plumblossom37 · 9 months
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
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been a while since I posted something like this
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
aaaaa I got tagged in a tag game WOAH
thanks for tagging me sie <3
three ships: hm, let me think... oh this is hard actually.
jeanluc (Jean x Diluc) - genshin impact because I think it's cute
jaisy (Jake x Daisy) - the music freaks omg I forgot about tmf for a solid 5 minutes there. again it is cute and wholesome and you can see the pattern here
freypollo (frey x apollo) - riordanverse because I think it's funny
first ship: Chase x Skye from paw patrol. yes, the kids' show. everyone has normal-sounding ships and then there's me shipping puppies together LOL
last song I listened to: um. you mean physical. ok I checked my YouTube history and it's CRAB RAVE 🦀🦀🦀🎵🎶 (by monstercat)
last movie I watched: the lion king (live action)
currently reading: fanfiction? UNLESS YOU MEAN A BOOK uh. trials of apollo <3
currently watching: (uhh well I wouldn't say I'm currently watching it but I'm waiting for the next episode for sure) the music freaks by rosyclozy
currently consuming: oxygen from the air
currently craving: more time to do things (ueueue)
tagging: @aratinatophat @ukelele-boy @asunnydreamer
sorry I don't know enough Tumblr usernames lol
Tag Game!
Thanks to @x-authorship-x for the tag!
Rules: Answer all the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Three ships: Not really much of a romantic shipper but there's a few hanging around in my brain.
Will Solace/Nico di Angelo (Riordanverse)
Ana Dakkar/Gemini Twain (Daughter of the Deep) - disclaimer I equally eye this one as platonic these two are just my new obsession in all aspects of their relationship
Emilou Apacci/Yylfordt Granz (Bleach)
First ship: Well that was a while ago, but it was Sasuke Uchiha/Sakura Haruno (Naruto)
Last song I listened to: Dream On (cover version by Voiceplay ft. Omar Cardona)
Last movie I watched: I actually don't remember. When did I even watch a movie last? It's been a long time, whoops.
Currently reading: Just finished Daughter of the Deep by Rick Riordan if we're talking new stuff, but also re-reading the Traces series by Malcom Rose for the first time in about fifteen years - finished Lost Bullet yesterday and am about to pick up Role Call.
Currently watching: My brain is too consumed by worldbuilding for fics you think I have time to watch things?
Currently consuming: Nothing right now but I'm eyeing my as-yet uneaten Easter eggs (yes, I know, but also dairy is not my friend so I can only eat a little of them at a time without Consequences)
Currently craving: Said aforementioned Easter eggs on my shelf.
Tagging: @gumnut-logic @janetm74 @squiddokiddo @falconfrost @fearlessinger @thesungod @ferodactyl @burning-moths @mythicalviper-fr (participation is optional ofc)
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
yeah I think this was mentioned in a christian creed or something? the apostles creed I believe
I claimed Jesus in a roleplay server and I was really bummed that for the next 3 days I couldn’t use him.
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
i will say this just once: if you believe in any acephobic discourse please unfollow me, block me, do not interact with me, ever.
🌸🌸🌸 this blog is a safe space for the ace community 🌸🌸🌸
we stand together guys. don't let them tell you you're not valid. YOUR IDENTITY IS VALID.
please know you are loved. don't listen to those who only want to bring us down.
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
this is like some extreme form of dad joke
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
do you think you could try water polo
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This is what happens to a basketball court when the pipes burst
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
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Gajeel btw, if you even care.
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
me. me
I always am about to go to sleep at a beautiful 11pm and then something happens to me
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
hello on the off chance you see this post, this is a little introduction c: maybe I should have done this sooner oops
also just so yk in terms of activity, I'm more active on my other blog, @fuzzystudios. and you might be wondering, what's the difference between them? do you post art here and not over there? and honestly I just forgot this blog existed LOL
you can call me falling, blossom, fb, as long as I know you're referring to me ahsbd
thanks for stopping by :D
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
I feel like bottom left or bottom right
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just some lil guys
tag urself im the one sitting down with a blep
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
harken the trumpets, sound the bells, because toapril 2023 is here!
I look forward to seeing your creations for toapril :>
the prompt for today is:
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have fun creating!
ToApril 2023!
heya everyone, April is once again looming over us, and so I'm announcing the return of toapril in 2023! whoop whoop :D
bet you didn't expect me to be the host. me neither, man. as the host, though, I do want to outline the rules of toapril:
please keep it toa-related! you can use characters from other series or even one of your own, but the prompts (see below) were made with apollo and/or meg in mind. I don't limit you to just them, though, and you can create with other toa characters, too.
no nsfw, please. mature topics can be referenced, but any graphic content is not allowed.
note: ships aren't the main focus of toapril, but you can definitely make ship content!
