piumadoeskpop · 7 years
I'm still alive
Hi Guys, I just wanted to say that I'm still alive ^^ I've been working on a lot of different projects lately so I hadn't had much time to continue the "Lie" series. But I'm working on it rn which means I'll post part 3 today or tomorrow so please bear with me ^^
- Piuma
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Summary: You and Jimin were childhood friends. You knew everything about him, well, at least you’d thought so. But soon you started to realize that your so called „BFF“ had a second identity. And before you knew it you were deep in the rabbit hole as well. Pairing: BTS (Mainly Jimin) x Reader Genre: Angst, Action, Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, some Fluff and maybe Smut-ish
——- Chapter 2 ——-
My “Best” Friend
Following the letter’s request, you were on your way to the rooftop of the school after the last period had ended. You were very curious and confused. “What does he want to talk about?”, you asked yourself. “Is he going to ask me about my nightmare? Or did he find out about my eye?"  "Miss (Y/N)?” You jumped up and turned around. Your teacher was standing behind you.  „Y-yes?“ „Are you alright? You were pale this morning. And it’s not likely of you to be distracted during class.“  „I’m perfectly fine, sir“, you assured him. „I just didn’t sleep that well last night. That’s all.“ „Okay, if you say so. Please make sure it doesn’t happen again. It would be a shame if your grades dropped because of that.“ „Yeah, you’re right.“ „Well, I have things to do. Farewell, Miss (Y/N).“ „Farewell.“ You looked after him. Suddenly you felt a chill roll down your spine.  Turning around you continued your way to the rooftop to meet Jimin.
You stood in front of the door to the rooftop. Your heart was beating like crazy. What was going to happen when you open the door? What was Jimin going to tell you? All these questions swirled around your head making you feel kinda dizzy. You inhaled deeply and gathered all your courage before opening the door. The cold wind blew into your face and ruffled your hair. The sky was gray so you assumed that it might rain soon. You looked around and saw Jimin standing near the roof fence while he was staring into the distance. You slowly approached him.  „Tell me, what did you dream last night? Only if you answer my question I’ll tell you the other thing“, you got startled by his sudden words. He turned around and looked at you with a skeptical look on his face. „W-Why do you want to know?“ you stuttered. He came closer to you and put his hand on your bandage. You wanted to step back but he already grabbed the bandage and tore it off your face. Shocked by his action you stood there with your mouth wide open. After a few seconds, you realized what happened and covered your purple/red eye. "So? What was this nightmare about? Hm?” he asked impatient. You took a few steps back but soon you found yourself leaning against the wall. He came closer and smashed his hand against the wall making sure you couldn’t escape. He grabbed your hand which was covering your eye and pushed it against the wall as well. You shut your eyes tightly.  “Open your eyes (Y/N), please.” Knowing how helpless you were in this situation you gave in and opened your eyes.  “Okay. Now look at me”, he demanded letting his grip loosen. You looked him in the eyes. His eyes widened and he turned his head away from you. He started mumbling to himself saying stuff like “It’s too late” and “I should have done it earlier”. Completely confused you stood there asking yourself what’s wrong with him. „Ähm, Jimin? Are you okay?“, you asked feeling extremely uneasy. He didn’t hear you so you tried to free your hand from his loose grip. Suddenly he snapped out of it and he pushed you against the wall one more time. “When did it happen?”, he shouted with eyes wide open and widened pupils. For a second it looked like his eyes turned light brown almost yellowish-golden. “I don’t know when it happened. It was probably somewhere between 3:30 am and when I woke up this morning”, you answered. You wriggled your wrist. “Can you please let go of me? It hurts, y'know?"  He let go of you and took a few steps back. He had his head lowered so you didn’t know what to do. You were confused and oblivious. What was going on? What did you miss?  "What’s going on, Jimin? Tell me, do you know anything about this?” you pointed at your eye. He didn’t say anything at all. In fact, he didn’t even move an inch. Deep inside of you something started brewing up. A mixture of confusion, anger, disappointment and curiosity. You got closer to Jimin and shook him. „Hey! Answer me! Do you know anything about this?“, you started to raise your voice. Disappointment and anger started taking over. Why was he hiding something from you? You were childhood friends. No, you were more than that, you were almost like brother and sister. You two haven’t had any secrets that the other person wouldn’t have known of. And yet you stood in front of your best friend who was obviously hiding something. You started feeling betrayed und hurt. Why? Why would he hide something from you? „HEY!“, you shouted. Jimin flinched for a second. He turned his head a little and when you were about to raise your voice again he quickly put his index finger in front of his lips.  “This is not the right place to talk about such things. Please try to continue your daily life as if nothing happened. But let me ask one favor of you. Don’t talk to anyone else about this and never take off that bandage. Okay?” He helped you putting your bandage back on. “How should I continue my daily life after this? And why is it not the right place?” “Just try it. And when someone asks you what happened just tell them you had an accident. Understood? I can’t tell you about it right now. I’ll tell you another time. But honestly, it would be better if you didn’t know.” He glanced over to the gate that kept people from falling off the rooftop. “We should go home, now”, he whispered. He nervously hesitated to the door that led downstairs. Confused you followed him. Was that person next to the door the Jimin you once knew? You couldn’t help but wondering.
