piyanomsublogger · 3 months
how i managed to shift 62 times
This is my go to method that I use most times I shift. I shift using sleep paralysis about 4 times a week and successfully. I like this method because it puts me in the thoughtless state which allows me to shift and allows me to focus. You don’t need to focus to shift but when I don’t I tend to just not want to shift anymore because I’m so consumed with other thoughts. This is not the void, however. I first shifted with this about four years ago, and have shifted with this method about 62 times that I consciously remember.
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Step one: I can’t focus at all when I close my eyes and even if I do it in the day I take a nap. So for whatever reason I put my feet up on the wall. And I shifted the first time I tried. This helps me because even when I do nod off I wake up not long after. And I can actually focus on where I want to go. So I put my feet up usually with a blanket covering my legs and feet. It doesn’t have to be super high up where you’re uncomfortable. Just something even slightly raised helped me lots. I usually stay still because it puts my body to sleep and calms me. But you don’t have to if it’s too uncomfortable.
Step two: Oh, I’m usually listening to a playlist that reminds me of the place I’m shifting to or a moment or memory from my dr. That way I’m not scared by the silence when the sleep paralysis kicks in. Play it quietly so you don’t get annoyed and pick songs that aren’t too distracting. It should just kind of blend in the background. Then I start thinking about memories of my dr and moments. Usually in first person unless I’m looking at photos in my memories. If I nod off, I usually wake up from the unusual position and begin affirming naturally.
Step three: I usually forget I’m affirming and just shift immediately. I open my eyes and then I’m there. Or I get sleep paralysis where I affirm and think I’m there. And I wake up in my dr pretty soon after.
I’ve never failed with this method because I think it just fits well with me. It’s loosely structured and hits all my strengths in visualization, affirmations and so on. So I’d try this for three nights and if it doesn’t work. Apply what did and drop what didn’t. Anyways I’m so excited to shift for the summer to Okinawa. I think this one is just going to be a solo adventure with me and my five dogs. I might permashift from there but I don’t know yet. Does anyone else like to shift for holidays?
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Happy shifting lovelies, you got this!
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piyanomsublogger · 10 months
my void success story💞🦋
(1st void story)
it’s 7:30 pm right now and i got into the void last night and i’ve been processing everything ALL DAYY… chilleeee it’s overwhelmingly exciting!
so in this post i’ll tell y’all HOW i got into the void and WHAT i manifested. but yall the way i woke up is my favoritee thing ever🥰
***long post ahead***
nowww how did i get into the void
i got in at night but anytime works as y’all know
1. i did a meditation [for the 1st time] a little bit before going to bed just because .. that shits super relaxing 10/10 recommend
2. anyway i set an alarm for 5 hours cause i read it somewhere that when you do, you get sleep paralysis so mmhm that’s what i did
3. i went to sleep with the intention of the void being easy to get into and yeah. it was a cool lil 5 hours.
4. thennnn my loud ass alexa alarm went off i told her to shut up and i just lied there.. they key is when the alarm goes off you don’t open your eyes and don’t move too much. this will get your body into SP. then your mind is awake and your body is dead asleep.
*in case it wasn’t obvious already make sure you’re not falling asleep again after waking up*
6. igh so boom… here we are now in SP . at this point i just repeated a few void affirmations. and i started getting THEE floating feeling, i was elevating the WHOLE time til i stopped.. then i got this falling feeling. i literally fell all the way from where i was and then i slowed down. right after i felt this shift .. AND BOOM BITCH I WAS IN THE VOIDD!!!! it was pitch black and the rest of the other stuff you experience when you’re in the void . moving on .
all i said was “gimme the life i’ve been deserving of” and i was out that ho. 🏎
tbh i wasn’t even scared cause i was ready for any of the symptoms .
so now what you probably wanna know. what did i manifesttt ???
so overall, i basically got my dream life so here’s kinda what that looks like
🦋my physical appearance: i got my desired face and body, as well as going from itty bitty 5’2 to big mf heavy stepper 5’8 mmmhmm. i reduced my titties and shii 😂 i had really ugly finger nails but they look really well kept now: and my toenails. they look like girl toes now. my skinnnn.. i can’t stop touching it.. it’s so soft 😌
🦋a lil boo thang or whatever: ooouu i’m not gon say teww much butttt.. yall i’m allll about black love so y’all already knoww… darkskin, muscular, gives THE best hugs ANDDD he’s from brooklyn, ny. and he got the accent and his voice is deep and a lil 🤏🏽 raspy ughhh ifykyk
🦋 tesla model y and my driver’s license: so i’m 17 and i didn’t get my license at 16 like most do. i actually didn’t even go to drivers ed fr. but that all changed of courseee. and to go with it i got a tesla. i got a black exterior , white interior , model y . i got in the car and knew exactly what to do lmao i was mind blown and overwhelmed with excitement.
