planetwenee · 1 year
I'm thinking 3 boys and 1 girl the girl being the youngest obviously and don't ever let them hear that a boy broke her heart or all 4 will be rolling up on him
i always think of izuku with more sons than daughters. why? idk but now i have to think about it
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planetwenee · 1 year
Reblog if you’re over 20 and still read/write fan fiction.
I’m curious!
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planetwenee · 1 year
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planetwenee · 1 year
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340K notes · View notes
planetwenee · 1 year
Reblog if reading someone else’s fanfiction has helped you get through a hard day
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planetwenee · 1 year
it really sucks being the friend who talks too much 😭
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planetwenee · 1 year
very aggressive reminder that if you are under 18, do not follow me. do not interact with me. do not look at me.
thank you.
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planetwenee · 2 years
Please reblog for a bigger sample size!
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planetwenee · 2 years
gonna say this once and never again. If you buy hogwarts blood libel simulator I DO NOT FUCKING TRUST YOU. not only are you being blocked, youre being perceived as an active threat to me and i will take no fucking chances. dont buy, don't pirate, goyim fucking listen to us for Once. i dont fucking trust you if you consume this game. end of story.
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planetwenee · 2 years
Daehyeon gonna get mad when I post about Donghan 😂
Reactions - WEi When Jealous (WEi x Gender Neutral Reader)
Request: Anonymous. I’m assuming you meant jealous over a s/o so that’s what I went with. If you want me to do it again with a more general jealousy, I can do that too.
Genre: Fluff, some angst. Jealous boyfriends, so there will be some possessiveness.
Disclaimer: None of these images are mine. All of them were found on Pinterest because I was struggling to find fitting gifs through the tumblr gif search.
This work in no way reflects the true personalities, characters, or actions of the WEi members.
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Daehyeon noticed you kept looking at your phone and smiling, your fingers flying across the keyboard to respond to someone. He couldn’t help but be a bit paranoid. Were you talking to someone else? After a few hours of giving you the silent treatment and you not seeming to notice, he’d peer over your shoulder to see you’d actually been posting to a secret fan account you had for him, raving to RUi about the latest comeback. “Is this what you’ve been doing all day?” He laughed in sweet relief, feeling dumb for internalizing his jealousy all day when a quick question would have cleared that up in seconds. “Baby, I thought you were talking to another guy.”
“Why on earth would I do that?” You scrunched your nose.
“Dunno. Maybe you got tired of me.”
“Never.” You turned your head to give him a quick kiss.
“Promise you’ll only post about me?”
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Donghan didn’t like that you were starting in a drama as a main love interest. Whenever you watched the show together and the romantic scenes came up or if you’re co-star so much as looked at you, his grip on your hand would tighten. When you looked at him, his jaw would be clenched and his eyes filled with hurt. “Baby?” You tilted your head, trying to get his attention. He only squeezed tighter when you kissed your co-star. “Babe.” You laughed, realizing why he was jealous. “Look at me.” As soon as he did, you gave him a kiss, lingering longer than usual to remind him that he was the only one for you.
“Maybe I should start acting and try to get casted as your love-interest. Those lips are mine.”
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Yongha had been awfully clingy since you started your new job. Whenever you were both in the same place at the same time, he was clinging to your arm, kissing your hand or cheek and placing his hands in your pockets to tug you closer whenever you wandered out of arm’s reach.
“Baby.” You laughed as he tugged you back against his side. “Don’t get me wrong, I like the affection. But why are you being so needy?” You cupped his cheeks and met his gaze.
“Your boss gets all your time lately. At least I can get something he can’t.” He grinned triumphantly. At your quizzical brow, he continued, “Your love.”
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Yohan was usually pretty confident in your relationship but he’d brought you along to a celebrity party for the first time and something about the dazzled look in your eyes as you scanned the crowd made him insecure. “Yeah, these parties are pretty cool, huh?” He looked you over, biting his tongue to allow a pause for you to answer.
“Yeah. So many idols I’ve only dreamt of meeting.” Your eyes lingered CIX’s Jinyoung, starry with awe.
“Hey.” He grabbed your chin and turned your head to look at him. “I’m better than those other guys. Don’t look at anyone else like that.”
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Seokhwa couldn’t help it. He kept staring at you fluffed Yongha’s hair, your lips dabbing gloss onto his lips. He knew it was your job but he thought you could maybe do it without being so close to his members all the time. He grabbed your wrist suddenly and tugged you out into the hall. “What are you doing?” He hissed. “Why do you keep touching him and smiling like that?”
“Baby, I’m just doing my job.” You rolled your eyes. “
“We’ll, at least stop smiling at him so much.” He frowned. “From now on, only smile at me.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m friends with all the members. I practically live at the dorms lately.” You crossed your arms. “Do you want me to scowl at them all the time?”
“We’ll, it’d make me feel better.”
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“Why can’t I dance with Y/N?” Junseo pouted. “We have better chemistry.”
“We’re a better height match.” Seokhwa shrugged. “It’s not about chemistry for this kind of dance.”
“Well, then stop touching them so much.” Junseo huffed, rubbing the back of his neck. “It’s unnecessary.”
“It’s a partner dance.” Seokhwa raised a brow. “Are you okay?”
“Fine.” He grumbled, making you realize just how bothered he was getting.
