pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
27 What happened in corporate accounting scandals
What happened in corporate accounting scandals?
When a corporation deliberately conceals or skews information to appear healthy and successful to its shareholders, it has committed corporate or shareholder fraud. Corporate fraud may involve a few individuals or many, depending on the extent to which employees are informed of their company's financial practices. Directors of corporations may fudge financial records or disguise inappropriate spending. Fraud committed by corporations can be devastating, not only for outside investors who have made share purchases based on false information, but for employees who, through 401ks, have invested their retirement savings in company stock.
Some recent corporate accounting scandals have consumed the news media and ruined hundreds of thousands of lives of the employees who had their retirement invested in the companies that defrauded them and other investors. The nuts and bolts of some of these accounting scandals are as follows:
WorldCom admitted to adjusting accounting records to cover its operation costs and present a successful front to shareholders. Nine billion dollars in discrepancies were discovered before the telecom corporation went bankrupt in July of 2002. One of the hidden expenses was $408 million given to Bernard Ebbers (WorldCom's CEO) in undisclosed personal loans.
At Tyco, shareholders were not informed of the $170 million in loans that were taken by Tyco's CEO, CFO, and chief legal officer. The loans, many of which were taken interest free and later written off as benefits, were not approved by Tyco's compensation committee. Kozlowski (former CEO), Swartz (former CFO), and Belnick (former chief legal officer) face continuing investigations by the SEC and the Tyco Corporation, which is now operating under Edward Breen and a new board of directors.
At Enron, investigations against uncovered multiple acts of fraudulent behavior. Enron used illegal loans and partnerships with other companies to cover its multi-billion dollar debt. It presented erroneous accounting records to investors, and Arthur Anderson, its accounting firm, began shredding incriminating documentation weeks before the SEC could begin investigations. Money laundering, wire fraud, mail fraud, and securities fraud are just some of the indictments directors of Enron have faced and will continue to face as the investigation continues.
News From Around The Globe!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Music for Film Is The Pillar Of Its Success - Entertainment - Music
Silence is golden. It is undoubtedly a proven fact, but do you really think it to be appropriate in every sphere of life? In case you are thinking of a yes, you must go and watch a silent movie before answering the question. Absence of words and dialogues make a movie ineffective to the audiences. The best part of any movie is its music. Today, from a small child to a grown-up, you will find everyone dancing on the beats of the film music. This shows how important music for film is for the common people. When a movie is released, the fingers of the people behind the product remain crossed until they get good news about a huge box office collection.
No doubt, the story, concept and theme of the movie matters, but no less important is its music when it comes to its success. In any film, silence, body language of the actors and their facial expression throw a great impact on the audience, but if music for film is absent, the filmmakers might not get the result as expected. Whether it is a romantic movie or a horror film, the music in it is enough to make the audiences feel the emotions attached to the characters. This is the reason that makes the directors devote enough time in selecting a relevant soundtrack or proper music for film based on what ultimately their movie sequences require.
In comparison to the earlier times, it has been seen that music has become more popular nowadays. However, the increasing popularity of the different types of musical genres, most of the filmmakers have started taking this very important aspect of a movie for granted. As a result of which, the movie market is facing an adverse consequence. In a thriller, it is the instrumental music or background musical piece that tells you the killer is around and in a romantic film, it is the music for film, which makes you experience the emotions, actions, tensions and other feelings that the characters go through.
Music for film, which was introduced in the past decades to drown out the sound of the projectors, has now become one of the integral parts of any movie. When the filmmakers receive a composition, it is the film music editor who decides on how will the musical composition be placed and presented in a movie. They are the ones who are assigned the task of ensuring the music for film to be in tempo with the movie scenes and sequences.
Improper placement of the instrumental music within a movie distracts the audiences, thereby making the entire movie a failure. This makes it a necessity for the filmmakers as well as the film music editors to work carefully and make music, one of the important reasons for the success of the movie rather than the cause of its failure.
News From Pittsburgh!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
How would World of Warcraft treat news players 7 seven years later? - Computers - Computer Games
World of Warcraft has entered its seventh year, but as a game.However,to this time, the game had already started do some unfriendly things to the new players.
Overall, " World of Warcraft World "has recently as popular as before, but it is still the world's leading MMORPG, recently there have been reports that the loss of WOW players has reach more than 800,000 worldwide, we just first put the authenticity of the data aside , part of the loss of old customers is a fact. But as we all know that " World of Warcraft "in China's growing revenues and profits, including income growth of 39.5% compared to same period last year, driven by online games overall revenue compared to last year also growth of 39.8%.
How do "World of Warcraft" treat those new game players? WOW system is rich in complex, novice to enter the game after facing a lot to learn content - Even worse is that the game has gone through a few years, user groups stabilized the old game players have formed a fixed circle, the circle has a specific language, rules and atmosphere, the novice is difficult to integrate into the game.
Not long ago, the same in the official website forum, a female player was with the title "Give us a chance to walk novice female players not" as the subject demands a similar problem, also triggered a heated debate players. But such a thing occur again and again, that we have not really thought about how to solve this problem?
The Season 10 will end soon, the Season 11 will follow it one or two week later. So you can infer that the 4.3 patch is just around the corner.Today, the United States serving official website updated on the 4.3 news that hour of Twilight moment near.World of Warcraft World 4.3: Twilight of the moment is about to open, along with the 4.3 open, the death of the wing's reign of terror will come to an end. Twilight of the moment the players prepared for a variety of different things: a copy of the new team, new five copies, one for the thieves set the epic task of line (dagger thieves orange line), the latest copy of the Set (T13 sets), the main quest update, turned the system and empty storage room and so on.