🦋 my parents allowing me and my sisters to smoke: ok, i would like to start with the fact that my parents are african ok? and ifykyk! so me and my older sister like to smoke a lil weed and obviously my parent weren’t cool w that but they are now and it’s so weirddd.. like me and her go to the backyard and smoke and they just ignore it.. my dad yell at the fact that we smoke in MY SISTERS car tho and i’m like bro it NOT YOUR CARRR. he need to relax, he need some weed fr.
🦋desired friend group: i live in a predominantly white area and please don’t get me wrong but i just feel like i connect with my sistas better. but again where i live limits that so y’all already know wtf i did. i manifested 3 close friends and they really make my life so much better 💞
🦋moneyyy ofc: nothing much to say but i definitely won’t be worrying about money
🦋a fun life: i go out w friends , my bf takes me on fancy dates , i have a car now, so i take my little sister shopping and i love spoiling her . school is so easy so i don’t worry about it, my days are productive but fun, i have a great social life. and i’m traveling next weeekk.
🦋school goes by fast: even though i have late arrival bc ima senior i be tryna gtfo
🦋i got a cat: vivi is my munchkin kitten she’s so so tiny and i love her but i swear she love my man more than she love me bro.. ion know i might have to get on her ass.
🦋instant manifestation forever and perfect self concept: i would say my sc before the void was decent but now it’s perfect and that was the goal. and my manifestations are instant. seconds…
that about wraps this post right tf up. uhh like i said i’ve been adjusting to my new life , experiencing new things , just enjoying my life with no job , all the money i need and my only priority being school .
if y’all want the story about how i woke up from the void lemme know and i might make a post on it .
have a great morning , afternoon , evening , or night
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piyanomsublogger · 10 months
First of all, know that the void is very real!!! I entered it a few hours ago for the first time intentionally!😭
Second of all, you don’t need a good “void concept” for this. This is too powerful of a method to need to have an assumption that the void is easy to enter. It’s just like falling asleep when you’re really tired, how you’re entering the void when really relaxed. It’s impossible to fail.
Step 1: Get into a comfortable position.
Step 2: Get into the alpha state using a guided meditation or without. I like to do it without by counting down from 12 to 1 whilst visualising there numbers as you count them in your head. Then count down from 13 to 1 without visualising. This will get you into the alpha state. (You don’t have to be fully in the alpha state but it helps, just be really relaxed).
Step 3: I know people tell you to affirm for the void at this point BUT YOU NEED TO BE DISTRACTED!!! Visualise a scene in your head and let it distract you. You can even play your favourite song in the background (in your head, don’t actually put music on). You can do those separately or simultaneously. This will get you really distracted and not focusing on the 3D anymore. Then you will end up in the void! BOOM! There you go. It’s literally guaranteed results, it’s too effective to not work. Anyways have fun living your dream life!! Bye!!!!
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piyanomsublogger · 10 months
How to Enter/ Wake up in the void state instantly Using the Phase method ꨄ︎
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Hii loves, Today i decided to make an Guide Based on the Popular method ' The Phase '. You can either use it to wake up in the void , or affirm while you are in the Phase. It literally Takes Seconds , based on astral projection Success stories , I have read. Its a tried and tested technique that hundreds of participants have participated in . And Guess what ? Within 2-3 days, Everyone was having reported Success with it. Also this method is ADHD Friendly and also does not require you to mediate or affirm for a long time. The phase method can be used to lucid dream and shift also .
"Interesting Fact" -
" Indirect techniques are mainly to thank for our 80% success rate over only 2 days of attempts at three-day seminars, even in groups of 50 people and more. Once, more than half of the group had a phase experience by the second day."
