pjofemslashweek · 4 years
Out of curiosity, when did this event begin?
Like... August 2016. 4 years ago... lol
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
Thank you so much to everyone who participated in pjofemslashweek2020! We (the mods) loved seeing everything people made and we hope you had as much fun as us. If we missed something you made please send us an ask so that we can reblog it :)
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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a college reynabeth au for @pjofemslashweek day 7- free day!
[photo id: 9 square photos in a 3x3 grid. image 1: a paved stone street, with a shop window labelled ‘roy mcclure’. there are pink flowers hanging on and around the window, and you can see another shop with outdoor tables further along the street. image 2: a laptop, crumpled blanket, journal, and some papers scattered on a bed. a person wearing a burgundy sweater is holding a pencil over one of the papers. image 3: a picture of light brown iced coffee with a glass straw sitting on an open book, on a white table. image 4: two people holding hands. one is wearing a brown sweater, black pants, and a white sneaker on their propped up foot. the other is wearing a black sweater. there is a yellow bus rail in the background. image 5: a blonde person with a bun in a pale orange sweater laying on a table with their arms folded around their head. image 6: a tan building with a cinema-type letter display, which reads “how sweet it is to be loved by you.” image 7: an image of a person making crepes, with a bowl of batter, a plate with some batter spread out, and a pan currently cooking some dough, and two hands tending to the pan. image 8: a brown coffee shop window, crowded with condensation, and an overhead florescent light. image 9: a tan candle, a brown mug, and a small bundle of pine needles sitting on a windowsill. end id]
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
6. “it’s the thought that counts” with reyna/piper?
pipeyna drabble for day 7 of @pjofemslashweek !!
based off this list of prompts
“Oh my god Piper stay still.” Piper wouldn’t stop turning around to look at Reyna, screwing up Reyna’s intricate braiding.
“Sorry! It’s just weird talking with you behind me.” Piper faced forward again, squirming a little on the bed. She sat with her legs pulled up under her, but her right leg kept bouncing. “Plus,” Piper added cheekily, biting her lip, “I like looking at you.”
Reyna made a strangled little noise and dropped the piece of hair she was braiding. “Hey. You made me mess up.”
Piper shrugged. “You tried. It’s the thought that counts.”
Reyna made an indignant huffing sound. “It’s really not. That’s literally just false. I set out with a goal and I meant to accomplish it. Now I failed.”
“You’re so dramatic,” Piper teased, her voice full of affection. “It can’t look that bad.”
“This is the worst you’ve ever looked,” Reyna huffed sarcastically. “This even surpasses that time you tried to cut your own hair. Let me try again.”
She reached to undo what was left of Piper’s braid, but Piper wriggled out of her grasp.
“It’s okay. My hair can look bad.”
Reyna sighed a long-suffering sigh. “I hate you.”
“You mean you love me,” Piper corrected.
“I love you,” Reyna conceded. The response came automatically. Piper stilled. It dawned on Reyna what she had just said, and her face heated up. She looked down at her lap, avoiding Piper’s gaze.
“Wait, really? You do?”
Reyna blushed deeper. Feeling stripped open, she nodded. She couldn’t take it back -- and she wouldn’t. There was nothing to be done for it -- it was true. Now all she could do was hold her breath.
“I love you too.”
Finally Reyna looked up. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Piper shrugged, faux-casual. “I mean, of course. Duh.” She made a funny face, sticking her tongue out.
Reyna’s face broke into a smile, like sunshine at the crack of dawn, filling the world with light. “I’ve been wanting to say that for weeks now.”
Piper smirked. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” Reyna breathed out the word like an exhale.
“Me too.” Piper reached up to the other girl, cupping Reyna’s face with both hands and pulling Reyna towards herself. Soon they were splayed out on the bed, Reyna’s arms braced on either side of Piper’s body. Reyna reached down to find Piper’s mouth, again, and again. Piper’s hair fanned out over the comforter, and any hope of braiding Piper’s hair became a lost cause.
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
maybe a little clarisse/silena fic! with clarisse braiding silena's hair (she learned just for her gf and is proud of her skills)
for catra-catra and @pjofemslashweek day 7: free day (ruegard) | word count: 856 | for anyone else interested, i’m taking any pjo femslash requests that come in by midnight est!
