pir8girlsoftheseas · 10 years
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have a boring thing i never finished.
hey there space ghost.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 10 years
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
It was a very sore subject with Hexdae. She never talked about it openly.
"Well...I'm Vriska!" Vriska said, smiling.
"Aranea." The other girl muttered, going back to her activity of reading a book.
Well, um... hello there ladies.
Vriska looked up at the newcomer and her eyes widened. “Hi.”
Aranea also looked up and frowned slightly. Whatever Vriska was thinking, it was wrong. This wasn’t the Rosa that had been with their mother. “Hi.” she muttered after Vriska.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
"Mom was with another one of you but she left before we pupated." Aranea said.
"Oh. She's not her?" Vriska looked a bit sad. She missed her old Rosa.
Well, um... hello there ladies.
Vriska looked up at the newcomer and her eyes widened. “Hi.”
Aranea also looked up and frowned slightly. Whatever Vriska was thinking, it was wrong. This wasn’t the Rosa that had been with their mother. “Hi.” she muttered after Vriska.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
"You look like someone." Vriska blurted, which got a glare from Aranea.
"She's not other mom. She's an alternate." Aranea scolded. Even though she was pupated second, she still acted as the older sister. At least for now.
Well, um... hello there ladies.
Vriska looked up at the newcomer and her eyes widened. “Hi.”
Aranea also looked up and frowned slightly. Whatever Vriska was thinking, it was wrong. This wasn’t the Rosa that had been with their mother. “Hi.” she muttered after Vriska.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Well, um... hello there ladies.
Vriska looked up at the newcomer and her eyes widened. "Hi."
Aranea also looked up and frowned slightly. Whatever Vriska was thinking, it was wrong. This wasn't the Rosa that had been with their mother. "Hi." she muttered after Vriska.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Vriska popped her head out of her room, grinning. "Come here!" she called, motioning for Aislin to come to her room. She wanted to show the other her new stuff. "Is Aibhne here?" she asked. "Aranea wants to know."
Aislin was holding her stuffed bunny in a similar way that her mother had cradled her when she was little…well, smaller than she was now. She wanted to show Vriska her Christmas toy, so she went out to find her. “Vriska!  I wanna show you something!”
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Vriska grinned and nodded, giggling softly.
"Momma said they would 8e here soon!"
Hey you two!
Vriska ran to big Vriska, hugging her close. As usual, Aranea stayed back, being anti social.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
V: "Momma's having more si8lings! Are you exited?"
There was obviously excitement in Vriska's eyes, but Aranea didn't seem so thrilled.
Hey you two!
Vriska ran to big Vriska, hugging her close. As usual, Aranea stayed back, being anti social.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Hey you two!
Vriska ran to big Vriska, hugging her close. As usual, Aranea stayed back, being anti social.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Vriska smiles, giggling. "I know!"
"Sit next to me." Aranea patted the spot next to her.
"I know! Mommy showed me it the other day! She knows I like pirates."
Aranea led him to the room she shared with her sister, one half of the room littered with toys, the other half clean and neat with books in piles. She sat down on the neater side’s bed and smiled. “Vriska is messy.”
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
"I know! Mommy showed me it the other day! She knows I like pirates."
Aranea led him to the room she shared with her sister, one half of the room littered with toys, the other half clean and neat with books in piles. She sat down on the neater side's bed and smiled. "Vriska is messy."
Vriska ran off with Aislin, to the front of the ship. “Look at the view!”
Aranea held her hand out, looking away shyly.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Vriska ran off with Aislin, to the front of the ship. "Look at the view!"
Aranea held her hand out, looking away shyly.
Vriska held her hand out. “I wanna show you something I found!”
"Perhaps we could go to my room?" Aranea suggested.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Vriska held her hand out. "I wanna show you something I found!"
"Perhaps we could go to my room?" Aranea suggested.
"Want to go do something?" Vriska asked, blinking a few times.
"I don’t doubt your mom." Aranea gave Aibhne a shy smile. "Would you like to perhaps do something with me?"
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
"Want to go do something?" Vriska asked, blinking a few times.
"I don't doubt your mom." Aranea gave Aibhne a shy smile. "Would you like to perhaps do something with me?"
"I’m glad you came!" Vriska was jumping with Aislin, smiling.
"I know, I hope your mom is taking good care of her." Aranea knew that their parents were moirails.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
"I'm glad you came!" Vriska was jumping with Aislin, smiling.
"I know, I hope your mom is taking good care of her." Aranea knew that their parents were moirails.
"How have you been?" Vriska asked, smiling.
"Mom’s been okay…she’s kind of a grump right now." Aranea replied.
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pir8girlsoftheseas · 11 years
Vriska was the one to first hear them and came running, grinning. "Aislin! Aibhne!" she called as she ran, hugging Aislin when she reached her.
Aranea, hearing her sister, walked to the two, smiling shyly at Aibhne.
The two twins have decided to spend some quality time with their ‘cousins’ Vriska and Aranea, since their mother had brought them with her while she took care of Aunt Hexdae.
Aibhne always made the first move, as he was doing right now, trying to get Vriska or Aranea’s attention. “Hey!” He called out kind of quietly.
Aislin stood beside her brother, waiting to see if his greeting would trigger a response from the girls.
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