✩⋆୨♡୧⋆. ⁺ ⋆
The Phase Method ( Original Method ) :
On the night before , go to bed at your usual time and set your alarm so that you will only sleep for 6 Hours. When the alarm goes off , you may go to the bathroom, drink a glass of water , whatever you want to do. Try do something relaxing , read a book. Scroll through your phone , If you want. Relax or chill for about 10 - 15 minutes.
Go to bed laying on your back , if you can't fall asleep then you can sleep on your side. Then repeat an intention in your mind , Eg, " I will wake up soon and enter the void ". Reason why this works, because just as you falling asleep you are in a self hypnotic state of mind , so you signalling your subconscious , what you to do when you wake up.
STEP 3 : WHEN YOU WAKE UP, DO NOT MOVE ( You may breathe normally)
Close your eyes immediately and do a separation technique.
I will share one from the ' Phase ' :
" Peer into the void before your closed eyes for 3 to 5 seconds. If nothing occurs, switch to another technique. If you see any kind of imagery, peer into it until it becomes realistic. Once it is, separate from the body right then and there, or allow yourself to be pulled into the imagery. When peering at imagery, it's important not to scrutinize details, lest the image wash away. You'll need to look through the picture, which will make it more realistic."
✩⋆୨♡୧⋆. ⁺ ⋆
How to get into the Void state within Seconds Using the Phase Method :
Affirming In the Phase :
♡ Set your Alarm for 2.4 hours or 6 Hours Ahead. Also remember this technique involves using Rem sleep. Rem sleep occurs Every 90 minutes when we are asleep. So setting your alarm For 2.4 Hours Ahead is ok too.
♡ Wake Up and do something for about 15 minutes , go to the bathroom etc. Just Chill or relax for these minutes.
♡ Go back to bed with an intention. Your intention will be for the void " I will wake up soon and enter the void". Try and lay in a position that is comfortable with you.
♡ When you wake up , Do not move. Because this technique causes you to wake up in the mind awake and body asleep state. Start affirming for the Void State. Imagine your body entering the void and keep on Affirming. This causes your consciousness to detach naturally because you are in the phase.
Waking up in the Void by using Phase and Commanding your Subconscious Method :
♡ Set your Alarm for 2.4 or 6 Hours Ahead.
♡ Wake Up and do something for about 15 minutes , go to the bathroom etc.
♡ Then lay flat on your back and get relaxed . Set an command or intention to the subconscious
My command to the Subconscious " As soon as I fall asleep I will wake up in the void aware ".
And you'll wake up aware in the void state !
✩⋆୨♡୧⋆. ⁺ ⋆
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piyanomsublogger · 2 years
I can't believe I acctually did it! I will be splitting this post onto sections and titling them in red because this is going to be a long one.
My Void Journey + Failures
I've known about the void state for a long time now, since Moza Morph's meditation (June 1st) but I didn't really understand it and keep procastinatinf on it until recently when I joined LOA tumblr. I binged a lot of posts and started to understand what it really was and I found a method I really liked (play alpha waves to enter alpha state and the affirm until you enter). I reached out to some people who entered successfully and got a lot of advice and I even started feeling some symptoms. However, in this journey, I ruined my sleep schedule because I would be doing this at night and then, when I was attempting the void state and was super close, I got extremely exhausted to the point where I couldn't continue affirming. I realized that I needed to fix my sleep schedule first before trying again because I was just too tired. So I just decided to take a break and unfortunately fell back into my procrastination cycle 🙃 I decided to take a break to fix my sleep schedule but I would just stay up late on tumblr or watching anime and keep on pushing back entering the void state.
What Motivated Me To Get In
So multiple things happened at the same time to motivate me. My life situation took a very negative turn and I felt very trapped and then I read these 2 posts on tumblr that just kind of gave me a wake up call. The posts:
I kept procrastinating on the void state, making excuses and goofing off, except this is my life that I'm playing with and I just needed to stop all the bs and just enter the void state. I highly suggest everyone procastinating reads these two posts.
