piratcd · 6 years
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piratcd · 6 years
          RAISING HER EYEBROWS  as she listened to the male quote a line from the play ,  easily recognizing it .  a small smile grew on her lips once he was finished ,  ❝  that was really good ,  actually .  macbeth ??  i’ve read it twice ,  though it’s been a while .  ❛ look like th’ innocent flower ,  but be the serpent under ’t ❜  …  believe it or not ,  lady macbeth  is probably my favorite character from that piece .  ❞  she commented ,  keeping her palms wrapped around the warm mug .  ❝  really ??  well ,  that’s nice to know .  most of the people i know seem to really enjoy parties  &&  whatnot  —  or maybe working at  the boutique  gives me that impression .  ❞  after all ,  there were plenty of citizens who went there for outfit - related purposes .  when the brunette mentioned not liking  f i r e w o r k s  ,  her head tilted to the side curiously .  ❝  you don’t ?? …  oh ,  thanks !!  i’ll try  &&  stop by whenever i have the time .  ❞  which was rare for sally ,  but she chose not to mention it .  ❝  i’ve never really been on  any kind  of boat before .  do you spend a lot of time there ??  ❞
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a warm smile formed upon his lips as she recited a verse from her own memory. it was almost nice to have a feeling that one was understood by another. “she’s my favorite too. ruthless women calling all the shots...it’s very modern of shakespeare.” he nodded, understanding the feeling that everyone else was out having the time of their lives while he sat alone on his boat. of course, he wouldn’t have it any other way. “i know what you mean. i think there are more people like us than many would care to admit.” he shrugged, feeling as if it made him seem weak. truth be told, the noise was enough to scare him to death. “never have, even as a child they weren’t of much interest to me,” he lied. the notion that she hadn’t been on a boat was enough to make his jaw drop. “you’ve never been on a boat? well, i insist that you come on by tomorrow night. we keep the jolly roger docked..so, consider it a floating house.” 
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piratcd · 6 years
“That is very TRUE. More often than not, you are the one who consumes most of the cornbread that I make.” The cafe owner admitted with a nod. “Well, you and your cabin mates.” Cass added with a small chuckle. “Lucky for you, I already have a batch in the oven. But it will take about an extra half hour or so to make some more.” She supplied. Taking note at her cafe filled with customers, the woman smiled. “I have. Some days have been a tad bit more busier than others, but thankfully that is why I have Honey and Fred for. Whenever I am in need of a break, the two are always open to taking off some of the LOAD from me.”
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“it’s the best in carthay, and i would know...i’m an expert on these sorts of things,” he assured with a small grin. “well, i guess i’ll just wait around while that gets done.” looking around the cafe he was glad to see it so busy. yet, another part of him would rather the shop be silent. in that case, he could have less eyes to worry about. “that’s good to hear. the place looks great, as always.” shoving his free hand in his other pocket, “i’ll just get a coffee and wait over there.” 
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piratcd · 6 years
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“Yeah, sure.” She said, offering for him to pick from her small pile. “A-Also, I think your hand is pretty cool. L-Like you could totally own that shit, you know?” She spoke, in an attempt to make him feel a little better.
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with a grateful nod, he took a piece of her food. “i’m glad you think so. i would prefer a real one...but i suppose i have to like it now.” he shrugged once more. “we all have burdens.” 
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piratcd · 6 years
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“don’t know, guess i was feeling chummy. god forbid,” she huffed, looking down at the vile that had shattered just at her feet. “fuck,” she cursed to herself, knowing that it took three hours just for it to settle right, meaning she was set behind three hours –– meaning she had to start over. “fine, crystal clear, captain,” she spoke with a pang in her voice. “so you’ve made clear,” she kept her eyes down, keeping her hands against the corner of the table, grasping it so tightly her knuckles were turning white. “yeah, there is. i’ll go in, like i always do, and steal what i need.” she couldn’t help but look up at him, softness radiating over her eyes, hoping for something else besides a scolding. “anything else you need to slap my wrists for?”
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“well, i’ve got news for you. i don’t even let my best of friends touch my things. also, i don’t have friends. so, i guess you’re shit out of luck.” as he eyed the almost empty bottle, his free hand reached for the glass. sloshing the small remaining liquid back and forth, he eyed the girl once more as he rested it back on her work station. “you might as well finish what you started drinking,” he sighed. the mention of thievery wasn’t unusual, but it was still risky. “i...zarina,” he cleared his throat, “i suppose you should get going then.” it was easier to move on than it was to apologize, simply because he wasn’t one for apologies. yet, he couldn’t help but tune out the soft spot he obviously had for the girl. maybe it was because she had something he wanted. maybe it was something more. 
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piratcd · 6 years
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Amanda chuckled at his comment, enjoying his often somber company. “I’m glad you can take a break from your extremely busy schedule of yours, James.” She was always toying with him in that way. Amanda was very charming at times but could also be a tease. “What kind of refreshments do you have stored away on this lovely old ship? Anything worth wild?”
