platinumstars · 3 years
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There is obviously so much more happening around the world, this is just a some. Please reblog and share to spread awareness!
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platinumstars · 3 years
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platinumstars · 3 years
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Tweet by Mohammed El-Kurd (@/m7mdkurd):
"The Israeli Regime is doing backflips to force us into a "settlement" in which we would still be expelled—only years later. I don't want our children's years to be wasted away in Israeli courts like ours did, so I won't compromise. "
Screenshot of an article headline:
"Israel Asks U.S. to Pressure Palestinians to Accept Sheikh Jarrah Eviction Compromise
Agreement would forestall evictions from the Palestinian neighborhood in East Jerusalem, which has been the focus of international concern in recent months."
Tweet by Mohammed Al-Kurd:
"If anything, this indicates a shift in power dynamics—the world is watching & the battle for truth has been won: dispossession in Sheikh Jarrah is a war crime & will be treated as such. I'd like to see their illegal courts make a ruling instead of cowering. #SaveSheikhJarrah"
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An update on the hearings which took place a couple of days ago in the case of the evictions of the Sheikh Jarrah residents.
After a hearing which was held in Hebrew (which the majority of the Palestinians did not speak), Israeli courts have held off on their ruling and are pressuring the residents of Sheikh Jarrah into a settlement in which the residents can stay in their homes as long as they pay rent to Israeli landlords.
The court noted the international media pressure in this case and it's clear that this affected their ruling and caused them to want to find a "diplomatic solution" for this case.
But forcing Palestinians to pay rent to live in their own homes which they ALREADY OWN is not a compromise. Already media outlets are painting it as if the Palestinians were offered some sort of olive branch and refused it. When in reality, forcing them to pay rent is still granting ownership of their homes to Israel and only gives Israel more leeway to evict them later.
(sources in the reblog)
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platinumstars · 3 years
... Amid news of the demolition and footage of the aftermath of the house in ruins, Human Rights Watch (HRW) called the expulsion of the Salhiyas and the destruction of their home a “war crime”. 
“The Saliyehs were expelled from their home in Ein Karem during the Nakba in 1948 & are barred under Israeli law from reclaiming it,” HRW’s Israel and Palestine director Omar Shakir said in a statement shared on Twitter. 
“These cruel acts turn the Salhiyehs into two-time refugees. This is what apartheid and persecution look like."
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platinumstars · 3 years
Friendly reminder that Israel plans on demolishing the historical city of Lifta to create new housing for settlers and a shopping district
The city of Lifta was abandoned when the Zionists forced its people to evacuate and its ruins serve as a reminder of the Nakba
And in Israels endless endeavor to pretend we never existed, they intend to tear it down and erase another reminder of their crimes and of Palestinian history and culture
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platinumstars · 3 years
x Just yesterday, Palestinian civilians in Jerusalem were celebrating Israa and Miraaj when they were attacked by the Israeli forces. 31 Palestinians were injured and 20 were arrested, most of which are under the age of 15. A special-needs 11 years old girl was shot in the face and had her jaw broken, a typical terrorist for the zionist regime.
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It is everyone's responsibility in times like this, when international support is given to Ukraine and rightfully so, to remember others who are identically oppressed yet completely cast into a "controversial conflict" light. If a Ukrainian bombs himself to defend his country New York Post calls him a hero, yet if any other person of colour in a third world country does this the international community doesn't even blink, claiming they don't know enough information to support anyone. For god's sake, when footballers raise the Ukranian flag in a match it's a heroic move but when others raise the palestinian flag they are fined for promoting terrorism. This is not a post to undermine the situation in Ukraine or to question the righteousness to resist invaders, on the contrary. It's a call for anyone reading this to be critical of how each injustice is represented and how right and wrong are manipulated by people in charge for their own good.
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platinumstars · 3 years
In the last weeks in Palestine
They keep demolishing homes in Silwan, and families are having to choose between demolishing their homes themselves or pay a fine to the Israeli government. Children are sleeping in their cars as their homes are demolished against their will.
Musa Hassouneh was shot and killed by a mob in Lydd. On the 13th, her father had to leave the city after the Israeli mayor threatened to kill him
IOF demolished the village of Khirbet Humsa for the sixth time in less than an year, throwing their belongings, including food packages, 7 miles away
The IOF also demolished another village in Humsa, the Jordan Valley. Here's a video of a child asking where the army is coming from
IOF pepper sprayed a one year old while confiscating a tractor in Um Al Jamal in the Jordan Valley. Here's a video of the child receiving care after the attack
Israel shut down the office of the Palestinian agricultural union in Ramallah
Settlers from a nearby settlement raided and threw stones at homes in Huwara, in the West Bank. IOF provided cover for the settlers to walk back to their settlement. In a separate episode, they injured a child who was herding their cattle.
