platinummoonsea · 1 month
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platinummoonsea · 1 month
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Still collecting the full alphabet of the “live, laugh, love” variants if anyone has some good examples.
Bonus if they can fit the “We can’t ___, _____, ____ our way out of this.”
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platinummoonsea · 1 month
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pigeon loaf
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platinummoonsea · 2 months
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platinummoonsea · 2 months
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platinummoonsea · 2 months
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sad pathetic beast
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platinummoonsea · 2 months
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an unmatched feeling actually
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platinummoonsea · 5 months
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while it’s important for us to protest, raise awareness, boycott, and pressure our governments… it is also important that we appreciate palestinian people and palestinian culture. they are more than just victims. they are artists, entrepreneurs, fashion designers, movie makers, writers, musicians, scholars—they are people. so let’s celebrate all that makes palestinians who they are by supporting their businesses and showing our appreciation and solidarity.
handmade in palestine
watan studio
hilweh market
sitti soap
yafa queen
nominal jewellery
dār collective
wear the peace
pali roots
west bank apparel
bella hijabs
anat international
nöl collective
falastini brand
interlink publishing
booklink booksellers
zatoun oil
canaan palestine
knafeh queens
the coffee queens
pali apparel
maamoul press - art, books, clothes, etc
trashy clothing
tatreez and tea
shop palestine
the soap dispensary - the business itself is not palestinian but they are selling “nablus soaps” (made in the 13th century old tradition of soap-making from nablus) and all the proceeds from the sales will be donated to PCRF
NOTE: philz coffee is no longer palestinian owned and have been forbidding employees from wearing pins in support of palestine. take your business elsewhere.
*please follow @/books_palestine on instagram for more fun ways to support palestinians and celebrate palestinian culture
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platinummoonsea · 5 months
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wanted to share my favorite art pieces from the google drive collection of 300 free-to-use palestine-related posters by Artists Against Apartheid
poster numbers: 10, 102, 128 226, 20 34, 204, 127 158, 176, 26
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platinummoonsea · 6 months
the fact that Israel can precisely target ONE apartment in an entire residential block in BEIRUT to kill two hamas leaders, proves once again that they CHOSE to carpet-bomb Gaza and murder 31.000 Palestinians to "defend themselves" against Hamas. Israel CHOSE to kill civilians, they CHOSE to bomb every hospital, every school, every refugee camp, every residential block. israel does NOTHING to spare the lives of palestinians, they want to thin out the population of gaza so they'd be able to settle their citizens there.
this is a genocide it's an ethnical cleansing PLEASE WAKE UP don't stop talking about Palestine it is not a trend, people are still dying, Israel has no plan to stop if WE don't force it to, through public pressure and protesting and boycotting. it's the least we can do.
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platinummoonsea · 6 months
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platinummoonsea · 6 months
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Help Wanted 2 came out today my favorite part was when Sun was a petty saucy bitch for 10 minutes straight.
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platinummoonsea · 7 months
It was never about hamas. If israel manages somehow to kill every member of hamas, what then? Do you think Palestinians are just going to forgive and forget everything Israel has done?
Babies who are the only surviving members of their families? Fathers carrying the remains of their children in plastic bags? Palestinians who witnessed people blown to bits right in front of them? Had Israeli forces shoot at them as they tried to escape the north? Palestinians in the West Bank who have been captured and tortured on camera? Palestinians in 48 who have been arrested just for sympathizing with their kin in Gaza? Palestinian school girls being assaulted by the IOF? Mothers who only have the blood of their children on their hands as their only remaining piece of them? The constant dehumanization that followed our every move - how while Palestinians suffered, politicians called us “monsters”, “human animals”, “children of darkness”, “savages”, and “cockroaches”?
It’s been 75 years since my family was forced from their villages by Zionist militias, they have never forgotten what they did to their neighbors and how they are still denied their right of return. None of us will.
Now, IOF forces in Gaza raise the Israeli flag over the beaches and take selfies with fleeing Palestinians in the background, cheer and celebrate a “return to their settlements in gaza” and sing about leveling the land and fantasize building shopping malls on Palestinian mass graves - it was never about hamas.
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platinummoonsea · 7 months
i don't want to see any white people ever again say how china, the middle east and many others asian countries are censored and that people there have no rights, don't you dare to make fun of north korea when your president wants jail for people who deny the state of isr*el, when you can't even walk around with a kufiya without being approached by the police and being told to leave, when social medias censor your post and shadow ban whoever even mentions palestine
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platinummoonsea · 8 months
no end to the cruelty inflicted on the people of Palestine. it's been over a fucking month. children's hospitals, cancer wards, everything is a target and not one person or group in this entire world is gonna stop this until everyone is dead and then they'll cry pretty tears about how sad it is so many died. THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO DIE. YOU LET THEM DIE. every single hand that could could have stopped this and didn't is stained with blood.
at this point my friend only sends texts to let me know she's alive and nothing else, she won't talk to me when I ask her if she has food, if i can help in any way, you know what the last thing she told me was? she wished it was over. she wished it would stop soon. I sincerely feel like I am in a waking nightmare just watching this happen and all those people who say they have power in governments can't lift one finger to stop it. but sure lets see how the zionists and white people feel about the saying "from the river to the sea" sure lets put their fucking feelings first, sure let's ignore the millions of people who want this to end because of a few ugly soulless murderous racists who can't stand the fact that all the Palestinians didn't keel over and die in 1948.
