plinkyplink · 4 years
Not my work but this just about covers it all 😊
Induced Lactation (lactophilia) 411
I know a lot of people have the lactophilia fetish both in and out of the BDSM community. The hucow community (sub-part of pet play) often fantasizes about milk producing breasts. This piece is supposed to help inform the reader about different birth controls that MAY lead to milk production, different herbal supplements, different stimulation techniques, etc.
This list is intended for people who have never produced milk (and/or haven’t been pregnant/breast feeding for a long time).
Birth control you can be on that can still possibly produce milk:
Mini pill
depo shot
Birth control TO AVOID while trying to lactate:
the patch (ortho vera)
**NOTE** you MAY have different results, depending on the exact hormonal based birth control method you use. Everyone reacts differently to different hormonal based birth control, since everyone’s natural body chemistry is slightly different. 
Alfalfa (Medicago sativa) s a common plant from the pea family and is one of the oldest and most cultivated crops in history. References to alfalfa date back to early Roman, Greek and Chinese cultures. It is believed to have played an important role in these and other early civilizations. As a Food: The best way to benefit from alfalfa is by adding it to your diet naturally. Alfalfa sprouts or seeds have a pea-like taste and can be added to salads, soups or other foods. As a Tea: Unlike the sprouts, the alfalfa leaf is bitter so it is usually dried and prepared as a tea. Use 1 or 2 teaspoons of dried alfalfa leaves per cup (8 oz) of boiling water. AS a Tablet or Capsule: You can typically start with one tablet or capsule 4 times a day, gradually increasing the amount up to 8 per day. Your doctor or lactation consultant will instruct you on the dose that is best for you. Side effects of alfalfa tend to be mild. Diarrhea could occur if you begin taking a high dose of alfalfa too quickly. To prevent gastric problems, start with a low dose and slowly work your way up to the higher dose. If you tend to have an overabundant milk supply, alfalfa could further increase your supply leading to engorgement and mastitis. Alfalfa, like other green leafy vegetables, contains vitamin K which can interfere with anticoagulant medication. Alfalfa can trigger auto-immune disorders or make them worse. Do not use alfalfa if you suffer from Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) or another auto-immune condition.All the above information on Alfalfa came from this: website
Goat’s Rue: Motherlove brand is what I’m most familiar with, which I bought from Amazon.com. The suggested use from the label reads: “Take 1 capsule 4 times daily. For women over 175 lbs take 2 capsules 3 times a day. For maximum effectiveness avoid more than 1-2 oz. of liquid for 15 minutes before and after each dose.” Do not take more than the recommended dose of this herb. Another popular way to take GR, is to take a tincture. I use Herb Lore brand which comes in an alcohol base or a non-alcohol base. The alcohol based does taste pretty bad, but the non-alcohol is very sweet; too sweet for my taste, so I’ll stick to the alcohol base which I did get used to. Suggested Use: Take ¼ tsp (1ml) 4 times per day. Women over 175 lbs take ½ tsp (2 ml) 3 times per day. Goat’s Rue Info1 Goat’s Rue Info2 Goat’s Rue Info3 Goat’s Rue Adverse Reactions Discontinue use if symptoms such as headache, jitteriness, or weakness occur. The safety of the plant has not been proven in pregnancy or breastfeeding. Goat’s rue may interfere with the absorption of iron and other minerals. Source
Fenugreek: If you’re allergic to peanuts or legumes, you may want to avoid taking Fenugreek since they are in the same family. Taking this herb will cause your natural bodily fluids to have a Maple scent. This is attractive to some, and a annoyance to others. Be aware of this. This herb also is used by some to lower blood sugar’s in the body. IF you are Hypoglycemic DO NOT TAKE THIS HERB!!!!Fenugreek Info
Blessed Thistle: Blessed Thistle Info Blessed Thistle InfoUsing Fenugreek and Blessed Thistle Together: In my research I have found mention of using these two herbs together. The recommended dose it 3 capsules, 3 times a day of each herb. Source
Shatavari: (Asparagus racemosusIs) is actually a member of the Asparagus family and is another herb originating in Asia, specifically India, predominantly. In Sanskrit, Shatavari means ‘she who possesses a hundred husbands,’ implying its ability to help support fertility and vitality. It regulates hormonal secretion and acts as a galactogogue in nursing women. There is also some sightings that it can help with reducing menstrual cramps and if a woman has a lot of trouble bleeding heavy during her period.Not ALL sources of this herb are pure, and a few have been found to be contaminated with not nice things. Make sure your source is reputable!Shatavari Info 1Shatavari info 2Shatavari Supplier
“More Milk Special Blend”: It contains Goat’s Rue, Fengreek Seed, Blessed Thistle, Nettle, and Fennel Seed. Personally I would not use this product because I do not believe that it contains enough of each herb. But with that being said, we are all different and what works for one, may not work for another.Moringa Oleifera is another herb with long standing use as a galactogogue predominantly in Asia, particularly in the Philippines where it is called Philippines where it is called Malunggay, though it originated in India and Africa.Here are a few links to enlighten you on the efficacy of this herb in increasing milk supply.Moringa 1 Moringa 2
Black Cohosh
Black Walnut
Cascara Sagrada
Comfrey Leaf
Comfrey Root
Ephedra Ginseng (Siberian Ginseng aka Eleuthero is fine, except for those with high blood pressure)
Jamaican Dogwood
Juniper Berry
Kava Kava Root
Licorice Root
Oregon Grape Root
(in jaundiced newborns)
Pleurisy Root
Sage (reduces milk supply)
Saw Palmetto
Turkey Rhubarb
Uva Ursi
Herb Robert (Geranium robertianum)
Lemon Balm
Parsley (Petroselinum crispum)
Peppermint (Mentha piperita)/Menthol
Periwinkle Herb (Vinca minor)
Sorrel (Rumex acetosa)
*Please be wary of any allergic reactions. Take the herbs ONE AT A TIME to see if the user is allergic to any!*
Water Many women are very thirsty during breastfeeding, a sign that you need to drink plenty. Expect to drink around 2½ litres a day. Water is the best source of fluid, so include a large share of your fluids as water.