“hmm,” silena murmurs, still half asleep. clarisse sighs and pulls the covers off of her completely. it’s almost eleven in the morning and they have plans to meet up with friends later. silena just curls in on her side, barely noticing the absence of blankets. clarisse has already tried playing the alarm for ten minutes, so she reaches over and gently shakes silena. silena doesn’t wake up. 
clarisse rubs her face and sits down on the bed. it’s not unusual for silena to sleep in late, but last night silena had promised she’d be up on time. up on time would have been half an hour ago. clarisse looks over to her girlfriend and nods. then, she pushes silena off the bed. 
“hey!” comes silena’s voice from the floor. clarisse ignores her and starts to make the bed. they have an absurd amount of pillows that all of silena’s siblings have gifted them. clarisse shifts them in the order just the way she likes them. silena prefers a different layout, but she had to be rolled off the bed for the second time this week so she doesn’t get a say. 
by the time clarisse finishes smoothing out the blankets, silena has mustered up the energy to lift herself from the floor and fall back onto the bed. clarisse sighs at her, but a little more fondly. she looks down at silena and smiles, “silena, you really have to get up now. you know you hate being late.”
at the word late, silena finally starts to stir. she shakes her head once, twice, and then she pushes herself up into a sitting position. clarisse grins and moves away from the bed to get their things in order. a few minutes later, arms slip around clarisse’s waist. silena drops her head on clarisse’s shoulder. “hey baby,” she says. “wanna take a break from all that and braid my hair? it’ll look so good with that sundress i picked out…”
the answer is yes, of course. silena barely needs to ask. they both know clarisse loves to braid silena’s hair. clarisse turns around in silena’s grasp and smiles at her girlfriend as she rests a hand on silena’s cheek, “of course, i’ll make something to eat and meet you on the couch. sounds good?”
silena tilts her head up and pecks clarisse’s lips, “sounds great, baby.” 
the two somewhat reluctantly detach from each other as they get ready for the day. silena gets dressed and does her makeup and rearranges the pillows on the bed and clarisse makes breakfast in the kitchen. silena connects her phone to the speaker and puts on music as she decides on earrings and in the other room clarisse starts to sing along. 
when silenas finished getting ready she steps into the living room and waves at clarisse from where she’s plating food. she sits on the floor and puts her brush and ribbons on the coffee table. clarisse walks over and presses a kiss to the top of silena’s head before she trades her a plate of pancakes for the brush and ribbons. 
clarisse braids silena’s hair with the utmost care. as she separates silena’s hair into different strands and starts to weave them together with ribbon, silena tells her about the drama in her family group chat. clarisse has been added to the group chat multiple times, but she has enough trouble trying to moderate the cabin five group chat. they keep sending memes about chiron that silena finds hilarious and clarisse saves to her phone to show chiron if they ever send any memes making fun of her. 
“okay, so drew says she’s really sure about this girl but i think she also said that about the girl who stole her knock off designer bags so we don’t trust that at all. i want to stage an intervention, but piper wants to see how weird this one is first. julian is taking a photography course finally and he’s so good! he keeps sending us pictures he’s taking and i think i’m going to get him to take group pictures of all of the cabins in the summer. wouldn’t that be nice? oh and baby, these are so good!”
“mhm,” clarisse says, tying the end of the braid braid off with a flower. she learned to braid just for silena, but they’re perfect like everything clarisse sets her mind to. she pulls the bobby pins out of her mouth to secure the braid neatly against silena’s head and pulls silena back onto the couch. silena kisses her cheek and clarisse wraps an arm around her shoulders. silena continues on and clarisse listens intently as silena finishes her food, when she does she passes her plate to clarisse and clarisse takes it to the sink while silena finishes her lipstick. 
they meet back at the door. silena helps clarisse into her jacket and clarisse kisses her firmly. 
“what was that for?” silena asks her, smiling. 
“i felt like it,” clarisse tells her, smiling back. silena giggles and kisses her gently, and then they open the door and walk off to their day. 
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
[ID: an edit of 8 pictures arranged in a 4 by 2 grid. 
First picture: a person from the shoulders up, facing the audience. They have medium brown skin, brown eyes, and black curly hair that goes down past their shoulders. They wear several thin necklaces and gold hoop earrings, and look to the audience with a neutral expression.
Second picture: a shot of someone’s hands resting on a white cloth. They have on fingerless black leather gloves that have holes in the knuckles and the back of the hand. One hand is in a fist with the thumb sticking out, while the other lays flat, both palms facing downward. 