If WOW is at the peak, it does not need to consider the problem, then seven years later, this issue can not be ignored.
News From Around The Globe!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
News Buffs, Get Ready for a 24/7 Experience - Entertainment - Television
You missed the news again? Oh no! What shall you do now? As news addicts, you have probably faced this situation dozens of times. You're late home from work, or you are away on business and don't have access to an Indian news TV channel - and the panic starts building up, you are getting itchy, and your nerves are acting up. You must have your news and must have them now! Well, worry no more. A solution is here. With WatchIndia.TV, the acclaimed new network threatening to take over the media world of the subcontinent, you will now have all the news you want, anytime, anywhere.
Zee News is Taking over the WorldDoes this sound too good to be true? Not at all! This is the new face of television, and the latest exhilarating media trend to start spreading all over the globe. Today, watching TV online is all the rage. The old days of channels being broadcasted exclusively on TV are now over. TV watching as we have known it for the past decades is becoming obsolete. Internet TV is all over the place. This is where the future is going to, and in fact, it is already happening in the present.Now you can watch the much-acclaimed Zee News channel and various other Indian TV Channels wherever you are. If you are living abroad or travelling extensively, you can stay up-to-date with Zee News in every spot. This luxury is provided to you by WatchIndia.TV, which sports Zee News and dozens of channels, news channels and entertainment channels alike, in a wide variety of viewing packages you can choose from.News broadcasts, financial programs, political talk shows , daring documentaries - are now available to you 24/7 with the aid of WatchIndia.TV, which also boasts VOD (Video on Demand) services to complement your needs. A laptop or a pc and internet access, plus the clever WatchIndia TV-Box, are all you need to start enjoying this viewing experience of a lifetime.Sun TV Serials Are On There, TooNaturally, you can't stay serious all the time. Sometimes what you need is to snuggle up in your bed and watch a good drama or a comedy show. Well, WatchIndia.TV accommodates these needs as well and provides you with all your favorite Sun TV serials. How great is that? Sun TV serials are the glittering diamond on top of WatchIndia.TV's crown of quality entertainment. Tune in, watch away, have fun.
News From Pittsburgh!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Blue Heron Health News - Health
If you suffer from Fibromyalgia, this will be the most important article you have ever read. Here's why In this article I'll share what really causes Fibromyalgia and how simple exercises can help eliminate this mysterious condition in a few days.What I discovered was so easy, so simple yet so powerful that it led me to create a program that cures even the worst cases of Fibromyalgia permanently.Most traditional medical doctors hate fibromyalgia, because they can hardly diagnose it, let alone treat it.Many of them write the symptoms off as imagination or at the best as an untreatable condition.Even doctors who are "Fibromyalgia specialists", have no solution and have concluded that it's incurable.Think about the contradiction in that; specializing in a condition that can't be treated.Tension, stress or even a mild case of depression are all side effects from feeling like you're literally being killed by the lack of oxygen.Your subconscious is having a panic attack, like yo u were dying. No wonder!You can read up on this on the Internet. Their findings proof that all the symptoms of fibromyalgia area caused by lack of oxygen in the cells.Lets look at some of the symptoms Learn More Click Here 1. Persistent muscle and joint pain and weakness. Explanation: Oxygen deprivation in the muscle and joint cells causes muscle pain. 2. Disabling fatigue. Explanation: Oxygen deprivation in tissue causes fatigue and exhaustion. The same thing happens for a short while when you exhaust your muscles exercising. 3. Brain fog; problems of mood, memory, and mentation. Explanation: Oxygen deprivation in brain cells causes brain fog and dysfunction. 4. Air hunger. Explanation: Oxygen deprivation within the cells causes air hunger. It's like staying under water for too long.You see, the problem with science and technology is, it makes it easier to look too far for an explanation. When the truth is right there in front of the eyes.Because I make sure each of my memb ers gets help and professional guidance when they need it. I make sure they get everything they need to end their Fibromyalgia and I put in the hours to make sure you get your worth for every penny you spend.For half the price of six months of pain killersFor one tenth of the cost of a weekly doctor's visit And for a fraction of the cost of daily medication, I'm putting my program on the line for you to put to the test for 2 whole months.You get both the exercises and my personal guidance Basically you get everything you need to cure your Fibromyalgia So getting this one-time, hands-off deal shouldn't even be a question for you.
Learn More Click Here
News From Around The Globe!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Get familiar with latest news headlines - News - World News
Many people today always wish to be updated with latest news headlines which is rather a good practice which bring them closer to the society and provide better understanding to understand the world more briefly. In the busy world we though have no time for any other thing but still in our busy lifestyle we are giving time for reading newspapers to get familiar with the current affairs across the whole world. Well, news might be anything whether it is about politics or business or various other kinds of happenings that doesn't really matters but the thing that matters is - these really bind us into the topic and let us more familiar with the real time world.
Well, if you look deeply into this, then you can realize it that these news reports not only give us latest news headlines but also gives you suggestions and advises on the subject that matter. So friend, if you are one of them looking for some hot news along with some expert suggestions about your career or business or any technical thing then head onto Charles Ayoub (dot) com to take expert advice.
Apart from the any other news portal Charles Ayoub (dot) com is more than just a news portal. Its expert journalists are expertise in different fields. So whenever you need some expert advice, just log on to Charles Ayoub (dot) com for better suggestion. You can take advice for your company growth and can find various news articles for better career. As said earlier, Charles Ayoub covers breaking entertainment news as well. You can follow through its news journal to get access to latest movie reviews such as its story line, its actors, producer info, director's info, songs and so forth.
