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Happy 38th Birthday, Dean Winchester (January 24th, 1979) ❤️
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i’m so glad i’m a dean fan because at least my boy has nice shoes and a lovely engraved gun and i don’t have to be embarrassed for him
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I really wanted so much more for Crowley. He had so much potential for terrible and amazing things and interesting story archs and good scenes and scenarios and all these things he was originally capable of doing,,, but his creators were too focused on other overused tropes to utilize it and its just really sad and im mad as hell
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Current sexuality:
A healthy mix of wanting to go skinny dipping in Chris Pine’s eyes and the intense desire to have Gal Gadot teach me why men are not necessary for pleasure.
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… Was a friend
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It took less than that. Lets bring her home.
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Honestly, if you have come to terms with yourself there is hardly anything more fun than singing along to Born this way or Girls/Girls/Boys and just loving yourself for who you are
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this so much like don’t ever tell a queer/gay person to stop talking about their sexuality. that self-love took a long time to achieve
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no, i’m not, i’m more of an existentialist. nihilism […] circles back to existentialism.
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Jim : Dear Journal, something strange happened yesterday. I felt something below the neck. Dare I admit it? I have feelings for one Sherlock Holmes. Sexy, non-murdering feelings. True love always springs from true hate. I’ll admit, in the past, I’ve fantasized about waking up with Sherlock’s head on the pillow next to me, except now I picture it attached to the rest of his body.
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That’s what people brew
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other fandoms: oh god, we’ve been waiting for 6 months for new episodes, it’s been like years!
Sherlock fandom:
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Passive-aggressive tea time.
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When I was 16, I had a fake I.D. and decided to go to a gay bar by myself because some friends bailed on me. While there, an older gentleman bought me a drink. He wasn’t a creeper, and he definitely wasn’t unattractive. I accepted the drink and began talking to him. No big deal. As the hour progressed, I felt myself feeling strange. I mentioned that I felt like I had a headache, and this guy helped guide me out of the bar. As we were walking down the street, the thought of, ‘Oh god, he’s drugged me, I’m going to die’ came to my head. I tried to get away, but I was so drugged up that I could barely walk, let alone speak. It also didn’t help that I had really large ‘goth’ platform shoes because I was going through a phase. Anyway, this guy brought me to his suv and began undressing me. As a final act of defiance, I hit him over the head with my platform shoe. He then punched me, and I remember thinking, ‘Why don’t they ever give workshops to gay guys about being victims of rape too?’ While I was as careful as possible, I never saw the guy slip something in the drink. I even watched the bar tender make the drink. Anyway, I lied there completely paralyzed while this pervert was lubing up. I locked eyes with his for a moment, and that’s when it happened. A very large and angry drag queen opened the door of the vehicle and beat the shit out of my attempted rapist. She and her other drag friends helped dress and care for me while the police arrived. I was saved by a group of guardian drag queens. They were basically the modern day ‘angels from heaven.’
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do you ever look at your url and think “i am so glad that i have this url. i deserve this url” 
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