Third picture: white text that reads, “silena” on a light pink background.
Fourth picture: a picture of a statue from the neck up, facing to the side. It has short curly hair, and a worried expression on its face. Down its nose and chin trails a red, blood-like liquid. 
Fifth picture: a shot of a statue with two people kissing from the face upward. One person in the statue has their head tilted back, looking upward as the other person has their head tilted down toward them. Their lips are in the center of the image, almost touching. 
Sixth picture: white text that says, “clarisse” with a white arrow below it against a darker pink background.
Seventh picture: bouquet of several pink roses against a gray background.
Eighth picture: a shot of a person from the shoulders up, facing the audience. They have pale skin and straight, shoulder-length hair tucked behind their ears. They have muscular arms and several golden bracelets around their wrist, and reach back behind their neck as they look ahead, a worried expression on their face. End ID.]
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pjo femslash week: silena x clarisse (click for better quality)
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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day seven: free choice + dreyna
id: two photos. the first is a photo of a japanese woman with long black hair with bangs, dark eyes, red tinted lips, and freckles on her nose bridge, above the right side of her lip, and below the right side of her lip. she is looking slightly to the left of the camera. the top half of the image appears to be ripped, displaying a black film grain texture. on the right half is an angled piece of torn newspaper. on the left half reads “drew / ♡s / reyna”. the second image is of a latina woman in front of some windows. she has long black hair pulled behind her ears and dark eyes looking directly at the camera. she is wearing a ruffle collar long sleeved white shirt. in the lower left hand corner is the same torn texture but diagonal. in the corner specifically is a different piece of torn newspaper. the text around the newspaper reads “we are / the new / gods / now”. end id
“we are the new gods now, darling. no romans, no greeks. just soulmates staring at the same stars.”
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
[ID: 3 traditional drawings of Silena Beauregard and Clarisse la Rue shaded in with pencil. The first image shows a drawing of Silena, a girl with dark curly hair that goes down past her shoulders, holding the muzzle of a pegasus gently, her eyes closed and a small smile on her face. She has on a flower crown and a long white dress with a flowing skirt. 
The second image shows a full body drawing of Clarisse. She stands, holding a spear behind her back with both hands. She has short curly hair that’s only a few inches long, and looks to the audience with a neutral expression. She’s wearing a tank top and shorts that go down to just above her knees and is barefoot. 
The third drawing shows both Silena and Clarisse sitting on a rectangular wooden crate. Clarisse sits cross-legged with her arms crossed over her chest, looking ahead with a neutral expression. She is dressed in a t-shirt with cuffed sleeves, her camp necklace, knee-length shorts, and sneakers. Silena sits next to her with one arm over Clarisse’s shoulder, her legs dangling over the crate. She’s wearing a tank top, her camp necklace, mid thigh length shorts, and boots. She looks at the audience with her mouth slightly open, her expression neutral. End ID.]
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Silena & Clarisse
Clarisse was drawn using Vasiliki Halastaras, a non-binary, aspiring filmmaker, as reference.
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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last day of pjo femslash week! decided to do a clareyna camp swap au
[ID:  A fan made comic page with three panels. The first panel is the largest and acts as the background, Clarisse La Rue is a white girl with various scars on her muscular arms, she’s walking across an empty battle field with trees in the distance. She’s wearing roman breastplate, golden shin guards, pteruges (armored skirt) and sandals. Clarisse’s hair is short, dark blonde and held back by a purple bandanna that matches her large purple cape. She is holding a spear. 
The next panel is of Reyna Arellano she is a Latina girl with dark skin and dark braided hair, with a few strands blowing in the wind. She’s waiting a beaded necklace, orange camp t-shirt and a simple breastplate. She’s blushing slightly and gazing admiringly at Clarisse. A speech bubble comes from off screen reading, “Reyna? You need a minute?” 