Besides of breaking entertainment news, you can follow its technology category to find gadget reviews, app reviews and information about online services with a glance. But besides of entire global news headlines Charles Ayoub covers local information on local issues, politics, events, celebrations, people, business, entertainment and fashion trends. So if you are wondering to get acquainted with some local news updates or wondering to get access to Middle East, Arab, Lebanon news then choose Charles Ayoub (dot) com for local information. For your brief knowledge - Charles Ayoub updates content regularly on various topics. If you don't want miss any of topics then follow this site on daily basis or subscribe its page for instant news updates for local or global information.
News From Pittsburgh!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Online news - Interesting facts - News - World News
Roosevelt Skerrit: It can be used to create the opportunity for the newspapers to provide you with such breaking news, which is more important for broadcasting journalism. Online are cost effective and compared for printed-newspapers.
Online newspapers are followed same as for legal regulations for printed-newspapers. Online publications are termed as rewards as to reap larger. The printed publications are drawn larger for traffics and compared as a printed publication.
Many news reporters are taught to shoot videos and to write news stories that can be published in the online publication also. In many journalism institutions students are being taught about the online publications and online along with the printed one. Some have already integrated the internet into each and every aspect of their operations.
The classified advertisements are now also being published in both the printed newspapers as well as online newspapers. In today's scenario it would be difficult to find a newspaper company without a website. With the declining profit margins from the printed they have explored every corner to get higher profit margins from the websites. Most of the online news-papers do not charge any subscription fee. Some of the news-papers have come with a new version of that is called E-paper. These E-papers are regarded as the digital replicas of the printed news-papers.
There are also some companies who provide only the online version of the news-paper. They don't have any connection with the printed newspapers. These news-papers are recognized by many media groups which makes them different from blog sites. Some of the leading news-papers company which has been operational in printed media for over 100 years have been stopped their printed newspapers and are running on only online news-papers.
These are getting reduced instead people start surfing in online. But they will be having only limited number of publications if we going for hard copy. These news-papers are called hybrid news-papers. Recent development in electronic news-papers may force some of the newspapers companies to supplement electronic papers too.
Christopher Columbus, famous sailor claimed to have discovered Dominica on November 4th, 1493 however and named the island Dominica because he discovered it on a Sunday (domingo). Dr. Lennox Honeychurch Dominican historian in his book entitled "The Dominica Story" refutes this claim as there is evidence to prove that the Carib-Indians were already present on the island when Christopher Columbus and his sailors arrived. Today, some of the descendants of the Carib-Indians are still on island and are referred to as the Indigenous people of Dominica. The government has given them an entire area of land belonging soley to them and dubbed as the Carib Territory.The Commonwealth of Dominica, known to many as the Nature Island of the World, is an english speaking island sitauted in a chain of islands which lies between North and South America. The nature isle sits between two of the french speaking Caribbean islands of Guadeloupe to the North and Martinique to the south with a tot al area of 754 square kilometres (291 square miles). Its location is 15 degrees North latitude and 61 degrees West longitude. The population based on the last census held in 2001 and statistics retreived from the statistical Divisionis 72,500 . Census is held every ten years and May 14th, 2011 will be the next scheduled census.
For more details about news, log on to /
News From Around The Globe!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Hand Picked News Items Make For Better News Reading - News - World News
After the alarm goes off, and you have brushed your sleep away, the first thing you want to do, is know what is happening in the world around you. Has there been an economic meltdown again, or has there been a groundbreaking discovery over the last night, that you have no clue about?
Well whatever it is, news is your way of getting to know what is happening in the world around you. And with every company trying to make it to the newspapers and news portals, owing to their endeavours to reach out to the maximum number of people, the moment you look for news, either or a newspaper or online, you are sure to get a whole horde of articles., most of which you are not even interested in. Moreover to sift through pages and pages of advertisements is also not the most pleasant thing in the morning, when all you are looking for is to get yourself updated with what has happened in the world while you were in your peaceful slumber. And since advertisers are also a smart bunch of people who know that news is probably the best vehicle to reach out to the masses at large, advertisements are a plenty everywhere; be that printed copies of the newspaper or online editions of the same.
With the intense spread of the Internet to the masses over the last decade, most people have now changed news reading habits from printed version of the newspaper to online versions of the same. In fact with the widespread reach of the Internet, there now are specific websites, which help you avoid irrelevant news items and sometimes even advertisements. If you are looking for handpicked news items all you need to do is do a Google search and your desktop screen will be flooded with an array of links that would provide you exactly what you have been looking for - the latest news, and the latest developments that have happened in the world around you. And the best part is that you do not have to sit through another company coaxing you to buy their products taking the opportunity of you wanting to be aware of the world around you. From the world of business, to that of politics, to technology to fashion to economic to sports, it is possible to find any kind of news, which su its your palate online. And mostly they help you rid of the pain of having to go through the unnecessary and time-consuming advertisements.
These special sites thus cater to those people who really care about reading the most important and relevant news items. If you don't like wasting time sifting through tons of news everyday just to find what you like and need, these websites are for you. It is easy to find them only. Googling for terms like handpicked news and relevant news should give you some results to start off with. Then you can visit the many such sites there are and choose which ones suit your needs the best.