“You’re jealous.” You teased. His cheeks reddened in response and he looked down at his feet. “Oh my god, you are.” You laughed and walked up to him, kissing his cheek. “Do you wanna choreograph our own dance at home? I’ll let you lift me.”
“You don’t let anyone lift you.”
“Just for you, babe.” You smiled gently. “I’ll make an exception just for you.”
“Well, now I feel special.”
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planetwenee · 2 years
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맛있다 = to taste delicious
맛없다 = to taste awful
편안하다 = to be comfortable
불편하다 = to be uncomfortable
멋있다 = to be handsome / gorgeous
아름답다 = to be beautiful
배고프다 = to be hungry
배부르다 = to be full
크다 = to be big
작다 = to be small
많다 = to be many
적다 = to be little
길다 = to be long
짧다 = to be short
높다 = to be high
낮다 = to be low
좋다 = to be good
나쁘다 = to be bad
재미있다 = to be fun
재미없다 = to not be fun
어렵다 = to be difficult
쉽다 = to be easy
무겁다 = to be heavy
가볍다 = to be light
차갑자 = to be cold (touch)
뜨겁다 = to be hot (touch)
춥다 = to be cold (feel)
덥다 = to be hot (feel)
멀다 = to be far
가깝다 = to be close
밝다 = to be bright
어둡다 = to be dark
깨긋하다 = to be clean
더겁다 = to be dirty
넓다 = to be wide
좁다 = to be tight
빠르다 = to be fast
느리다 = to be slow
같다 = to be the same
다르다 = to be different
조용하다 = to be quiet
시끄럽다 = to be loud
편하다 = to be relaxed
바쁘다 = to be busy
예쁘다 = to be pretty
아프다 = to be sick
친절하다 = to be kind
음식 = food
날씨 = weather
기분 = feeling
고기 = meat
하지만 = but
살다 = to live
사람들 = people
시설 = facilities
분위기 = atmosphere
아주 = very
쓰다 = to write / to use
룸메이트 = roommate
밤 = night
혼자 = alone
근처 = around
Grammar || Vocabulary || Practice
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planetwenee · 2 years
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Stolen from twitter bc I need to see everyone's answers
38K notes · View notes
planetwenee · 2 years
Streamer bakugou waking you up so he can play the last of us with out hearing you bitch that you've missed half the story
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planetwenee · 2 years
I read the entirety of both of you guys stuff I don't skip anything 🫡
just seen a tiktok that most people skip the plot part of a fic & just go straight to the smut and i just :(
i put most of my energy into everything but the smut, smut is easy to write ( to me ) because it can be easily rehashed reused etc whereas plot requires me to think up unique storylines, backstories, requires me to world build to immerse people
anyway, it just makes me a little sad to know that most people probably just skip all the stuff before the smut which kinda just seems boring because you don’t know the lore :( or how it came to be that these two people were fucking
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planetwenee · 2 years
bnha m.list : 
[click through for R.Kyojuro m.list]
updated - 12/06/2022
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the bomb (bakugou katsuki)
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Keep reading
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planetwenee · 2 years
Misunderstandings and Jam
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b.katsuki / f.reader
genre: dad!bakugou, mom!reader, married au, domestic lol
additional/warning(s): baku-daughter is misuzu, she's a sweet lil girl, misuzu misunderstands the phrase 'daddys girl', she also cries (a few times), shit is just fluffy with a very wholesome family dynamic
w.count: 4.6k
synopsis: you've just recently returned to work after some time off to spend with your daughter. you're caught up in an interview asking about how your home life is- as intrusive as that is. you explain that your daughter is definitely a total daddy's girl. misuzu hears that and is now on a mission to prove she loves her mom just as much as her dad.
a/n: accidentally falling in love with misuzu whoops
"Daddy!" The little girl with wavy, shoulder-length blonde locks and who only came up to her father's thigh in height breaks into a wide, cheerful grin as her equally blond dad pulls into the elementary school's pick-up lane. Knowing damn well he wasn't allowed to park, he scoffs and smiles to himself inside the vehicle and parks it. Unbuckling his seatbelt, he lifts himself from the driver's seat and steps out to greet his little girl.
"Suzu!" He calls back, mocking her high-pitched call of delight. He rounds the car, stopping at the curbside and kneeling to catch the speeding bullet that is his 7-year-old daughter. She crashes into his chest, chock-full of giggles that only succeeds in pulling small, intermitting laughs from her father.
Although she was delighted to see her father, Misuzu was slightly confused about why he was picking her up from school. Typically, he would be in the middle of work right now, especially on the weekdays. Pulling away from him and only keeping him at arm's length, she looks up at Katsuki.
"Daddy, why are you picking me up today? Where's mommy?"
"Well," he begins, gently pushing the straps of her backpack off her shoulders so he could take it from her, "mommy had some very important last-minute work stuff to do. So, you're stuck with mean ole daddy." His face breaks into a playful smirk that shows his upper gums as he begins attacking his daughter's sides in small pinches, causing her to squirm and laugh. He stops as soon as her cheeks were flushed and quickly follows up his attacks with kisses to the top of her head.
Anyone who knew of Katsuki would be shocked to see just how gently and playfully he interacts with the little girl who looks so much like him. Throughout his entire hero career, he always made sure to carry himself with ego-reeking pride and a very nose-high attitude when it came to blowing away any threats that came his way.