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“plotting, scheming, and ploying does a number on any man,” he said with a small shrug. “not to mention i still do write, amanda. you didn’t forget that, did you?” in fact, most of his time was spent reading and writing. it was the only thing in the world that comforted him. “i have an old bottle of rum here somewhere.” rummaging through the cabinets, he pulled out the liquor. “well, i’m ready to see this moon you’ve been raving about.” 
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piratcd · 6 years
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JOHN ALEXANDER DARLING (moodboards) – John & Hook               “Go your way. I’ll take the long way ‘round, I’ll find my own way down. As I should.” –Ben Howard { @piratcd }
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piratcd · 6 years
    ❝  OH ,  you’re not intruding !!  please ,  it’s alright .  as a matter of fact i’m happy to have some company ;  i’ve read  hamlet  a few times  &&  as much as i love shakespeare ,  i could use some actual conversation .  ❞   the redhead ensured him with a small laugh ,  bringing the mug of hot chocolate to her lips as she listened to the man’s happy birthday wish ,  responding with a curt nod of  a p p r e c i a t i o n  before placing the drink back on the table’s surface .   ❝  thank you ,  james .  it wasn’t much of a party really ;  i asked for no more than chocolate cake  &&  some balloons .   jack did offer to throw a party for  my birthday ,  but …  i - i’m not good with crowds ,  &&  we all know how grand his celebrations always are .  plus ,  the fourth of july was only a few weeks ago  —  he needs a bit of rest .  ❞  though sally knew he was already working on halloween by now .  with a gentle smile on her lips ,  she spoke again .  ❝  you have  a boat ,  don’t you ??  it must have been nice to watch a holiday’s firework show from there .  ❞
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“doubt thou the stars are fire, doubt that the sun doth move, doubt truth to be a liar, but never doubt i love,” he quoted. “i’ve read it a few times as well, but i prefer macbeth.” as she took a sip from her mug, james followed suit. it felt nice to have a normal conversation for once. “well, it’s your day. so, i’m glad you had it the way you wanted. i’m not one for crowds either,” he assured with a small smile. “i’ve never seen a busier man,” he agreed. although, that was the extent of his knowledge regarding the party planner. “i...well, i don’t like fireworks. but i suppose it would’ve been nice. next year...you’re welcome to come watch from the jolly roger, if you’d like. in fact, you’re welcome to stop by any time.”  
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piratcd · 6 years
“It’s only been about a WEEK to be exact.” The cafe owner stated, amusement heard within her tone as she said so. Once he neared the counter, Cass leaned against it and arched an eyebrow at him. “Thank you very much for the compliments, James. But I really have to ask— how?” Cass questioned. Of course, she didn’t mind that James was back again looking for more cornbread. But when he last bought not one, but two batches of them and seemed to be finished with them all already? “If I recall, you bought two batches last time. How have they ALL gone away already?”
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“well, it’s about seventy percent of my diet,” he replied with a soft chuckle. “i have cabin mates who don’t read the ‘DO NOT EAT’ signs i place on the tins.” two batches just didn’t seem to be doing it for him ( or the others ). “i suppose the next best option is to just double the order. besides, i assume no one is really as fond of your cornbread as i am.” he looked around the shop. of course, it was filled with patrons. “cafe looks busy, as always. i hope you’re getting the downtime you need.” 
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piratcd · 6 years
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piratcd · 6 years
Nibs would be the first one to admit that he was all bark and no bite. Maybe it was because he knew a hasty retreat was smarter than sticking around to fight. Maybe it was because he’d grown so used to the other Lost Boys being around and acting as the muscle. Either way, he was ready to bolt from the docks at any given moment, but was curious to see how many more buttons he could push. “Is this the part where you tell me your master plan for world domination?” He teased, leaning against a nearby light pole. “’Cause you’re giving me major super villain vibes right now with all this ‘you’ll pay’ talk. Color me intrigued.” 
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this constant taunting and testing of limits wasn’t anything new for the man. all the lost boys had it out for hook, and he couldn’t really blame them. lines were drawn and all of them chose peter, rightfully so. yet, he couldn’t help but resent each and every one of them. more importantly, he loathed nibs, for he was the worst of them all. “just remember that i’m not the only one on this boat with a taste for revenge. i’m sure whatever zarina is brewing will affect you and all the other miscreants involved with peter. in fact, she’ll be back any minute....and i think we BOTH know she’s extremely territorial. so, make your self scarce before you’re outnumbered.” 
