please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
I'm happy to report that teenagers still get a kick out of putting 'le' in front of random nouns to make it sound 'french,' knowing full well that it is not actually french.
Some kids behind me at a sports day were doing it ('le photo' 'le picture' 'le basketball' 'le dribble' 'le get out the way gary') and I was immediately transported back to 2001 when we made the same jokes.
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
"we need less sanitized queer stories" yall keep saying fucking she-ra romanticizes abuse. you couldnt possibly handle less sanitized queer stories
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
I'm reading about how Israel, in the immediate aftermath of the 1948 Nakba, deliberately replaced olive trees and other indigenous flora with European plants. This ecological disaster, which is now proudly hailed under the banner of 'making the desert bloom,' was done to 'de-Arabize' the landscape, and to cover up - often with fast-growing European pine trees -the ruins of Palestinian villages that were destroyed by Zionists forces.
And I just need everyone to read this passage from Pappé, because the symbolism of what happened to those European pine trees in the desert speaks for itself:
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The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine, by Ilan Pappé (2006, p. 227-228.)
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
Black Friday is such a joke nowadays. “Don’t miss out on 30% off” don’t piss me the fuck off. People used to hit each other over the head for a microwave that’s how low the prices were. People literally died. We used to be a country
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
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-Anthony Bourdain
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
My medieval and ancient ancestors watching me trying to charge my laptop and connect to WiFi: Ah, yes, she must feed her magic mirror on the telluric current and summon the spirits of knowledge from the aether.
My ancestors watching me proceed to doomscroll on Twitter: Alas! She is beguiled by the cruel babblings of the demons within the mirror; soon she will descend into melancholy from the things she has witnessed.
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
I don't think younger/newer users fully grasp the shit show that ace discourse was around 2014-17
It was so hostile that, to this day, discussions that begin to derail just enough can make me physically nauseous, some specific mockery trigger crying sessions years later. We lost most accounts with any sort of ace positivity. There was no information, no support, and all this damage was done predominantly by other queer people.
All this to say that you, however you identify yourself, should be engaging with aphobic comments the same way you do any hate. We don't sugarcoat or try to be comprehensive with people who are blatantly racist, homophobic or terfs, so why give it a pass just because it's coming from a queer person? I see how this tolerance goes and it's done enough damage as it is.
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
Derek: Is this about Stiles? Scott: No. Derek: Then I've lost interest.
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please-let-it-be-gay · 6 months
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It's the time of the year where I sneak holiday fics into all my recs. 🤶🏻
Scent Left Unsaid by bleep0bleep | 2.5K | Mature
In a society where werewolves are second class, Deucslist is an alternative werewolf network (similar to Craigslist) where humans and werewolves offer (mostly sexual) services. Derek is a long-term client of an anonymous human omega whose scent is just perfect. He never expects to meet him, until it happens.
Derek has slept with that faded red hooded sweatshirt every night since he got it in the mail. It’s calming, that scent; it’s everything to him. So it’s strange now that Derek is smelling it wafting from the end of the subway car as it careens towards the L line, lights flickering on the passing platforms.
My World Is Filled With Cheer And You by bleep0bleep | 10.8K
In which Derek and his daughter are displaced just in time for the holidays, matched up with Stiles and his young son in a government protection program.
Sidequest  by bleep0bleep | 11.4K
Agent Derek Hale has been working up the courage to ask his partner Stiles out on a date (finally!) when he heads out on a solo mission—without Derek. Eager to provide support, Derek arrives in Beacon Hills, only there is no mission, and Stiles’ dad thinks Derek is Stiles’ boyfriend.
Well. It could be worse.
The Kiss Doctor by bleep0bleep | 3.5K
“That’s me,” Derek says. “Are you, um— the Kiss Doctor?” “Stiles,” is the reply, and the guy grins. It’s charming.
i wait for you like a lonely house by bleep0bleep | 4.5K
Derek isn’t sure why he buys the house. He doesn’t need the space, that much is certain. While it’s not as big as the one Derek grew up in, something about the cheerful yellow paint and the wide staircase (with banisters wide enough for children to slide down) draws him in.
affettuoso  by bleep0bleep | 13K
Derek mentally kicks himself for just standing there like a lovestruck fool, but it’s been exactly forty-six days since he saw Stiles, and he still remembers the taste of his skin, how Stiles feels underneath him.
