plumbumgummy-blog · 5 years
New Journey UNLOCKED...🔓
They say that highschool life is the best part of studying in the curriculum of education- and now as a senior highschool student, I strongly agree with that saying. And I wanted to share some memories with you that will prove the aforementioned saying.
10th day of June, 2019
... When my journey continued... A new chapter to begin with - new school, new people (guards, maintenance team, students, classmates, and teachers), new environment, new lessons, new room. I'm super nervous at the same time excited to meet those 'new', yet I'm the last student who enter our room 9514.
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As time passes by, we all know that the remedy to change is adaptation. And yes I adapted those new things to me and I don't regret it. For example, unlike in my former school, I can't just sleep in the room whenever I feel sleepy. I can't just skip the first subjects because of my tardiness. I also can't just get high grades especially when you don't work hard for it. And many more, it sounds boring and strict but those things disciplined me more. In short, TIP helped me to be good not only in academics but also in good conduct.
TIP enhanced my skills
It's true that TIP is 'acads is life' but I'm glad that they still have a lot of events too. Through their events, they boosted my skills and passion. So here are the events that I've joined.
Buwan ng Wika
August 29-30, 2019 - Pangkat Isa, BAMBINO . I joined the speech choir here where our team is so hopeless to the point that we wanted to back out, especially me because it feels like we were about to embarrass ourselves, and most of my suggestions were rejected but it's alright. Despite of the struggle, we made it. Yes, we made it! We are the CHAMPION!
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October 21-25, 2019 - District 16, CAREERS. This time I joined in Street Dance. I also planned to join battle of the bands, but I'm already stressed and tired in our practices in St. Dance and in my organization. So during the day of our performance, as time is nearly approaching, we're all nervous and our prayer is just to win even on 3rd place only, just to say that our practices and pain is worth it. But we exceeded. Yes, we are the 2nd placer and we're proud because it is so unexpected.
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This is an extracurricular and organization where I am the treasurer. TIP conducted a membership drive (September 25-26, 2019). This is indeed so stressful, especially for me because we conducted seminar (November 15, 2019), food bazaar (October 21-25, 2019), and planning for another projects. Besides, I'm the one who keep the money and makes liquidation form for OSA and our Asst. Principal, Dr. Ruben E. Faltado.
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I am also a tutor in General Mathematics, because I passed the qualifying exam.
The denominator of all the events and even in academics were hardship, struggle, and pain, yet the result was success, because of course we wouldn't appreciate success without failure and happiness without sadness. They add spices into our lives. They shaped us to be better. And beside on the events and accomplishments, I'm grateful that I met new people and established another relationship.
Lastly, I thank God for bringing me in TIP, though it's not part of my choices, and allowed me to met amazing people like my classmates, 11ABMB1 ❤️
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