Protein Breast milk contains a lot of protein. So you will need to include extra protein in your diet, from foods such as:
Meat, fish and chicken
Cheese and yoghurt
Nuts and seeds
Legumes, for example, lentils, baked beans and split peas.
Calcium Calcium is another major ingredient in breast milk. You will need extra calcium from:
Dairy products such as milk, cheese and yoghurt. These are the
best source of calcium.
Soymilk fortified with calcium - look for a brand that includes
around 120mg calcium per 100ml soymilk.
You need around four serves of calcium-rich foods daily. If your diet does not contain plenty of calcium, your body will use calcium from your bones to meet your increased needs. This may weaken your bones and increase the risk of developing osteoporosis later in life.
Oatmeal is one of the most popular methods to increase milk supply. And not only can it increase your milk supply, but it’s good for you. It’s a good source of iron, and it lowers cholestrol.
Folate and vitamins Breastfeeding also increases your need for:
Folate - for example, leafy green vegetables such as spinach,
broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts.
Vitamin C - for example, citrus fruits, berries, tropical fruit,
tomatoes, capsicum and potatoes.
Vitamin A - for example, dark green and yellow vegetables such
as broccoli, carrots and pumpkin.
Vegetarian mothers A vegetarian diet can meet the nutritional needs of a breastfeeding mother as long as it includes a variety of foods, such as:
Eggs, milk, cheese and yoghurt
Wholegrain breads and cereals
Fruit and vegetables.
Hospital Grade or Single User? When inducing, we always recommend hospital grade. The reason is that a single user, drug store/big box store pump, is fine for a nursing mother who already has an abundance of milk. When you are a nursing mother it takes little effort to get your milk to flow.
Inducees are asking their body to do something which, while it is a normal bodily function, our bodies would not be producing milk at that time, as we aren’t a new mom. Hospital grade pumps have a stronger vacuum/suction and you are able to vary the pulse to mimick that of an infant. We need a pump that is a bit stronger.
New or Used? Yes you can by a used pump BUT only a used hospital grade pump, multi user type (i hear they are now making hospital grade single user pumps but i have no knowledge of them) and you puchase an accessory kit (bottles, hoses, filters, shields, etc). The accessory kit usually runs about US $20. With hospital grade pumps, no milk goes thru the pump itself. So when you replace the kit you remove any risk of cross contamination.
Please note that reusing the kit from someone else is not safe. Plastic cannot be thoroughly serilized without damaging the intergrity of the plastic. the risk of cross contamination from the previous owner (if they were sick while using it) is just too much of a risk.
How, When, How Often? It is recommended that you massage/marmet/Tens/suckle/pump for 20 minutes every 3 to 4 hours. Please don’t think that more or longer sessions are better. They are not and could well have the adverse effect. You also run the risk of getting dry cracked nipples, which is very painful.
When using a pump, always be sure to coat the inside of the shield with a little water based lube or if you are already making milk, a few drops of milk. This will create a better seal between the shield and your breast tissue and will keep you from chaffing.
Always remember to wash your shields and bottles according to the directions provided with the kit. Even is you are not making milk, bacteria can still collect and grow in and on these parts from shed skin cells and sweat.
It is not necessary to wake in the overnights to pump. Just be sure to pump as soon as you get up. You might get milk faster getting up every 4 hours but a good night’s sleep is also important to inducing. Lack of sleep causes stress and all manner of problems which is very bad when you are inducing.
So which pump should you get? The following information was supplied by Sleeping_beauty and has been redirected from another post. Some of the original links were no longer working and have been replaced by ones that i found.
Hospital grade pumps available today: • Ameda Elite • Ameda Lact-e • Ameda SMB • Hygeia EnDeare • Medela Classic • Medela Lactina • Medela Symphony http://www.breastpumpsdirect.com
Here are some that are considered some of the best, hospital-grade pumps (designed for multiple users): • Ameda Elite • Ameda Platinum • Hygeia EnDeare • Limerick PJ’s Comfort Go here to compare: http://breast-pumps.findthebest.com/
Here are some that are considered some of the best, hospital-grade pumps (designed for single user): • Bailey Medical Deluxe Nurture • Hygeia EnJoye-LBI
Here are some that are considered the best of the best, non-hospital-grade pumps (in order of top selling rank): • Ameda Purely Yours • Ameda Purely Yours Ultra • Philips Avent Isis iQ Duo • Ameda One-Hand Manual
How much do they cost and where do you find a used pump? i’ve heard amounts ranging from US$50 up to $500 for a used, hospital grade pump. Depends on how lucky you are! i got mine from eBay. You can also look on CraigsList. Try consignment or thrift stores that specialize in baby gear. Your local chapter of LaLecheLeague may have a list of women selling pumps they no longer need. Yard/Garage/Tag sales that list baby gear are also a good place to look. You might also want to call around to local hospitals or medical supply stores that rent pumps. Maybe they sell the old pumps when they get new units in.
Here’s a list of pumps where the milk never comes in contact with the motor, so it’s relatively ok to buy these pumps USED: Ameda Purely Yours, Lanisoh Double Electric, Hygeia. If you’re using this for a hucow and/or adult breast feeding relationship, you’re relatively safe.