The final panel is again of Reyna this time facing to the right, yelling at the off screen camper, “Get back in formation!” The speech bubble is spiked to insinuate her sharp tone. Reyna is blushing harder than before. The unseen camper laughs.  END ID] 
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
drew tanaka x rachel dare for femslash week?
for anon @pjofemslashweek day 7: free day | word count: 1k | tysm for sending in a request! i’m taking these all the way until midnight est if anyone else is interested <3
the sun is setting, but neither girl notices. summer is ending and they are not watching the sunsets that remind them how little time they have left. it is just the two of them, drew sitting half on and half off rachel’s lap as she holds rachel’s hand in hers, rachel using her spare hand to play with drew’s bangs. they are hidden behind the curtain of the cave. no insect or animal or other steps into the cave, though neither girl notices. they are curled up on a pile of cushions and no one will find them until they want to be found. 
drew lifts rachel’s hand up to her eye and opens and closes rachel’s palm. eventually, she folds it close and keeps it there and she rubs each polish free but not paint free nail with her thumb. when she finishes she kisses each knuckle and lets rachel’s hand fall out of her grip. 
rachel brushes drew’s bangs to the side and presses ond drew’s forehead to get drew to tilt her hair back. she looks into drew’s eyes and frowns. “what’s wrong,” rachel asks. 
“nothing,” drew tells her. drew smiles away rachel’s question and settles herself so her back is against rachel’s front. rachel wraps her arms around drew and rests her head on drew’s shoulder. there is music playing quietly from rachel’s phone, it’s muffled by the pillows it’s slipped away and been lost in. it’s something peppy and loud, something that doesn’t sound quite the same. rachel and drew smile as they hear it and neither moves to find the phone to change the song. 
they stay like that, close and warm, as the song plays. as it drifts into another one drew sighs. rachel presses a kiss to the side of her face, “drew, really, what’s wrong?”
drew closes her eyes as rachel kisses her and stays in that moment for a little longer. when she opens her eyes she moves out of rachel’s arm’s and sits on a pillow across from rachel. rachel looks at her, completely focused. drew reaches for another pillow and hugs it close to her chest. she burrows her nose in the pillow and rachel waits patiently until drew finally lifts her head back up. “i don’t know hon,” drew says. “i’ve just been thinking about how there’s only six days before we leave.”
“oh,” rachel says. 
drew laughs quietly, but not lightly. “yeah,” she says. “and i don’t know if we’ll ever see each other again.”
“oh,” rachel says again. “of course we will.” 
at that, drew lets go of her pillow, “well how do you know that? it’s not like you can-” at that, drew cuts herself off and buries her face back into the pillow. 
“see the future?” rachel asks her, a smile dancing on her face. she carefully extracts the pillow from drew’s arms and moves closer to drew. she takes drew’s hands in hers. “i can’t really see the future. but, i can tell you i’ve always had dreams of things - even before i became the oracle - that were vivid moments of the future.” drew turns away from rachel as she talks, as if she can’t meet rachel’s eyes if she’s going to have this conversation. 
“do you see us?” drew’s voice is barely above a whisper and is almost lost in the music still playing in the background. rachel squeezes drew’s hands and neither girl says anything. rachel can’t tell drew what she sees, and drew knows that even though rachel sees things of the future she very rarely knows what it means until much closer to it’s time of occurrence. 
“it doesn’t matter if i see us,” rachel says, finally. “i know we’ll see each other again because i want to. because i like you drew tanaka, for more than just a summer. even if your off starring in shows or taking classes next summer and we aren’t here together. we can facetime.”
at that, drew laughs. she lets herself look rachel in the eye and she squeezes rachel’s hands because of what she sees there. she moves back into rachel’s lap and they sit on the pillows together, the sun long down and the only light that is still on is the fairylights she strung up for rachel at the beginning of summer. “you’ll be so far from me in september,” drew says, but her voice doesn’t hurt as much with rachel’s arms around her. 
“i told you, we’ll facetime. or iris message, but i think facetime is cheaper,” rachel tells her. before, it had been teasing, but now her voice is clear and serious. “drew, babe, i want to try this for as long as you do too.”
“okay,” drew says. she presses her head into rachel’s neck and breathes her in. 
“i’m here,” rachel says. 
