plagiarizedx · 3 years
i think you miss a valuable part of the raven cycle if you dont like cars but i dont really know how to explain, just take it from someone who does like cars. you miss so much of the characters internally if you completely overlook their vehicles and their importance and, similarly, the cars’ traits. gansey’s expensive taste muscle car camaro, hardy and still generally viewed as something that may occasionally hit a gap in the road while still remaining reliable somehow. kavinsky’s mitsubishi evo and the absolute carnage that comes alongside seeing it, the meanness of the thing, the antagonistic vibe that’s supplied in the text anytime we see the mitsubishi mentioned because it brings a heavy presence alongside it. ronan’s bmw, previously owned by his father who we already know was a deeply important person to him, a dreamt object that sports similar traits to ronan just at a glance (it’s literally called shark-like and then stated to have learned how to be that way from ronan in the first few chapters of the raven boys). theyre such an important detail in these books,
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
BIG-O TW for things like://blood//panic attacks//inability to breathe//???//it's 4am guys I cannot think of all the things. It's soft tho. A lil. Kinda creep. Anywho, enjoy, *finger wiggles* OH and ghosties too-ish.
The tube-shaped halogen light mounted into the bathroom ceiling above his head exploded, and with it, a burst of expeditious glass rained down upon him. Bare skinned and shower fresh, the loud pop from the bulb alone was enough to send Proko into fight of flight mode, gasping as the panic and the terror immediately settled deep into what the brunette could've only described as his soul, it left him chilled and nearly emobolized as he frantically reached for the door.
Something stung at the top of a crooked shoulder blade, a very similar sensation radiated throughout his left cheek and the pain had already managed to tunnel it's way into his ear canal, the light flickered. And it was in between those flickers of dark and light that the images took place, inaudible shouting from familiar voices, the lustrous shine of a chrome forty-four magnum, blood, so much blood that he could taste it. He was trying to breathe but he couldn't, unable to yell for K even though they were barely thirty feet apart, their only form of separation was a wooden door but it was still too much.
Someone was clutching his throat, stopping him completely from something as simple as breathing, reminded of his mortality. But there was no one else around, he was alone, and in that moment he didn't know what scared him worse. Something else in the bathroom shattered but he could barely see long enough to tell what it was, pupils failing to adapt to the strobe of the light, feeling stunned and dizzy and nauseated.
He ducked again and shards cut into the soles of his vulnerable feet and the reactivate twist of his ankle knocked him right on his ass, arms reaching out to grab at whatever he could, pulling the shower curtain down right along with him. It felt like he had been punched in the chest, it was instinct that had Prokopenko backing up until the warmth running down his shoulder was soothed by the cold porcelain of the tub, the commotion and clattering of metal must have been enough to wake K up because he was outside the bathroom door banging on it repeatedly but it was the sound of his voice that had managed to somewhat ground Proko down to earth again.
It didn't take him much long after to bust the door open, despite the fact that Proko never locked doors, they both knew this much from several awkward experiences. Never awkward for K, though, of course. And the light that was suddenly flipped on was bright and blinding and for a second Prokopenko thought he might've died right there from some sort of panic induced heart attack, cowered up in the corner of the bathroom in nothing but his sweatpants, but then K's face came in from a pixelated view to something more clear after he had rather stealthily tip toed around the chunks of glass despite Proko's breathless warnings, speaking soft and gentle words that the curly-haired boys brain failed to translate and compute. Nearly as laggy as the turbo on his car.
They didn't talk much after, and if Proko was being honest, he was pretty positive he had passed out a couple of times. Left feeling so exhausted that he couldn't even find it in himself to get up off the floor, to process what in the literal fuck had just happened, but that was okay because Kavinsky had just stayed. Tattoo and scar decorated hands cupping Proko's face, a thumb stroking unlacerated cheek, he wasn't even sure how long they had stayed like that but by now he was certain he had blacked out a few more times before he was being helped to his feet, his head had lulled back ever so slightly and a set of bloodshot glossy moss-like-green eyes had looked up at the light. Blast radius strong enough that the fixture itself now hung from the ceiling, leaving ugly wires exposed, but that wasn't the thing that unsettled Proko the most. He had managed to catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror, or what was once a mirror, now all shattered and cracked up the center. The writing scribbled across the fogged up reflective surface, somehow unaffected by the damage, was almost mortifyingly similar to his own mediocre handwriting. He noticed the purple bruising quickly gathering up contrast around his throat.
And the words read:
You're dead as dead can be.
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
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Source: http://class-struggle-anarchism.tumblr.com
(edited by myself in B&W)
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
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i’m fucking speechless. look at my precious little boy. just look at his beautiful eyes. i’m so in love, damn.
