pistachiofever · 1 year
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They’re just too dumb to get it. Smh.
Nobody’s trying to waste your time, will. You’re a moron
Dumb guys like you don’t matter.
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Tell the truth you dumb bitch
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Trust lol
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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I don’t remember how I wrote it now.
But yeah, later they actually try to smile
She would apparently screw anything I wanted
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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My whole life was worth nothing to these worthless, worthless people
And you and your ugly wife are the fucking biggest trashy is the jokes what do you mean why read the newspaper you dumb fucks? Why don’t you see yourselves there because everybody’s talking behind your white trash backs because you’re fucking garbage thanks for embarrassing me
This is what the Internet has come to. It’s just a fucking gang.
Yes, cartoon Steve your sources are correct Disney Channel stalking is what Dennis and Nancy think is cute and of course, having their child molest me
Yeah, no pubic hair zero I was about 11 years old, right
I have the body and frame more of maybe an eight or nine-year-old child
So you’re telling me that Jeesica is going to abuse for old people to get back at me
I said Keith
Jessica is over
Jessica without me, you don’t have anything
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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All of these old people couldn’t mind their own business.
I don’t do business with you, Dennis you’re a fucking worthless, worthless man
Eat shit
Isn’t it nice to have some kind of human interaction with a human who thinks thoughts
Now everybody’s acting like the Roblox girl, and the Roblox girl owes me royalties
Not to mention the fact that I have not been treated like a human being, but you expect that people should respect your boundaries
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We both know that Dennis and I don’t get along so you and Dennis can give me whatever you took and then you can go fuck off
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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You guysarent let some disruptive female interfere with your life are you
Nancy, you’re very lucky to be alive. You’re not a special woman and you and your husband will pay me everything that you owe me no more getting molested at church you know because I’m an adult and you’re not gonna do anything Nancy
Ashley, if you want to be an ugly frog like Nancy go ahead and keep messing with people when they didn’t mess with you
I wonder what Dennis doesn’t say to you
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Dude, you have like six or 800 followers
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Then Ashley and melody don’t know what’s going on
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Katie tore Ashley a jew asshole
I love her
She has that little piece of me and I have that little piece of her and it’s clean and it’s just pleasant because we are I love Katie No I don’t mean it in that Britney Spears Way I mean I love Katie.
Britney Spears know you know why though Ashley knows why I’m a really big fan of Britney Spears
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Guns. I don’t care. It’s a class thing and Andy does not have class and neither does Ashley.
Hey, how did you like that black turtleneck?
Well, I’m glad that you left Ashley but that’s not my business. We are not friends even
Enough of that Dawsons creek bullshit
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Tuna. They all frown.
Boundaries of children
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Well, I’m telling you middle-class you are going to see some of your children getting charged with sexual harassment and rape for this nonsense
I know Ashley wants Prince William to say that I am only worth 4 pounds or something right Ashley you’re probably gonna get killed for this to be honest with you I’m starting to believe what they tell me
John Fred said hey by the way
Oh I met Fred number nine is that what she wanted me to do John Fred she wanted me to say that I was super in love with you or whatever so that she could have an excuse to steal from me
That’s pretty pathetic
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pistachiofever · 1 year
Shrimp cocktail and envy
“There’s tums in the kitchen.”
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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I always had more than her, but I never bragged Ashley Honey I’ve been there for a while. Why don’t you tell me how I never arrived. You’ve not done a whole lot in your life to be honest with you. You need to focus on yourself and you need to focus a lot less on me because when I leave here this next time I’m not coming back.
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Some women locally are very disgusted with Ashley
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Ashley pedigo wants me to be sick so that she can pretend to be the next me because Fiona Apple couldn’t be targeted as easily
I’m guessing that she paid Karen five dollars to take me out so that all the kids could see me sick under eye bags literally sick yeah
It’s alright though, because I don’t see her marriage working out
I’m guessing that’s kind of scary in the obvious
I said stating the obvious
Well, it’s pretty scary for me Ashley because I’m gonna have to go to California just to get a doctor to take care of me because of trashy little girls like you who can’t grow up
And then I’m gonna have to signal a doctor to have you killed so that you don’t kill more people here
Anyway, Amber was telling everybody how I’m such a terrorist
My grandmother already knows that I don’t have time for you. Neither of you are intelligent and I’m really really tired of you Ashley. I’m tired of women like you and I’m tired of women like gramma
If you continue to provoke people this way, I promise you, Ashley, you will be buried
Money can do a lot of things and when you know the right people they can make certain situations seem like they never happened all of the stuff they can do now with stem cell regeneration
People like Gramma and Ashley don’t have a lot of context about the world
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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So now because of Ashley and other trashy girls, we have bodyguards for people like me
Of glasgow because they want everybody to overdose on fentanyl the white people do
I promise you
Hey Black Stone Cherry, what is up with that what’s going on with all of that?
I’m not allowed to have a $50 dishwasher or I’m not allowed to be poor?
Which one did Ashley make fun of me for?
Huh. Desperate awe. Ashley can’t think
She’s technically able to think thoughts
Honey that’s never gonna be your sauce but whatever you say just go away stop trying to bother people in their own zone you need to find your own hobbies and you need to find a new husband because clearly you don’t love or respect the one you have
Ashwin stop. Ashley gets it. Leave my words alone.
People are tired of that Ashley we all want new stories we want to see Rebecca Cooper fly and we want to see her have everything including fixing all of this
I thought you said what was lost can never be saved in all of that doctor
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pistachiofever · 1 year
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Your shit storm came later, and you did get a storm. You lost everything including your luxe especially your luxe, and I was sad.
Yeah I know they aren’t going to replace those. It seems like they don’t until you buy everything out. I was like wow $80 for a little sample of perfume for myself. Well it’s kind of the Walmart of consumerism Canada will remind you quickly.
Actually, yeah, anytime a huge company like that date keeps
Gate keeps
What are you serious? Do I have a date lined up?
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