“i know,” says drew, her words a little difficult to hear as they trap themselves on rachel’s skin. 
rachel shifts drew so her head moves to the side, “stop that, you know i’m ticklish.”
drew pokes at rachel’s sides and rachel slides a hand down drew’s leg and lands on her ankle. drew is just as ticklish as rachel and they both know it. drew sighs and kisses rachel’s collarbone, once, and then shifts away. “you have to come to my show then,” drew tells her. “i’ll text you the date. it’s sometime in november. you don’t have a choice.”
rachel smiles, “good.” 
the two girls lie entangled on the pillows for a little longer, but eventually drew brings up the pain they will both be feeling come morning and rachel sighs and they stand up and move to rachel’s bed. they are both so tired neither girl brings up changing from their clothes into pajamas. they fall asleep together, with their legs tangling and their arms around each other. rachel dreams only of drew’s face. in camp half blood, on stage at her school, on much larger stages in places drew claims she’ll perform in but still doesn’t believe she really will, as the most important face in galleries full of rachel’s art that she hasn’t yet made. in the morning, rachel won’t tell drew of any of them. 
if or when any of them come to pass, she will pull drew aside each time and whisper her her memory of a fragment of a dream and drew will kiss her hand and rachel will hold the rest to her chest as she watches and waits to see if they, too, will come true.
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
Polyam day
Piper woke up, her limbs tired, her eyes itching, she didn’t remember how she got home, the last thing on her mind was studying in the library, a horrible migraine during a horrible day, thankfully, today was better, just her body sore.
The door opened, soft steps around the room, the curtain moving, a crack of sunlight entering the place.
“Morning babe, how was your sleep?”
Reyna was at the window, her hair loose, long, falling at her back, a towel around her neck, barefoot, she was brushing her hair.
“Let me.”
Piper sat on the bed, stretching her arms, holding the brush on the nightstand, brushing Reyna’s hair, kissing her neck, quickly, smiling at the blushing of her girlfriend.
“Are you fine?”
Annabeth entered the room, holding a tray, scramble eggs, waffles, a cup of chocolate and a glass with a flower on it, leaving the breakfast on the bed, she climbed on and kissed Piper, a chaste kiss on her lips, other kiss on her nose and one on Reyna’s cheek.
“Yep, better than yesterday,” answered Piper, putting the tray on her legs, cutting a bit of a waffle “but, how did I get here?”
“Leo found you knocked out on the library, we brought you home, made you take a bubble bath and put on pajamas.”
Piper smiled, feeling cozy, looking at her girlfriends.
“I love you, both of you.”
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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theyna day in for @pjofemslashweek! day 6- self care
sometimes u just need to stay in, cuddle ur gf, watch some netflix, and stuff ur mouth full of chocolates. yknow?
[pictures id: 9 square pictures in a 3x3 grid. image 1: a cup of coffee and a box of four macarons, two light brown with powdered sugar, two dark brown with white and maroon icing. image 2: a picture of a window and 6 pillows in front of it. the pillows are white, blue, and yellow. image 3: an iphone 10 opened to the netflix logo on a dark green sheet. image 4: two hands linked together. one is wearing a denim jacket sleeve and has medium painted black nails. the other is wearing no sleeve and has short unpainted nails. image 5: an image of a person with long black hair in a red sweater facing away from the camera. they’re sitting on an olive green couch and facing a rainy window with trees and greenery outside. there’s an open book and a coffee cup sitting on the windowsill. image 6: a rainy window with a view of city buildings below, including a river with a lit up bridge running across it. image 7: a brown skylight being rained on. the outside is blurry, but there are trees and buildings along the grey sky. image 8: some white crumpled sheets in the dark. sunlight is streaming in from the curtained window behind them. image 9: three bins of chocolate covered pretzels, one white chocolate, one milk chocolate, one dark chocolate. there’s a mirror behind them. end id]
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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pjo femslash week: day 6 - self care
please just let them sleep,,,,,,
[Image description: a digital drawing of Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano holding a sleeping Piper Mclean. Reyna has her hand on Piper’s face, cradling it, while staring lovingly at her. She is wearing a grey tank top and has several silver earrings. Piper is resting against Reyna’s chest with her head on Reyna’s shoulder. She is wearing a pink-orange t-shirt, several gold earrings and a nose ring. To the left of Piper there is handwritten text saying “Zzz” and to the right of Reyna is handwritten text saying “*sigh*.” End ID]
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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day six: self care + pipeyna
id: nine photos all light yellow and white. from left to right, top to bottom. a yellow drink with lemon on a white plate and table. a collection of cut lemons on a white sheet in a wooden container. a yellow record on a wooden record player, a small bouquet of flowers next to it, all on a white table. a yellow background with “good / things / take / time” in white. a bubblebath that has yellow bubbles, four candles on the edge of the tub, a himalayan salt lamp, and a small plant. a bed with matching pale yellow pillows, sheets, and comforter. a small box of yellow cream-filled pastries on a white sheet. a honey pot-like face mask with a small wooden scoop. a bouquet of yellow flowers behind white curtains with the caption “-learn to be alone. ‘cause not everyone will stay”. end id
Piper could see the stress in the way Reyna held her fork at dinner. Her grip could have broken plastic silverware in an instant. Her eyebrows were almost always furrowed in thought. This was serious.