*Soure, if you want illustrations too!* http://www.medelabreastfeedingus.com/tips-and-solutions/130/how-to-manually-express-breastmilk—the-marmet-technique
*Video version of this technique!* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tuhuekl-3JY
1. Position the thumb (above the nipple) and first two fingers (below the nipple) about 1” to 1–1/2” from the nipple, though not necessarily at the outer edges of the areola. Use this measurement as a guide, since breasts and areolas vary in size from one woman to another. Be sure the hand forms the letter “C” and the finger pads are at 6 and 12 o’clock in line with the nipple. Note the fingers are positioned so that the milk reservoirs lie beneath them. • Avoid cupping the breast
2. Push straight into the chest wall
• Avoid spreading the fingers apart. • For large breasts, first lift and then push into the chest wall 3. Roll thumb and fingers forward at the same time. This rolling motion compresses and empties milk reservoirs without injuring sensitive breast tissue. Note the position of thumb and fingernails during the finish roll as shown in the illustration. 4. Repeat rhythmically to completely drain reservoirs. • Position, push, roll… • Position, push, roll… 5. Rotate the thumb and fingers to milk other reservoirs, using both hands on each breast. 
Avoid These Motions
Do not squeeze the breast, as this can cause bruising.
Sliding hands over the breast may cause painful skin burns.
Avoid pulling the nipple which may result in tissue damage. 
When inducing lactation, physical stimulation of the nipples and areolas must emulate the suckling of an infant. When an infant suckles, not only is it stimulating the nerve endings in the nipples and areolas, it is also compressing the milk sinuses beneath the nipple. While nursing, the child isn’t “sucking” milk from the breast; rather, the nursing infant is pumping milk from the breast by compressing the milk sinuses inside the nipple.
Milk sinuses are tiny “bulb shaped” dilations near the end of the milk ducts that work like little squeeze pumps. When an infant begins suckling, it sucks the nipple/areola into a small “teat shape” so it can more easily pump milk from the breast by compressing the milk sinuses with its mouth.
When an infant is suckling correctly, signals are sent to the brain via the nervous system. These unique signals created by suckling, (which identify the stimulation as nursing as opposed to foreplay), stimulate the release of the milk producing hormones Prolactin and Oxytocin. Elevated levels of Prolactin stimulate the mammary glands to produce milk, while elevated levels of Oxytocin triggers the let-down reflex.
It is the unique balance of milk producing hormones created by stimulation of the nerve endings in the teat, (nipple/areola), coupled with simultaneous compression of the milk sinuses within the teat, that induces the breast feeding mother’s mammary glands to continue lactating as long as milk is needed.
Regardless of whether a woman is lactating as the result of pregnancy, or having induced lactation outside of pregnancy, continual lactation is the result of the same unique stimulation that closely emulates the suckling of an infant.
Compression of the milk sinuses coupled with simultaneous stimulation of the nipples/areolas is how the brain senses the difference between foreplay and nursing. If only the nerve endings in the nipples/areolas are stimulated, (and compression of the milk sinuses is omitted), arousal may occur, but the necessary milk producing hormones will not be released, and as a result, little or no milk will be produced.
When stimulation of the breasts closely emulates the suckling of an infant, a woman may experience slight arousal; however, she will also experience an overriding feeling of deep inner-peace. The sudden feeling of tranquility signals: the brain has released the milk producing hormones Prolactin and Oxytocin. While Prolactin stimulates the mammary glands to produce milk, and Oxytocin stimulates the let-down reflex, both of these hormones together stimulate the brain to experience tranquility.
Proper stimulation of the nipples and areolas can be accomplished by the suckling of a compatible adult nursing companion, an effective breast pump, or by manual nipple/areola stimulation and breast massage.
By far, the best stimulation comes from a compatible adult nursing companion; unfortunately, an adult nursing partner may not always be available when needed. When this is the case, a woman may choose to stimulate by pumping. Breast pumps can provide adequate stimulation; however, the shield, (the cone shaped part that fits over the nipple), must be the correct size and shape. As the pump pulses, (and tries to pull the nipple deeper into the cone), the shield must compress and release the milk sinuses beneath the nipple with each pulse of the pump. If the shield is too small, it will collapse the milk sinuses and restrict milk flow. If the shield is too big, it won’t compress the milk sinuses properly.
Manual nipple/areola stimulation and breast massage is also an option; however, this method by its self can become tiring. When an adult nursing partner is not available, a combination of both manual nipple/areola stimulation and breast massage, and pumping seems to work best.
Lactation can be induced by stimulation of the nipples, areolas and milk sinuses in a manner that closely emulates the suckling of an infant. When the brain senses that nipple/areola stimulation is the result of, or emulates suckling, it creates the unique balance of hormones necessary to produce milk.
Yes! A person whose never been pregnant can also lactate!
This is a specific type of “mother’s milk” that can ONLY happen with women who have RECENTLY given birth. This is due to the rapid hormonal changes in the body. Since this is the case, those who induce lactation (Rather than brought on “naturally” by hormonal changes when someone is pregnant) can NOT obtain colostrum. 
This totally depends on the individual’s natural body chemistry. Those who are on specific types of birth control might take particularly a very long time. I’ve heard some people do it “by accident” and others take 6 months-1 year+! It also depends on how faithful you are with the nipple stimulation, herbal supplements, etc. 
For me, I tried to lactate over the summer. I didn’t have much success, I guess it’s because of my birth control (nexplanon). Personally, I like the herbal supplements and since I’m a poor college student, I can’t afford pumps right now. 
