platbro · 5 years
Triple fuck you, of course, but the real root of the matter is if spite is enough to make you put thought into my ramblings. If it is or isn't, I'm winning either way.
If you interpret and have thoughts about my posts: fuck you. Ask permission first.
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platbro · 5 years
If you interpret and have thoughts about my posts: fuck you. Ask permission first.
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platbro · 5 years
I'd say "my posts are going to be nonsensical for awhile as I adjust" but that implies my posts ever made sense, and I've yet to decide if that's so.
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platbro · 5 years
I could see a horse in person.
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platbro · 5 years
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platbro · 5 years
There’s a post somewhere on tumblr about gargoyles fucking and I need to find it, because the cadence of it won’t leave my mind.
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platbro · 5 years
I’ve spent my first day of freedom passing in and out of consciousness. 
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platbro · 5 years
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just now the curtain’s folding it falls and lies to rest so selfish royal brother you’ve loved your wife to death
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platbro · 5 years
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mythology aesthetics
In Greek mythology, Pentheus was a mortal whose name means “man of sorrows”. Cadmus, the king of Thebes, abdicated due to his old age in favor of his grandson Pentheus. Pentheus soon banned the worship of the god Dionysus, and did not allow the maenads, the female followers of Dionysus, to join in his rites. An angered Dionysus caused the women of Thebes to rush to Mount Cithaeron in a frenzy. Because of this, Pentheus imprisoned Dionysus, thinking the man simply a follower, but his chains fell off and the jail doors opened for him. When Pentheus went out to spy on the rites, the women saw him in a tree and, not recognizing him, they pulled Pentheus down and tore him limb from limb (as part of a ritual known as the sparagmos). When his true identity was later discovered, officials exiled the women from Thebes. Some say that his own mother was the first to attack him, tearing his arm off and then tearing off his head. She placed the head on a stick and took it back to Thebes, but only realized whose head it was after meeting her father Cadmus. Shortly after Pentheus was killed, his wife gave birth to a son who became the grandfather of Oedipus. X
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platbro · 5 years
ever since i downloaded my first word document i have been obsessed with files
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platbro · 5 years
Guess who didn't immediately succumb to the foreign allergens, everyone?
aaaand mission: rescue phil is a success!
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platbro · 5 years
I'm going to be awake until I physically pass out.
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platbro · 5 years
Princes Against Pantaloons.
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platbro · 5 years
Interior: Crocodile. Alligator.
Chevrolet: Movie theatre.
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platbro · 5 years
Interior Crocodile Alligator.
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platbro · 5 years
Actually, I forgot how shitty the pantaloons were.
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platbro · 5 years
I could probably manufacture the essence of a magical girl sequence but like. Where's the fun?
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