It was always quite the scene to see such a rough, force-driven man devolve into a mushy man made up of soft dad genes. No one could ever say he didn't love his child.
Standing, he takes Misuzu's hand in his and her backpack in his other as he unlocks the backseat of his car. Helping her inside, he buckles her securely into her booster seat. She may be seven now, but she was still too short to go without one. And it's not like she hasn't fought to not sit in it before; so, until she gets to the proper height, he asks her to keep using it for her own safety.
Closing her door, he walks to the other side of the car, opening the back door, setting her bag on the floorboard, and then opens his own door to get in.
Starting up the car, he glances into the rearview mirror to see Misuzu waving out the window to her friends who wave back before going off to be picked up themselves.
The drive home starts off silent before Katsuki clicks on the radio. Immediately, the voice of an interviewer sounds into the space of the car. Ready to change the station to something more entertaining for his daughter, Misuzu was quickly telling him to leave it on because of the second voice that follows after the interviewer.
"That's mommy!" She squeals, making Katsuki inwardly wince at the shrill sound.
"Lower your voice, Girlie," he tells her. He's been calling her that since she was an infant. The nickname just sort of stuck with him, and she didn't seem to mind it either, so there was no telling when, or if, it would ever go away.
"Sorry," she quickly apologizes, "but can we listen to mommy?"
"If you really want to," he chuckles, pulling his hand away from the station buttons and instead turns the dial to up the volume. Misuzu seems to glow in the backseat at the sound of your voice. "This is what mommy had to rush off to do today. Last-minute interview."
The two of them listen to the back and forth banter and questions for a bit. They would even occasionally interupt the interview with their own voices and thoughts as some sort of live, solitary commetary.
"Suzu," Kastuki calls, looking back at her through the rearview while stopped at a traffic light. She hums back, signalling to her father she was listening while staring out the car window. "What do you want for dinner tonight? Your mother said I could cook."
Her eyes brightened as her small hands clenched into excited fists that came up to her chest. Katsuki usually only cooks on weekends when he could spare the extra time since he always works so late on weekdays. So, having him cook dinner on a weekday was an unusual treat.
"Hamburger steak!"
"Hmm," he hums, as Misuzu kicks her legs. "Okay, if you really want hamburgers, you have to promise to eat the broccoli and carrots with it too."
The little girl opens her mouth and produces an overdramatic 'yuck' at the thought. She could handle carrots, fine, but broccoli was always a challenge for her. Of course, if push came to shove and she really truly didn't want to eat the green veggie, you'd just substitute more carrots in their place.
Katsuki and you both made it a habit to be open-minded with your growing daughter and her food preferences. Always trying to balance her meals with only a few snacks a day and some sweets on the side. Never forcing her to eat foods she dislikes and never getting angry if she tries a portion of new food and doesn't like it. As long as she tries at least one bite, that was enough.
"Can we have corn instead of broccoli?" She tries bargaining. If memory serves, there should still be a foam tray of wrapped cobbed corn sitting in his fridge crisper. He taps his index finger on the steering wheel before turning it as soon as the light changes from red to green.
"Corn huh? I guess we can swap it out for broccoli."
"Yes," she hisses in victory as she leans back in her booster and resumes looking out the window, gloating in her victory. The newfound silence gives full control back to the interview that gains Katsuki's attention when the interviewer mentions life at home.
He rolls his eyes.
The media really couldn't just keep their nose out of anything, could they? It wasn't their house, their family, or their business. If it were him in your shoes, he would tell them to shove off and leave his family out of interviews unless they chose to be included beforehand.
Still, you answered.
"Homelife? As typical as any other happy household. Spending time with my daughter and husband, no matter how short or long, is all I can really ask for."
Katsuki could hear the smile in your voice.
"Your little daughter is in school now, correct? How is she adjusting to school life? Is it hard to raise a child and have both parents be busy as active pros?"
Okay, forget the interview questions. That was borderline prying. The spiky blond bit back a curse, not wanting to let his young child in the back hear such nasty words straight from his mouth.
"She's doing wonderfully at school," Misuzu buzzes in giddiness at her mother's praise over the radio. "As for us parents, she's very understanding of Ground Zero's schedule as well as my own."
"Would you say she takes more after yourself or your husband then?"
"Misuzu is her own person. She definitely doesn't have his temperament, but she sure is crafty. Still, she's a very kind and sweet child. Though, Misuzu is absolutely a daddy's girl, she adores him to pieces."
Any further questions that were aimed at your home life were graciously and kindly directed away. You felt like you had talked about your husband and child enough for an interview about your hero work.
It's quiet for a bit and the interview ends, replaced with a mindnumbing, elevator-esque music genre. Before he could swap stations, his daughter speaks up from the back again.
"Yes?" He replies, keeping his eyes on the road that would quickly lead to their home.
"What does being a 'daddy's girl' mean?"
"It means that you love your daddy," he answers easily, effortlessly pulling the car into the driveway of your home and opening the garage door with the button in his car. "And that you like spending time with me."
As he parks the car, he's turning the volume dial to the radio down so it doesn't blare the next time the car is started. He's also checking to make sure everything is set for the next ride and nothing is misplaced, going so far as to straighten the wheels. He's interrupted by a small sniffle behind him.