News From Around The Globe!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Time Your News Release For Maximum Publicity - Website Promotion - Off line Promotion
"Cindy, where's that story? I need it yesterday!""Coming right up, boss. I'll have it to you soon," Cindy shouted back."Yesterday isn't soon enough!"Cindy clicked on her screen. "You have mail." She looked at the messages. "Three news releases," she murmured. "I don't have time for this now." [delete] [delete] [delete]Stop! Was that your news release Cindy just deleted? Too bad you sent it to her at the wrong time. You may have heard that "timing is everything" and that is even more true in a newsroom. But how do you know when is the best time to send a news release?Media relations is an art more than a science, so there is no single rule. If there was, everyone would be a media star. Here are a few guidelines to help you zoom ahead of your competition for the media's attention:Each type of media and each type of journalist is different. Here are just a few of the variables:National or local mediaTV, newspaper, radio or magazineNews reporter, features reporter or columnist Consumer magazine or trade journalDaily, weekly or monthly publicationPrint or electronicEach company or organization is different, as is its news. Here are just a few of the variables:Local, national or international operationsPre-scheduled news release, or last-minute reaction to today's news.Product announcement, policy announcement, financial announcementBearing in mind the wide range of news you might announce and the wide range of media targets, 9:30 to 11:00 a.m. tends to be the best time of day to release news. You want to give the assignment editor time to send them out to cover your news. If you hope to get into the noon news, you don't want to go too late, because you run into TV deadlines. Early afternoon is a second-best time, but if you get much past 2:30, you will catch Cindy's [delete] button at most daily newspapers and television stations.I have been asked about the best day of the week to send out a news release. There isn't one. I have seen plenty of deba tes on this. From personal experience, the only difference I ever noticed is when I could pick a slow news day. For instance, if in your city the daily newspaper can be reached on Sunday and not too much tends to happen that day in your subject area, you may find it easier to get into Monday's newspaper than if you try later in the week. But on average, there is not much difference.Best time of month, year, etc? Again, there is no single best time. There is one golden rule. Do not send out a release when the world is wrapped up in some all-consuming event like the death of Princess Diana or the attack on the World Trade Center. Remember how much TV airtime and newspaper print space were devoted to those events? The media and its audiences had other things on their minds than your news. You can't control events, but you can control the timing of your release (most of the time).How far in advance should you send out your release? Some book reviewers usually need several months . Others don't want to see your release until the book is on the store shelves. Many consumer magazines have a six-month editorial preview. Features editors often run several weeks ahead of time, but sometimes squeeze things in on short notice. News departments want only breaking news. Yesterday's news is... well, yesterday's news. Your release is already forgotten.Does all this sound confusing. It is. The bottom line in any marketing is to know your target market and give it what it wants. Same with the media. The guidelines above give a very abbreviated list of what you need to consider. If you are still unsure, a media coach might be a good investment. But be forewarned find someone with enough experience and success to coach you in the right direction.
News From Pittsburgh!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Follow Online Newspaper for world news headlines - News - World News
Nowadays newspaper is hardly getting used, because the sudden advent of the internet brings a crucial way to share information to all. If you look deeply into this then you can realize it that internet has come along with a new and advanced approach that really offering great flexibility to offer world news reports. Well, despite of traditional newspaper, e-news paper is getting into the edge to arrive at the new world phenomenon. So let us first see the basic difference between the newspapers and e-news from below.
The advantage of e-news paper is mostly applicable for readers as they seem to be more convenient and comfortable with these sorts of world news headlines. The e-news paper is much faster than traditional one. The moment anything happens at any place it gets published on the internet within minutes, where as the traditional newspaper take time for printing, which is probably get published the next day. Well, in these sorts of situation e-news paper is found to be faster than of traditional newspaper.
In the world of internet this is quite obvious that we are giving e-news paper more importance than traditional one. So friend, if you are one of those who have been looking forward to experience the power of e-news paper, then head on to Charles Ayoub (dot) com to get regular global news updates with a glance. For your brief knowledge - Charles Ayoub (dot) com is the world news aggregator that covers worldwide news instantly. Well, you can follow through this news portal site to get a hold on wide range of news reports from business section to technological section and even entertainment section. By following this news journal you could grab information about various companies, and can track stock market values and can educate yourself for business growth etc. Well, you can please your soul with some technical news too; you can find various gadget reviews and app reviews and can discover news reports on various online services as well.
Apart from the entire news report you can get access to entertainment section too, you can grab all the details about celebrity gossips, movie reviews and information about music launch events etc. So friends, if you do really want to have all these sorts of information to familiar with all global news headlines then head on to Charles Ayoub (dot) com for regular news updates at charle ayoub(dot)com.
News From Pittsburgh!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Tide information may be related to the fiction information - Business
With ShouChu by the government of the land bring 35.45 million yuan receipts, wave info (000977) in the first half of 2011 net profit of 45.4186 million yuan, up out of the red. The same is 2007 ShouChu housing, but lead to the company with accurate and was not believe securities regulatory bureau shall be ordered to make corrections. And a lawyer says, the company also suspected of fictional associated trade, financial false.
A letter to securities regulatory bureau shall be ordered to make corrections
Today (nov. 3,), wave information releases announcement to say, shandong securities regulatory bureau of the company in the original part of their houses for sale on the investigation, in the recent made about the wave of electronic information industry Co., LTD. Shall be ordered to correct measures taken the decision ", and points out that the company has the following letter a problem: the company December 8, 2010, no. 224, in jinan city located in the ShanDaLu six homes sold to wave the affiliated party shandong digital media technology Co., LTD. (hereinafter referred to as "wave number), to determine the sales price is 43.5884 million yuan. The securities regulatory bureau to check, the company has the property in 2007 by jinan land reserve center with 43.5697 million yuan ShouChu, ShouChu contract by company controlling shareholders wave group and land reserve trading center signed a unity. In September 2008, the company will be the real estate property card cancellat ion, then transferring to wave Numbers. Real estate ShouChu and sell to the items, the company in the disclosure in existence disclosure is not seasonable, content of accurate disclosure.