“You don’t have plans tomorrow, right?” Piper was tentative, mostly because she couldn’t actually remember if Reyna had answered that question before.
“Correct.” She expected such a blunt answer from Reyna, but, paired with her current tensity, it read mean.
Piper grinned. “Great. Then I’m going to let you sleep in and I’ll prep a self-care day for you. You still need to take time for yourself, you know.”
With a sigh, Reyna nodded. Whether she said it aloud or not, she really needed some down time.
Piper woke up early to make pancakes and some tea on the stove. She had pulled from her stock of bath bombs and face masks for Reyna to pick her favorite scent. She also called to check walk-in availability at several nail places in case Reyna was okay with going out. For the most part, she was ready to stay in all day and watch whatever comedy movies Reyna pretended to hate and order in Chinese for lunch/dinner/general after noon meal. No set schedules to worry about, just spending time with her girlfriend.
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
if you love us
for @pjofemslashweek day 5: polyam day (ladizel) | read on ao3 | word count: 3.6k
the first week of november. it’s too cold to eat lunch outside so sadie and lacy spent in wholed up in the corner of the hallway on the arts floor. they sit on their coats, they have rested their backpacks neatly beside each other and their boots are dripping on the ground, they are sitting squished up against each other, even though there is no one else in their corner of the hallway. much farther down is the loud noise of other students, but neither seems to notice. sadie opens a bag and lacy pokes through it. she pulls out a pink silly band. she stretches it in one direction, then another. then she drops it on the ground.
it’s the barbie logo. lacy smiles at it, then she reaches for sadie’s wrist. sadie pulls it away and waves it above lacy’s head as she makes faces at lacy. lacy grabs onto sadie’s arm and lowers it. finally, she gets a hold of sadie’s wrist. she picks up the barbie logo silly band and slides it onto sadie’s face. sadie rolls her eyes and tosses the bag onto lacy’s lap. when lacy isn’t looking anymore, sadie runs a finger along the pink plastic on her wrist.
Keep reading
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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for @pjofemslashweek! day 5: polyam dau
[image description: 9 square images arranged in a 3x3 grid. image 1: a grey and white cliffside on a pink sky with white clouds. image 2: a marble table with a coffee cup on it, a wooden chair with a round seat, and a black backpack next to a chair. behind the table and chair is a window with some metal benches outside. image 3: a picture of devery jacobs, a Kanienʼkehá꞉ka (Mohawk) actress. she has tan skin, dark brown hair the length of her chin, and bangs. she wears a pink shirt and the shadow of her lifted hand is cast across her face. image 4: a pale hand holding five paintbrushes. both the hand and brushes are spotted with blue paint. image 5: an image of a person’s eye. their eye is grey, they have a brown eyebrow, blonde hair, and freckles. their hand is pressed to the side of their face. image 6: three sillhouettes, all jumping. one has two bent knees, another is kicking into the air, and the third is stretching up into the air. image 7: an image of jessica k, a black model with brown skin, black braids, and dark brown eyes, looking at the camera. image 8: mesh pink curtains with heart patterns on them, placed in front of a pink sky. image 9: a guitar resting against a brown blanket, with some white flowers and some sheet music laying on top of it. end id]
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pjofemslashweek · 4 years
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clareyna rights
ID: a drawing of clarisse and reyna sitting down cuddling. reyna is on the left with her legs stretched out around clarisse and her head resting on her shoulder. she has one hand gently holding clarisse’s arm. she is a teenage latina girl with brown skin and curly black hair in a long braid over her shoulder with a few loose strands of curls. she is wearing a bright floral, green and pink, hawaiian shirt unbuttoned over jean overalls. clarisse is on the right with short cropped brown hair that is half shaved and pale skin. she has one leg propped up over reyna’s leg and one tucked underneath. she is wearing an orange tank top with ripped sleeves and “CHB” across the front with shorts and a beaded necklace. both have scars on their arms and legs, clarisse has a scar cutting through her right eyebrow. they are both looking at each other, smiling, and blushing slightly. end ID.
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