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
A piece of a Playlist while I reply to more thangs.
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
@ourhearts-beatasone - continued, because these two pining for one another gives me life.
Nothing in the world compared to this, at least nothing that he had ever experienced before, though he knew somewhere in the back of his re-fabricated brain that his predecessor probably had a lot more experience with these sort of feelings. The ones that made his heart stammer, made his toes curl inside of loosely fitting Allstars, made the tip of his tongue go numb and the muscles in his body vibrate against his bones. He needed his dreamer in a similar way that a fish needed water. Found it harder to breathe whenever he wasn't around, even though whenever he was, oxygen became even more of a foreign concept but that was okay.
Bright blue LED light flooded through his bedroom window and the glass rattled from how loud the Mitsu was when it idled, the light was blinding but beautiful, shadows danced across the walls of his room and the memories that decorated them. Pictures he didn't remember taking, old soccer trophies that filled up his bookcase with his name engraved into metal, other school awards that he couldn't recall ever accepting. It was an uncomfortable place to be, amongst objects that were meaningless to him, things that he'd much rather toss in the trash in hopes of gaining a better understanding of who he was now rather than who he was before. His bedroom at his Ma's place was still exactly the same, drawers filled with dusted over-long since forgotten about clothes, easy to keep up with and maintain, all because he never touched anything. He didn't even sleep in the bed, the couch wasn't uncomfortable and it was warmer downstairs, or at least those were his go-to excuses whenever someone quizzed him on it.
The rain that hit the tin roof was loud and that mixed in with the Evo had made it that much harder to tell what K was saying as Prokopenko remained sat in the windowsill, a cheeky dimple filled smile had made way across pale features, green eyes staring out into the darkness at the boy in the driveway, the one that was capable of reminding him what it felt like to be alive again. At least if that's what he was. And then he was moving, blinds left pulled open, to grab his backpack off the mattress and yank the straps over crooked shoulders before he headed out the door and down the stairs. Loud and obnoxious with his steps, taking all his energy and excitement to channel it through the soles of his feet and into the messy wet earth as he all but ran out the front door, screen door slapping back behind himself, the barely visible stars in the sky couldn't hold a candle in comparison to the star filled eyes that Proko looked at Kavinsky with, a galaxy trapped in emeralds. A fondness that was exclusive.
"So does that make you a prince, then? Since you came to my rescue?" Proko had shouted over the rain as he made his way across the murky lawn, shoes getting soaked from the swamp the grass had turned into, nothing but laughter and smiles and messy brown curls that stuck to sunken cheeks and quickly becoming drenched clothes that clung to an athletic frame. He was happy. Thrilled by the smell of rain and the scent of rubber and gasoline that grew stronger the closer he got to K's Mitsu, passenger door pulled open, the dream boy tossed his bag carelessly into the back before he practically tossed himself into the passenger seat, finding comfort in the leather despite the fact that he felt like he would shiver out of his skin. Teeth chattering as he reached across the console to kill the air-co, condemning them both to the sticky humidity that would surely settle in after Proko had pulled the door closed, "Let's go get some greasy ass fries, man, my Ma still can't cook."
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
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trc minor characters challenge ii. a minor squad 
more headlights glittered across the mirrors–kavinsky’s pack of dogs. their faces were anonymous behind dark-tinted windows, but ronan knew the cars: jiang’s supra, skov’s rx-7, swan’s and prokopenko’s matching golfs. he’d beaten them all before.
“brought the whole family,” ronan observed.
↳ the dream pack
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
                    CRIME  BASED  SENTENCE   PROMPTS  .
 i.       murder.
❛     what  have  you  done?     ❜
❛     what  did  you  do?   ❜
❛     you’re   going  to  prison  for  murder.    ❜
❛     how  do  you  plan  to  get  away  with  this  one?   ❜
❛    i’m  not  helping  you  do  anything!   ❜
❛     i  can’t  believe  we  just  killed   someone.      ❜
❛    why  did  you  tell  me  you  did   this!    ❜
❛     do  you  really  think  you  can  outrun  this?     ❜
❛     we  just  committed  a  murder,  don’t  tell  me  to  calm  down!     ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  down  for  this.      ❜
❛     what–   is  that  what  it  looks  like  ..  please  tell  me  it’s  not.    ❜
❛     you  really  did  this,  didn’t  you?    ❜
❛     you  really  think  i’m  going  to  help  you  move  a  dead  body?   ❜
❛     you’re  telling  me  you  didn’t  do  this?   ❜
��     i’m  going  to  be  sick,  oh  my–  i  can’t.    ❜
❛     why  did  you  do  this?   ❜
❛     you   can’t  get  away  with  murder!   ❜
❛     you  said  we  were  going  to   scare   him/her/them,  not  kill  him/her/them!   ❜
 ii.       theft.