Shandong securities regulatory bureau that, the company the above actions violated the relevant regulations of the "securities law", the company shall be ordered to make corrections and require the company shall be ordered to make corrections by notice within 30 days from the date of its report to submit alteration. At the same time, the company should be serious related responsible for responsibility, it will submit relevant situation securities regulatory bureau. And ask the chairman of the company, the secretary of the board of directors to participate in recent organizational training.
Lawyer: alleged false related party transactions
Although tide information because believe a problem by securities regulatory bureau shall be ordered to correct, but its the house property ShouChu and sell items or is far from a letter is defective so simple. The daily economic news reporters noticed that wave of information to sell the property had long been land reserve center ShouChu, house property card has logged off. According to the relevant laws and regulations, information wave has lost the property ownership, its take is "false" of estate and associated party wave digital transactions. For this kind of behavior how to maintain?
Beijing Lucas is told reporters that a listed company is to don't exist of estate and the affiliated party transactions, which is a false connection transaction, suspected of financial fraud. Its primary purpose is to whitewash financial data, convenient enterprise financing, etc. He also said, for such behavior, securities regulatory commission will report to the general bureau, the CSRC must have an additional penalties. Amount of major, the relevant responsible persons and even to be, be investigated for criminal responsibility.
Be worth what carry is, at the end of September last year, wave of existing information virtually increased sales income and behavior is shandong securities regulatory bureau shall be ordered to make corrections. Don't want to just over a year time and happen. Many investors have in stock it message, said no credibility for this, and has taught repeatedly made enterprise, relevant departments must strictly processing.
News From Pittsburgh!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Stay connected with Aldiyar Online for online breaking news - News - Business News
Nowadays information is not so different from money and wealth; even it is more precious than diamond and gold. But do we have enough sources for acquiring these sorts news information. Well, the answer will be yes! We have enough sources for acquiring knowledge about various news headlines. Well, if you think for a while and ask it to yourself, how important this news information really is? Then again I am sure the answer will definitely be positive.
For your brief knowledge - these sorts of information are really vital for knowing about the society and people around us. So if you want to learn about your society and people around you then try reading newspaper to get acquainted with your society's culture and people. But if newspaper is not your type then let me introduce an online news aggregator Aldiyar Online (dot) com for a better option.
The world news poral, Aldiyar Online covers varieties of breaking news journals ranging from all local section including Middle East. So friend, if you belong to Middle East zone then try reading its news headlines to get familiar with world news headlines.
For your brief knowledge - Aldiyar Online (dot) com covers latest world news headlines only in Arabic language. So if you belong to such specific zone then you can instantly get a hold on latest world news headlines in Arabic language. Well, apart from any other news portal website this news portal covers wide range of breaking news from business section to technological and even entertainment section. You can easily get access to its business news, stock market news, company profiles, financial advice, and global economy news information with a glace. Well, along with business news you can find some celebrity gossips, movie reviews and music launch information from the news portal too.
So friend, if you do really wondering to have those sorts of news report from all the sections then choose Aldiyar Online (dot) com as your most preferable news portal website. But as said earlier Aldiyar Online (dot) com covers latest world news headlines only in Arabic language, so if you belong to such specific zone looking for latest world news headlines only in Arabic language then head on to Aldiyar Online (dot) com to have a wide range of news updates from business to technological and even entertainment section. Well, you can stay connected with this news portal from its subscription page too.
News From Pittsburgh!
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Product technology is determined to succeed - Business
November 3,, sohu company board chairman Charles zhang in the communication university of China ChenShiJun dialogue Youtube founder, two people share the successful experience and business experience, and to the development of young people and put forward own proposal.
Charles zhang ChenShiJun dialogue
Product technology is determined to succeed
Charles zhang led sohu sogou input method, a company to create the eight guardians of the success of product, and in the U.S. market, have great market recognition, and ChenShiJun lead is among the most popular Youtube video company, and was eventually Google acquisition. The two winners also share the successful experience of their products.
Sohu company board chairman and chief executive Charles zhang
Charles zhang think, failure is common, success is accidental. He said: "an Internet the success of the product, the product technical requirements, but also need special, the team will know marketing, and to meet the right timing, and grasp the users' demand and the trend, together, these requirements will make the success of the product is very difficult."
However, in all the success factors, Charles zhang think, product technical success is the most necessary. He said: "the product to be successful in technology must need success. If an Internet company product if the product than others, eventually you 20% of the volume will is others, because there are several times of mouth reputation effect. Second marketing also to do well."
And ChenShiJun also expressed similar views. ChenShiJun says, the Internet company to be successful needs products well. He said: "the age of the Internet update products is the speed of the very fast, do not look like before the age of like Microsoft months or even years to release a new version, may now be a day to release a new, even a day of release several new, and users will always have a lot of options, the product of the best Internet companies do is the key to success and failures."
Youtube ChenShiJun founder
The bo promote media change
In recent years, youtube, Facebook, micro bo, the emergence of the social media and fashionable, make everyone become the news's authors and origin, and this is also the media and media business personalities has had a huge impact.