Manually stimulate the nipples yourself for 10-20 minutes, every 3 hours. DO NOT do it longer than 20 minutes. Another option is to have your partner(s) suck on your nipples for that long. A suckling partner is a better alternative to a pump because it’s “natural” stimulation. Make sure your partner doesn’t use their teeth. 
I’ve also heard that mental imagery of having milk come out of your breasts also helps some people.
Yes, this is due to a hormonal change :)
A lot of people who turn to doctors to help them induce for sexual reasons will often say they’re doing it to help their cousin/sister/whatever with a newborn child and are curious about how to help :) This is how I’ve personally handled these questions when asking pharmacists for recommendations and the like. DO NOT let them tell you “if you’ve never had a baby, you can’t induce.” this is bullshit and has been done by MANY people within the fetish community :)
You should still be able to lactate :)  First, please make sure the piercing is completely healed. This normally takes 6-10 weeks (2.5 months-3.5 months), depending on individual body chemistry, how good the pierce was, and how good you keep up the cleaning and aftercare of it. Next, if using a pump, take the jewelry out so you can get a better suction. The jewlery when actually sucking MIGHT be a choking hazard, but this is more for inexperienced and/or children.
It is best to place the electrodes each side of your areola border and NOT on the nipple., finding a comfortable sequence and frequency to suit yourself is a slow exploratory process but when you find it you will discover a whole new world of pleasure! and the sensations feel very much like suckling. I tried it for a while and it certainly stimulated some activity in my ducts., I now use it occasionally to supplement marmet or when i feel like a change in pace. I use a German machine which I got from Germany off eBay., you need to get one which allows you to alter the pulse modulation as well as the pulse milliamp settings, this will allow you to dial up a pulse rate which will mimic suckling. its a bit of trial and error but OMG can you have some fun in exploring the settings. Look around on eBay for medical grade TENS units. They are relatively inexpensive but make sure you get some extra 40mm x 40 mm electrodes to go on your boobies.
FULL INFORMATION HERE(fetlife): https://fetlife.com/groups/22623/group_posts/3400116
More than likely, yes. Some have gone so much as from a B to a DD.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1094914027187709/
Depends on the individual to be frank. 
Yes, since estrogen for women contributes to a woman’s natural lubrication. 
The European Medicines Agency’s (EMA’s) Pharmacovigilance Risk Assessment Committee (PRAC) has recommended changes to the use of domperidone-containing antiemetics in the European Union (EU), owing to concerns about adverse cardiac effects, including QT prolongation and arrhythmias.
These restrictions include using these agents “only to relieve symptoms of nausea and vomiting, restricting the dose and adjusting doses carefully by weight where it is licensed in children,” the PRAC said in a statement released March 7.
Reducing the recommended dose and duration of treatment is “key to minimizing its risks,” the Committee said. They noted that the benefits of domperidone still appear to outweigh risks when given short-term and in low doses to treat nausea and vomiting.
Domperidone-containing drugs are authorized in the EU for treatment of nausea and vomiting of various causes, including in children in some member states, and also for the management of symptoms of bloating, discomfort, and heartburn. The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has not approved domperidone for any indication.
In 2011, the EMA’s former Pharmacovigilance Working Party recommended that the product information for domperidone-containing drugs be updated to reflect the risk for serious adverse effects on the heart, including QT prolongation and arrhythmias, and to warn that domperidone should be used with caution in patients with certain heart conditions.
However, cases of cardiac events in patients using domperidone continued to be reported, which led the PRAC to reassess whether the benefits still outweigh the risks, as reported by Medcape Medical Newslast year.
Today, the PRAC recommended that domperidone-containing medicines remain available and that they continue to be used for the management of the symptoms of nausea and vomiting, but that the recommended dose be reduced to 10 mg up to 3 times daily by mouth for adults and adolescents weighing 35 kg or more.
“These patients may also be given the medicine as suppositories of 30 mg twice daily. Where the medicine is licensed in children and adolescents weighing less than 35 kg, it should be given by mouth at a dose of 0.25 mg per kg bodyweight up to 3 times daily,” the PRAC advised.
“Measuring devices should be included with liquid formulations to allow accurate dosing by bodyweight. The medicine should not normally be used for longer than one week,” the committee said.
The panel also advised that “products supplying a dose of 20 mg by mouth, and suppositories of 10 or 60 mg are no longer recommended for use and should be withdrawn, as should combination products with cinnarizine (an antihistamine) where available.”
The medication should also no longer be used for bloating or heartburn or for patients with moderate or severe impairment of liver function.
The PRAC’s recommendations will now be sent to the Coordination Group for Mutual Recognition and Decentralised Procedures – Human (CMDh), which will adopt a final position.
*Here are some food, herbs, supplments, etc. that can help INCREASE the milk supply, ONCE IT’S STARED!*
Oats - Steel cut work the best.
