plantseyesandears · 2 years
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Little ghosts that glow in the dark
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plantseyesandears · 2 years
It’s been 15 days and it’s germinated, since then there has been 1 leaf a day. Watering every 4-6 days and fertilized with banana and ammonia for the citric acid and positive minerals.
Take a jar and put in half a banana with a full peel. Then add water until fully saturated and leave by window sill over night and into mid day. Careful when opening it will fizz. Make sure you know your plant has the average acidity preference 5-7, try for 2 weeks and add ammonia only to outside flowers as it Develops a particular aroma.
Please try with moderation.
You could also add a fully steeped tea bag into a jar (my preference is lemon ginger) and that adds potassium and nitrogen especially when fresh.
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