He freezes before he's twisting around to see his daughter, teary-eyed and grabbing at the bottom hem of her shirt.
"Misuzu, what's wrong?" He coos from the front as she sniffles and brings one hand up to push the heel of her palm against her cheeks up to her eyes.
He's jumping out of the car when she doesn't answer him and rounding it in quick jogs to open her door. She's already fiddling clumsily with her booster straps to free herself from the seat and when Katsuki helps undo it all, she all but flops into his arms and cries.
She's wrapping her small arms around his neck, crying and sniffling into his shoulder as he rubs her head and back. Shushing her gently he tries again.
"What's wrong? Do you not feel well? Stomach ache or something?"
She shakes her head not lifting it from where it's hidden in her father's shoulder and he just sighs. Remaining knelt by the cooling down car, he just soothes her until her cries die down to hiccups and she was able to talk.
"I love mommy," Misuzu's choked voice garbles out. Katsuki's brow furrows.
"I know you do. Mommy loves you too, you know that."
"But- but she said I'm a daddys girl," she sniffles again trying to enunciate the words. "A-and you said that that means I love daddy more." He cocks his head but seals his lips. He most definitely did not say that you loved him more. "Does mommy think I don't love her?"
Before he can begin to try and ease his little girl's worries, Misuzu all but gets caught up in a new round of fits and tears at the thought of you thinking she didn't love you too. He once again takes her in his arms, but this time lifting her up.
Holding the girl to his chest, she squeezes her arms around his neck tighter. Her small legs hung on either side of his hips while one of his arms stay under her rear to keep her supported. The other shut the car door and locked it with the push of the button his keyring. Making a mental note to grab her backpack out of the car later.
He continues to coo her into settling down while he enters the house as she continues to weep over the dilemma that wasn't even a dilemma in the first place.
Oh man, he thinks to himself as he steps inside the house. How was he going to work through this?
You arrive hom and park your own vehicle into the driveway next to Katsuki's as you grab for your small bag resting on the passenger seat and exit the still-warm car. Fishing your keys from your pocket, you open your front door and step inside, feeling yourself relax at finally being back home.
"I'm back!" You call out, hanging your keys up on the four-pronged key holder Kirishima had bought you guys as a housewarming gift. Katsuki thought it was lame, but you thought it was thoughtful enough he got you guys anything- plus it was useful.
Before you could heel off your shoes, from around the corner, a small figure is dashing straight towards you.
"Mommy!" Misuzu cheers as you quickly scoop her up from under her arms and lift her to your height. She giggles as her legs that were on either side of your waist kick making her heels bounce off your hips. Your hands were clasped under her as she held onto the front of your shirt in small fistfulls.
"Hello to you too, Little Bullet." Misuzu giggles at the nickname only reserved for when she was running around with far too much energy. You walk with your daughter in your arms into the living room where Katsuki was sitting in the middle of the couch, one arm on the back of the cushions and the other holding the remote to the tv, lazily flipping through channels.
"Daddy, mommy's home!" Misuzu calls from the hall into the living room.
He lifts head, twisting it to look behind at you carrying the little blonde and walking to the back of the couch. He cranes his neck to look up at you as Misuzu twists in your arms to look at what was playing on the tv the best she could. It was some random documentary he stopped on in the midst of channel surfing.
"I'm back," you repeat softly as you set Misuzu down gently to let her go and resume playing. Leaning down to gently greet your husband with a small kiss as he smiles up to you.
"How was it today?"
"Typical," you shrug as you round the couch to properly sit beside him on the cushions in front of Katsuki's arm that rested on the top of it. His limp hand moved to rub your shoulder.
"I hope you're okay with hamburger steak for dinner."
You chuckle a little before leaning slightly into Katsuki's side, letting all the tension from the day continue to fall away from you like chipped, dry dirt.
"Suzu decided on that, huh?"
"Yeah, and we broke a deal for corn and carrots instead of broccoli and carrots. You want the corn baked or boiled?"
"Hmmm, boiled tonight."
Katsuki hummed in affirmation before adding in a small 'I'll start cooking soon', before Misuzu was rushing back into the living room with a book in her hand.
This particular book was one ranging for young to junior ages. About 15 short chapters and barely 200 pages long. However, it was filled with magic and adventure and it happened to be Misuzu's favorite book to be read right now.
"Mommy," she stands in front of you as you straighen your posture, pulling away from leaning on Katsuki. "Can we read this again?"
You teasingly tap your cheek before you gently took the outstretched book offered to you. Without verbal confirmation, your daughter knew she was getting what she wanted. She crawls up on the couch, slotting herself in your lap and leaning her head against your chest.
"on that note," Katsuki huffs as he gets off the couch, "you two read away and I'll start dinner." You look up at Katsuki as he stretches, the book your child eagerly awaits for you to open in your hands.
"If you need any help, just shout."
"I can handle making food, moron," Katsuki breathes with a soft smile. Reaching out, he gently runs the back of his index finger along your cheek down to your chin. "Read Girlie her book."
As he walks to the kitchen and away from the living room, the sounds of the low volumne tv and you beginning to read the book you've read at least 10 times grown distant to his ears.
As he starts taking pans and pots out of cabinets and food from the fridge and pantry, he scoffs to himself and his lips lift into a smirk that offers a peek his gums. He remembers the words his daughter declared as soon as she calmed down from her crying fits with clenched fists and fire in her eyes that resembled his own ambitious embers.