Fenugreek - Both an herb and a supplement
Green beans
Sweet potatoes
Beet greens
Dandelion greens
Beer (with or without alcohol)
Fenugreek - Both an herb and a supplement
Motilium (Domperidone) - available at inhousepharmacy.biz (Use at own risk, read caution in this post)
Motherlove More Milk Special Blend
Mother’s Milk Tea
Shatavari - purchase only from a U.S. supplier for purity
Blessed Thistle
Marshmallow Root
Moringa Oleifera
Brewers Yeast
*Big thanks to different lactation and hucow groups found on Fetlife. It is an 18+ kink community. Please use at your own safety risk! A lot of this information was a direct copy/paste from documents posted in these groups, so credit goes to proper writers!*
4K notes · View notes
plinkyplink · 4 years
Love this girl , follow her and show her some love
Pinch me😈
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91 notes · View notes
plinkyplink · 4 years
Gods gift mmmmm
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And since its been a while since I posted some milk :)
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plinkyplink · 5 years
Oh my 😍😍😍
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plinkyplink · 5 years
No milk yet , but you've got to love this sweet girl ,, I'm after her to be my next project ☺️☺️☺️
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plinkyplink · 5 years
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plinkyplink · 5 years
ADULT NURSING AND INDUCING INFORMATION I RECOMMEND I get 1000s of emails, pictures, stories, requests and even milk samples every month. Please understand I can not answer everyone or perhaps be a match maker. That is not my intention. I’m here to try and help a few people as best as I can. However I always advise you to contact your primary health care provider who knows you best. I’m not an MD. I’m a lactation researcher, consultant, helping with inducing, specialize in ADULT NURSING RELATIONSHIPS aka ANR, clinical herbalist, nutritionist, and lifestyle consultant. I perform best in my area of expertise , for the large breasted ladies with DD cup and much, much larger. It’s my niche . Breast sizes of M or T cups even larger are more common than you think. As for adult nursing, some men find it to be like a natural “Viagra” while others find it disgusting. Some are simply in between. When you contact me and expect a response, please, to save time do tell me as much as you can so I know what I’m dealing with. Tell me about your lactation(s) history, breast/nipple/areola size, veins, Montgomery’s tubercles, problems, what you have tried, pump in use, your thoughts, wants, fantasies, the help you expect from your partner(s), etc, etc. It helps me know what I’m dealing with. GOOD SOURCES FOR INDUCING, INFO. BASICS TO GET YOU STARTED; http://stargatelibraries.com/library.html http://www.asklenore.info/search.php?cx=010374185091159180420%3Amecdvugemta&cof=FORID%3A10&ie=UTF-8&q=inducing+help&sa=Search&siteurl= ( not intended for adult nursing help) https://landmilkhoney.com/   (some of my articles may still be here)
There are many other good websites on inducing. However , please note some adult sites have used, altered, and stolen my work. My articles on some sites has been completely distorted to suit their particular commercial motives. For other interesting information checkout my plain language blog on Tumblr IF YOU ARE AN EXISTING MEMBER. Or else you will not have access.
Also look under under my ID as BREASTMILKDOC on Google
Twitter @breastmilkprof
Breastmilkprof on Instagram is not me. NOTE: Many sites recommend the use of pharmaceuticals that are not approved for inducing lactation. Granted they may and can work, however I use the no drug-yes to herbs and lots of nipple stimulation approach which has proven to work equally as well. A hospital grade double breast pump is very important. However, nothing works as well as regular and positive oral suckling on a solid schedule of every 3-4 hours 24/7 for the first 2-3 weeks. I will not be a conduit for the procurement of pharmaceuticals. DISCLAIMER: The information provided in any email response, article and all blog entries is not intended as medical advice in any way shape or form. Please consult with your own primary health care provider who knows you best before undertaking any new regime. Whatever you do with the information provided here within is your choice and your responsibility alone. Please note that the information you gain here is not a substitute for your own doctor’s advice. This is solely the opinion of the writer . We are happy if it forms the basis of a discussion between you and your Primary Health Care Provider, but it is not intended as a treatment recommendation for you personally. Remember, it is generalized information only. By corresponding with me you are indicating that you fully understand all of the above and you and you alone take full responsibility for your actions.
87 notes · View notes
plinkyplink · 5 years
Happy to let you feed me mmmmm
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Just waiting for a mouth to feed
835 notes · View notes
plinkyplink · 5 years
Milking of a different kind , I couldn't resist posting this , by the way , my balls could not take that , there wayyyy tooooo sensitive ,,, fantastic work by the girl though , a true star xxx
See all of my NEW cum swallowing clips on Twitter.
Mr. Sicko on Twitter!
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plinkyplink · 5 years
Love this
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2K notes · View notes
plinkyplink · 5 years
A bit long but kills 5 minutes
Postby BreastMilkProf » Tue Aug 30, 2016 3:16 pm
Sueann’s Amazing 43 Year History of Erotic Breastfeeding
From the files of Breastmilkprof 2006 (update 2016)
The names have been altered. Please don’t ask me for actual names and location.
Sitting in a first class hotel room, Sueann poured her heart out to me about her amazing life producing large volumes of breast milk.
I didn’t have the device to record her but I took it all in. As best as I can remember and making it as short as I can by leaving out some items, here is how she came across.
When I sold, rented and designed breast pumps in the 1990s I attended a sales meeting and product introduction by a Japanese manufacturer. At this meeting the company had an older 50ish lady with a huge bust demonstrating the suction of the new breast pump. As one with years of experience I’m always on the lookout for exceptional breasts. Needless to say this woman caught my eye. I just had to meet her.
I went up to her, introduced myself just as she was packing away her breasts. I asked her if I could have a few words with her. She quickly agreed to meet me in my hotel room after dinner. I detected her southern U.S. accent. I wondered, what was she at her age doing pumping her breasts? Yes she was large breasted , proof that the pump was powerful, but usually these companies have young women, even of B cup size as the norm.
At 7:30 pm she arrived at my room with a young woman. I welcomed them both and invited them in. The younger woman thanked me and said she had to go. Again I said come in. She introduced herself as Sueann from south of Atlanta Georgia. She told me she doesn’t usually go to strange men’s rooms but she read my profile in my company brochure plus she felt there was something in my voice that was trustworthy. She knew I was a lactation researcher and she had something to get off her chest, no pun intended. I was taken aback about her wanting to share. Share what?
Sueann was very intelligent, well spoken, and well dressed. She was no ordinary woman. She knew medical terminology well. We hit it off quickly.