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Are you still alive?
Yes, I am 😉And I’ll post Lie Part 2 in three days 😁
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
nosy anons let's go
0: Height
1: Age
2: Shoe size
3: Do you smoke
4: Do you drink?
5: Do you take drugs?
6: Age you get mistaken for
7: Have tattoos?
8: Want any tattoos?
9: Got any piercings?
10: Want any piercings?
11: Best
12: Relationship status
13: Biggest turn ons
14: Biggest turn offs
15: Favorite movie
16: I’ll love
you if...
17: Someone you miss
18: Most traumatic experience
19: A fact about your personality
20: What I hate most about myself
21: What I love most about myself
22: What I want to be when I get older
23: My relationship with my sibling(s)
24: My relationship with my parent(s)
25: My idea of a perfect date
26: My biggest pet peeves
27: A description
of the girl/boy I like
28: A description of the person
I dislike the most
29: A reason I’ve lied to a friend
30: What I hate the most about work
31: What my last text message says
32: What words upset me the most
33: What words make me feel the best about myself
34: What I find attractive in women
35: What I find attractive in men
36: Where I would like to live
37: One of my insecurities
38: My childhood career
39: My favorite ice cream flavor
40: Who I wish I could be
41: Where I want to be right now
42: The last thing I ate
43: Sexiest person
that comes to my mind immediately
44: A random fact about anything
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
10 Questions Tag
Rules: answer 10 questions and tag 10 people
Thank you Unnie for tagging me @iamawe50me 💖 What was the last movie you watched? Guardians of the Galaxy
What was the last song you listened to? Two! Three! (Hoping for better days) - BTS
What was the last show you watched? Game of Thrones
What was the last book you read?
What was the last thing you ate? Cornflakes
If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would you be? 
Next to my Boyfriend 🙈
To when would you time travel to?
I don’t really know… My wedding I guess 😅
What’s the first thing you’d do if you won the lottery? 
I’d probably buy a lot of gifts for my mom to thank her for always being there and taking care for/of me.
What character would you want to hang out with for a day? 
The entire Karasuno Volleyball Team 😂
What time is it right now? 
22:52 pm
I should study for the French Vocabulary Test tomorrow 😅 I tag @adorejinhao @llgalaxiall @kpop-ar and anyone else who wants to participate!!
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Summary: You and Jimin were childhood friends. You knew everything about him, well, at least you’d thought so. But soon you started to realize that your so called „BFF“ had a second identity. And before you knew it you were deep in the rabbit hole as well. Pairing: BTS (Mainly Jimin) x Reader Genre: Angst, Action, Mystery, Fantasy, Romance, some Fluff and maybe Smut-ish ------- Chapter 1 ------- The Day it all began „RUN (Y/N)! RUN!!“ Completely out of breath and bathed in sweat you woke up. You sat up to switch on the small lamp on your bedside table. You rubbed your eyes and sat on the edge of your bed letting your head and shoulders hang lose. „What in the world was that?“ You ran your hand through your hair and rubbed the back of your neck. All of a sudden your phone lit up. Someone was calling you. You leaned over to look at the display and somehow froze in place. You saw a message from your best friend. Not that there was anything special about that. He often wrote you messages late at night wishing you a good night and sweet dreams. But this time it was different. "Did you have a nightmare?" "How did he know?", you wondered. You decided not to answer his text. You lay back down and tried to sleep, but somehow your curiosity took over and you grabbed your phone to open up the chat. „Yeah, but it’s not that big of a deal“, you tried to assure him. „Are you sure?“ „Yes, I am. I’m going back to sleep, alright?“ „K, good night.“ „Good Night.“ You put your phone back on your beside table after checking the time. It was 3:30 am. Outside you could clearly hear tears hit the ground and the window glass. It wasn’t stormy or anything like that. It was just raining heavily. You lay back down and turned around a few times until you finally found a good sleeping position before falling back asleep. ——— You heard your alarm clock ring and sat up. Somehow your right eye was aching. You tried to ignore it. You stood up and walked to the bathroom to get your hair done but when you looked in the mirror you froze in place. The eye that was aching had a red/purple-ish color. You rubbed your eyes in disbelief, hoping that it was just a weird illusion from the light or something like that. As you opened your eyes you realized that it wasn't anything like that. Still oblivious over the entire situation you prepared yourself for school. Somehow you managed to cover up your eye with some sort of bandage. You were locking the entrance door to your house as all of a sudden a shadow appeared on the door. You slowly turned around, ready to fight who or whatever was behind you. But before you could identify the thing standing behind you, it put its arms around you. „Good Morning Princess“, a well-known voice said. You freed yourself and turned around to see Jimin smiling at you. "You jerk, I thought you were some kind of kidnapper!