"I'm going to spend so much time with mommy today that I'll have to be mommy's girl too!"
Katsuki swears he could see steam shoot from her nostrils with each breath at her declaration. Amping herself up for the very near mommy-daughter time.
"I'm not even going to correct her," Katsuki tells to himself about the issue. It wasn't as if you were just on time off to spend with her; but he's goint let Misuzu do what she wants since it's all harmless anyways. It wasn't like she was hurting anyone by spending time with her mother.
All throughout the rest of the afternoon and into the evening, Misuzu was glued to you. She had always been a clingy child, wanting to be played with or carried or included in anyway she could. She'd even willingly help with chores just to spend time with one of her parents; or at least she'd try and help.
Misuzu was in your lap while you read to her, she was trailing hot on your heels when you were walking around the house, she was standing outside in the hall when you were in the bathroom, and she even scooched her chair closer to yours at the dinner table.
As you ate, Misuzu was quick to start any conversations she could. Although her goal was to get your attention and spend time with you, she felt like she was leaving her dad out. She knew he knew of her plan, but she still wants to include him in dinnertime chitchat.
"Guess what I learned in school today," she opens conversation as she pops a piece of carrot in her mouth. Katsuki and you both hum. "I learned my multiplaction table. Did you know that something can be multiplied 12 times?"
"Kiddo," you start, chuckling and wiping at the corner her lips when she smears hamburger sauce on them. "You can multipliy numbers much more than 12 times."
"If you keep talking and avoiding the rest of your vegetables on that plate, I'll multiply them," Katsuki emptily threatens, taking a hearty bite out of his corn cob.
"How about we challenge for veggies, dad!" Misuzu only ever refers to Katsuki as 'Dad' when she was ready to wager something or play a prank. It always made him smirk and then their eyes would match in fiery compition.
"Ohhh?" He drew out.
Misuzu threw out her fist. "Rock, paper, scissors for the rest of the veggies on my plate. If I win, you have to eat alllll of my veggies for me."
"Only on the condition that if you lose, you have to finish them off before you finish your hambuger and the rest of my carrots." Katsuki pointed at the four remaining side carrots on his plate with his chopsticks. You could see Misuzu's determination falter before you pat her back.
"I believe in you, Suzu!" You lightly cheer. Her eyes light up with stars as Katsuki fakes a pout.
"You're on her side and not mine? I'm your husband," he fakes in offense. You shrug and lean back, playing pacifist.
Needless to say, three rounds of rock, paper, scissors later, Misuzu was pouting as she scarfed down her vegetables as quickly as possible. Although, as token of good faith, Katsuki ate the rest of his carrots on his own.
After dinner, Katsuki goes to wash up for the night as Misuzu helps you with dinner clean up. She was taking plates and putting left overs in the containers you gave her before giving you the dirty dishes to wash. You were wiping off the counters and sink while Misuzu wipes down the table when Katsuki comes in with still damp hair and a towel on his head.
"Bathrooms empty if you want to shower and clean up." You nod as Misuzu goes to follow you yet again. However, she had already been cleaned off the day, taking a bath after she came home and had stopped crying. It was a comfort thing, after every bad fit or tempertanturm, she would fully calm down with a bubbly bath with one of her parents fawning over her.
Katsuki was quick to scoop her up, holding her tightly like the princess she is as he made sure she wouldn't slip from his hold.
"Why not let mom go and get cleaned up on her own? We can wait for her in the living room, okay?" Misuzu thought it over before she was nodding. "Good girl."
You trot to the bathroom and start undressing, more than ready to wash off the days events. The shower was something much needed as the last chips of exhasution finally fell off your shoulders. The hot water soothing your aching back and steam relaxing your senses.
When you came out of the shower, dressed and fresh the first thing on your mind was prepping Misuzu's lunch for the next day before you forgot or got too tired to do it. Going into the kitchen, you grab for the loaf of bread in the cupboard and then snatch her favorite strawberry jam and smooth peanut butter.
As you were cutting the crust from the bread's edge, since Misuzu was picky about bread crusts, you feel her behind you. Latching onto the back of both your legs, one arm linked around each.
"Yes, Sweetie?" You hum softly as you hear her very faintly yawn.
"I help," he tiredly whines, releasing one of your legs to rub at her eyes. You could tell what she was doing without even looking at her and you smile, setting the crustless bread pieces on the clean countertop.
"Not right now, baby," you coo. "You're a lttle too sleepy."
"'m not sleepy."
"Uh-huh, you want to know who else says that?" There was a brief pause. "Daddy does." You momentarily get lost in thought about how much of Katsuki was truly present in her small, gentle persona. Her fiery competitiveness, her drive to achieve things no matter how small they seem, and of course her stubborn nature. You were brought out of those thoughts the moment you heard the smallest sniffle behind you.
You had been spreading the tan peanut spread on a piece of bread before you immedately set it down and twist your upper body to look down at the top of your daughter's head. Her chin was down, tucked close to her chest as her forehead was pushing into the back of your thighs. Her shoulders jump occassionally with small sniffs, like she was trying to hide the fact she was most definitely crying.