We spent that evening and well into the early hours of the next day talking about every aspect of lactation and breastfeeding. At times it got more than a bit erotic and hot. She knew a lot about human and animal lactation including interspecies nursing. Boy was this woman up my alley !
She told me she had been lactating for over 43 years. Here now is what she told me. She was comfortable talking to me like she was with her late husband whom she loved very much. She kept nothing back. In fact I had to clean thing up a whole lot in order to print this.
Really age 12 is about average. Today at age 58 (2006) she more than fills an M cup size. She was raised on a pig farm there in Georgia. She watched her mother breastfeed 3 younger brothers till age 6 or more. She always dreamed of lactating and feeding babies. Sueann inherited her mother’s genes as by age 15 she was a double D cup and ached to breastfeed babies like her mom. Then she planned to secretly suckle the next baby brother or sister. But non ever came. She was aching to put something to her breasts. She even tried sucking herself. She watched often how the big sows fed their little piglets and how they sucked wildly. She thought that would feel so so good on her aching nipples. Secretly she made plans to suckle a piglet.
One night at 3 am at age 16 she snuck into the smaller barn where her father kept that newborns and sows. The smell was overpowering, burning her nostrils. The squealing was intense when the piglets heard her come in.
She found a spot underneath a naked light bulb, lifted her sweater, coated her nipples with cow’s milk and honey. She then grabbed a tiny piglet who squealed like crazy and put it to her left breast. He latched on like a magnet taking in her nipple half way down his snout. It was wild and it felt rough and really hot. These little guys really yank on the nipples. She kept coating her nipples to keep it interested and it worked. This yanking was enough to get her hooked for life. She experience piglets, puppies and a lamb. Now she understood why her mom was always suckling something or pumping.
What a way to get a train of orgasms like never before even at her young age.
Sueann kept the piglet nursing on for over one month. Then one day she notices that the piglet was still suckling even without coating her nipple. That’s when she figured that the breast size increase meant she was now actually lactating. Her bras felt very tight and she saw stains in her bra cups. The piglets had caused her to lactate. They also caused a ton of breast scratches. Her father suspected something but never said a word. Sueann knew her father loved big breasts and her mother allowed him lots of breast play, and who knows, even breastfeeding??
At the age of 19 Sueann officially met Sam, son of her life long doctor who knew she was lactating. Dr. Joel point out that she had milk in her breasts and he asked why she had scratches on her breasts. He also said, “it’s your business young lady.”
Dr. Sam, 32 years old, had joined his father as the OB/GYNO partner.
When Sueann came in for her yearly checkup it was Dr. Sam who was there for her. He examined her, noted she was a virgin, yet she was lactating. He was now stuck on her nipples, milking them over and over again. All he said was “hum, hum.”
“Sueann would you like to tell me why you are lactating and why all these scratches?”
Sueann’s face turned all red. “Sueann these look like cat or puppy scratches and your nipples look like they have taken a beating.”
Sueann couldn’t hold back, her cover was blown despite all the creams she had applied. She told him what she had been doing. He said he fully understood. With such full breasts he could see why she would want to test them out and experience the feeling of having them sucked. From that day on she and him had a special connection.
Dr. Sam took a liking to her and her great looks and yes such fine lactating boobs. Within two years they were married and expecting their first child. They really loved one another. And, needless to say their adult breastfeeding relationship took off like a rocket.
When Victor was born Sueann’s milk came in like Niagara Falls. The baby was choking with the heavy letdowns. Volumes of milk were spraying and self pouring out from her KK cup breasts. Sam showed Sueann how to solve the problem by milking her breasts of the thin foremilk before putting the baby to the breasts. She would milk out about 8 oz per side before attempting to feed the baby. Often Sam would join in and suckle away next to his son. Sam loved the creamer hind milk so he milked her first before he latched on. Not only did she feed the son and her husband, she also pumped for the hospital milk bank that Sam ran.
Sueann love to breastfeed her son and husband for hours every day and night. She had orgasms galore ! The maid was employed 24/7 thanks to Dr. Sam’s excellent income. So, Sueann grew to be a milky mom/wife/donor what some women love to call, a Hucow.
She even baked with breastmilk, making cookies and fudge.
Dr. Sam had her producing milk in volumes that reached 3-5 quarts daily. And, in times of intense suckling and pumping, Dr. Sam had her producing 7 U.S. quarts daily, (about 7 Liters) .She drank water like no tomorrow. Just couldn’t get enough of it.
Sueann explained how Dr. Sam did several experiments on her breasts and milk production. Fat content, calcium, letdown triggers, etc. etc.
Sadly she can’t find his diaries, notes etc. which would have been a treasure trove. After 25 years of this Sueann was ready for new adventures. Dr. Sam was not giving her the same attention as before, he was too busy. He wasn’t suckling her breasts like before. She did continue to suckle Victor and even his two friends who would fight for a nipple.
Still this was not enough for her she wanted more. Her breasts ached hard for more. Her L cup breasts just kept producing lots of milk. Who could she feed now? She was aware people always looked at her breasts and they talked behind her back. But why? She wasn’t hurting anyone.
After much thought and reservations she decided she would go to the house across the street where the two 60 years plus non married brothers lived. They always looked at her with big want in their eyes. Why not give them a try. Sueann made sure her breasts were really full and her cleavage was deep enough to sink a ship. She took a change of clothes knowing her milk would soak everything. Her husband was out of town and her son was in class. Her heart was pounding and her breasts were aching to be sucked hard by an army of men.
Sueann opened her door, looked East and West. She remembered their names as Ronald and Moe, two seniors who gardened all the time.
She felt her milk letting down soaking her pads. Her breasts were quivering with the thought of having both men pawing at them.
