plcsters-blog · 7 years
and that’s the sound of me being the first to sleep on opening night cause i have school and i actually haven’t been on time in two and a half weeks so i’m gonna attempt to wake up early. anyways, THANK YOU ALL FOR JOINING AND GIVING ME AN AMAZING OPENING NIGHT you guys are all gr9 and i am so excited! <3
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“give me my fuckin’ phone back.” she shoved him, reaching over to try and grab it. “you love to fuck the cheerleaders. there’s a big difference.” she reached for it once again. “we’re literally the only reason why anyone comes to your stupid games.” she scowled. “please just give me my phone.” 
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he handed it back and gave her a goofy grin. “oh please. i think it’s the other way around, they love to fuck me, don’t tell me you’ve never heard them complain after a night with me.” he spoke cockily, and then giving her a confused look. “marni, the football team is four years undefeated, the cheerleaders might be A reason, but not THE reason.”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“my relative is a little saint, do you really think she would give me an all access pass into her school? unlikely.” though breaking in hadn’t been that bad of an idea. he knew it was risky, but done right, they could manage. “pouting at the absent bottle, oliver dropped his arms to the side. “think we can actually break into the school this time? find his gym locker, maybe see what’s inside – leave a little present?”
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“can’t you just take it? i mean i sit on my sisters and fart on them all the time, so—” he shrugged, taking another sip and handing it back to ollie. he cocked his head to the side and thought about it. summer practices might be going on, and the teachers didn’t care enough to know all the students. “we totally could. if we pretend we play football for them we could probably get in.”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“listen, i tried my best.” she laughed and leaned closer into her friends shoulder, looking out onto the field before them. “you didn’t know? joel, i’m captain of the volleyball team. and trust me, it’s a lot more than just spandex and squatting. that’s just… a part.”
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he gave her a smirk, leaning back and glancing at her butt. rosie was by definition a good girl — his favorite. his eyes drifted back up to her face and he nodded. “okay, rosie. you should definitely let me know when you play. i’ll make the trek to plutus and i’ll even pray before entering so i don’t die while i’m there.”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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His eyebrows shot up in shock, “Wow.” Then he chuckled, thinking of a young Joel racing round his garden and scoring touchdowns. “Bet you scored your first one, too.” Now, Nate scoffed for a different reason, “Fuck off. It’s not the ONLY thing you’re good at, and you know it.”
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he laughed, thinking about his childhood games. “they were lame, like flag football lame. i don’t even think i threw the ball straight, but i could run and make decisions so..” he shrugged. he got thrown into the quarterback position, but he wouldn’t be complaining. “oh yeah — forgot to mention taking your bitch.” he joked.
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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danny should have felt bad about what he said about joel, given that it wasn’t his fault, but danny didn’t care enough to feel remorseful about it. he grinned, knowing joel would go there. “it’s senior year, and look who’s captain and who isn’t. we don’t have the incompetent bastards that were our captains last year anymore. shit’s gonna change this year.”
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his laugh was anything but genuine. “baseball isn’t my sport, danny boy. sure, i’m good enough to beat you every year, but why waste time being a leader for a sport i don’t need?” he reasoned. truthfully, he hadn’t even wanted baseball captain — he played because it gave him throwing time during the off season for football. “but sure, ‘things are gonna change’. i’m sure that’s what you’ve guys said every year.”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“you’re so weird joel, i worry about you sometimes.” mia said, coming up behind the boy to sit down beside him. “you know if you run around a bit down there, i’ll just stay here and cheer for you.” she joked, bumping her shoulder with his. “gimmie a d, gimme a i, gimmie a c, k, h, e, a, d.” the blonde could barely finish as she bursts into fits of laughter, leaning heavily on her friends side. 
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“say i won’t.” he gave her a defiant grin, jumping up and itching to be on the field again. as he ran down the steps and jumped over the chain fence separating the field and the bleachers, he called back and said, “if i don’t hear you, i’m not letting you drink at the next party.” he knew he couldn’t stop mia from doing what she wanted, but he could definitely make it a challenge for her, people listened to joel.
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
Kiara turned to look over at the boy sitting next to her.. “I mean it’s alright I guess but then that’s just a prudes perspective though.” The girl snarked back a smile present on her face. 
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joel rolled his eyes teasingly, giving a side eye to the plutus girl. the football field was always open to the public, so he couldn’t stop who went there. besides, the rich girls from the hill always made their way to greenfield. “only alright? are you sure, i mean that’s real grass.”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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Angelica pursed her lips at the boy, who was clearly ignorant of the fact that she was one of those Plutus prudes, as he’d so kindly called them. “Some of us are actually quite violent, so I wouldn’t be going around saying that sort of thing. Especially considering how – twinky you are, for lack of a better word, of course.”
