plsimgayaf · 2 years
i have a type and it’s religious closeted lesbian from the south
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plsimgayaf · 2 years
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representation in the owl house
happy pride month! 
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plsimgayaf · 2 years
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camila takes them to a therapist that is familiar with multi dimensional travel
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plsimgayaf · 2 years
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plsimgayaf · 3 years
are you actually trans or are you just a whore looking for attention?
I am a trans whore looking for attention
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plsimgayaf · 3 years
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plsimgayaf · 3 years
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Part 3/7 of some samples of my boards from The Owl House s2e8 “Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door” Strap in… I’ve got a TON of drawings that I loved from this episode and tons of additional drawings and poses that got cut because I over pose my stuff (I have a problem) haha
This is including some poses before revisions, like Luz was a bit more embarrassed with holding Amity’s hand when Eda flew down to them. 
For more thoughts and credits for this episode I got very emotional on an instagram post about it.
Please, please, please do not repost/trace/recolor my boards please.
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plsimgayaf · 3 years
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Part 4/7 of some samples of my boards from The Owl House s2e8 “Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door” Strap in… I’ve got a TON of drawings that I loved from this episode and tons of additional drawings and poses that got cut because I over pose my stuff (I have a problem) haha
For more thoughts and credits for this episode I got very emotional on an instagram post about it.
Please, please, please do not repost/trace/recolor my boards please.
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plsimgayaf · 3 years
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Part 5/7 of some samples of my boards from The Owl House s2e8 “Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door” Strap in… I’ve got a TON of drawings that I loved from this episode and tons of additional drawings and poses that got cut because I over pose my stuff (I have a problem) haha
Here are a ton more awkward poses I was working on for Luz and Amity. I just love drawing them!
For more thoughts and credits for this episode I got very emotional on an instagram post about it.
Please, please, please do not repost/trace/recolor my boards please.
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plsimgayaf · 3 years
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Part 6/7 of some samples of my boards from The Owl House s2e8 “Knock Knock Knockin’ on Hooty’s Door” Strap in… I’ve got a TON of drawings that I loved from this episode and tons of additional drawings and poses that got cut because I over pose my stuff (I have a problem) haha
Here are a ton more awkward poses I was working on for Luz and Amity. I just love drawing them!
For more thoughts and credits for this episode I got very emotional on an instagram post about it.
Please, please, please do not repost/trace/recolor my boards please.
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plsimgayaf · 3 years
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Another Dana tweet with more of sweet 90s fashion
It's also National Spider-Man day
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plsimgayaf · 4 years
Is Amity autistic?
In the Owl House fandom, we hear a lot about how Luz is written to be ADHD. Now I would like to present the flipside: Amity is coded as autistic.
Here’s the breakdown.
Amity is touch-averse. “BuT aMiTy ToUcHeS LuZ aLL tHe TiMe” nice try. The key to autistic touch-aversion is only being okay with touch when she initiates it. And that totally matches up with Amity. See, Amity is really happy when she initiates touch with Luz. She’s also cool with it when Luz holds her hand after standing near her for enough time that Amity can predict an incoming touch. That’s because Amity consents to that touch and expects it.
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But when other people touch her? She doesn’t take kindly to that. When Luz initially bumped into her at Covention, she snapped at her and degraded her. Even when she bumped into Luz in Enchanting Grom Fright, her initial instinct was to snap at Luz, since she didn’t expect to be touched. When Hooty touched Amity’s face without consent, she flipped out and beat him up. Not even Lilith beat Hooty up when he wrapped her up in his mucus-filled tube, but Amity gave Hooty the injuries we all wanted to see him with, because he breached her boundaries without her consent. Even as late as the last episode, Amity fell over when her face got close to Luz’s on the bleachers, because she didn’t expect it.
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Amity stims. Okay, this one took me a while to catch, since most of the time, Amity is very controlled with her actions. This symptom isn’t very intense; her senses aren’t understimulated too often, and she really only does it when she’s really excited.
Mainly, when Luz offered to carry her. While she adorably scrambled for words, she also flapped her hands against her legs. At first I thought it was just a cute thing she did, but there’s more to it. She was so excited to be held by Luz that it showed up in her hands flapping…a common stim. With Amity feeling more comfortable around her new friends than the old ones, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more stimming in the future.
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Amity always has The Mask as her expression. You know, the one with her eyes half-lidded, eyebrows raised, mouth slightly downturned. I also call it the Resting Blight Face, for…reasons.
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At first I thought it was just a way to hide her true emotions, since her parents are assholes. But even though Luz makes her feel accepted, she keeps doing it. It’s more like…you know that feeling when you’re thinking really hard, or uncomfortable, or ashamed, or even just relaxed, and you can’t think of which expression to wear quickly enough, so you put on an unreadable one to tide people over? Apparently most people don’t do that, since allistic people tend to have expressions for those feelings, ones that arise naturally.
Another symptom of autism is having hard-to-read expressions, or being less expressive. In Amity’s case, it’s the fact that she doesn’t see a need to have an expression in calmer moments, so she just uses her usual expression.   
Amity hyperfixates. This has several facets, so I’ll break this down.