The Gentleman And The Fox by  bleep0bleep, Inkforwords | 15.7K
Derek doesn’t expect much from his arranged marriage. When his inattentive husband, Lord Stiles Stilinski, tells him he’s free to look for a lover, he doesn’t know where to start, until a dashing bandit named the Red Fox catches his eye.
All's Fair in Orgasms and War by bleep0bleep | 63.2K | Explicit
The one in which (almost) everyone is a porn star, and Derek just wants to curl up with his fluffy blanket and watch the Hallmark channel, but work and falling in love gets in the way.
nom de plume by  bleep0bleep | 3.9K
There are no more chapters. 22 is the last one. Derek groans in despair. He has to know what happens.
Five Times Detective Stilinski and Fire Captain Hale Had Sex In Public, and One Time They Did It In A Bed by bleep0bleep | 32.8K
“Did you say–” Stiles starts.
“What?” Derek growls.
“We’re not a couple!” they both retort in unison.
“We’re not together,” Stiles insists.
Lydia coughs pointedly. “An incident report filed by 87th Precinct Captain Erica Reyes. March twenty-fifth, eight p.m. Came back to the precinct to grab my coat, only to hear Stilinski banging his new boyfriend in the holding cell.”
i wanna dance with somebody (who loves me) by bleep0bleep | 10.5K
Derek gets in an accident and loses a few years of his memory; suddenly everything is different— he’s not a freshman loser anymore, but a popular senior, captain of the basketball team, a shoo-in for prom king, too, and he should have everything he’s ever wanted— except he doesn’t seem to be friends with Stiles anymore.
Mauve by bleep0bleep | 7.3K
It’s been ten years since he’s seen Derek Hale, but Stiles would recognize that ass anywhere.
remember my love by bleep0bleep | 23.3K
Stiles wakes up and suddenly the war is over, he's no longer a penniless mage, and living in an exquisite manor married to the man he's been in love with for far too long.
“It’ll be fine,” Stiles says gallantly. “I am certain I will just fall in love with my husband all over again, and I will find plenty of joy doing that.” He winks at Derek for good measure. Derek blinks.
of course, of course by bleep0bleep | 12.9K | Explicit
Derek swallows, watching Stiles mull over the paperwork. “Are you sure about this?”
“Absolutely,” Stiles says, licking his lips. He signs with a flourish and pushes the contract back at Derek.
Derek knows every word of the contract by heart, but his heart stutters anyways when a sentence jumps out at him. The client acknowledges that any bond created during the heat session is temporary.
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please-let-it-be-gay · 7 months
Hi, I really like your blog and the fact that it seems that I can always find what I need when I want to read a specific type of fic. But I wanted to know if you know any Fics that are similar to "Pack Wars by miss_aphelion" I would appreciate if you could find something that showcase the pack actually talking things out than like keeping everything in that messes them up.
Let's see.
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Pack Wars by miss_aphelion
(31/31 I 158,621 I Mature I Sterek)
Scott liked to call it the Great Pack Divide of 2012.
Derek liked to call Scott an idiot.
(Or the one where Derek kidnaps Stiles to teach Scott a lesson, and ends up learning a few things himself)
Stilinski's Home for Wayward Wolves by owlpostagain
(1/1 I 35,197 I Teen I Sterek)
“At least your puppies knock first,” Stiles snorts. “Here I thought their alpha raised them to be well-mannered.”
“There’s a sign,” Derek responds stiffly. 

Stiles, whose curiosity outweighs even his hardest of grudges, abandons his chilly façade of nonchalance in a heartbeat. He jumps right up and all but pushes Derek out of the way in his effort to get to the window, and sure enough when he leans outside there’s a laminated strip of cardstock duct taped to the vinyl siding: 

DON’T FORGET TO KNOCK Stiles gets cranky when we scare him
Or, in which Stiles Stilinski moves to Beacon Hills for his junior year of high school and accidentally adopts a pack of teenage werewolves.
