pistachjo · 3 years
Two- Joining an Exchange Program!
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This would be my very first experience joining an international program, and I am indeed very grateful for the opportunity that has been given to me. 
It all started in October. At that time, I am really tired of some of my committee activities. It was really exhausting. Then I thought of something weird. If only I can escape from my routine for a while, go somewhere far away, far enough so that I don’t have to deal with all the problems that I faced at that time (hee hee). 
“a short getaway would be nice,” I thought. I planned to go on a trip with some of my friends. 
But that wouldn’t do. Going abroad would!
I searched for exchange information at @ico_ipb, the Instagram account of the Directorate of International Program of my university. There were plenty of exchange programs offered there, but most of them were for MS students or Bachelor holders of my university. I am an undergraduate student so I am not eligible for that, I don’t meet the criteria. But then my eyes caught the JBNU exchange brochure. The program is for an undergraduate students. I really wanted to participate in this program. I started to search for what documents that I need for the application. But as I read the Fact sheet of the program, I realize that even though this program is fully funded, they still require us to pay for some extras that are not covered by the scholarship. 
I am really sad at that time, but still, I have not given up yet. I talked to my mother about this, but sadly, my mother didn’t allow me to join any kind of event that requires me to leave my study at my university. In conclusion, I don’t have permission from my mother to participate in this program. this made me sad even more.
But the sadness didn’t stay that long until I saw GSK-KU Winter Exchange Program’s brochure.
This program really sparks my interest because it will be conducted online and the schedule is on the weekend, meaning that I still join this program without worrying about my study in my home university. The course offered by them are related to my major so it strengthens my will to participate in this program.
The requirements of this program are undergraduate students in the 5th semester and above, is an active student from any faculty in IPB, and having a good skill in English proved by English proficiency documents such as  IELTS, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL IBT, TOEIC, or others. This program also requires us to write a motivation letter. Pretty easy isn’t it?
Alhamdulillah, after submitting my documents I got an LOA from the host university a few days later, and the collaboration office contacted the selected participants later on. There is no interview, the selection process has been changed to focus on document screening only this year. This program is an annual event and I would like to implore you to join this program because it will give a new whole experiences about learning in the international curriculum! I will study there until February and I am excited about what will through. x
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pistachjo · 3 years
Have you ever want to do something but you couldn’t because you afraid that it will make the whole situation even worse?
I have.
This keeps bugging my mind. I don’t know how to stop it.
It is indeed hurt so much to the point that you just want to disappear, but you just couldn’t.
2022, I am counting on you.
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pistachjo · 3 years
Well, hello there! finally I decided to write in this account after a while. 
Before that, I want to tell you a bit of my story. Once, there was an interviewer asked me about what I have achieved during my 1st and 2nd year in college. and I answered her by mentioning all of the activities that I have been joining during that time. “impressive!” she said. And then she asked, “have you ever share your experience to others so that all of your valuable experiences will be beneficial to everyone that knows it?” 
I was wondering to myself, have I? and then I remember that sometimes my friends and my colleagues asked me directly for some advices. I say the exact same thing to her, and then she asked me again. “ did you only say it verbally? have you ever write something regarding your experiences or doing some research that is beneficial to others and then turn it into a book or publications?”  It was like being struck by lightning. I have never done that before. To think about it, I have never do something that is outside my boundaries, I tend to stay in my comfort zone. that is the moment of realization how small my contributions are to the society. I have to do something bigger, and start it all over again.
And then here I am! Hopefully I can share a lot of things in my page, even if there is no one to read this. But when I write it I feel peace, to know that sooner or later my writings will reach you, the one who currently read this heehee
I’ll be back very soon! x
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