piusughakpoteni · 2 years
In case you missed it
In case you missed it
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piusughakpoteni · 3 years
In Case You Missed It.... Panacea for Niger Delta
In Case You Missed It…. Panacea for Niger Delta
Yinka Olatunbosun Pius O. Ughakpoteni’s literary effort titled, “Making the Niger Delta Work’’ serves a unique purpose of deconstructing the hazy picture of the Niger Delta. The subject is almost an over flogged one in national discourse and every opinion maker seems to have a valid point. However, deciding whether this author has a superior argument for solving the problem of development in…
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piusughakpoteni · 4 years
In Case You Missed It... Panacea for Niger Delta
In Case You Missed It… Panacea for Niger Delta
Yinka Olatunbosun Pius O. Ughakpoteni’s literary effort titled, “Making the Niger Delta Work’’ serves a unique purpose of deconstructing the hazy picture of the Niger Delta. The subject is almost an over flogged one in national discourse and every opinion maker seems to have a valid point. However, deciding whether this author has a superior argument for solving the problem of development in…
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piusughakpoteni · 4 years
Advancing, step by step, on the Corporate Sustainability Academic Turf
Advancing, step by step, on the Corporate Sustainability Academic Turf
Tuesday, 27 October 2020 is unquestionably a remarkable day for me on several notes. One, it is the birthday of one of my daughters. One of my earliest assignments of the day was to convey best wishes to and pray for her. Plus, of course, sending plenty her of cakes and drinks on WhatsApp. Not too long after, I received the cheery news that Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala had scaled all the hurdles to…
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piusughakpoteni · 4 years
Town and Gown for Good of All: Searching for C-suite Executives to Cocreate Practical Insights on Leadership for Corporate Sustainability Performance Advancement
Town and Gown for Good of All: Searching for C-suite Executives to Cocreate Practical Insights on Leadership for Corporate Sustainability Performance Advancement
No matter how disruptive COVID-19 has been, it has a few far-reaching lessons for humanity. One of the most poignant lessons, for me, is the vulnerability of existing systems and the fragility of all amidst continual disconnectedness. The best systems amount to nothing, without regard for the good of all. Similarly, the strongest of us is no better than a weakling, in the absence of concern for…
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piusughakpoteni · 4 years
Check out "The Green Swans Bookclub with Rebecca Henderson - hosted by Volans"
Check out “The Green Swans Bookclub with Rebecca Henderson – hosted by Volans”
https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-green-swans-bookclub-with-rebecca-henderson-hosted-by-volans-tickets-119646745637?aff=estw&utm-campaign=social&utm-content=attendeeshare&utm-medium=discovery&utm-source=tw&utm-term=checkoutwidget @EventbriteUK
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piusughakpoteni · 4 years
Request for C-suite Executives’ Participation in a Doctoral Research Online Focus Group Discussion on C-Suite Leadership for Advancing Corporate Sustainability Performance in Nigeria
Request for C-suite Executives’ Participation in a Doctoral Research Online Focus Group Discussion on C-Suite Leadership for Advancing Corporate Sustainability Performance in Nigeria
I’m a Doctorate of Business Administration candidate at Business School Lausanne, conducting research on how C-suite executives’ leadership fosters the advancement of Corporate Sustainability Performance (CSP) in Nigeria-based organisations.
Since the exigencies of the current Covid-19 pandemic limit face-to-face contacts, I would like to conduct online focus group discussion with C-suite…
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piusughakpoteni · 5 years
via Home
As she cuts her teeth gradually in the Public Relations and Journalisn field, my daughter unveils her blog…
Please visit the blog and leave your comments.
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piusughakpoteni · 5 years
What am I?
It is often said that we cannot question God. Widely held as this idea, I wonder if I entirely agree with it. Yes, as a handiwork of the All-knowing Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, what am I to question Him for any predicament of mine? What am I to question Him for the apparent non-manifestation, for now, of whatever I have asked Him for? What am I to question whatever path it…
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piusughakpoteni · 5 years
What am I?
It is often said that we cannot question God. Widely held as this idea, I wonder if I entirely agree with it. Yes, as a handiwork of the All-knowing Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, what am I to question Him for any predicament of mine? What am I to question Him for the apparent non-manifestation, for now, of whatever I have asked Him for? What am I to question whatever path it…
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piusughakpoteni · 5 years
What am I?
It is often said that we cannot question God. Widely held as this idea, I wonder if I entirely agree with it. Yes, as a handiwork of the All-knowing Beginning and the End, the First and the Last, what am I to question Him for any predicament of mine? What am I to question Him for the apparent non-manifestation, for now, of whatever I have asked Him for? What am I to question whatever path it…
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piusughakpoteni · 6 years
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piusughakpoteni · 6 years
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piusughakpoteni · 8 years
Work in Progress
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piusughakpoteni · 10 years
When I am in bad mood I feel better knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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piusughakpoteni · 10 years
When I am in bad mood I feel better knowing that I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.
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piusughakpoteni · 10 years
An elderly neighbour said to me yesterday, that his people have a saying; in every endeavour, two things are paramount. One is getting started. The other is finishing the endeavour.
I have been reflecting on this and somehow, agree. Beginning an endeavour requires enormous courage. But then, seeing the endeavour through to the end is more tasking. But tasking as it is, finishing could be very exciting and rewarding. The excitement and reward associated with finishing, sometimes constitute the fuel for sustaining the momentum till the end.
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