Charles zhang thinks, the past 15 years, China's media industry change greatly, and in the last two years have to China's media industry because the Po's produce more appear witnessed a change. The content of the media production and consumption channel two aspects have changed, and before the journalists wrote to the newspaper, the newspaper will be content to web portal, but now content directly on the blog is created. At present, the bo also appears on many new products, such as the interview, micro site, micro live, and so on.
In addition, Charles zhang also think, the Internet video is also produced a great threat to TV, before news professional students may want to go to the central television station to be the host, but now the media industry the most fashionable to students is to a video company to when the host, commentary or director.
ChenShiJun think, the bo shape on the impact of the media is also huge. He says, for example, now a original musicians or a performance artist can direct his own work on Internet with so many people share, and in the past, the actors to get an audition opportunity will need to know a Hollywood director.
However, ChenShiJun also said in social media era, new information is too many, such as youtube produced every day to see all the amount of information, this time, attitudes and opinions leading becomes very important.
"Young people
As the Internet industry winner, Charles zhang and ChenShiJun for young people nowadays are also put forward the Suggestions and advice.
Charles zhang suggest young people don't take an examination of civil servants, and to join private enterprise or business.
"The market economy but victory, the market economy is represents hope, representing the future, represents a moral, represents a noble, representing all nice things. Planned economy and administration of market intervention is things represent what is backward, so to suggest that people don't go to the employment of the civil service, to go to when private enterprise, to the private enterprise or their own business." Charles zhang said.
And ChenShiJun argues that, should young people to pursue their interests and heart, to create to adhere to, do a don't walk the road unusual, this is also can succeed.
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Uterine Sarcoma Treatment in India at Mumbai and Delhi at Low Cost. - Health
Uterine SarcomaOverviewWhat Is Uterine Sarcoma?
What Is Uterine Sarcoma?
Uterine sarcoma is a cancer of the muscle and supporting tissues of the uterus (womb).
About the uterusThe uterus is a hollow organ, about the size and shape of a medium-sized pear. It has two main parts. The lower end of the uterus, which extends into the vagina, is called the cervix. The upper part of the uterus is called the body, and is also known as the corpus. The body of the uterus has 3 layers. The inner layer or lining is called the endometrium. The serosa is the layer of tissue coating the outside of the uterus. In the middle is a thick layer of muscle that is also known as the myometrium. This muscle layer is needed to push the baby out during birth.
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Who is at risk for uterine cancer?
No one knows the exact causes of uterine cancer. However, it is clear that this disease is not contagious. No one can "catch" cancer from another person.
Women who get this disease are more likely than other women to have certain risk factors. A risk factor is something that increases a person's chance of developing the disease.
Most women who have known risk factors do not get uterine cancer. On the other hand, many who do get this disease have none of these factors. Doctors can seldom explain why one woman gets uterine cancer and another does not.
Studies have found the following risk factors: -
* Age. Cancer of the uterus occurs mostly in women over age 50.
* Endometrial hyperplasia. The risk of uterine cancer is higher if a woman has endometrial hyperplasia. This condition and its treatment are described above.
* Hormone replacement therapy (HRT). HRT is used to control the symptoms of menopause, to prevent osteoporosis (thinning of the bones), and to reduce the risk of heart disease or stroke.
Women who use estrogen without progesterone have an increased risk of uterine cancer. Long-term use and large doses of estrogen seem to increase this risk. Women who use a combination of estrogen and progesterone have a lower risk of uterine cancer than women who use estrogen alone. The progesterone protects the uterus.
Women should discuss the benefits and risks of HRT with their doctor. Also, having regular checkups while taking HRT may improve the chance that the doctor will find uterine cancer at an early stage, if it does develop.
* Obesity and related conditions. The body makes some of its estrogen in fatty tissue. That's why obese women are more likely than thin women to have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies. High levels of estrogen may be the reason that obese women have an increased risk of developing uterine cancer. The risk of this disease is also higher in women with diabetes or high blood pressure (conditions that occur in many obese women).
* Tamoxifen. Women taking the drug tamoxifen to prevent or treat breast cancer have an increased risk of uterine cancer. This risk appears to be related to the estrogen-like effect of this drug on the uterus. Doctors monitor women taking tamoxifen for possible signs or symptoms of uterine cancer.
The benefits of tamoxifen to treat breast cancer outweigh the risk of developing other cancers. Still, each woman is different. Any woman considering taking tamoxifen should discuss with the doctor her personal and family medical history and her concerns.
* Race. White women are more likely than African-American women to get uterine cancer.
* Colorectal cancer. Women who have had an inherited form of colorectal cancer have a higher risk of developing uterine cancer than other women.
SymptomsUterine cancer usually occurs after menopause. But it may also occur around the time that menopause begins. Abnormal vaginal bleeding is the most common symptom of uterine cancer. Bleeding may start as a watery, blood-streaked flow that gradually contains more blood. Women should not assume that abnormal vaginal bleeding is part of menopause.
A woman should see her doctor if she has any of the following symptoms: -
* Unusual vaginal bleeding or discharge
* Difficult or painful urination
* Pain during intercourse
* Pain in the pelvic area
These symptoms can be caused by cancer or other less serious conditions. Most often they are not cancer, but only a doctor can tell for sure.
DiagnosisIf a woman has symptoms that suggest uterine cancer, her doctor may check general signs of health and may order blood and urine tests. The doctor also may perform one or more of the exams or tests described on the next pages.
* Pelvic exam - A woman has a pelvic exam to check the vagina, uterus, bladder, and rectum. The doctor feels these organs for any lumps or changes in their shape or size. To see the upper part of the vagina and the cervix, the doctor inserts an instrument called a speculum into the vagina.