I hope every Palestinian death haunts them for the rest of their miserable short lives.
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platinummoonsea · 8 months
hello :) i have very recently gotten into namor comics and i wanted to know, what are your favorite arcs/solos hes had? i hope its not too much of a bother. thank you and i hope youre doing well. ^_^
Hello and welcome. It's always a pleasure to speak with Namor fans ❤️ Thanks for asking, I'm well and I hope you are too.
King in Black: Namor - It's wonderfully written and gives us great lore and character moments. It's written by Kurt Busiek who really knows the character. The artwork is amazing, drawn by two different artists but I have to point out how much I really enjoy the colorists' work. The way they chose to make present day Namor scenes all muted colors, like the ocean is sick and dying, meanwhile his past scenes has such vibrant color.
Sub-Mariner: The Depths - I'm a big horror fan so this was a perfect combination of horror and Namor. I wish this would someday be adapted into a short animation or live action film. Ribic's art carries the whole comic, you could understand it just by the art alone, tho the writing is great too.
Sub-Mariner (2007) - Honesty I feel this series is criminally under rated, it's one of my favorite modern takes on Namor. I do have a couple of criticisms of the plot/ending but overall this series is favorite, love the artwork, love the premise and Namor's characterization.
The Sub-Mariner (1968) - I'm a big fan of Silver Age Namor and this series has lots of great comics but some do drag on at point. Personal favorites, Namor vs The Thing and Namor meeting Betty again in #8, Dorma being possessed by the Serpent Crown in #9. Gonna stop there before I go digging to find every issue I loved, bc there's just a lot there, like I love Tigershark's introduction/stories and Namor and Diane's friendship, and the quest for Namor's father etc.
Tales to Astonish: The Quest for Neptune's Trident #70-76. (To be fair I do love a lot Tales to Astonish but I'm just trying to pick out arcs that I reread alot.)
Namor goes insane in space: Uncanny X-Men (1963) Annual 3 (2001), Steve Rogers: Super Soldier Annual 1, Namor: The First Mutant Annual 1
Suma-Ket & Artys-Gran Arc - Namor, the Sub-Mariner (1990) #30-40. Dark Undersea High Fantasy arc, love it.
Solo Comics:
Marvel Fanfare (1982) #16 & 43, both these are solo adventures
Marvel Snapshot: Sub-Mariner (2020) - I can never get enough of this comic, told from Betty's pov, its wonderful.
Avengers: Emperor Doom - I love every time Namor and Doom team up or interact but if I had to pick one time it's this.
What if? Sub-Mariner (2011) - Love love this story by Greg Pak of Namor growing up on land.
The Judgement of Namor - Dark Reign: The Cabal - Namor takes court and deals with his subjects. An excellent look into Namor's role as the monarch of Atlantis.
Marvel (2020) #3 - I loved the sketch arts of the comic that was unfinished, it had been around for decades but when Marvel finally printed it in full I was so happy. I still prefer the sketchy art but I thought this was a fun adventure and Namor is in a suit, lol.
Marvel Comics Presents: (1988) #33 - All time favorite Namor comic, #1 spot in my heart. (2007) #7 - Namor mourns Nita's death (2019) #1 - A heavy story by Greg Pak about WWll
Tales of the Marvels: Inner Demons - a look at Namor while he was an amnesiac
I haven't even started on character team up comics or team books and if I start on those I won't stop. lol. I'll put a link here to my 2019 comic reading guide that can help you find most major arcs. I hope you enjoy reading!
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platinummoonsea · 8 months
Jax knows what's going on and he's being the most douchey peacekeeper about it.
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Anytime the tension rises, Jax comes in with a quip or remark to chill everyone out.
When Gangle asks about Kaufmo:
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When Zooble asks where Pomni is:
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And when Pomni first brings up the exit he acts like a dick to distract everyone
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When the group decide they want to check on Kaufmo and find Zooble he assigns the best people based on how stable they are.
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It might be possible that he didn't know Kaufmo had abstracted at this point, but the fact he paired up Kinger and Gangle on the less stressful objective shows he knows it's a possibility since no one has seen Kaufmo and that those two wouldn't be able to handle it if they saw him the way he turned out and could abstract themselves.
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