plotbunnygraveyard · 2 years
Like many parental figures, Sebastian changes the parts of stories that he doesn't think suitable for the ears of children.
Sebastian: And then the little mermaid drove the dagger into the prince's heart because, after all, why should she suffer for a man who was amused by her pain and made her sleep on the floor?
The end.
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plotbunnygraveyard · 2 years
i love spoilers. will literally read the entire wiki page idgaf
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plotbunnygraveyard · 2 years
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Mine was amazing (x)
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
Tumblr is the only social media site where someone with the word "official" at the end of their url are 100% NOT the official account.
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
Random Spiderman plot thought thing
So like I dont know the spiderverse that well but i had this little plot bunny in my head and it wouldnt go away.
Like Uncle Ben / Aunt May arent related to Peter in any way. He was just a helpful dude in the neighbourhood who offered to take in Peter once his dad was diagnosed with terminal cancer. Like his dad knew them and knew it was better than the foster care system and peter had been baby sat by aunt may before so it was like no big. AUnt may always says that she wanted a little boy seeing as she and ben could never concieve. So thats how he ends up with them.
And like the iconic line - "with great power comes great responsibility" or whatever. Its said to Peter when has much much younger, and its a philosophy that get banded out a lot in the household. Peter makes a quip about it being the family moto. And like the first time he hears it from uncle ben is when Peter's starting to set a bad example for the neighbourhood kids. And like Uncle be is all "Peter, your the oldest kid here. You have a responsibility to set a good example. When your aunt and I leave you in charge it means we trust you and don't expect that trust to be broken. Understand son?" Like all Parents do to their eldest / elder kids.
So peter starts to try hard and does tuition for the kids who are falling behind free of charge and he'll even babysit if you need to, just pay in food later okay? kind of thing. And communal homework at the skatepark becomes a thing. Peter and the other kids keep tabs this way as well. Someones not there or struggling you bet it gets fed back to helpful adults and positive reinforces Uncle Bens moto. One day a new kid starts turning up, hes a bit more well dressed than the rest but hes peters age and kinda cool so they let him in. He says his name is harry and not much else. Gets along with peter like a house on fire.
During all this Uncle ben's got a cushy job as oscorp, doing what you ask? Hes a janitor, pays good and he gets benefits like you wouldnt believe. And Peters like 6 at the time doesnt really have a clue. Peter often visits and one day gets bitten by a spider, nothing much happens at the time, its a bit red and sore. Fast forward to like a month before graduation and peter finds uncle ben in the kitchen with a bullet in his head and suicide note on the table. He goes to clear out uncle bens desk and stuff and takes a drink out of the communal fountain.
Next day peter starts having his spiderpowers manifest and freaks out. He goes to his friend Harry to ask him what he thinks. Harry's face drops and he shushes Peter. Harry asks him to meet him later and he'll explain. When they do meet up later Peter find out that all the people who work at oscorp are part of a massive experiment, they get fed this serum though the water system and have the blood checked in an annual health review to see if they could be candiates for top secrect governemnt testing. Harry also explains that Uncle Ben found out about this one day and thats why he was killed and it was made to look like a suicide. Harry says that the same thing happened to his mother and warns peter to stay away from it all. Peter never speaks to Harry after this. He still doesnt know that Harry is an Osborne.
Peters mad about the whole thing to the extent that he refuses an all paid scholarship to any university of his choice once he graduates as its funded by Oscorp. He gets to grips with his powers and thinks about what Uncle Ben would have wanted. He starts helping people out, like he did in his childhood but now its bigger. Instead of bullies, its muggers. Instead of stolen candy its bank robbers. Instead of catcalling its terrorists. With great power comes great responsibility.
The police start to notice this vigilante behaviour and while no one would snitch in the hood its better to come up with an alterego. Hence Spiderman is born. All the while hes thinking about how to expose Mr Osborne. Afterall with great power come great responsibility. And Oscorp may be making the worlds leading medicines and helping people but at what cost.
So he does some snooping gathers all the data that he can and tries to figure out who he shoudl go to to spill everything when he stumbles across Harry. His friend is in the lower levels where the secrect human tests are being done. Where people on the missing persons list are. And he looks just like Norman Osborne. Peter is floored and hides, waiting for a better time to confront Harry. When he does Harry tells him about the genetic disease, the Osborne curse and why he needs this. He didnt ask Peter to be a part of the experiments and to just let this go. Its to do with his life and death. Peter gives him an ultimatum. Go public about the trials, out his father and take control of Oscorp and do everything above board; or peter will take all he has to the daily bugle and not leave anyone standing. HArry asks for a few weeks to do this. Peter gives him a deadline.
The time is up and Harry still hasn't made a move so Peter follows through on his threat. Norman in a last ditch attempt doses himself up on the spider serum and becomes the green goblin. Later spiderman and he fight and peter has no qualms about killing him. Harry asks how he could do that, Peter reminds him that his father had no qualms about killing his uncle. That they are even now. Harry states that he doesnt accept this and that peter is his enemy, with the mask or no, and that he will find it very difficult to survive in the future. And Peter just disappears into the night
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
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sounds fake but okay transcript: Timian: I guess nobody owes us their forgiveness. Vinta: And we don’t owe anyone ours… Vinta: But maybe we can forgive ourselves? Timian: Yeah Timian: maybe
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
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House in Ohguchi / Airhouse
Photos © Toshiyuki Yano
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
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plotbunnygraveyard · 3 years
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green kitchens
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plotbunnygraveyard · 4 years
Zuko: You didn’t happen to bring any coffee, did you?
Aang, handing him a thermos: Milk and sugar
Zuko: Thanks
Zuko: [drinks]
Zuko: …wait, is this just milk and sugar?
Aang: That’s what I said
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plotbunnygraveyard · 4 years
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plotbunnygraveyard · 4 years
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plotbunnygraveyard · 4 years
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Beautiful Parisian kitchen designed by Joseph Dirand. 
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plotbunnygraveyard · 4 years
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Scandinavian Kitchen
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