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“violent?” joel asked, almost letting the laugh that was creeping out of his throat escape. “okay. i guess all that pent up anger must get out somehow — and did you call me twinky?” he asked, the laugh escaping without even an effort. “OH, wait, you don’t go to greenfield do you? should’ve know from the... i dunno, empty threat?”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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billy sat on the bleachers waiting for a friend to meet him at the destination. But he had yet to turn up. He saw joel sitting in front of him, everyone knew who Joel was even if they went to different schools, he was handsome, talented, Billy listened to him talk and murmured when he asked him. “Y-yes.” He stuttered, he didn’t even realise Joel knew he was there.
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joel turned around, seeing a boy that definitely didn’t go to his school sitting on the bleachers. he squinted suspiciously and almost insulted the boy, but realized he had agreed with what he said. he couldn’t be too harsh on the kid. “see? finally someone who understands. everyone’s always ‘oh, plutus prep has money so they have a better field’ — that’s bullshit.” he ranted, his voice going several octaves higher when mocking a parent he heard at the ice cream shop.
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“are you serious?” she looked to him, taking full offense to his words. “just when i thought you’d maybe be tolerable you say that? wow.” she shook her head. cheer was her life, it had been ever since she was a child. “i’m not even talking to you anymore.” she turned away from him, taking her attention to her phone.
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“oh, marniiiiii.” he teased, reaching over to snatch her phone and scroll through her snapchat. “you know i’m kidding — i love the cheerleaders.” he smirked, shutting off her phone when he saw nothing of interest. “they’re the highlight of the football games, the best sport for girls in greenfield there is.” he held out her phone tauntingly.
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“sounds exactly like what someone who doesn’t mean something would say,” he pointed out, having entirely too much fun with bothering joel. “nah man. if i couldn’t read, i’d be in the same classes as you. but since i have all ap classes, i’m pretty sure i can read. i just don’t want to.”
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joel wasn’t the smartest kid, he thought everyone knew that by now. his reading and english grades sure didn’t compare to his one hundred percents in math, that was a sure thing. “nice one, danny. too bad being a dick won’t help you win at baseball. it’s senior year and have you won a single game against me yet?”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“don’t worry about it, i kid.” rosie smiled. “don’t be such a greenfield… geek? eh, i tried.” she stretched her legs on the bleachers. “i think i’d like football. just too focused on volleyball, i haven’t been to many other games.”
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“now THAT’S a name i haven’t heard for us yet. unique one, williams.” he snorted. joel knew he was the farthest thing from a geek, one could compare him to the dumb jock in every chick flick, but not a geek. “volleyball? so you prance around in those little spandex and squat down a ton? and why didn’t i know this about you?”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“only four? three for me, but I will still shiver at the name. it’s just gross, I can’t believe my parents decided to let my sister go there. i’m appalled,” ollie groaned, pulling up his crumbled brown paper bag. taking a sip of what was hidden inside, ollie closed his eyes and tilted his head back. “there is only two forms of fun; drinking and fucking with plutus. since i am drinking, then it has to be the latter. think dear little daniel is at home?”
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“i can’t believe you’re related to a plutus student and we still can’t get in.” he sighed, thinking about the last time he had tried to break into the private school on his own. “or me, at least.” he corrected, reaching over to grab the badly disguised bottle from his friend’s hand and taking a swig himself. he almost appreciated the burn it sent down his throat. “hell no, he’s probably out talking about how great he is, or whatever.”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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“If anyone’s doing the teaching in this friendship, it’s me, young one.” He grinned back at the other male as he positioned himself so he was looking at the sky, Nate always found the sky more interesting than the ground. “Yeah,” He scoffed, “Where did it come from, anyway? Your take on the game, the field?”
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he snorted at nate, shaking his head and taking in a deep breath. “i’m not sure, man. i’ve been playing football since i was like, five.” he recalled. it was the only thing he was good at, the only thing his old man ever NOTICED him doing. “it’s really the only thing i’m good at, if i’m being honest.”
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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     “i know summer’s ESSENTIALLY over but to waste the last few, precious rays of sun? now, that’s what i call a greek tragedy. so either, come settle and soak it up or dismiss yourself — politely, pretty please, with a cherry on top! violence is really… just, not my style.” 
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“anything for you, princess.” a smirk playing on joel’s face almost immediately. he didn’t quite know HOW he ended up at this girl’s house for a pool party he definitely wasn’t invited to, but he wasn’t going to complain about the thousands of bikini-clad girls everywhere. he took a seat next to her, leaning back on his arms and giving her a once over.
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plcsters-blog · 7 years
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Nate frowned, giving his friend an odd look before returning to look at the field in front of them, “I guess? I mean, it’s just a field, dude.” But he could see what his friend meant, in a way, as he breathed in the cool air. “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
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“nate, i have so much to teach you.” joel shook his head, looking out onto what could’ve been his home. he loved the field too much for anyone to insult it. “i promise that by the end of this season, you’re going to love it just as much as i do. you’re going to every game this season.”
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