plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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For LED plant growth lights, dimming has obvious advantages. The risk of adjusting the spectrum of the LED is far less than the benefits of adjusting the appropriate spectrum to the plant. LED grow lights may have more knobs, and can even control every kind of light. Enables growers to tune out the best and most suitable spectrum for their plants. These adjustable LED plant lights may uncover the spectral mixing ratio required by each plant, thereby promoting the development of LED plant lights and producing growth lights suitable for various plants. In addition, commercial growers who grow a variety of plants can benefit from it, because they can find specific lamps suitable for their specific plant growth.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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The full-spectrum LED plant growth lamp is used as a supplementary lighting research for plant photosynthesis. Traditional artificial light sources generate too much heat. If LED plant growth lights are used to supplement lighting and hydroponic systems, air can be recycled, excess heat and water can be removed, and electricity can be efficiently converted into Effective photosynthetic radiation is finally transformed into plant matter. Studies have shown that the use of full-spectrum LED plant light for lighting can increase the growth rate and photosynthetic rate of lettuce by more than 20%, and it is feasible to use LED plant growth lights in plant factories. Compared with the metal halide lamp, the anatomical morphology of the stems and leaves of the pepper and perilla plants grown under the LED plant growth lamp with the corresponding wavelength changed significantly, and with the increase of the optical density, the photosynthetic rate of the plant Is able to improve. Compound wavelength full-spectrum LED plant growth lights can increase the number of stomata in marigold and sage plants.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Switch to LED plant growth lights to effectively increase plant yield
Electricity costs account for the main part of indoor farm and garden management costs. Therefore, cost savings alone are enough to motivate people to switch to LED lighting. Once growers have successfully transitioned to LED grow lights, they will soon discover another bottom-line benefit—improving plant quality and increasing yield. From the results of our tests, compared with planting using traditional lighting, high-quality LED plant growth lights can increase plant yield by 50%, and the plant growth rate is 2.5 times. What do I need to do after switching to LED grow lights?
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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There is relatively little fair or well-implemented research on the full cost-saving potential of switching to LED plant growth lights. Do you include the cost savings from reducing the burden of ventilation and humidity? What should I do if the burden on the air conditioner is reduced? There are significant differences between the brands of LED grow lights. How do you compare these differences? Some growers try to perform mathematical calculations and estimate that within a year, after switching to LED plant growth lights, they can save 50% to 60% of energy costs.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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But first, why do plants in the greenhouse need LED grow lights?
There are several options for using artificial LED grow lights today:
-Supplement. Promote photosynthesis. In this case, LED plant growth lights are used in combination with natural sunlight;
-Regularly. Supplementary LED plant growth lamp lighting is just to make it possible to control the daylight hours;
-Full daylight alternative. This program maximizes the control of the process of plant growth. It is worth noting that the complete replacement of daylight is only used in rooms with climate-controlled environments. Only by maintaining a balance is it possible to enrich the optimal growth rate of plants.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Lighting coverage
Every LED grow light you consider should contain information about lighting coverage. This refers to the area covered by the light falling on the plant, usually in square feet.
A good coverage area is very important. Not only the size and lens of the LED grow light determine your coverage area, but also the height of the suspension. The farther the distance between the lamp and the plant, the larger the area, but the lower the PPFD.
LED grow light coverage
Suppose you hang a light 12 feet from the canopy. You increase the suspension height to a distance of 24 feet. You will now have a much lower light intensity than before.
This is why it is very important to pay attention to the suspension height and coverage area when choosing LED plant growth lights.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Plant spotlight-1000wled plant growth light
Through the technology of different light sources, under the condition of LED light source of suitable wavelength, the growth and development speed and survival rate of plants are expected to be further increased by 20% to 50%, and the company saves about 30% of energy; during the growth process The speed will be nearly 3 times faster than that of plants that generally grow in the natural environment. For example, if our life span is only one or two days, under the irradiation of 1000wled plant growth lamps, the flowering period can be extended to about 20 days. It solves the problem of lack of sunlight in the agricultural greenhouse in winter, and promotes the chlorophyll, anthocyanin and carotene needed in the process of economic plants affecting the photosynthetic effect, so that the fruits and vegetables are harvested 20% earlier, increasing to 3 to 5 Into the output.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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The chandelier is too high
Many growers who switch to LED plant growth lights often hang the lights too high above the tree canopy. Although the typical installation height of HPS/CMH lamps may be 24-30 inches, this is an inappropriate installation height for LED grow lights. The LED grow light is designed to be installed 6-12 inches from the tree canopy to achieve maximum output. This proximity is possible because they generate much less heat than comparable HPS products. The evenly spaced diodes in our design allow for uniform light distribution over the growth area, even at these narrower mounting heights.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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18 misunderstandings of LED plant growth lights
LED grow lights are becoming very popular, if you want to buy a new grow light system or upgrade an old fluorescent light fixture, they are a very good choice. This post about the myth of LED plant growth lights will save you time and money.