There's Monsters at Home by calrissian18
(6/6 I 83,600 I Explicit I Sterek)
“How did you get past the wards?” Derek had put them up, with Peter’s grudging assistance, after the Alpha pack had made themselves at home a few times too many.
The guy pulled a face. “You mean the wards a five-year-old girl with the mental ability of a goldfish could deconstruct?” He blinked wide eyes at Derek. “Gee, I don’t know. It’s bound to go down as one of life’s great mysteries.”
Derek despised him.
I know that you love me, even when I lose my head by LunaCanisLupus_22
(13/13 I 135,585 I Explicit I Sterek)
“We’re not mates, Cora,” he insists. “I mean look at him-“
“Ouch,” the kid says, no longer pushing that shit eating grin.
“He’s- he’s,” Derek tries, at a loss of how to explain why this can’t be possible. Why it shouldn’t be possible.
Or the one where Derek gets attacked by hunters, ends up with amnesia and forgets Stiles is his mate
Adult Wolf by KouriArashi
(56/56 I 232,475 I Teen I Sheriff/Peter)
As if Sheriff Stilinski doesn't have enough to deal with, now he's been attacked by some enormous dog in the forest, and that's normal compared to what happens next...
Re-telling of seasons 1-3B with Sheriff Stilinski being bitten instead of Scott.
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So...There's a scene in Good Omens Season 2 where we need an extract from Aziraphale's Diary in the 1820s. And as we were about to shoot him writing it, Douglas asked if we could see a bit of the previous diary entry as well. So I wrote one. As it turned out, we are too close up to read anything of the previous diary extract and only the final line is visible, if that.
I hated to imagine it going to waste.
So here's a small Valentine's Day gift for any of you who need cheering up. You will need to imagine the rest of the story.
“Madam!” I said, “I do believe that you have entirely misunderstood me!”
The countess drew herself to her full height, which I believe would have been about five feet and seven inches, and stared at me, quite puzzled. “No,” she said, “I believe that it is you who are mistaken, Mr Fell. For never have I met a man of any kind who could resist my blandishments.” And then, replacing her garments (which took much longer than shedding them), she added, “I do not know what manner of a man you are, Mr Fell. I trust you will still help my brother with his little problem.”
“I am still there for him,” I assured her. “He is as good as freed from his durance vile.”
“You are an angel,” said the countess.
And so we left the matter. This morning, her brother rejoined her, released (by me) from debtor's gaol. She was by all accounts delighted to see him.
It appears that she was not a countess, he was not her brother, and they fled together for France leaving many debts behind them. I told Crowley all about the matter over a glass of claret, but he did not appear to be as surprised as I had expected.
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[TRANS] Baidu DGM Bar: Can I ask, does Lavi like Lenalee?
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Original poster (o/p): 
I keep thinking that Lavi pays too much attention to Lenalee, to the point that he’s treating her differently. Some may say it’s just the feelings between comrades, but it’s obvious that the attention he gives Lenalee is much more than any other comrade (including Allen). 
When they were out at sea and under attack, Lavi was practically only concerned about Lenalee. In the Ark, when Lavi said to Lenalee “you won’t be able to find a boyfriend like that”, and got rebutted by Lenalee “that’s nothing to do with you!”, his whole face turned red, he fell speechless and had to change the topic. Afterwards, in the dreamscape that Road created, Lenalee was the first one to appear. 
Lavi likes Lenalee, right? If you say this is just normal feelings between comrades, I really can’t believe it, I think this is way over the norm for simple camaraderie. 
Lavi/Lena ship, don’t know how possible it is for them to end up together in the end >_>
The comments below the cut constitute a very long post, because there were just too many comments. I did not include comment subthreads for this post because the individual comments themselves were long enough. This post is not meant to start any fan war or ship war, it is merely a discussion. 
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headcanon kirito buys this for asuna as a housewarming gift when they move in together
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kirito: “why do i feel this protective urge toward asuna on the battlefield?? why, when both of our lives were in danger, did i jump toward her instead of jumping backward and saving myself?? we’re practically strangers.”
also kirito: describing asuna’s face as beautiful in very descriptive language every time he brings it up, constantly talking about her untapped potential and how she could become the most powerful player and a beacon of light for everyone in sao, offhandedly mentioning using his few minutes of good luck to ask asuna out.
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