She rang the doorbell and in seconds Moe stood at the open door, eyes wide open and almost breathless at seeing her there in front of him.
“Good morning Moe” she said
He didn’t even answer except to say, “Come in Sue, sorry Sueann.”
“Who is that Moe?” yelled Ronald.
“It’s Sue, you know Sue from across the street.
In an instant Ronald arrived with half his face covered in shaving foam.
“Hello Sue, we never get to see you so close up, you are beautiful.”
As he stared deeply into her bursting cleavage he motioned for her to come into their well cared for old home.
At that Sueann’s letdown went into overdrive with the milk overflowing the soaked breast pads started soaking her fancy blue blouse.
“Sue, you are getting soaked, are you alright?” said Moe
“Yes Moe you are right. I came over for you guys to help me as you see my pump broke down and I can’t empty these big breasts by myself.”
“No problem.” Yelled Moe. As he reached for her blouse.
“Where is Dr. Sam?
“Oh he is out of town so I have no one to help me.” Said Sueann
Then Ronald guided her by the arm into the living room and onto the well aged sofa. Sueann unbuttoned her blouse as the men salivated.
With shaking hands and pounding heart all three adults looked for positions. In no time the seniors were on their knees, trying hard to unhook her industrial looking bra to unleash her human udders for the world to feast on, all without a word or sound.
Moe grabbed the thick left nipple and started yanking crudely to milk it even as the leaking turned to spraying. Sueann pushed his arm away in order to show him how to milk her properly. Ronald went for the fresh warm milky right nipple with his nicotine stained lips and nicotine covered fingers.
He guided the large heavy breast to his mouth and started to suck away like a child with a lollypop.
After more than 6 hours of rough hand milkings, suckling, and mauling,
Sueann’s experience with these old boys was a gift train of wild orgasms and few words. It was like going into a cave of hungry cavemen who never saw a woman before. Of course she took care of them in a manual format and nothing more. It was a good dry milking that she was aching for and she got it. After that day, the boys got their treat 3 times a week. These guys had intense staying power, strong erections that did it all except to put her breasts through a yoga session.
When her husband passed away, Sueann continued to breastfeed her son and friends, the old boys, the odd piglet and puppy and still donated milk.
I can’t leave out my involvement as I did use her for several projects which produced amazing data, and yes some erotic fun as well.
Sueann and I were in contact for many years. She was a wonderful human being who well into her 60’s pumped out loads of milk from a perfect set of
6” areola breasts with teat like nipples. She was trained by her OB/GYNO doctor husband so that is why she was proficient in medical terms.
As of today I have lost contact with her. She was a religious person behind all that passion. She may have had second thoughts about her life, and now wanted nothing more to do with it. Who knows!
When I first met her I thought she was about 45 years old, possibly 50.
Then I found out she was 58, back then. I knew she had an amazing breastfeeding/Lactation story to tell. I was right. But I never for one minute expected to hear what she told me. That is why she wanted to get it off her chest. Now we all know.
Thank you Sueann, you were/are amazing. You taught me a lot and I’m thankful.
BreastMilkProf Copyright 2016 all rights reserved.
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plinkyplink · 5 years
Ohh my fucking god mmmmmm
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plinkyplink · 5 years
Applications invited
Looking for a girl interested in joining me on her lactation journey , all offers considered xxx.
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plinkyplink · 5 years
Applications invited
Looking for a girl interested in joining me on her lactation journey , all offers considered xxx.
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plinkyplink · 6 years
Let's hope this works
Sign the petition!!!
For years, people have used to Tumblr as a platform to organize and share their art. Now, there are people that want to ban the posting and sharing of adult-oriented content on a website that has supported NSFW artists for years. Unlike other websites, Tumblr has the option to flag a blog as adult-oriented, preventing the blog from appearing to users under the age of 18, making this ban of adult content unnecessary. Without Tumblr, many adult artists will have no way to share their work efficiently and safely, nor will they have a way to support the works of other adult artists. We urge you to sign this petition to show the staff of Tumblr that their decision to ban adult art is a grievous mistake that will lead to a mass exodus of users from the site.
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plinkyplink · 6 years
This girl needs help xx reblog or just like
Tumblr media
200 followers! 💗💗🍑 20 reblogs and you can see what my pretty little asshole looks like stretched around this 😳
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plinkyplink · 6 years
Read , not once , not twice but at least 3 times , then and only then. Consider messaging me
How to Lactate
I have done this myself and many women world wide for some reason or another have also induced lactation. Its a fairly simple process that just takes time. 
Inducing Lactation 
The technique for inducing lactation without being pregnant is exceptionally simple: physically stimulate the nipple and areola, and the body will respond by making milk! Forget about milk inducing drugs and exotic techniques: all it takes is stimulation! 
The best and most reliable way to induce lactation is to dry breast feed your nursing partner for 20 minutes, eight times each day. Don’t let your partner suck just on the nipple; make sure he or she is latched on in the same manner as a nursing infant would latch onto it’s mother’s breast. In the beginning, even without milk, relax and breast feed your partner, just as you would as if you breasts were full of milk. In time, your body will respond to the suckling by producing milk. 
If your schedule won’t permit eight nursing sessions each day; reduce the number of sessions to what you can comfortably handle. Women have successfully induced lactation with as little as two breast feeding sessions each day; however, the sessions do need to be at least 20 minutes long. Keeping in mind: the closer to eight nursing sessions each day you are able to have, the better the results will be. 