"Oh, Sweetheart," you coo, gently detaching her from your legs and bending down to kneel on both knees in front of her. You take her hands into your own and hold them softly as she continues to sniffle while fat tears slowly trail down her cheeks. You could tell by her tense face she was trying to get them to stop. "What's wrong?"
"I love you, Mommy."
You raise one hand to her cheek, gently swiping away a tear that is quickly replaced by another. Her skin was flushed and warm to the touch because of her emotions.
"I know that, Baby. I love you too."
"I love you just as much as I love Daddy."
"I know," you gently repeat.
"So, I'm not just daddy's girl?" Your brow quirks at her question. Instantly you were confused. Your confusion was short lived however, when Katsuki comes into the kitchen, standing in the doorway with his shoulder against the wall.
"She heard your interview on the radio and thinks that her being a daddy's girl is something bad when it comes to her mom." There's a small smile on his lips and you could tell it was a conflicted one.
Conflicted in the sense that firstly, he has already been through at least two of these misunderstanding tantrums and secondly, he hates seeing his daughter upset, much less crying. And finding the situation a little silly along with it all.
Misuzu shuffles to get closer to you, latching her arms around your neck the best she could. Your arms engulf her tiny little body as you shush and rock her side to side, rubbing up and down her back reassuredly.
"Misuzu," you call to get her attention. She slowly pulls away from you as you hold her shoulders and keep her in front of you. You push your forehead against hers and make her lock eyes with you. "Being a daddy's girl doesn't mean that you love me anyless."
"But you said-"
"I know," you nod slightly, "I know what I said. It's not a bad thing, Sweetheart. Loving your dad isn't bad at all, so you don't need to cry over it."
"Can I be a mommy's girl too?" She sniffles and you have half a mind to lay on the floor and scream. Your daughter was just too cute.
"Yes," you lightly breathe with a laugh in your voice. "You most certainly can be a mommy's girl too."
"I promise."
She sniffles once more before wiping haphazardly at her face, clearing it of all tear stains. She glances up at the counter and then back down at you with doey, wet eyes.
"Can I have extra jam on my sandwich?"
You laugh before you kiss her head and sweep her up into your arms before standing and swaying her around.
"Of course." It didn't take long of you swaying her that she was out like a light. She was still young, so all the crying she'd done throughout the afternoon and evening had tuckered her out as she slept against your chest. Arms hanging limp over your shoulders and cheek smooshed just under your chin.
Katsuki made his way over and gently ran his fingertips over her spine, relaxing her further as she slept. His other hand came to wrap around your back and settle on your hip, lightly massaging it with his thumb.
"She's cried enough to fill four jars today, I swear," he scoffs quietly at his daughter puffy face.
"She's only 7, this is serious stuff," you jokingly testify on Misuzu's behalf.
Katsuki steps just a milimeter close to you, tugging you closer to his body by your hip and kisses you easily. It's long and warm and loving. His hand on your hip tightens as he's pushing down further on your lips, trying to silently convey everything he's feeling into you without the use of words. By the way he feels you smiling back against his lips, he knows you understand.
You always do.
Pulling away, your cheeks are warm and he nestles against your nose with his own.
"I love you too," you quietly tell him. Soon, he's taking misuzu from you and easily walking her into her room where he tucks her into bed and lets her sleep for the night. The rest of the evening he's stuck to you.
Wrapping his arms around your middle in the kitchen while you finish tomorrow's lunches. Leaning against you on the couch while he toys and spins the wedding band resting on your finger that matches his. Snatching and holding your pinky as you walk to the bedroom ahead of him, ready to sleep. And holding you as close as possible as you both lay on the mattress.
He was happy his daughter loved you, but maybe he missed all his opputurnitys to cling to you today too.
Oh well, he sighs against your head as you were tucked under his chin. He's got you know and for the rest of his life, so what's one day lost to his kid?
a/n pt2: wow this got longer than i thought. whoops x2 (feedback feedback feedback- i chant into a megaphone manifesting it)
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planetwenee · 2 years
Beaded Bracelets
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genre: domestic/married life, husband!bakugou, wife!y/n
warning(s): bakugou-workaholic-katsuki,
w.count: 2.5k
synposis: it's not like katsuki remembers his birthday on a regular basis, but this year with his time being consumed with work and trying to spend time with his family the best he can- even if he's falling asleep on the couch every night- he definitely forgets.
a/n: istg i better get this done in time for his birthday or im breaking my own fingers
Bakugou Katsuki never considered himself anything less than a workaholic. He wanted to work, to grow as a prohero, to gain popularity and climb the ranks; he wanted to be better. There's no better way to gain what he wants besides working constantly. And he did, before he met you, married you, then had a child with you.
Now, his workaholic tendencies are all but nagging thoughts in the back of his head. When he was with his family, he felt conflicted because surely there was work that needed to be done. But then, when he was working he would anxiously pace, thinking his family would leave him one day because he was out patrolling and being a hero instead of being a husband and father.
It felt like some sick catch 22 in his brain.
Today though, today was different. Today he woke up later than usual and didn't get a chance to kiss you before he left for work, too in a rush, so he got to the agency cranky. It felt like everyone at the agency was out to grind on his gears too, shooting him looks or giving him random pats on the shoulder before he sneered and hissed at them to leave him be. Then, out on patrol, the once cloudless sky was covered by clouds that turned into a rainstorm with thunder closing in off in the distance. His was soaked and his hero suit clung to him in uncomfortable, wet wrinkles.
