plataneprofessor · 2 years
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Things were rather awkward. Augustine didn’t know what to do with himself, either, and it was starting to feel like one of those public events he attended out of obligation. Fortunately, the other broke the silence.
“Lys, hm?” Fortunately, he bounced back well and smiled warmly, resting a hand on his chest. “It’s lovely to meet you, too. You seem quite nice. Are you from around here? I don’t recall ever seeing you. If you don’t mind the prying...” 
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“Oh! I’m sorry….” Swing and a miss from Professor Sycamore. He let withdrew the treat, offering a little bow instead. “I suppose offering treats is instinctive. Ah… how do you do? I am Professor Augustine Sycamore.”
   “Aw, that’s okay! You were just being nice!”
Which feels odd, considering the situation that this was. There’s no Kyosuke to hide behind, and running off would just look rude (or worse, suspicious). So, he finds himself just standing in place, flicking through whether to bow, curtsy, or hold out a hand.
Eventually, once standing still has breached normalcy and starts heading into off, his processes executes a bow in the stiffest way possible. Mimicry was the most sincerest form of flattery, after all.
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   “I’m Lysandre! Oh, but, you can just call me Lys! It’s nice to meet you, Augustine!”
Can I call you that? Is that rude?
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
Augustine would play the hell out of Splatoon. It’s cute, it’s fun, the music slaps, and it has some neat lore. What’s not to love?
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
“I told you a joke and you’re laughing. I love you.” - lysxandre
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"H-how could I not? It was funny!" He was laughing enough to almost miss that last bit. Almost. And it brought pause to the good Professor, whose face turned quite a nice shade of pink.
"Do.... do people not laugh at your jokes often? Heh... I... mn. I love you, too..."
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
So while I’m catching up on things...
Maybe go check out someone else in my roster?
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
“Sorry about being mentally ill, the sex will be bomb though.”
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That's not something you hear every day! The professor stares with wide eyes and a face that's slowly reddening, imagination already going a bit wild.
"... we can talk about therapy options when you've ensured I need to take the next two days off, how's that?"
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
“The Universe has a sense of humor and I can respect the commitment to the bit but, girl, please.” (yeets Calem here)
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At this point, the Professor is a little worried about the poor young man's mental health. Has something been going on in his life? Or maybe he's just been through a lot and hasn't really had the time to get a proper break. Regardless, the man puts on a pot of tea and gestures to a cushioned chair.
"Maybe... it's best we take a break from the 'universe' for a minute. Did you... want to talk about it?"
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
My muse has to tell nothing but the truth for 10 asks.
Ask them funny questions, get personal, query about the people around them or pester them for their deepest darkest secrets - go wild! Include ✘ with the asks!
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
I’m sorry I’ve been absent some bad personal things have been going on. Trying to get back my mojo again
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
“Can someone please be proud of me? Like fuck, I’m trying.” [ skull-bxund ]
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"I certainly am. Life is far from easy, far from simple. And the fact that you're here, and that you're trying? That's amazing. No matter what happens or how hard it gets, please keep pushing forward. You're doing wonderfully and I'm very, very proud of you for how far you've gotten, and how far you will go yet."
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
“I’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.”
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Augustine didn't know how to tell this man that he didn't have a straight bone in his body. There were a few places he could go with this, so he had to decide which one was the best possible route.
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"Well, if that's the case, then I can think of a place where you don't have to be either of those things." He propped his chin in his hand, one brow twitching as a sly smirk tugged at his lips. "... it's called the bedroom, cher." Nailed it.
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
“I don’t identify as “male” or “female”, I identify as a warning.”
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"A warning, hm..." Augustine got a bit of a chuckle at that, tucking his hand in his pocket and nodding slowly. "Well, I respect your identity. But, that does leave one question. Does the warning prefer waffles or pancakes for breakfast?"
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
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"Dad. Look what I found." He was carrying a Pokemon egg that he found. It was abandoned and he figured that he'd bring it home. "It's a Pokemon egg!"
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"How kind of you!" He offered only praise, leaning in to inspect the egg. Perhaps he could discern who the parent was, and at the very least, tell what kind of condition it was in so that he might know how to care for it, should it be damaged. "So it is... and the little dear appears to be in great shape!" The Professor reached up, gently resting a hand on his son's head and patting.
"Let's get the darling to an incubator, hm? This baby deserves to come into the world in the best shape!"
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
𝐓𝐔𝐌𝐁𝐋𝐑 𝐓𝐄𝐗𝐓 𝐏𝐎𝐒𝐓𝐒 𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐏𝐓𝐒 𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 (a collection of prompts from text posts I saved. Feel free to adjust phrasing and gendered terms as necessary)
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“You’re such an idiot. I will literally kiss you on the mouth.”
“Not evil anymore, I want to be loved now.”
“Babygirl, you are awkward and do not understand social cues.”
“Sorry about being mentally ill, the sex will be bomb though.”
“What if my best self is a cunt that can’t wake up before noon?”
“They’ve got something gay going on.”
“I’m the nicest, sweetest, most rage-filled person I know.”
“I couldn’t fix him. But I could fuck him.”
“I am a generator of hate, and my rage is a renewable resource, like sunshine.”
“If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I, am not.“
“I’m not interested in being polite or heterosexual.”
“You’re talking mad shit for a guy within kissing distance.”
“I’m sorry I’m hot and funny. Are you mad at me?”
“You make a lot of threats for someone who is short and can’t even do a push-up.”
“My fear of abandonment is so strong, because if I could I would abandon myself too.”
“Your first kill together as a couple is an important relationship milestone.”
“My kink? Knowing all the information.”
“I think Aristotle said that.”
“The Universe has a sense of humor and I can respect the commitment to the bit but, girl, please.”
“Vulnerability is so hard. If I told you anything sappy know that I had a hand to hand combat with seven layers of embarrassment and repression.”
“Please don’t say mean things to me.”
“My hobbies include knowing and being right.”
“I told you a joke and you’re laughing. I love you.”
“I’m covered in blood for sexy reasons. Also I just got stabbed.”
“I don’t identify as “male” or “female”, I identify as a warning.”
“I’ve made a huge mistake.”
“First of all, I didn’t “miss” the red flags. I looked at them and thought: yeah, that’s sexy.”
“I could recognize him by tits alone.”
“I hate when people ask me what sign I am. Like, bitch, I am a sign from God. Start running.”
“Can someone please be proud of me? Like fuck, I’m trying.”
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
Oh yeah I have a XerneasAU.
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
“ [ nope! nope nope nope nope. Ree steps back, open palms raised so he can't just hand the money off to them. ] That -- that's okay. I'm good. I don't want it. “
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“I see...” Troubling. Poor young thing. Was it a pride issue? Or something else? Regardless, the Professor slowly slipped the money away, a thoughtful look coming over his face. Perhaps it would be a simple matter of getting through to them another way.
“In that case, how about lunch? I was already on my way to get some. My name is Professor Augustine Sycamore, by the way. Yourself?”
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
(OH yeah. The Ayes Have It. Augie gets little fangies. Just a little bit. As a treat.)
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plataneprofessor · 2 years
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Lavender season
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