How I Entered the Void State
So the way I entered the void state was acctually really surprising because I didn't really mean to lol. As I mentioned, my sleep schedule was so trash and I needed to fix that first. Under a sleep mediation video, someone recommended this video for mind awake body asleep binaural beats that they said helped them sleep and give them really good dreams:
I decided to listen to it and was laying starfish position and just affirming "I am the void" over and over. My intention was to fall asleep while doing the lullaby method for void state so that when I fixed my sleep schedule, I would enter the void state easily. However, in like 25 minutes, I realized I was in sleep paralysis. I had been feeling symptoms and twitches but i just kept firm and just kept affirming until I was fully in sleep paralysis. Even after sleep paralysis, I just kept affirming "i am the void" and then I started getting the symptoms for the void (being pulled up and then dropping) and then I ended up entering the void!
My Thoughts on My Method
I didn't really pay attention to what the beats were for, like I just saw the word asleep and ran with it but I realize now that it's a video to induce sleep paralysis. As someone who's wasted many nights trying to induce sleep paralysis before when sleep paralysis was the trend, I highly recommend this to anyone who's trying to do it. I've tried plenty of methods that all failed but this did the trick. I highly recommend this post if you want to learn about how sleep paralysis makes manifesting easy.
Once you enter sleep paralysis, entering the void state is a piece of cake!
What I Manifested
I had a whole void list that I just affirmed to come true. I'm not going to share everything because im not trying to write an essay but I got my desired face (I always thought it was kinda creepy how people wanted to look like other people so I didn't really have any ideas on what I wanted to look like but my subconscious mind pulled through and I look so pretty and stared at myself for like a good 20 minutes lol), desired body and height, hairless body (no more shaving!!!!), clear skin, already been moved out of my abusive household (i basically revised my past because i woke up in an apartment that I've been living in for a while now even though i used to be stuck in my abusive household where my parents wouldnt even let me leave unless it was for school or work), never having to interact with my parents again, graduated college already (i hated school because i just dislike studying for tests and annoying group projects and my parents forced me to major in something i hated and even after 2 and a half years in it, i still hate the major so much but now ive already graduated last summer), and work full time in my desired job (so the reason i didn't manifest studying in college with a different major is because i worked an internship and fell in love with the job and the company BUT i would need a degree in the major to move up from an internship to a full time job but now, the story has changed that I graduated with my degree and have been a full time employee for a while now 😄).
I'm Going to Immediately Fix Your Self Concept for the Void
Self concept about the void was never an issue for me. For a very little bit, i used to have a pretty trash self concept on the void until I really thought about it and fixed it pretty easily and never really doubted the void again. So how did I do it? Well first, think about all these success stories on tumblr (@voidsuccess compiled a lot of them). Do you really think every single one of them is lying? Okay, maybe all 100+ stories are lying. Then go onto r/nevillegoddard. We all know how close minded they can be since they have a lot of limiting beliefs as to what is possible or not. Well even they have a bunch of void successes. Maybe all of those are lies too? Because they are still a LOA forum, right? Forget LOA. Go over to the shifting community and go read their void success stories on any forums. They have so many and a lot of barely know who Neville is. Granted they use the void to shift rather than manifest although if you think about it, they're just manifesting that they shift. You don't believe any of them either? Okay forget them. Go to meditation forums and read about deep meditative states and how they've entered the void (they usually don't call it the void though although you can tell it's the void from how they describe it and the symptoms prior). I've even seen a few people go into the void on some Buddhist forums when talking about meditating. So just think to yourself, is everyone on loa tumblr, r/nevillegoddard, shifting forums, meditation forums, and even Buddhist forums lying about getting into the void? Because statistically speaking, there's a very very low chance of that.
Again if you really believe every single success story on loa forums and shifting forums are lies even though the chance of that happening is statistically really low, then just prove it to yourself. Like you know the void is real right? Just get into it and find out for yourself. Even if everything is fake, you'll atleast have been meditating which is super beneficial in general.
I hope this portion of my post really puts it into perspective how dumb it is to be doubting the void and helped you guys fix your self concept. And if it didn't, guess what? Self concept really isn't that important. Do you think those people on the meditation or the Buddhist forums had a good self concept? No lol, they just meditated and got in. So don't fret if you somehow still have doubts and just enter the void.