(no I didn't just copy and paraphrase the post from last year about toapril wdym this is a totally original post ahahahahaha..,,,)
if you're writing a fanfic on ao3, please put it in the toapril 2023 collection. if you're not sure how to do that, I'll give you some instructions:
step 1: there's a button on the top right saying "post to collection".
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the rest is just as usual, just fill in everything as you would usually.
alternatively, make a new work as usual, but in this section, add it to a collection:
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and please put it into toapril 2023 lol. toapril 2022 is closed I believe, but toapril 2023'll be open for more than just for April if you didn't get to finish something during April :>
btw if you wanna post content onto Tumblr, please tag it with #toapril ; additionally, please tag it with #toapril 2023 for an easier search between the 2 different toaprils lol
as well, you can tag this blog (plumblossom37). I'll try to look at all the cool works in toapril 2023!
have fun creating, everyone :D
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
pretty :D
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
do you guys remember being like 14 and being like these sheep could never understand me and,the inoffensive indie rock I listen to on my ipod touch ..
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
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text version under the cut~
Grave Mistake
Stop to Smell the Roses
The Plants Here Kill
Heart that Bleeds Gold
Flying / High Up
The Day the Sun Rose
Commemoration / Celebration
Under the Spotlight
Flowers, Threads and Needles
The Thoughts In Between Us
Reflection of the Mirror
Tart Fruits and Sweet Treats
Soul-Made Song
Sharp as Thorns
Lamentations of Broken Fathers
Shattered Glass
Eternal Stagnancy
Journey Through the Mind
Family Lines
Remember, Forget; Linger, Regret
Glitter and Glamour
Final Cadence
Scars that Last
Heart to Heart
The Taste of Nectar
Definition of Family
Rainbow After the Storm
Golden Hour
ToApril 2023!
heya everyone, April is once again looming over us, and so I'm announcing the return of toapril in 2023! whoop whoop :D
bet you didn't expect me to be the host. me neither, man. as the host, though, I do want to outline the rules of toapril:
please keep it toa-related! you can use characters from other series or even one of your own, but the prompts (see below) were made with apollo and/or meg in mind. I don't limit you to just them, though, and you can create with other toa characters, too.
no nsfw, please. mature topics can be referenced, but any graphic content is not allowed.
note: ships aren't the main focus of toapril, but you can definitely make ship content!
(no I didn't just copy and paraphrase the post from last year about toapril wdym this is a totally original post ahahahahaha..,,,)
if you're writing a fanfic on ao3, please put it in the toapril 2023 collection. if you're not sure how to do that, I'll give you some instructions:
step 1: there's a button on the top right saying "post to collection".
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the rest is just as usual, just fill in everything as you would usually.
alternatively, make a new work as usual, but in this section, add it to a collection:
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and please put it into toapril 2023 lol. toapril 2022 is closed I believe, but toapril 2023'll be open for more than just for April if you didn't get to finish something during April :>
btw if you wanna post content onto Tumblr, please tag it with #toapril ; additionally, please tag it with #toapril 2023 for an easier search between the 2 different toaprils lol
as well, you can tag this blog (plumblossom37). I'll try to look at all the cool works in toapril 2023!
have fun creating, everyone :D
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plumblossom37 · 1 year
ToApril 2023!
heya everyone, April is once again looming over us, and so I'm announcing the return of toapril in 2023! whoop whoop :D
bet you didn't expect me to be the host. me neither, man. as the host, though, I do want to outline the rules of toapril:
please keep it toa-related! you can use characters from other series or even one of your own, but the prompts (see below) were made with apollo and/or meg in mind. I don't limit you to just them, though, and you can create with other toa characters, too.
no nsfw, please. mature topics can be referenced, but any graphic content is not allowed.
note: ships aren't the main focus of toapril, but you can definitely make ship content!
(no I didn't just copy and paraphrase the post from last year about toapril wdym this is a totally original post ahahahahaha..,,,)
if you're writing a fanfic on ao3, please put it in the toapril 2023 collection. if you're not sure how to do that, I'll give you some instructions:
step 1: there's a button on the top right saying "post to collection".
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the rest is just as usual, just fill in everything as you would usually.
alternatively, make a new work as usual, but in this section, add it to a collection:
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and please put it into toapril 2023 lol. toapril 2022 is closed I believe, but toapril 2023'll be open for more than just for April if you didn't get to finish something during April :>
btw if you wanna post content onto Tumblr, please tag it with #toapril ; additionally, please tag it with #toapril 2023 for an easier search between the 2 different toaprils lol
as well, you can tag this blog (plumblossom37). I'll try to look at all the cool works in toapril 2023!
have fun creating, everyone :D
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