“ You kicked him in the knee. „Ouch, alright. Lesson learned. I won’t do it again.“ He laughed. He noticed the bandage in your face. „What happened to your beautiful face?“, his expression saddened. You turned your face away and covered your eye with your hand. „N-nothing happened. I think it’s a virus. Nothing serious, it just hurts a bit“, you tried to convince him. „Are you sure? I think you should see a doctor“, he said in a serious tone. „No, it’s alright. I promise.“ „Alright, if you say so. But let me have a look at it at least.“ You frozen in place trying to find an excuse to why you couldn’t show him your eye. „No, you can’t. It looks really weird and… and…“, he looked at you with a confused look on his face, „it’s very sensitive to light at the moment.“ You gave yourself a mental high-five for this excuse. „Alright, if you say so?“, he shook of the weird feeling he had about this whole situation, „anyways, how about we head to school?“ „Alright“, you said smiling at Jimin. And so the two of you headed to school talking about weird stuff you two liked so much. — „Who is she?“ „She’s his childhood friend. But their more like siblings ever since his parents took her in when she lost her parents in an accident.“ „How did she lose her parents?“ „There was a huge fire that burned down their mansion. Some say it was an accident but the police found out that it was an incendiary.“ "Does she know about her past? Furthermore does she know about her future?" "Probably not. Maybe she crowded it out because of the accident." "Hopefully. We'll just keep watching over her from a far." "Understood, my lord." — First period had started. You were sitting in the back row next to Jimin. As always you tried to follow the lesson, but today it was very difficult for you to concentrate properly. You got distracted very easily, your eye hurt and you were still confused over the fact that Jimin knew that you had a nightmare but didn’t say anything about it. From a far you heard someone calling your name. All of a sudden you heard a loud bang on your desk that dragged you out of your thoughts. You looked up to see the teacher standing in front of your desk. „So? What’s the answer Miss (Y/N)?“ He looked at you while swinging his ruler threateningly. "Uhm... I d-don't know", you whispered. "What did you say? Speak up, will you?" "I don't know the answer." "I know, so stop daydreaming in class and concentrate!" "Yes, sir." He turned around and moved on with his lesson. You looked over to Jimin for a second but he was writing something on a piece of paper. A few seconds later he threw that piece of paper on your desk. You looked at the writing and were shocked for a moment. "We need to talk. I have to tell you something important. Let's meet at the rooftop after school."
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
T.O.P. Imagine
Imagine being on Ghost Seunghyun’s broadcast. - Piuma
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
DK Imagine
Imagine acting in a K-Drama together with DK. <br/> <br/> - Piuma
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Mingyu Imagine
Imagine going grocery shopping with Mingyu. <br/> <br/> -Piuma
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
For being so nice and cute, copy this to 10 other bloggers that you think are wonderful. Keep the GAME going and make others feel beautiful! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Awe~ Thank you 💖 You’re wonderful too 💖
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Quick Update
I’m going to start a new series called “Lie” 🎉 It’s a BTS (mainly Jimin) x Reader series and I’m probably going to post the first chapter next week or so ^^ There’s still one Jimin x J-Hope x Reader request that I have to finish, but I’ll post it asap ^^ If you have a request or idea, just send it in ^^ And if you want to ask me a question or say hello, then do it ^^ I love to communicate with you guys 💖 Thanks for your support 💖 Have a good day/noon/afternoon/evening/night 💖 - Piuma
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Thanks for the story
Your welcome ☺️And thanks for your feedback 💖I'm glad you like it 🙈💖
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Hallo, nimmst du wieder requests an und wenn ja, für welche gruppen? :)
Ich nehme immer Requests an 😌Nur poste ich sie nicht immer gleich 😅
Hier ist eine Liste:
• BTS• Seventeen• Big Bang • Got7 • Monsta X• Day6
Das sind die Hauptgruppen, aber ich probiere auch gerne etwas Neues aus ^^ Ich habe ja für meine Freundin ein Yongguk Scenario geschrieben (obwohl ich nicht viel über ihn oder B.A.P. weiss 😅).