By the time Katsuki had clocked out, and threw his hero gear into a duffle to take home and clean, the rain had worsened and the world outside was dark. It was already 8 in the evening and he sighed, running a hand through his damp hair as he sat in his car in the parking garage of his agency. Normally, his daughter was put to bed around now, so by the time he gets home, she would be out like a light. Another day of him barely seeing her.
"Fuck this," he hisses, turning his car's engine on and beginning the drive back home. As he pulls his car into the driveway of his home with you and Misuzu, the rain had worsened and sheets of lightning would flash above him followed by a roll of thunder. He didn't mind storms, but it seems to have further worsened his mood.
Stepping up to the front door, he unlocks it easily- he would have lost his mind if he dropped his keys- and pushes himself inside to the warm, dry space he felt the most relaxed in. Rain dripped off the ends of his hair as the shoulders of his now damp shirt chilled him. He had just barely got his keys on the key ring when he hears the small, rapid pattering of feet.
His eyes slightly widen seeing his 5-year-old still up and not in bed, but nonetheless, he smiles. He drops his duffle without much thought as the little girl doesn't decrease her speed and barrels into him. He hooks under her arms and hoists her up with practiced ease, chuckling as she giggles into his ear and squeezes around his neck.
"Welcome home!" She greets when she finally leans back in his hold, his arms folded under her and her hands on his shoulders. "Your shoulders are all wet."
"Brilliant observation, Girlie. Rain isn't dry."
"Don't be stinky," she pouts as he rapidly starts shaking his head, water flinging from his hair as the little girl laughs, bringing her hands to her face. "Papa! Stop!" He does when he starts to get a bit too dizzy and he smiles seeing her wipe her face.
"What're you still doin' up anyways, squirt?"
"Mama let me stay up so we could wait for you!"
"Wait for me? Why's that?" Mizusu doesn't answer. Instead, she starts kicking her legs so Katsuki could let her down. He does so, easily and gently lowers her back to the floor as she snatches his hand and starts leading him further inside. He was barely able to kick his shoes off in the meantime.
He didn't notice it before, still too cranky with head clouds and then preoccupied with Mizusu's greeting, but it smelt like cake in his house.
Rounding the corner into the living room and leading further still, Mizusu drags her father into the kitchen. He blinks in astonishment when he sees the state of it.
There's a small cake sitting on the kitchen counter, covered in white cream and topped with strawberries- a fruit he goes out of his way telling you are his favorites- along with candles. Three paper plates are stacked beside it. A small banner hung on the ceiling, simple and clean reading 'happy birthday!' on it. He could smell the spices of his favorite dish coming from the stove you were standing at before you were turning around, wiping your hands off with a dish towel, and smiling at him. Mizusu was still clining to his hand, jumping and giddy at the minimal, yet charming, decore.
"Oh damn, that was today?" He mutters to himself before Mizusu is unlatching herself from his hand and running to her stepstool you had gotten her when she wanted to help you cook so she could reach the countertop.
She stands on it as you handed her something and quickly moves to stand beside her. Before he could register what was happening- pop! The sound of two pops like finger snaps filled the kitchen and the air was shot with colorful streamers and confetti.
"Happy birthday, Papa!" Mizusu cheers, hopping off her stool again and rushing him, clinging around his waist. You come to his side, kissing his cheek lightly and rubbing his arm.
"You totally forgot it was your birthday, huh?" You ask teasingly. "I was counting on that. Looks like our surprise was a success Zusu!" You bend slightly to smile at her, throwing up your hands in a victory sign.
"Success!" She mimics.
It was like the clouds that hung around him all day just disappeared and he had barely been home five minutes.
"Papa, do you like it?"
Katsuki smiles, placing a hand on his daughter's head and ruffling her bedtime hair.
"Yes, I do. Thank you," he tells her as she giggles and buries her face into his side. He moves to look at you and quickly kisses you twice- making up for the one he missed this morning. "I knew something was up when Zusu came launching at me the moment I came inside. Normally, you have her in bed by now."
"Well, I couldn't very well send our child to bed to celebrate this special day alone, now could I?"
"I could think of a couple things we could do alone in celebration," He chuckles, grinning high enough to flash a sliver of his gums that has you pushing at his shoulder. Your fluster was always the best form of amusement to him. He reconciles by kissing your forehead. "Is dinner done? Quite frankly, I'm starving and it smells fuckin' fantastic."
"Papa, no cursing," Mizusu scolds. Looking down she was pushing out her cheek and scowling up at him. He smiles gently down at her, using his hand that still sat on her head to pull at the puffed-out cheek.
"Yeah, yeah. My bad."
The three of you detach from each other and get the table loaded with food to feed the drained hero just coming back from his work. As you three ate, the conversation carried naturally.
You had apparently taken the day off- but didn't tell him- just so you could spend the day getting everything ready with Mizusu. Katsuki wasn't entirely thrilled since his daughter missed a day of school, but another glance around his kitchen and he was able to dismiss it just this one time. He'd even help her with whatever homework or assignments she missed since she skipped today for his sake.
After dinner, you usher the two of them into the living room while you start to clean up. Katsuki offers to stay and help, but Mizusu was pretty desperate in dragging him out of the kitchen for some reason. He relents easily as he now sits waiting on the sofa for her to come back to wherever it was she had run off to. He takes the moment to fully decompress.