❛     hey,   did  you  steal  that  from  me?   looks  familiar.     ❜
❛     you  want  me  to  help  you  rob  someone?   ❜
❛     i  am  not  going  to  help  you  rob  someone.    ❜
❛     i’m  pretty  sure  that’s  stealing.   ❜
❛     you  stole  from  me!   ❜
❛     the  only  thing  i  steal  is  hearts.      ❜
❛     give  it  back!    ❜
❛     are  we  seriously  stealing  right  now?     ❜
❛     you  have  a  serious  sticky  finger  problem.    ❜
❛     you  can’t  just  go  around  and  steal  from  people.      ❜
❛     why  did  you  take  it?     ❜
❛     you  know  you’re  going  to  get  caught,  right?    ❜
❛     you  want  me  steal?   why  can’t  you  do  it?   ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  to  steal  for  you.     ❜
❛     you   are   a   thief!     ❜
❛     why  are  you  robbing  these  people?   ❜
❛     you  tried  to  steal  from  me!   ❜
❛     i   didn’t   steal   it!  ❜
 iii.       arson.
❛     you   didn’t  have  anything  to  do  with  that  arson.     ❜
❛      arson  is  a  crime.     ❜
❛     they’ll  know  it   was  an  arson.    ❜
❛     you  didn’t  have  anything  to  do  with  that  arson,  did  you?   ❜
❛    you  set  it  on  fire!   ❜
❛     i  can’t  believe  you  want  to  burn  it  down.      ❜
❛    put  the  matches  down!    ❜
❛     why  you  would  you  tell  me  you  committed  arson?     ❜
❛     i  didn’t  have  anything  to  do  with  that  arson.    ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  to  help  you  commit  arson.      ❜
❛     you  didn’t  really  burn  it  down,  did  you?     ❜
❛     what  if  there  would  have  been  people  inside?    ❜
❛     you  didn’t  think,  you  just  did  it?   ❜
❛     you  can’t  just  burn  the  place  down.     ❜
❛     please  don’t  do  this! ❜
❛     why  do  you  want  to  burn  it  for?   ❜
❛     you  really  did  it?   i  didn’t  think  you’d  really  do  it!    ❜
❛     you  aren’t  being  serious,  right?   they’ll   know   we  did   it.    ❜
 iv.       fraud.
❛     you  stole  my  identity?     ❜
❛      you   stole   someone’s   identity?   ❜
❛      i’m   pretty  sure  that’s  fraud.    ❜
❛      you  can’t  just  forge  a  signature.     ❜
❛      i’m  just  going  to  forge  their  signature.   ❜
❛      you  aren’t  allowed  to  sign   someone   else’s  name.      ❜
❛     you  signed  my  name  for  me?   ❜
❛     why  would  you  sign  my  name?     ❜
❛     that’s  illegal,  you  can’t  sign  for  anyone’s  name.    ❜
❛     you’re  using  someone’s  social  security.      ❜
❛     you  stole  someone’s  social  security?     ❜
❛     how  are  you  not  in  jail  for   fraud?    ❜
❛     you  do   know  that’s  fraud,  right?   ❜
❛     it’s  not  okay  to  forge  my  signature  without  asking  me.     ❜
❛     you  lied  about  you  are! ❜
❛     you  gave  the  police  a  wrong  name?   ❜
❛     i  didn’t  mean  to  sign  your  name.   ❜
❛     do  you  think  they  have  finally  caught  on  to  you?     ❜
 v.       truancy.
❛     you   really   need  to  go  to  school.     ��
❛      why  don’t  you  want  to  go  to  school?     ❜
❛      you  can’t  keep  missing  school.    ❜
❛      we  got  a  truancy  letter  in  the  mail  today.   ❜
❛     you  have  a  court  date  for  missing  school!   ❜
❛      please,  just  go  to  school,  before  you  end  up   in  jail.      ❜
❛     you  will  go  jail  if  you  keep  missing!    ❜
❛     why  aren’t   you  ever  at   school?     ❜
❛     it’s  either  school   or   jail.    ❜
❛     i’m  being  convicted  of  truancy.      ❜
❛     they  are  trying  to  lock  you  up  for  missing  school?     ❜
❛     why  should  i  go  to  school?    ❜
❛     you  want  to  go  to  jail?   ❜
❛     come  on,  just  a  few  more  years  and  it’s  history.   ❜
❛     get  to  school  now! ❜
❛     what  does  being   truant  ever  mean?   ❜
❛     i’m  sorry,  you’re  what,  a  truant?   ❜
vi.       vandalism.
