me: traveling with a friend is going to be so fun!
me, 8 hours later: ah, hell, they're going to expect to eat, aren't they
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note to self: taking a nice whif of the alcohol you were just trying to burn off of your liquid in the microwave WILL in fact burn your nose
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sometimes, you and your roommate both land in the ER in the span of 2 days for unrelated issues and you have to reckon with the fact that life is strange and unpredictable and annoying for the first time in a while
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every best friend duo needs one who likes to drive and one who does not like it at all for optimum performance
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seeing a performance is so amazing but so awful bc I want to go home and replay it over and over again until the serotonin in it runs out just like I do with fic but I CANT because I can never see that quality of movement or hear those songs or feel the wonder of that particular concert hall’s echoes ever again. Its just there-and-gone.
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“That isn’t who I want to be so I will simply not become it” are words I repeat to myself often these days.
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coming back from social dance at 12:30am is so humbling because normally I am a normal person who cooks but at that point of night it's like coming back from the club. you will see me smearing sriracha over plain spaghetti and calling it a meal at the ripe old time of 2am on a Tuesday. or eating unflavored lentils straight from a can. or housing 10 bags of fruit snacks in one sitting.
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whenever i feel embarassed about dancing or asking to dance with someone who i didn't know was Actually Very Good I think about the lady who saw this random gawky looking man practicing steps in the back of a really crowded workshop and asked if he wanted to do them with another person. later found out that this man was an All Star level dancer lmaoooooo. so i may have asked the photographer to dance not knowing he was the photographer but at least he was not an all star.
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saw a comment today that said "he would look good dancing with a lampost" (as in he could make anyone look good) and I'm absolutely appropriating that for people who are both great dancers and also could totally be strippers
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somehow fell into the hole of watching the asia west coast swing open jnjs from 2018 and literally what was in the air there because EVERY SINGLE VIDEO is categorically insane.
Someone is stripping. Someone is leaping around to every downbeat of 'do a deer'. someone is being marlene from rent. someone's soul is being removed and placed in someone else's body. every person is tearing their shirt off in unison. what was going ON?
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my toxic trait is that i am genuinely baffled when someone starts putting in effort to have a friendship with me when they don't know me well because im like ???? i just dont get what you see that makes you go "oh yeah, that one i want to keep seeing repeatedly"
that said @ the person who keeps actively inviting me places do you know that I would die for you bc I would I adore you and I owe you and I love you
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this is such a niche deepcut but ben o'neal has one event where he has this little space bun hairstyle but with his bangs and the rest of his hair freeflowing and i can't find any good photos that aren't super low-res video but its genuinely the cutest thing i've ever seen i want to wail
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someone told me last night that my dancing was 'interesting' after a song in which i failed to follow half my leads moves, popped my booty a lot, and generally failed to do anything I was supposed to be doing. which like, god tier insult. i still have no idea what he meant and I don't know if I want to
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me on a sharp deadline for work with dinner planned (so I can't work late and need to bust ass)
vs my brain going: "what grade of fish do you need to buy to make seared tuna? how long is a parsec, anyways? are there some cultures that don't have a concept of breakfast foods at all - not that theirs is just different from usamericans, but they don't eat a different set of foods for the first meal? how many types of mango are there? did i do my taxes properly? is my roomba going to rescue itself from that corner?"
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we went from me sitting around being sad that i had literally no plans for my 3 day weekend at all to me planning to go to 2 dance classes, go out to a lesbian bar and then an edm club, and go hiking with a new aquaintance all in the span of like 3 hours and honestly I'm still reeling
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BITCH they really are bringing the Bad Great Gatsby to broadway ooooooooooh i'm so mad i'm livid it's such a soulless show I can't believe they would do this and it's likely to ruin the other better gatsby
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being non-cis-male in tech is wild because you'll have 8 straight male coworkers and then the one woman on the team (in business or marketing or leadership, obviously, because I've yet to meet a single truly senior female engineer) goes 'oh shit, we need to try to hire more diverse talent' and then it's literally just the women working on those initiatives because god knows apparently a white man isn't going to do it. like. yeah I do want to support these programs but the fact that you'd reach out to someone at the bottom rather than the top just because of my gender speaks a lot i would say
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