IOF confiscated a health facility in Masafar Yatta, in the West Bank. Here's a video of them brutalizing an elder protesting the confiscation
Israel has demolished the home of a prisoner as punishment. On July 14, a group of Birzeit University students visited the family to show support and all 45 of them were arrested. The IOF had the audacity to tweet the youth they arrested were a part of a Hamas student cell in Ramallah
Even though they announced they would retreat the colonizer settlement in Beita, the IOF is still building a military base and a religious school there. Palestinians have been resisting everyday for months and have been brutally repressed
In June 9th, the IOF injured 411 people in Beita, including a child named Mohammad Hamayel who was shot with live bullets to his spleen and shrapnel to his waist.
These kind of bullets with explosive shrapnel are prohibited under international law, but have been used consistently against Beita residents. On top of that, they've been making access of ambulances and other medical services difficult to residents.
IOF shot a shepherd in Beita because he refused to follow orders. On another episode, 19 year old Hussam Asaira was killed trying to protect his village
The IOF has been consistently brutalizing Palestinians in Jerusalem. Here's a video of protesters being attacked in the Damascus Gate.
IOF keeps brutalizing residents in Sheikh Jarrah. Here's a video of an attack that ended up injuring Aref Hammad, an elder resident in risk of displacement
Yesterday (July 18th) settlers and IOF soldiers raided Al Aqsa mosque. They beat women, attacked worshippers and shot live bullets inside the mosque to make way for Israeli Jewish visitors
This thread talks about how settlers want to demolish Al Aqsa to build a biblical park, exactly like they're doing with Silwan
Here's a video of the attacks and this thread shows videos of IOF brutalizing women, including attacking and stealing a woman's prayer mat
They bolted the doors to the mosque to stop Palestinians from praying.
Don't look away from Palestine. Israel will keep on doing these crimes if they think they can get away with it. The best we can do is to clog zionist propaganda. Palestinians have been systemically silenced on social media and news outlets, and Muna El Kurd, one of the leaders of the Save Sheikh Jarrah movement, has already said that spreading the word is very important to fight zionism.
Be angry and amplify Palestinian voices. The above links go back to activist accounts, follow them and share their updates. Attend protests (here's a constantly updating list of pro Palestine protests) and follow organizations to know when the next ones will be held. Some of them: USCPR, Palestinian Youth Movement, Within our Lifetime, Arab Resource and Organizing Center, and Mohammed El Kurd (he often posts calls for action from all over the world on his stories).
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platinumstars · 3 years
Heyo, just wanted to say that personally, it’s the idea of someone willing to go that far, as someone who didn’t get attention they needed as a kid it’s kinda a way to cope. Have I had people want to off me unreasonably? Yes. Have I had people willing to do anything similar for me even if my life and health was at risk? No. Is it healthy? As long as it doesn’t go to reality. Which is where I’d like to point out an actual yandere doesn’t kill for you unless they have to. Someone who kills over someone has else without the need to has a different name. (Although I’m too lazy to look up what that is.) I like it when it’s this cute, protective lover who’d do anything for you, but wouldn’t do it if it would hurt you. I especially enjoy that one trope where it’s only violence generally deserved, (ex someone who got away with hurting their lover badly gets something worse physical evidence wise, but in a much more moral way,) and they would be willing to kill, but avoid it for the sake of their lover. Where it’s mostly slightly obsessive but actually there sort of love, and the main character is genuinely okay with the whole of the relationship. Or, alternatively, yandere x yandere.
(Disclaimer, if you really want the toxic or violent yandere portrayal, in real life, please go to therapy if you haven’t already as you could end up in a really illegal or toxic situation with that mindset. As someone prone to obsessive love from extensive developmental trauma, it isn’t good for either partner. I actually originally started watching/reading things with yandere because it registered oh, they feel like I do, maybe it’ll say something that can help. I would like to note that if you also have this problem, having a stuffed animal or comfort item you get attached to is a lot easier to avoid getting toxic or obsessive or violent, if that’s something you feel like, because you can focus on them while your person is gone, they won’t really mind because they’re a stuffed animal or whatever, and it’ll soften the blow of breaking up if/when it happens.)
yandere iida tenya , for fem reader
This one’s gonna be a no from me, dawg.
Nothing personal. This is in no way me trying to shame you for what you like. Do what makes you happy. You aren’t hurting anyone. I just can’t fulfill this one myself. There is too much trauma there to write something like that in a positive light.
I know there are plenty of Yandere blogs u can request this to. I unfortunately can’t reccomend you any, because (as I’ve implied earlier) I really don’t fuck with the whole yandere thing. But I’m sure someone that follows me who does can make some recs.
Hey actually, while I’m here, a serious question to my followers:
Why do people like Yandere characters and scenarios??
I don’t mean this as like a condescending question or anything. I really am just curious about the appeal of it all. Call it a study in anthropology if u will. I just want to try and get into the shoes of people that enjoy this sorta thing. Expand my ways of thinking if you will. Healthy discussion of differing views is something I strongly encourage. Don’t be afraid of me lol.
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