* Pap test - The doctor collects cells from the cervix and upper vagina. A medical laboratory checks for abnormal cells. Although the Pap test can detect cancer of the cervix, cells from inside the uterus usually do not show up on a Pap test. This is why the doctor collects samples of cells from inside the uterus in a procedure called a biopsy.
* Transvaginal ultrasound - The doctor inserts an instrument into the vagina. The instrument aims high-frequency sound waves at the uterus. The pattern of the echoes they produce creates a picture. If the endometrium looks too thick, the doctor can do a biopsy.
* Biopsy - The doctor removes a sample of tissue from the uterine lining. This usually can be done in the doctor's office. In some cases, however, a woman may need to have a dilation and curettage (D&C). A D&C is usually done as same-day surgery with anesthesia in a hospital. A pathologist examines the tissue to check for cancer cells, hyperplasia, and other conditions. For a short time after the biopsy, some women have cramps and vaginal bleeding.
TreatmentMany women want to take an active part in making decisions about their medical care. They want to learn all they can about their disease and their treatment choices. However, the shock and stress that people may feel after a diagnosis of cancer can make it hard for them to think of everything they want to ask the doctor. It often helps to make a list of questions before an appointment. To help remember what the doctor says, patients may take notes or ask whether they may use a tape recorder. Some women also want to have a family member or friend with them when they talk to the doctor to take part in the discussion, to take notes, or just to listen.
The patient's doctor may refer her to doctors who specialize in treating cancer, or she may ask for a referral. Treatment generally begins within a few weeks after the diagnosis. There will be time for the woman to talk with the doctor about her treatment choices, get a second opinion, and learn more about uterine cancer.
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Vaginal Cancer Treatment in India at Mumbai and Delhi at Low Cost. - Health
Vaginal CancerOverview
What is the Vagina?
The vagina is a 3 to 4 inch (7 1/2 -10 cm) tube that at one end joins the cervix, the lower part of the uterus (womb), and at the other end opens onto the vulva, the external genitalia. The vagina is also called the birth canal. The vagina is usually in a collapsed state with its walls touching each other. The vaginal walls have many folds that help the vagina to open and expand during sexual intercourse or birth of a baby. Glands in the cervix secrete mucus to keep the vaginal lining moist.
What is Vaginal Cancer?
Cancer of the vagina, is a rare kind of cancer in women. In vaginal cancer, cancer (malignant) cells are found in the tissues of the vagina. The vagina is the passageway through which fluid passes out of the body during menstrual periods and through which a woman has babies. The vagina is also called the "birth canal." The vagina connects the cervix (the opening of the womb or uterus) and the vulva (the folds of skin around the opening to the vagina).
What are causes and risk factors for vaginal cancer?
Age and exposure to the drug DES (diethylstilbestrol) before birth affect a woman's risk of developing vaginal cancer.
Anything that increases your risk of getting a disease is called a risk factor.
Risk factors for vaginal cancer include the following: -
* Being aged 60 or older.
* Being exposed to DES while in the mother's womb. In the 1950s, the drug DES was given to some pregnant women to prevent miscarriage (premature birth of a fetus that cannot survive). Women who were exposed to DES before birth have an increased risk of developing vaginal cancer. Some of these women develop a rare form of cancer called clear cell adenocarcinoma.
* Having human papilloma virus (HPV) infection.
* Having a history of abnormal cells in the cervix or cervical cancer.
Signs and SymptomsVaginal cancer is a rare disease and makes up less than 3 percent of all gynecological cancers.
There are four different types of vaginal cancer, including: -
* Squamous Cell Cancer: - The most common type and usually occurs in the upper part of the vagina. It typically affects women between the ages of 50 and 70.* Adenocarcinoma: - The second most common type and usually affects women between the ages of 12 and 30, although it occassionally occurs in women of all age groups.* Malignant Melanomas Sarcomas: - Extremely rare forms of the disease.
It is important to know that even if you have had a hysterectomy, you can still develop vaginal cancer.
Risk FactorsAs with many cancers, the exact cause of vaginal cancer is not known for sure. However, some factors may increase a woman's risk for the disease, including:
* Smoking
* Age, women over the age of 50 are most commonly affected by squamous cell vaginal
* History of cervical cancer
* Having had a hysterectomy
* History of genital warts caused by the human papilloma virus (HPV)* Having had radiation therapy to the pelvic area
In addition, research has shown that young women whose mothers took a drug known as diethylstilbestrol (DES) are at a higher risk for developing the disease. The drug DES was given to pregnant women between 1945 and 1970 to prevent them from having miscarriages.
In some cases, vaginal cancer may not cause any symptoms and is detected by an abnormal Pap smear. However, some common symptoms of the condition include:
* Bleeding or discharge not related to menstrual periods
* Difficult or painful urination
* Pain during intercourse or in the pelvic area
DiagnosisIf you are experiencing any symptoms of vaginal cancer or other problems related to your vagina, you should visit a doctor immediately for a definite diagnosis. Your doctor will begin by asking about any symptoms you may be experiencing, as well as reviewing your medical history and conducting a thorough physical exam.
To determine the cause of your symptoms, the following tests may be performed: -
* Pelvic Exam - This test involves feeling the uterus, vagina, ovaries, fallopian tubes, bladder and rectum to find any abnormality in their shape or size.
* Pap Smear - As part of the pelvic exam, your doctor may conduct a Pap smear. He or she will use a piece of gently scrape the outside of the cervix and vagina with a small spatula and brush in order to pick up cells, which then can be analyzed for any abnormalities. Some pressure may be felt, but usually with no pain.