She initially hyperfixated on school. And that’s how she became top student. Amity Blight is who you would mistake for a “gifted student.” But make no mistake…she is not gifted, and gifted is a bullshit label used to overexert people and force them to keep school as their special interest for their entire lives (and I may have a bit of a vendetta against it). Anyways, we already know she’s a perfectionist. My theory is that Amity originally was hyperfocused on school–the Abominations track, to be exact–and that’s part of how she got so good. Then, her focus shifted, but the school expected her to keep being top student. Cue the perfectionism; she was no longer able to focus on school like she wanted to, but everyone expected her to, so she got insecure about it.
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She hyperfixates on Azura, just like Luz did. Yeah, she keeps it secret from the world, for most of the time. But she definitely likes Azura a lot. I mean, she started to reconsider her opinion on Luz when Luz offered her an Azura book. She destroyed her jock career because she tried to use an Azura move in real-life Grudgby. Her interest in Azura is long-lived, starting about the time that her interest in school would have expired (which would explain why she stayed closeted). And we can’t ignore the fact that she sees Azura in Luz and is definitely enjoying the parallels between herself and her fictional counterpart. (Which might not be a coincidence, but that’s an entirely different theory).
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She hyperfixates on Luz. Yes, part of this is a crush. But a lot of us have watched Amity’s personality go from alpha bitch to cutest little bean in the Boiling Isles, all thanks to Luz’s influence. Lumity is not a rivals-to-lovers speedrun due to bad writing, it’s due to Amity hyperfixating. She’s already extremely introspective, going so far as to keep a diary where she analyzes and makes sense of herself. It’s not a stretch to say that she identified the faults that kept her from Luz and worked hard to change those off-screen. 
Amity keeps a journal. To me, this seems like masking. You see, Amity is what people would consider to be high-functioning, since she can pass for allistic. But in order to do this, she has to put in significant effort on her part. See, when she does something that makes it so she doesn’t pass, she just sees it as a problem (since she probably doesn’t know about autism, and she passes well enough that she would totally be undiagnosed). Then she tries to fix the problem, in order to keep being perfect. 
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Amity has awkward body language. Thanks to the journal and other ways of masking, you don’t see this early on. But once she feels comfortable enough around Luz to let her guard down…she completely forgets boundaries. To review: in episodes 15-17, she throws herself at Luz, holds her formal rival’s hand for 24.71 seconds, blushes every time she sees Luz, and loudly declares her thirsty thoughts about Luz in uniform before literally running away. While some of this can be seen as normal gal pal things or crush things…you’d think a repressed wlw like Amity would try very hard not to touch Luz, so as to avoid being outed. Or at least she would do less of that stuff, so as to respect Luz’s boundaries the way she wants her boundaries to be respected. But that’s not the case, since she straight-up misses a lot of social cues. And since she feels comfortable around Luz, she doesn’t feel the pressure to be so paranoid about the cues, and can be her awkward self. From her point of view, she probably sees it as being freed from her parents’ judgment.
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Amity takes things literally, sometimes. Now, this doesn’t happen all the time, since she isn’t heavily affected by this autistic trait. But when Luz says “I’m picking up what you’re putting down” and Amity says “I’m not putting down anything” and looks down…she not only missed the conclusion Luz drew from her words, but also assumed a literal meaning from her words. I can’t come up with many other instances of this, mostly because this doesn’t happen often. I would assume that Amity missed these a lot early on, and learned how to mask/identify them.
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Amity is easily upset when things don’t go as planned. Let’s review these. In the library, she gets really mad at Luz when they end up stitched to a book, and it takes Luz’s sweet personality to get Amity to loosen up and laugh over it. When she goes to practice magic, and Luz steals her wand and uses it to get her siblings kidnapped, Amity locks Luz in a cage and assumes that she will get badly injured if she tries to fix the problems she caused. When Luz comes to her school, she panics and focus on how that doesn’t change anything. When she burns Willow’s mind, she appears absolutely terrified of being punished, flinching and bracing for impact when Luz finds her near the memories, constantly trying to distract Luz as they work together to save Willow, and hiding behind Luz when she confronts the Inner Willow. When Luz asks her to join her in Grudgby, Amity doesn’t initially agree, instead taking much more of the episode to come to terms with her involvement in it.
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Amity likes predictability. She’s not attached to routines, but she does like being able to expect things. If she makes a plan for the day, she expects that day to adhere to that plan, and she doesn’t respond well when it changes. When Luz comes to her school, she focus on how that doesn’t change anything…not how that would ruin things or complicate things. Whenever she gets involved in Luz’s shenanigans, she either gets angry, scared, or takes a while to accept it. In a broader sense, she takes a while to accept that Luz and her shenanigans are a permanent fixture in her life–sixteen episodes, to be exact.
Finally, it would make for some excellent representation. An ADHD Dominican-American bisexual protagonist is pretty groundbreaking. But an ADHD Dominican-American bisexual protagonist girl who dates an autistic wlw witch girl from another dimension is exactly the kind of intersectional representation you’d expect to see from an unrestricted Owl House crew.
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…Now, this might just be me hardcore projecting. I’m a little scared to post this because I don’t know how much of this is me reading into imaginary things, or trying to convince myself that Amity is like me. Feel free to debate/disprove me or support me in the comments. 
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plsimgayaf · 4 years
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could you imagine…
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plsimgayaf · 4 years
due to not wanting to. I will not be
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plsimgayaf · 4 years
when one of ur mutuals becomes mutuals with another one of ur mutuals
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plsimgayaf · 4 years
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Have some cute Luz before watching AoaW
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plsimgayaf · 4 years
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s b e v e
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