❛     pretty  sure  this  is  vandalism.     ❜
❛      can  you  even  really  get  into  trouble  for  painting  a  wall?     ❜
❛      it’s  just  a  little  graffiti.  ❜
❛      you  broke  someone’s  property,  that’s  okay.    ❜
❛     you  can’t  go  onto  someones  property  and  break  things!   ❜
❛      i  don’t  want  to  do  this  anymore!      ❜
❛      don’t  tell  me  to  calm  down!  we  just  got  caught  on  camera!    ❜
❛     you  took  a  baseball  bat  to  someone’s  home?     ❜
❛     i’m  not   going  to  ruin  someone’s  property.   ❜
❛     they  know  it   was  you.      ❜
❛     you  spray  painted  the  side  of  that  building?   ❜
❛     you  want  to  graffiti  with  me  later?    ❜
❛     did  you  ever  get  in  trouble  for  vandalism?   ❜
❛     i’m  not  going  to  vandalize  someone’s  house.  ❜
❛     hurry!   someone’s  coming!   ❜
❛    you  know  there  are  camera’s  up  everywhere?   ❜
❛     are  you  crazy?  they  have  camera’s!   ❜
vii.       trespassing.
❛     hey,  i’m  pretty  sure  this  is  trespassing.     ❜
❛      you  want  to  go  over  there?     ❜
❛     you  want  to  climb  the  fence  and  go  over  there? ❜
❛      what  are  we  doing  here  anyway.    ❜
❛      you’re  trespassing!   ❜
❛     i  am  not  trespassing  and  breaking  and  entering.    ❜
❛      that’s  breaking  and  entering!    ❜
❛     first,  trespassing.  now  breaking  and  entering?     ❜
❛     i  am  not  going  to  trespass.  ❜
❛     stop  right  there!   what  are  you  doing  trespassing  onto  my  property!     ❜
❛     you  think  someone  is  trespassing?  ❜
❛     you  are  trespassing!   ❜
❛     i’m  not  getting  in  trouble  for  trespassing.   ❜
❛     i’m  not  trespassing,  i   live  here.   ❜
❛     what  are  you  doing  trespassing?   ❜
❛    you  can’t  go  around  and  trespass.  ❜
❛     trust  me,  i’m  not  going  to  get  caught.   ❜
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
“ think of me when you want to come home ” (from K)
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'Think of me when you want to come home.'
K had said the words to Prokopenko a few days ago, some pill high - teenage angst filled moment at its peak, a palm pressed flat against flesh and bone to feel the organ beating beneath them and the touch had left Proko shivered to the core. It was one of those soft and fleeting moments, the rare kind, the sort that could leave someone feeling the same exact way they'd felt as a child, finding a legendary pack of Pokémon cards at the Wally on a Wednesday. Giddy and blessed.
Proko had agreed a few weeks back to dinner at his Ma's suburban Henrietta home, and despite how much time he had to plan, he was still unprepared with a dead phone he knew he probably should've just glued the cord into, and his Golf on the opposite end of town parked safely in K's driveway. Dinner had somehow went without incident, and he had contemplated asking for a ride home, but then the rain started and the rosé came out and his Mother hadn't left her room since. And so as the dream boy sat in the windowsill of his second story bedroom, he squinted out into the pitch black rain that pelted the earth beneath the clouds, letting his mind weave through moments as he attempted to mentally summon a white Mitsubishi driven by a boy with magic in his veins on the front lawn.
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
“You’re in the car with a beautiful boy, and he won’t tell you that he loves you, but he loves you. And you feel like you’ve done something terrible, like robbed a liquor store, or swallowed pills, or shoveled yourself a grave in the dirt, and you’re tired. You’re in the car with a beautiful boy, and you’re trying to choke down the feeling, and you’re trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you’ve discovered something you don’t even have a name for.”
— Richard Siken, ‘Crush’
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
     SORRY about the blood in your mouth.                                                                       i wish it was mine.
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
normalize platonically making out with your friends
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
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Get ready to be mindblown. And? Best croque ever? Best croque ever.
zaterdag 26 ktber 2019 13:13
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plagiarizedx · 3 years
okay, hon, you need to tell me what’s going on, and why you have blood on your shirt. (from Swan.)
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"W-.. what?" Proko had barely caught the tail end of whatever it was that Swan had asked him, ears ringing, trying his hardest to blink his way through his daze. He was in the hallway of their school, people flooded out of classrooms with the sounding lunch bell, the same one that was unexpected and made him flinch. Pinching the fabric of his white Vans shirt, green eyes shifted to examine the blood in question, and he pouted, distracted and therefore left Swan's inquiries without answers. "That's fucked I just got this shirt."
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