Another Method
So I just wanted to share my original plan to get into the void state. I discovered this meditation that instantly put me into the alpha state:
It is super relaxing and just ignore her once she tries to bring you out alpha state and just affirm for the void. I did this and I entered the alpha state but then I was just so exhausted (as I mentioned before) so I just followed her out of the alpha state and decided to enter the void state through this meditation after fixing my sleep schedule and yk how the rest of that story goes lol. But yeah, if you don't want to enter through sleep paralysis, I highly suggest this.
I'll also attach the alpha waves success stories if you guys want to understand the alpha state method more:
Final Thoughts
I really didn't want this to be this long 😭 but I really wanted to share almost everything in this post. I'm still processing everything (entering the void, the void itself, everything I've manifested esp since i just entered last night) but i wanted to write this post literally for this last part, which is thanking and shouting out the blogs who taught and helped me a lot!
@itsravenbitch @cleostoohot @prettymindset111 @lavender--fairy @voidsuccess
I will be leaving tumblr because obviously I don't need to be here anymore and I want to start living my dream life which is why I tried to answer everything I thought people might ask in this post. I really hope this helps everyone and everyone gets into the void too <3
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piyanomsublogger · 2 years
𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐦𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞 (𝟐 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞)
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𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟏 (𝐬𝐜/𝐯𝐜)
focusing on sc is really important and during this week I want you guys to better your void concept if you’re still doubtful. affirm during the day, whenever it comes to mind DO NOT FORCE IT! manifesting should NOT feel like a chore! take this week to really work on your self concept by affirming everyday. trust me that a week is more than enough to improve your vc!
𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐜𝐞𝐩𝐭 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬:
-i get into the void easily and effortlessly
-i always get into the void instantly
-i only have to breathe in order to get into the void
-my best ability is getting into the void instantly
-I get into the void in the snap of my fingers
-getting into the void is the easiest thing i can do
-i always get into the void in less than five minutes
-i always get into the void no matter what
feel free to add your own affirmations!
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𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟐
congratulations! your self concept is now perfect and you don’t doubt your abilities of getting into the void anymore! this week i want you to affirm that you are the void. affirm as if you’re already in the void, right now. you currently don’t have a body, you’re just pure consciousness. once you realize that you are already in the void all the time, your subconscious will automatically get you there, because you’ve repeatedly told it that!
𝐯𝐨𝐢𝐝 𝐚𝐟𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬:
-i am the void
-i am
-i am nothing
-i am pure consciousness
-i’m in the void
-i am formless
these affirmations will remind your subconscious that you are the void!
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𝐞𝐧𝐝 𝐨𝐟 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤 𝟐
that’s it you’ve made it! you are now officially shifting into the void instantly. congratulations, i’m so so proud of you! now it’s time to shift into the void and manifest all your desires!
i really hope this challenge was fun and helpful and i wish you all the best!i’m going to stay tuned for all of your success stories <3
with love, halo
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
My catttt
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
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jungkook’s face LASKAKSLAS
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
I'd gotten really close yesterday with the "Void state". Generally I get too nervous while shifting but knowing how it was gonna feel to get there sort of helped.
To get into the void state:
1. Relax and breathe ( focus on the breathing)
2. Repeat "I am" several times.
3. Say affirmations like:
"I am pure consciousness, not attached to any reality"
"I am energy"
In the void state you generally accept affirmations easier, you are more or less unaware of where you are. And it's the place that you start using identification affirmations. (for your DR)
Such as:
- My name is: (insert DR name)
- age
- appearance
- details (like powers, if you're immortal, skills and so forth).
And lastly you should try to think of where to wake up. If you don't like/can't visualize. Use the five senses method.
- 5 things you can feel
- 4 things you can hear
- 3 things you can smell
- 2 things you can see
- 1 thing you can taste.
Generally revisit these different sensations, until you're fully grounded and feel like you've fully shifted.
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
to anyone feeling like they aren’t “made for the void state” or smth: i really recommend to read Neville’s “Your faith is your Fortune”, you will not regret it, every single chapter is eye opening.
If you have a subconscious (which u def do if youre a living human) then you also have the ability to enter the void - to return to your natural state without all the outside limitations. 🤍🧚🏼‍♀️
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see that? “it’s a sweeping call to all mankind” and we’re mankind aren’t we? <3
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
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piyanomsublogger · 3 years
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piyanomsublogger · 4 years
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piyanomsublogger · 4 years
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piyanomsublogger · 4 years
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