- Piuma
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Coffee and Fashion
Hi sweetie! I ADOREEEEE your scenarios! Would you mind making a T.O.P. x male reader one? Where male reader is a 20 y/o boy working in a big city and meets Choi for the first time in a cafe and TOP finds interest in him, visiting him at work (in a fashion mall) and eventually going out on a date? <3 THANK UUUU!
Requested by @lecouturist
Thank you for this request 💖 And thank you for the compliment ☺️ I hope you like it ^^ And I apologize for taking so long 😅
- Piuma
Coffee and Fashion
“Ah, excuse me, young man. Can I sit here?” You look up to find yourself looking into the eyes of a handsome, young man. “Oh, of course. Hold on, let me just remove my bag real quick.” “Thank you very much.” He sits down. You look at him more closely and notice that he’s wearing designer clothes. The same ones you sell in the boutique you work at. “Are these Karl Lagerfeld clothes?” “Why yes, they are. How did you know?” “I work in a Karl Lagerfeld Boutique just around the corner.” “I knew I’ve seen you somewhere before. What’s your name?” “My name is (Y/N).” “(Y/N), eh? What a wonderful name. My name is Choi Seunghyun. Nice to meet you.” He sticks out his hand. “Nice to meet you too Seunghyun.” “So, do you come here often?” “Sometimes. I usually come here to read or study.” “What do you study?” “Fashion. I want to become a fashion designer one day.” You’re eyes start to sparkle as you tell Seunghyun about your ideas. Seunghyun listens to what you tell him about your dreams and smiles, thinking how cute you look when you talk about your passion. “-or how about a suit with-”, your phone starts ringing, “oh my goodness, it’s already this late! I’m sorry Seunghyun, I have to get to work. Sorry that I talked your ear off.” You smile at him while packing your stuff. He smiles back. “No, it was really interesting. I’d love to see some of your designs someday. Or even wear one of them in the future.” “Sure, I can show you some of them if you want to”, you take your bag, “alright, goodbye Seunghyun, Hopefully we’ll meet again.” You turn around and run out of the café. Seunghyun looks after you until you disappear in the crowd outside of the café. “(Y/N), hm? What a good-looking, young man.“
"It’s been a week since I met Seunghyun”, you think while cleaning up the changing room. “I wonder what he’s doing.” All of a sudden someone taps you on your shoulder. You turn around to see Seunghyun standing in front of you. “Oh my god, Seunghyun. What are you doing here?” “I wanted to see you.” “Why?” “Because I felt like it. Also, I wanted to ask for your phone number.” “Okay… wait, what? You want my number?” “Yeah, why not?” “Well, okay…?” You give him your number. “Thanks”, he smiles at you, “alright then, I need your help. There’s this special event going on and I need a new suit. Could you help me choose one?” “Of course I can.” You show him the new suit collection of Karl Lagerfeld. He looks at them and turns back to you. “How about you chose one for me? Or even better, how about you make one for me?” You look at him with big eyes. “Are you serious?” “Of course”, he smiles at you. “Oh by the way, I added you on snapchat, if that’s okay.” “Ehm, sure. Alright, let’s take your measures.” You start to ask him questions on how he wants his suit to look like. “What colour should it be?” “Your favorite colour.” “Oh, ehm. Okay? Then… bow or tie?” “A tie. I like ties. By grabbing someone’s tie, you can pull them closer to you”, he looks at you with a slightly longing look on his face but turns his head as soon as you look at him.