As with any new technology, there are many misunderstandings about LED plant growth lights. Some started because the public lacked knowledge, but many started by manufacturers trying to sell their products. Some of them prefer to keep us in the dark so they can make outrageous claims, but better companies will not. We need to do our part to become educated consumers, so that we can correctly evaluate the information disseminated and the product itself.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Plant lighting LED plant growth lamp lamp beads are mainly red lamp beads, blue lamp beads, white light lamp beads and full spectrum lamp beads. The reason for using such spectrum lamp beads is that countless experiments have proved that plant growth needs the most The light is red and blue. The white light of 600wLED plant lamp is to supplement other spectral components that may be needed for plant growth. The spectrum emitted by the full-spectrum LED plant lamp is mainly red and blue, and the light quality is for callus. The temptation and the differentiation of organs also have a significant impact. The red spectrum plays a particularly important role when the plant blooms and bears fruit.
The emergence of plant factories is first of all to ensure the quality and safety of planting, because the entire process is precisely controlled by IT, and the industry, specifications and output, and whether there are pesticide residues are all clear at a glance.
2. This kind of planting method has little impact on the environment, and can be carried out in places where agriculture could not be involved in the past, such as cities and areas where families and agricultural resources are lacking.
3. The production capacity of plant factories is concentrated, which can efficiently use resources and increase the productivity of agriculture. The plant factory uses a multi-layered space cultivation structure and precise cultivation conditions control, with high yield and stability.
Lighting with 600w LED plant lights can also promote crop growth in different stages of crop growth. For example, red light helps to promote crop growth, and blue light helps crops to form embryos. Adjusting the light in a targeted manner can still save money. Chemical fertilizers improve the nutrient content of plants.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Shenzhen Yaorong Technology Co., Ltd. 1000w LED plant light can meet the needs of plant wavelength illumination, especially suitable for light-controlled plant cultivation environment, can well meet the needs of the market, and is widely used in plant cultivation and greenhouse light supplementation and plant tissue culture And plant factories have many advantages such as promoting plant growth, regulating the establishment of plant morphology, energy saving and environmental protection.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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12 kinds of plant light formula of 1000wLED plant light
In recent years, with the improvement of agricultural productivity, greenhouses have developed rapidly. Traditional greenhouses using ordinary electric light sources to supplement light can no longer meet people's growing needs. Ordinary electric light sources lack the analysis of specific spectral components, resulting in impure light quality processing, inconsistent light intensity, lower than the plant light compensation point, and low energy efficiency of the illuminating light source, which ultimately leads to unsatisfactory input-output ratios. Since the introduction of the new 1000w LED plant light, due to its small size, light weight, long life and adjustable light intensity, it has become one of the most important light sources for the regulation of the light environment of plants. Has obvious advantages.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Introduction to the core parameters of LED plant growth lights:
The lighting effect of LED plant lights must reach 2.7umol/J, but almost all plant lights claim 2.7umol/J or higher. This requires our careful analysis and identification. Generally, the credibility of large brand plant lights is higher. If it is not a brand, we need to know the brand of LED lamp beads (preferably with a specific model) and the number of lamp beads, which can also help identify the credibility of the light effect. Generally speaking, the same is used. For lamp bead models, the more the number of lamp beads, the higher the efficiency.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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There are fluorescent lamps, HID lamps and LED lamps in the existing plant supplementary lights on the market. It is recommended to choose LED plant lights for any purpose. This is mainly because compared with traditional plant lights, LED plant lights have the following advantages: high luminous efficiency (energy saving), wide spectrum coverage (easy to obtain monochromatic light or full spectrum), adjustable light intensity spectrum, long life, Low heat (can be illuminated at close range, saving planting space), diversified forms of lamps (which can meet the needs of different application scenarios), and high safety in use.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Yaorong Technology is the first choice for plant lighting, so that there are no difficult plants in the world
Why do plants use LED plant lights?
Now more and more people are starting to plant flowers and grass, coupled with the rapid development of greenhouse planting, so the corresponding LED plant supplement light is becoming more and more popular. I believe that both home planting enthusiasts and greenhouse growers are familiar with LED plant supplement light, because they will be used many times. But how much do you know about led plant fill light? Do you know why the fill light is used?
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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Yaorong Technology led full spectrum plant light is the best
Before talking about what brand is good, let's first explain what is full spectrum and what is led plant light.
The full spectrum means-covering all the light components in the visible light band of the sun, that is, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. The corresponding wavelength range is 380nm-780nm.
Plant lights, also known as plant growth lights and plant supplementary lights, have different names but little difference. The most popular plant lights on the market are high pressure sodium lights and LED lights. However, LED plant lights are the mainstream direction of development and have many advantages. . The emergence of led plant lights is mainly to supplement the light for plant growth.
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plant-lights-yr · 3 years
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How does the spectrum of the LED plant growth light from Yaorong Technology affect the growing cannabis plant?
Yaorong Technology LED Cannabis Planting Light
What is spectrum?
Although natural light may appear white to us, it is actually composed of many different colors. When passing light through a prism, or when we see a rainbow, we can see the "true face" of the sun. When the light is refracted to its various parts, we can see all the colors that make up the light.
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