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piratcd · 6 years
              HER BROWN EYES  had been focusing on the pages of a book for the past few minutes ,  a hand holding her beloved mug of  hot chocolate .  although she could have chosen to simply go back to bed after  b r e a k f a s t  today ,  sally much preferred to go out for the day ,  finding that anything was better than spending her off day at home .  besides ,  the café was one of the few places where she still felt  comfortable  regardless of the amount of people there .  however ,  upon hearing a familiar voice ,  the redhead looked up the figure that approached her .  ❝  oh ,  hi james  —  some time indeed !!  ❞  offering a small smile  &&  a chuckle to the man ,  she closed the book  &&  motioned  for him to take a seat .  ❝  i’ve been well ,  just a bit busy at the boutique .  miss carr gave me the day off though ,  as a late  birthday gift .  how about you ,  is everything alright ??  ❞
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he didn’t mean to intrude. he honestly knew what a person’s solitude meant and how important it was. sometimes, he wished the whole world would leave him alone for moments longer than he cared to admit. eagerly, he took the seat across from the girl. “i didn’t mean to intrude or anything. i just thought i’d say hello.” the mention of a birthday made his heart somewhat sink. he hoped enough people recognized and cherished the day. she deserved that. “well, happy belated birthday. i suppose jack threw a rather large party for you...” he trailed off, knowing that it was something between the two that he and her wouldn’t really ever have. nonetheless, he enjoyed her company. “everything’s fine. how about you?” 
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piratcd · 6 years
back to neverland: before the crocodile
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    One leg dangling from the rooftop he’d been sitting on, the other propped up to be able to rest his chin upon it, peter pan had been watching the docks all afternoon, his eyes following the men who unloaded the ship moored to the far end of the landing stage. although, calling it just a ‘ ship ‘ was an underestimation. it was everything he ever imagined a pirate ship to be and more, because it was real — and the actual proof that believing in something worked, that wishing upon stars would even get the boring town of carthay to be part of something exciting for once.
    “ See that? “ peter did not need to take his attention from the by now empty ship to know what – or rather who, had caused the noise of steps approaching him. he had called hook, after all — hook because back then peter’s first thought when it came to pirates wasn’t john yet, because his nights had yet to start being wendy exclusive, and because when all lost boys were bonding with their second families peter, logically, chose to meet with his. 
     “ The entire crew just went into that bar an hour ago. “ and though peter was too young to check, he was convinced they were too drunk and still drinking to notice if someone happened to step foot onto their ship. grinning from one ear to the next, the leader of the lost boys turned to finally look at his friend, mischief illuminating his eyes: “ guess what we’re doing today !! “
{ @piratcd }
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of course james had seen it. in fact, he had admired it just as much as the boy had since it docked in carthay. it was the most grand and mesmerizing vessel he had seen in all his life. in fact, it was something he believed could only be seen in dreams or fantasies. the ship was obviously much nicer than his own, but maybe one day it could be his. james nodded, the words whipping him back into reality. “sure do. what a beauty,” he mused. 
his eyes flickered back to peter, his grin beginning to widen. it seemed that the two were always on the same page...always craving the same adventures and having similar ideas for getting into trouble. for the first time in his life, he had been a first choice ( or at least close to it ). peter’s attention was not only valued but coveted. hook wouldn’t lie that he felt somewhat out of place with the other lost boys, and time alone with peter meant less time proving himself to them. 
“what a shame to leave a ship like that unattended,” he replied with a feigned sigh, unable to hide his devilish grin. of course, there was no way to really know if anyone had stayed behind. it was a risk both were willing to take. in fact, james felt emboldened by peter. he was always willing to take it one step further with the other right at his side. “i can only hope we’re having the same idea!” 
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piratcd · 6 years
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Not having looked at the man when he sat down, she didn’t realize how blatantly ironic her statement was. Finally looking and seeing Hook, she busted out laughing. “I didn’t even mean that to be like y-you know that.” She spoke between small laughs before calming down. “Sorry.” She spoke before quieting down. 
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the laugh was anticipated. he was always the brunt of jokes amongst the younger kids. “i know,” he assured, his shoulders slumping into the bench. “just your luck it would happen to be me.” he shrugged, knowing none of it was malicious. “does that mean i get some of your snacks now...since i’ve already received the punishment?” sometimes it felt good to just joke about the incident...it made it feel less painful when he acknowledged it. 
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piratcd · 6 years
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━━ ˟ ⊰ ➳ CAPTAIN HOOK 
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piratcd · 6 years
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Vanellope was sitting on a bench at the pier, and had gathered a handful of things to snack on while she relaxed. Noticing someone in the corner of her eye sit down next to her, she spoke, “if you steal a-any of those snacks, i will cut your hand off.” 
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hook didn’t exactly enjoy company when he made his way down to the pier. in fact, he didn’t really enjoy the pier at all.  it was loud, crowded, and filled to the brim with kids. yet, he knew that this was a prime fishing spot. of course, all the benches were taken...except for one where a young girl was seated. her words, although somewhat ironic, didn’t really phase the man. how could she know? with his prosthetic shoved in his pocket, he began to prepare his fishing rod. “that would be a shame...whatever would i do with just one hand?” 
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piratcd · 6 years
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Kit Harington at the Monaco Formula One Grand Prix at Circuit de Monaco on May 26, 2018 in Monte-Carlo, Monaco.
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