“Alright, I think I have an idea. I’ll call you as soon as I finish, okay?” “Sounds great, looking forward to it.” You escort him to the door. “Hey (Y/N), would you like to… I don’t know… go to the café shop with me and have a coffee?” “Oh… sure. When?” “How about today after work?” “Alright, come back at 5pm and I’ll show you one of my favorite cafés.” “Sounds great. See ya later.” He leans in for a quick kiss on the cheek before he runs out of the boutique. Completely oblivious about what the heck just happened you stand there for a sec and look after him. You can feel your heart skip a beat. “Did he just…”, you shake your head, “Never mind, maybe he doesn’t mean it like that.” You go back to work.
Even though you have a lot of things to do, you start working on the suit for him. And while your at it you work out some sort of conversation you could have with him when you show him your favorite café. Every now and then you look at your phone to see what time it is. But it passes very slowly (just like always when you’re looking forward to something special). You try to figure out why he’s given you a kiss. What does it mean? Does he like you? Or is it just his way of saying goodbye or thank you? You look outside the store window at the white snowflakes falling from the sky and decide to ask him these question when you walk to the café.
Finally the time has come. You change clothes and walk up to the entrance where Seunghyun has already been waiting. „Hey, how long have you already been waiting?“ „I just arrived here.“ He’s obviously lying. You can see his red cheeks from the cold weather, which means he’s been standing outside for quiet a while. „Liar.“ Seunghyun starts to laugh. „You’re right. I’ve been standing here for a while now, but it was worth. I mean after all I’ve been waiting for you.“ You blush a little and turn your head away. „How about we get going?“, he asks you. You nod and smile at him. Immediately he grabs your hand and the two of you walk towards the centre of the city. You’re still fighting with yourself whether you should ask him these questions or not, so you decide to overcome your fear and ask. But as soon as you open your mouth Seunghyun starts to talk. „Hey, I have a question“, he asks and stops walking. „Hm? What is it?“ „Would you like to join me to that special event I was talking about just a few hours ago?“ „M-me?“ „Yeah, why not?“ „But I’m just some guy you met in a café!“ „So what“, he gets closer to you, „you know, I really like you. Well even more then that“, he leans in to whisper into your ear, „I think I fell in love with you.“ Deep inside you feel a strange feeling. A mixture of happiness, disbelief and surprise. You look at him. “Well if you want to…”, you turn your head away to hide your embarrassment. “Alright, then it’s going to be our first official date”, he turns your head back and holds it gently in his hands before leaning in for a kiss. You can feel the butterflies in your stomach go crazy. He takes a step back to look at you and smiles. “Alright let’s go. I want to see your favorite café.”
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Hi friend 😁 I really really enjoyed your last scenario that you did for me, and I’m excited for another! Can I request a scenario/imagine with Yongguk from B.A.P? If you don’t mind, can Yongguk be my friend, that likes me more than friend, but that’s been struggling with holding in his feelings? I like him too. One day when he was just hanging out around my apartment—playing with my baby cousins (hence the short clip from the tweet)—he accidentally got upset because the children were getting hard to handle and he blurted out his feelings? Can this be fluffy, comedic, maybe small amount of angst, but romantic/a kiss or two, and especially cute scenes between him and the kids? I hope I didn’t ask for too much, but let your creativity flow and do what feels right, I trust you! 😊 - requested by my dear friend @iamawe50me Hope you like this one too Unnie ^^ - Piuma ----- Playtime "You want me to do... what?", Yongguk asked surprised and confused. "I want you to help me babysit my baby cousins." you repeated. "Why me?", he asked. "Because you still owe me a favor." He groaned. "Fine... I'll be there in a few minutes." "Yay, I'll unlock the door for you so you can enter as soon as you arrive." "Thanks." ----- Yongguk's POV "Haaa, why me~", he sighed as he arrived at the door of your apartment. He looked at the door right in front of him. "Alright Yongguk, calm down. Do you have the rose?" He looked at the rose in his right hand. "Yup. Do you have her favorite snack?" He checked his bag. "Yup. Alright then." He opened the door slowly and entered. "Hello? (Y/N)? You there?" He took off his shoes and started walking around your apartment. He entered the living room, but you weren't there. Then he went to the kitchen where he put down his bag filled with snacks. He grabbed a vase, filled it up with water for the rose and placed it on the kitchen table. Then he went back to the corridor. "(Y/N)! Where are you?" He walked up to your bedroom door. "There's no way she's in there", he said as he opened the door. Asleep and surrounded by your sleeping baby cousins you were