Katsuki tipped his head back, looking at the plain old ceiling, and felt relieved. He could hear the rain pounding around outside, hitting the roof, and could hear the occasional sound of thunder. The elements couldn't get him here; nothing could.
Before too long, Mizusu comes back and is plopping herself on the sofa next to her dad. Sneakily trying to scoot onto his lap, he rolls his eyes and lifts her onto his legs so she sits in front of him, her legs over his and her back to him. She was satified as a roll of thunder traveled the air. He watches his daughter for any sign of discomfort from the loud sound.
"Hey, Zusu," he called as she hummed to him. "Does thunder bother you?"
"Hm-mh," she denies, shaking her head. "I like the sound it makes. I really like storms too!"
"You do?"
"Yeah, because they remind me of your quirk." He felt his heart stop for a moment. What? "The thunder is like how your explosions sound and the lightning is like all the light it makes! Mama said your quirk works with sweat too, so the rain is that! Storms are just like you, and I like you, so I like storms too."
Mizusu squeals as Katsuki picks her up under her arms and spins her around so her legs are on either side of his hips before his littering her small face in kisses. She giggles, trying to escape the attack but failing as her fit of laughter makes her weak. You come out of the kitchen to see them laughing at each other before you sit beside them on the sofa.
"Zusu, did you give Papa his present yet?"
"My what?" He hadn't taken notice of the small, orange envelope in his daughter's hands until you had brought it up, pointing to it as you asked. Mizusu is quickly pushing it towards him, bouncing on his legs in urgency for him to open it. Gently tearing open the envelope, he tips it before the item inside slips out and lands in his opposite palm.
A bracelet lands in his hand.
Made with orange and black around beads, and threaded with a green elastic band. The center bead even had an emoji-styled explosion painted on it.
"Did you make this, Zusu?"
The little girl's chest puffs out as she crosses her arms, clearly proud of herself. She was too busy gloating to notice the way her father's face softened and his eyes widened before getting glossy. You noticed though and you reached out to grab his free hand, squeezing it in yours. He returns the gesture almost immediately.
"I did! Mama helped tie it though, I kept messing it up."
"But you did the rest of it all on your own. You even picked out the beads you wanted at the craft store." Mizusu took the bracelet from Katsuki's palm and slips it onto his wrist. "She was really busy making that while I did some small chores around the house."
"Do you like it?" She asks, somewhat shy all of a sudden. Katsuki breathes lightly out of his nose before he's motioning for her to hug him and he's squeezing her with the free arm he has, pushing his cheek against the top of her head. He squeezes your hand in tandem to holding his daughter and you could tell he was trying not to get all sappy.
"I love it, thank you, Girlie." Before long, Mizusu ends up falling asleep on Katsuki's chest while you all watch a movie before the night ends. He takes her to bed and when he comes back, you're back in the kitchen covering the cake on the counter so you three could have some tomorrow. You had been so preoccupied with the gift-giving then the movie you had plum forgotten about it.
You pluck a strawberry from the top of the cake and hold it out to Katsuki when he comes up behind you.
"Want it?" You ask before he's opening his mouth and eating it, but not before nipping at your fingertips in the meantime. "Hey! No biting," you tell him.
"I'll bite if I want to. You love it." You gently shake your head as you cover the cake and push it back further on the counter. He sets his hands on your hips, lowering his chin to your shoulder. "Come shower with me."
"Really? Are you sure?" Normally, he takes showers on his own because it was a small amount of 'me time' he had between being a dad and being a hero. If you intruded on that, you'd feel a little guilty.
"Yeah, I'm damn sure. Come on," he tugged on your arm, dragging you the same way Mizusu was dragging him earlier. The shower was brisk but warm and comforting. And Katsuki wouldn't pass up the chance of you washing his hair or scrubbing his back. It was relaxing, even if you kept dropping the bar of soap he always used for his skin.
Warm and clean, you lay in bed with him. He was laying on top of you tonight, arms resting beside the small of your back and face pushed up under your chin and in your neck. Your fingers thread through his clean hair as he basked in everything, basked in you. His legs are tangled with yours and between the comforter that rests on his hips. He damn near began to melt when you start rubbing his back.
"I can tell work was rough for you today," you tell him in a small voice so as to not break and shatter the peaceful air, "but I hope you're feeling better now."
"I'm fuckin' leagues better, you have no idea," he sighs into your skin. He could feel the beads of Mizusu's bracelet around his wrist- the very same bracelet he had showered with- as he lightly twists his arm around, back and forth. "I'm never taking his bracelet off."
"It'll get in the way of your gauntlets, won't it?"
"Hnng," he groans. "Fine, I'll only take it off when I'm in my hero gear. Then the fuckin' thing's going back on."
"I'm glad you like Zusu's present so much," you chuckle. "I would've gotten you something myself, but I didn't want to take away from her moment, you know? I'll make it up to you another time."
"Don't bother," he reassures, nuzzling further into you. "This is way more than enough. Just let me stay here, right here." You feel him slacken further into you and you just smile and shut your eyes. Still rubbing up and down his spine as his breathing evens out.
"You can stay here as long as you want."
a/n pt2: holy daMN i made it
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