If you do not have a willing or reliable nursing partner, you may substitute suckling with hand massage of the breast, and finger stimulation of the nipple and areola. You may use a breast pump if you wish; however, hand expression will work just as well. Eight, 20 minute stimulation sessions each day is still optimum for inducing lactation, even without a reliable nursing partner. If your schedule will not permit eight sessions each day, you may reduce the number of sessions to what you can comfortably handle. But again, the closer to eight nursing sessions each day you are able to have, the better the results will be. 
DO NOT OVER COMPLICATE THE TECHNIQUE! Quite simply put: your body will respond to the need for milk by producing milk! It is a mistake to overcomplicate your method of inducing lactation. Keep it simple! 
If you are breast feeding your nursing partner to induce lactation, his or her mouth should provide enough lubrication to prevent chaffing of the nipple and areola. If you are inducing lactation by using hand and finger stimulation, you may need to use a lubricant to prevent chaffing. There are several products on the market specifically for lubricating and protecting the nipples and areolas of women who are breast feeding. A warm shower is a good time to stimulate; the water will help lubricate and the warmth will help relax your breasts. 
In the beginning, expect your breasts to swell and become sore. To lactate, the lymph system in your breasts have to undergo certain changes; the result is temporary soreness. You may notice soreness particularly around the outer edges of the breasts, near your armpits. Even though the soreness is temporary, the increase in cup size will likely remain as long as you are lactating. 
If you have never been pregnant, and never had milk, the process may take a little longer. Even though mammary glands mature during puberty, the glands have to undergo minor changes before they will actually produce milk: this will add time to the process of inducing. Once mammary glands have produced milk for the first time, they never go back to the way they were. Mammary glands of a woman who has breast fed in the past are always be ready to produce milk again. After breast feeding for the first time, some women never completely dry up. It is not unusual for a woman to be able to express a drop or two, even years after she has breast fed. 
Don’t look for drugs or exotic techniques to inducing lactation: this simple technique of physical stimulation is all there is to successfully inducing lactation. Once past puberty: as long as a woman’s mammary glands are healthy and have not been altered or surgically removed, a woman’s breasts are completely capable of producing milk! This is true for women who have never been pregnant, women who have gone through menopause, and even women who have had a hysterectomy. The presence of a uterus, and/or ovaries, is not required for a woman to lactate: the only thing that is required is healthy breasts and a desire to lactate. 
This really is all there is to the physical technique of inducing lactation; HOWEVER, there is one more factor involved: YOU HAVE TO HAVE A REASON! 
As long as healthy mammary glands are supplied with body fluids, the hormones Oxytocin and Prolactin, and stimulated electrically, they will produce milk indefinitely! The main obstacle that prevents a woman from producing milk when inducing lactation is not physical technique; it is psychological! The brain has to send an electrical signal, via the nervous system, to stimulate the mammary gland before the mammary gland will make milk! 
Mammary glands, like every other part of our body, is controlled by the brain, particularly, a subconscious portion of the brain. If the brain perceives nipple and areola stimulation to be sexual only, the brain will respond by creating a feeling of sexual pleasure only. If the brain perceives nipple and areola stimulation to be the need for milk, the brain will respond by sending an electrical signal, via the nervous system, causing the milk to letdown and the mammary glands to produce milk. The breasts will continue to make milk as long as the brain continues to send electrical signals, stimulating the mammary glands. Also if the brain perceives nipple and areola stimulation to be for both sexual pleasure and the need for milk, it will respond by creating both. 
When a mother begins to breast feed her child, she automatically focuses her subconscious mind on making milk. It is this subconscious mental image that causes her brain to send the signal to her mammary glands to letdown and make milk! In addition to sexual arousal caused by nipple stimulation, a woman who inducing lactation must also create the mental image of making milk, in the same manner that a nursing mother would. 
The physical technique of inducing lactation is very simple, (physically stimulate the nipples and areolas), however, creating the mental scenario that results in the brain stimulating the mammary glands into milk production is a little more involved. At the same time, once the subconscious has been trained to correctly respond to stimulation, little else matters: you will be able to letdown when you need, and produce milk in whatever quantities needed. As we can see in the example of spontaneous letdown and leakage: when a woman is properly stimulated mentally, she will letdown and produce milk. All physical stimulation does is tell your brain, when and how much milk to make! 
Whether dry nursing your partner to induce lactation, or hand massage, finger stimulation and breast pumping, choose a physical technique you are comfortable with and enjoy: then focus on training your subconscious to respond to making milk instead of, or in conjunction with, sexual arousal. The secret to inducing lactation is creating a proper mental state that will cause the brain to stimulate the breasts to letdown, and mammary glands to make milk. How long it takes to lactate, depends entirely on how long it takes you to decide to create the proper mental state! How much milk you will be able to produce will depend on how much milk you want. 
If this fails there is drugs that can be used to increase prolactin levels and are fairly safe. Herbs can also be used to help with lacatation. 
In addition to the medications described above, the following herbs have been found to be helpful in increasing milk supply for women on the protocols: 
Fenugreek seed - 3 capsules (580-610 mg each) 3 times a day with food 
Blessed Thistle herb - 3 capsules (325-390mg each) 3 times a day with food 
These dosages were arrived at through a review of the available literature, a review of the recommendations of several herbal companies, and anecdotal evidence. Many women on the protocols have found that Fenugreek taken alone may cause stomach upset but when it is taken in combination with the Blessed Thistle the stomach upset is reduced or nullified. Taking these herbs with food seems to help as well and is recommended by most of the herb suppliers. Women often report that they smell like maple syrup or curry while taking fenugreek. Many women have found these herbs to be most effective if they are begun after completion of the necessary time on the birth control pill – domperidone combination, and once the women have started to pump. Also, many women have reported feeling nauseated when starting the herbs too early. For this reason it is not desirable to take the herbs while taking the birth control pill and prior to pumping. 
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