lying on your bed. He came up to you and shook his head. "Even when you're asleep you look adorable", he said while stroking your cheek gently. All of a sudden you woke up. ----- Your POV You looked up to a petrified Yongguk and laughed. "What are you doing?", you asked giggling. All of a sudden you realized you were in bed with your cousins. "Oh my goodness, did I fall asleep?" Yongguk pulled back his hand and turned around, walking towards the door. He tried to hide his blushing face. You got up, ran to the door to grabbed his hand. "Hey, where are you going?" He tried to look straight forward. "I'm going to the kitchen. I brought us some snacks." "Oh, that's so nice of you. I'll come with you." You went to the kitchen where you noticed the rose. "Where did this rose come from?", you said while grabbing a bowl for one of the snacks. "Oh... well...", he started stuttering. All of a sudden one of the babies started crying and screaming. "Oh no, not again. Can you look after the babies real quick? I have to get some stuff from my aunts house. If they cry you just have to give them their dummy or feed them. I've already prepared everything." "Wait, what?!" "I have to go, bye." "No-" You closed the door behind you. "Ahhhh, why are you doing this to me (Y/N)?", he sighed. He went to your bedroom to pick up the crying baby. "Please stop crying little baby." He started making funny faces. When the baby saw him, it stopped crying and started giggling. Meanwhile the other one woke up too and started giggling. "There you go little one." He picked up the other baby and went to the living room with them where he put them down on a blanket on the floor. He sat down next to the babies and started playing with them. He made funny faces and funny voice to make your baby cousins laugh. He even walked around the living room with them so they could practice walking. ----- When you came back he was trying to feed the babies. "I'm back." "What took so long?", he asked jokingly. "Hehe, sorry, my aunt was asleep when I rang the bell. It took her 10min to realize that there was someone at the door." "Now I know where you got it from." He started giggling. "Tsk, whatever." You started to giggle as well. "I have to get the bags from the car. I'll be back in a sec." He shook his head once again. All of a sudden the babies started crying and walking towards the door. He ran after them and picked them up. "Shhh, shhh, don't cry. She'll be back in a sec." He tried to feed them again but they kept on crying. "Why are you crying all of a sudden. She was gone for like 25min and it was no problem for you back then." No matter what he did, they didn't stop crying. "Oh come on, don't cry. Look, look." He tried to make them laugh by doing funny faces again. But it didn't work. In the meantime you came back and rushed to the children which started to calm themselves after seeing you. "What happened Yongguk? Why were they crying?" "I DON'T KNOW", he shouted. "I HAVE NO IDEA. ALL OF A SUDDEN THEY STARTED CRYING AND I COULDN'T HANDLE IT. I THOUGHT THAT THIS WAS GOING TO BE A RELAXED AFTERNOON WHERE I CAN HANG OUT WITH MY CRUSH BUT THEN-", he immediately covered his mouth. You looked at him surprised by his word and his outburst. You let it sink in for a moment. "D-did you just say 'hang out with my crush'?" "Ehm, well..." "DID you or DIDN'T you say it?" He lowered his head and nodded. Silence. All of a sudden you started giggling. He looked up confused. You smiled at him. "You'd make a great comedian, Yongguk." He clicked his tongue. "So you think I'm joking?", he said while coming closer. You turn your head away. "Well, I wouldn't say you're joking, but there's no way you'd be in love with m-", he turned your head (so you'd have to look at him) and kissed you. You tried to push him away out of instincts but you couldn't. He leaned back a little to look you in the eyes. "So tell me, am I still joking?", he said with a serious tone. "I still can't really believe that this is true. So... I don't know." He leaned in for another kiss. This time even more passionate than before. "What about now? I'll keep on doing this until you can answer my question." "Alright, alright. You weren't joking at all. Okay? Geez. But you have to tell me properly, alright?" He giggled. "Alright. (Y/N), I love you. Ever since I first laid eyes on you, I've been in love with you. What about you?" You lowered your head and smiled. "I love you too, Yongguk."
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Hii, here a new scenario for you ^^ You go to school with J-Hope and Jimin and they are both in love with you. Be creative ;-) Looking forward to seeing how it will end. Btw: I love your scenarios and thought i should request one too how and see what comes out 😉🤗
Thank you for your request 💖 And thanks for this lovely compliment ☺️ I think I already have something in mind 😁Important Information to the others who requested a scenario:I'll post them this weekend ^^ So stay tuned 💖- Piuma
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piumadoeskpop · 8 years
Ich habe mal ein Grobkonzept zusammen gestellt ^^ Ich muss es jetzt nur noch niederschreiben :)
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