucky
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piperoxas · 11 years
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