pjocastings · 7 years
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Happy New Year!
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pjocastings · 7 years
Hey everyone!
So I’m going back to school soon and that means less frequent updates… I know it sucks but this story has made some great progress this summer!
Anyway, with chapter 13 out, A Twisted Tale of Cinderella will be going on a temporary hiatus while I try to write a couple chapters in advance so I will be able to edit them during the school year and try to update at least once a month.  If I didn’t take this chance to pre-write chapters, we’d be looking at 6-12 months of no updates at all like how it was last time in Fall 2015-Spring 2016.  I am aiming for the next update to be at the end of August but it’s not exactly set in stone. Wish me luck!
I hope you all understand and know you can always reach me here on tumblr!  Sneak peeks and other info about my story like when I will update or how much I’m suffering will be tagged under cinder update
Thank you again for your support!  This story couldn’t have come this far without you all!
Also still looking for a beta reader please message me if you’re interested! It would help new chapters come out much faster!
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pjocastings · 9 years
Percy dat u?😍💦
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pjocastings · 9 years
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pjocastings · 9 years
Annabeth Chase IS Gigi
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pjocastings · 9 years
Gigi Hadid as Annabeth Chase???
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pjocastings · 9 years
Annabeth Chase Headcanons
•Whenever she looks in the mirror, she is often startled by the brooding, thoughtful look in her eyes
•her eyes are slightly cat-like, with eyelashes that fan out to the side instead of straight out
•she has a sharp nose and cheekbones to kill for
•she holds the record for the fastest to climb the lava wall without getting burned, and holds many other of the top records in camp
•she can’t stand country music
•Percy often sings the song “Miss Jackson” to her and she always retaliates by punching him in the face
•she loves it when people play with her hair
•Thursday’s are girls night with Piper (occasionally Percy comes along but they still call it girls night cause it’s Percy)
•Has conquered her fear of spiders since Tartarus and her encounter with Arachne
•Often visits the Jackson/Blofis apartment, even when Percy isn’t home
•Confides in Sally Jackson much more than her own mother
•Her favorite snack is pistachios, she often snacks on them while studying and Percy has had to shake the shells out of his bed a number of times during the week
•She often wishes she knew how to play some sort of musical instrument, particularly the piano because it requires so much focus and coordination, two things children of Athena are gifted with
•Broke her toe in kindergarten from kicking a boy in the legs for trying to kiss her on the cheek
•Sticks spare pencils in her ponytail (in case one breaks or runs out of lead) when she’s working vigorously hard. When Percy’s around he often teases her about it and plucks them out and pretends to use them as chopsticks.
•Looks up new words in the dictionary/thesaurus and studies them when she’s bored
• Iris messages Reyna or Thalia whenever she’s having a bad day
•she played the role of a fairy princess in her elementary school play, and is still mortified about it to this day
•she snores
•has always wanted a pet bunny
•can literally fall asleep anywhere and is known for falling asleep in the weirdest places
•When Annabeth is studying super hard and is stressed, Percy invites Piper over cause the two of them together help Annabeth relax and have fun once in a while.
•Hazel made her a beautiful gray embroidered bracelet with a silver owl, which she loves and never takes off.
•she also never takes off her silver owl earrings that she got in eighth grade.
•she smells like a combination of old parchment books and lemons
•she forces Percy to watch chick-flicks and history documentaries with her and he usually leaves in tears
•when she gets embarrassed, she becomes really aggressive and often says/does thing that she later regrets
•she smells like lemons for a reason. Lemons repel spiders, and she always sprays lemon juice on her hair before she goes anywhere. Even after she conquered her fear of spiders, she still sprays on lemon out of habit.
•she is a coffee and chocolate ADDICT
•she has the most athletic body out of all the girls at camp (and many of the boys)
•she LOVES Harry Potter (In fact, she bought the series in Ancient Greek so she could read it easily)
•she is EXTREMELY possessive over her friends. Even Jason, who she isn’t even that close to yet. Like one day they were studying together, and another demigod wanted Jason to come spar with him. As Jason was standing up, Annabeth snatched his wrist and gave him this glare like “no bitch you’re staying with me”
•After Annabeth got over her trust issues with Jason, the two actually became really great pals. They discovered they had quite a bit in common. (Jason even ended up showing her around New Rome more than Percy)
•Annabeth helped Jason and Reyna become best friends again, something the two of them are eternally grateful to Annabeth for
•Her and Piper also like to set up blind dates for Reyna
•she loves to bring Piper home to her parents’ house, because the two are best friends and Piper takes the tension out of everything with her fun personality
•She’s never told anyone this, but when she’s thinking about Luke and is having a particularly “bad day,” she goes to the Big House Attic and coddles the dragon bone Luke savaged from his attack at Hera’s apple tree. She cries and prays to the gods that he’s happy and contempt in his rebirth
•she has been secretly planning her and Percy’s wedding for a year
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