ploravi · 10 years
cuuthail replied to your post:cuuthail replied to your post:cuuthail replied to...
oo h my gosh?? i magine they’re watchin a sad movie or something and they both start crying……. usually it’s one starts crying and the other comforts but Oh how the turn tables
goodness gracious.. geez louise... licht cries a lot and dakota gets used to it but one day something bad happens and licht is sobbing a lot and he just sorta?? rests his head on dakota's shoulder and cries and dakota just holds him??
a tiny little dakota comforting a giant crying licht?? oh my gosh?? oh my g
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ploravi · 10 years
cuuthail replied to your post:cuuthail replied to your post:i was thinking about...
DAKOta tries to kiss his cheek once by surprise but he li terally can’t Reach licht is too tall goodbye dakota……
dakota has to get on his tip toes and licht has to lean down a little bit for any smoochy smooch action to happen goodbye lichtkota... r.i.p...
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ploravi · 10 years
cuuthail replied to your post:i was thinking about yuulichtgalekota and i...
OH H h geez lichtkota……. imagine licht givin dakota piggy back rides when he’s rly tired one night and they were all hangin out and dakota falls asleep on his back while he’s walking him back 2 his house oh dear
geez lichtkota... geez... gosh diddly darn... imagine this if you will: they're walking back home together and dakota is tired?? and licht offers to carry him home but dakota is like!! dude no it's cool!!
licht does it anyways and he lifts dakota with no effort at all and he's like "wow you're so tiny" and dakota is just
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ploravi · 10 years
i was thinking about yuulichtgalekota and i realized that licht is almost a foot taller than dakota. oh my gosh. oh my goodness gracious
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ploravi · 10 years
"Oh? Ha.. Handsome? I-I think you got the wrong guy! I don't think there are people, I mean.. I don't think anybody... I-I'm..." Licht cleared his throat, trying his best to compose himself. "T-thank you. I-I appreciate it."
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"S-Seon was cool to me! He was a ten on the cool scale... M-maybe an eleven. He was always so calm and collected. I really looked up to him, y'know? I-I never got the chance to talk to him though... I was too shy. I'm sure the others are just as cool!" Aaah, geez. He wiped his eyes, trying to stop the tears. How many times had he cried in front of Yuu? Too many to count.
"W-well, if you say it's alright then... Thank you. I can't thank you enough."
"Oi, oi, it’s not weird to compliment people! You’ve grown pretty handsome yourself, you know! You got real tall! Lot’s of people are into that, y’know?" She grinned with a chuckle. "Thanks for the compliment, Licht."
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"Pfft? Seon? Cool? He’s a total dork he was never cool! Maybe your memory is more foggy than you thought!" Yuu snickered. "The other kids are great though! Really!"  Ahh, there it is. The waterworks again. She never really minded how much Licht would cry. It was endearing if anything.
"Hey now, don’t apologize. I’m happy too! You just express it differently!"
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ploravi · 10 years
375 notes · View notes
ploravi · 10 years
Sweet Darlin’ - She & Him
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ploravi · 10 years
Island In The Sun |  Weezer
The Green Album (2001)
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ploravi · 10 years
The Boy Least Likely To | Be Gentle With Me
So just be gentle with me (I’m not as young as I was) And I’ll be gentle with you I’m not as brave as I thought 'Cause my heart gets broken so easily. So just be gentle, be gentle with me.
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ploravi · 10 years
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ploravi · 10 years
Licht giggled, wincing slightly at her punch. "Don't worry. You just got cuter, that's all. A-ah! Don't take it the wrong way though! I-it's not like you weren't cute before! You were cute back in middle school, and you're still cute now! J-just more so! Sorry... I should stop saying weird things, huh?"
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 "Good! To be honest, I-I was so excited to see you I could barely keep still." He grinned shyly, rubbing the the back of his head. "Oh? Really? T-that's great, Yuu! M-my memory is kind of foggy, to be honest, but I think I remember Seon. He used to play with bugs, right? H-he was such a cool guy! I don't know the others, but if they're your friends I'm sure they're very nice people! Gosh... You really made your own little group, huh? I... I could never ever do that. I-I'm so proud of you. I really am." Tears formed in the corners of his eyes. He sniffled a bit, trying to blink them back.  "A-ah! Sorry! I don't mean to cry, really. It's just... I'm happy to be back here with you. S-sorry. I'm still a big crybaby, huh?"
Yuu smirked and laughed, lightly punching his arm. “Hey now! No short jokes, that’s not fair! I’m Japanese we aren’t usually that tall!” 
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"Of course that’s not weird!" She laughed, putting her hands on her hips. "I’m really excited too! I’ve been dancing a whole lot since you’ve left! In the group the only other 3rd year we’ve had is my friend Gale. We’ve got a couple of 1st years though! Seon and Jael. I don’t know if you remember Seon, he was that little buggy kid I would hang out with sometimes in middle school. Oh! We even have a video editor. He doesn’t dance but he’s a sweetheart, his name is Cam!"
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ploravi · 10 years
can the science side of tumblr please explain this?
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ploravi · 10 years
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koch mein arsch
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ploravi · 10 years
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boil my ass
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ploravi · 10 years
"Ah! G-good! I don't want to upset you! You're very important to me! Heh, I really look up to you, y'know? O-or, um, down to you now considering..." He trailed off, letting out a gentle chuckle. Gosh, he really did  change a lot since they first met.
Licht relaxed. His nervousness seemed to melt away whenever Yuu was around. I wonder why? Hm, weird.
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"Hm? Y-yeah, of course I did. Is that weird? I mean, you were my best friend. W-wait, scratch that. You are my best friend."  He grinned, giggling a little bit. "Really? Honestly? T-that's great! I-I'm so happy I can't stop smiling, to be honest! Sorry, is that weird? It's just... I'm so excited I can barely contain it!"
"Don’t worry, don’t worry! It’s no big deal!" She laughed, snickering at the small smile that appeared on his face. She patted his back, or at least tried too. God he really did get big..
She listened to him carefully, grinning even more if even possible. First Dakota was coming back and now Licht was back too? What exactly did she do to deserve such great news? All she did was skip school and run the dance club.
Her eyes widened a bit at his reason and her smile softened.
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"You remembered our promise..?" She let out a little chuckle. "Of course I still want to! When I was a 1st year here I started up the group right away! It was only me and my classmate Gale for a while, but we’ve grown! I’d love to dance together again, Licht! I really really would!"
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ploravi · 10 years
*thinks about yuulicht*
*looks off into the distance wistfully*
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ploravi · 10 years
sozoshiii replied to your post:i need to reply to haru but i ‘m also laughing...
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*licht voice* did the victim have stab w
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