* Coloscopy - If any abnormal cells are found during your Pap smear, your doctor may recommend a coloscopy. During this exam, your doctor will use a colposcope, which is a small microscope to see your vagina in more detail. This is an outpatient procedure that takes about 10-15 minutes and is usually not painful, though may be a little uncomfortable.
*Biopsy - If any abnormal cells are found during your Pap smear, your doctor will then need to conduct a biopsy. During this procedure, a small sample of tissue is removed from the vagina and then examined under a microscope for any cancer cells.
* Computed tomography (CT) Scan - This imaging test takes a series of detailed pictures of areas inside the body. The pictures are created by a computer, which is linked to an X-ray machine. A special dye may be injected into a vein or swallowed to help the organs or tissues show up more clearly.
* Magnetic Resonance Imagining (MRI) - This is a painless non-invasive procedure that uses powerful magnets and radio waves to construct pictures of the body. Any imaging plane, or "slice" can be projected, stored in a computer, or printed on film. MRI can easily be performed through clothing and bones.
TreatmentTreatment for vaginal cancer typically involves surgery, radiation therapy and possibly chemotherapy. With surgery, some patients may need skin grafts and plastic surgery to make an artificial vagina. Some patients may need more than one type of treatment in combination.
At UCSF Medical Center, a team of cancer specialists and plastic surgeons work together to design the most effective treatment plan for your condition.
SurgerySurgery is the most common treatment for all stages of vaginal cancer.
A doctor may remove the cancer using one of the following: -
Laser Surgery: - A narrow beam of light is used to kill cancer cells. It may be used for the very earliest stages of when the cancer has been confined to the place of its origin which is also known as in situ cancer.
Wide Local Excision: - A type of surgery that removes the cancer and some of the tissue around it. A patient may need to have skin taken from another part of the body, or grafted, to repair the vagina after the cancer has been removed.
Vaginectomy: - In some cases, an operation in which the vagina is removed may be recommended. When the cancer has spread outside the vagina, vaginectomy may be combined with surgery to take out the uterus, ovaries and fallopian tubes. This is called a radical hysterectomy. During these operations, lymph nodes in the pelvis also may be removed.
Exenteration: - If the cancer has spread outside the vagina and the other female organs, the doctor may take out the lower colon, rectum or bladder depending on where the cancer has spread along with the cervix, uterus and vagina.
Radiation TherapyRadiation therapy uses X-rays or other high-energy rays to kill cancer cells and shrink tumors. Radiation may come from a machine outside the body, called external beam radiation therapy. Another form or radiation therapy, called internal radiation, works by placing materials that produce radiation, called radioisotopes, through thin plastic tubes into the area where the cancer cells are found. Radiation may be used alone, in combination with chemotherapy, or after surgery.
ChemotherapyChemotherapy uses drugs to kill cancer cells. Chemotherapy may be taken by pill, or it may be put into the body by a needle in a vein. Chemotherapy is called a systemic treatment because the drugs enter the bloodstream, travel through the body, and can kill cancer cells outside the vagina. Chemotherapy may be used in combination with radiation treatment, or alone.
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pittsburgh-news-blog · 11 years
Is celebrity gossip a marketing tool? - Society - Organizations
There are many people who are dedicated admirers of celebrities and therefore subscribe to celebrity gossip magazines. They even watch television and listen to radio programs, which share the stories of a few well-known people. Celebrity gossip is emerging as a crucial marketing tool. Celebrities are also realized that entertainment news portals are very famous and they are used for promotion as well as marketing. This opened a new age in which different celebrities used celebrity gossip websites for promoting their music albums, pictures and products too that they are supporting. If any movie is going to release, anybody can find out these date alerts on celebrity gossip websites about the main pair of the movie dating in actual life too. This sparks off the interest in the main stars of the movie. As a result, this helps in translating into sales for that particular movie.
Other details about the movie are provided on different entertainment websites. For showcasing the movie to the press, press junks are also organized. Celebrity gossip portals and magazines are used to cook up arguments surrounding a movie. Celebrity gossip columns go full of reports about the cherished scenes, which the movie has before its release. It could be between actors who are whispered to be dating and it could be between actors who do not see each other eye to eye. Entertainment websites like if an actor is doing romance with an ex onscreen. It is taken for the consideration that when a director can bring Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston for any movie together; casting will surely guarantee a great opening for the movie. Publicists of the movie only need to feed the rumor mills with fodder once in a while.
Celebrity gossip magazines work best for marketing and promotion aims, for example, the Carl Jr. burger ad. The celebrity gossip industry went silly writing about that ad and how Kim was projecting that act of eating a burger is like making love. Thanks to the interest of the entertainment news portals because that ad got more visibility. That ad was not able to get more visibility without the help of entertainment news portals. It also became a normal feature on You Tube too. The star-struck viewers did not care about the reality that whether Kim was really having those burgers.
Through Facebook, MySpace and Twitter, stars share the information about their upcoming activities and celebrity gossip portals take the benefit and take all the updates from these social media networking sites. On such social networking websites, they have their profile pages to stay connected with celebrity gossip websites rather than their fans. On these social networking sites, they even post their pictures of the recent dates, from time to time taking the help of fake profiles or anonymously, making them come off as leaked snaps. Entertainment sections have proven their significance by demanding this significance from different celebrities by the strength of their fame. It makes a difference to the celebrities whey they are written, talked about and that is what they exactly want.
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