plumdrunk · 4 years
JAXON  VEGA   /   twilightcame​.
jaxon was at his desk, a quil in his hand as he went on reading one of the thousands of books that littered his small tower like room. out of all of the rooms in the house jaxon had just been drawn to the tower like rooms. they were smaller but somehow jaxon fell in love with them. 
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he looked up hearing the all too known sounds. he got up, the low classical music being turned off as he walked. he opened the window and looked down at wednesday. “oh ?” jaxon called down. “like what?”
“  oh,  you  know. . .  ”  excitement  bubbled  inside  her  chest,  making  her  limbs  feel  like  air.  the  possibilities  became  a  frightening  storm  in  her  mind,  different  shades  of  grey  whirling  with  gusts  of  wind.  “  little  of  this,  little  of  that.  old  man  richards  got  a  new  mailbox  that’s  begging  to  be  vandalized.  not  to  mention. . .  i  found  a new  spot.  ”
of  the  few  that  wednesday  had  deemed  interesting  enough  to  warrant  friendship,  jaxon  managed  to  coax  a  smile  from  her  more  often  than  not.  it  infuriated  her.  though,  she  would  never  say  so  out  loud.  a  thrilling  smile  crawled  across  her  face.  “  now,  are  you  coming  or  not?  ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
tony  stark  ft.  peter  parker  /  @claimedlight.
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the  kid  seemed  as  clumsy  with  his  tools  as  he  had  been  as  his  age.  but  tony  would  rather  be  caught  in  his  underwear  on  the  first  day  of  school  than  admit  so.  a  decent  sized  window  opened  up  to  the  little  garage  attached  to  his  shop  and  he  found  himself  quietly  observing  from  his  office.  he  should  have  been  watching  the  cameras  for  shoplifters  but  there  had  been  very  few  in  alucard.  tony  felt  grateful  that  he  had  rarely  needed  to  chase  delinquents  from  his  shop.  for  now,  he  sat  observing  his  newest  employee  as  peter  installed  some  after  market  radio  on  an  ancient  car.  it  wasn’t  until  he  noticed  the  kid  had  misplaced  a  certain  screwdriver  and  was  frantically  searching  for  it  among  the  mess  he’d  made  that  he  decided  to  step  in.
“  to  your  left,  parker!  ”  he’d  peaked  from  around  the  door,  gesturing  to  the  tool  just  out  of  reach.  amusement  flickered  across  the  features  of  his  face,  “  you  know  i’m  not  payin’  you  to  reorganize  my  tools,  don’t  ya?  ” 
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plumdrunk · 4 years
wednesday  addams  ft.  cloud strife  /  @lumenflcwer.
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most  likely  the  rat  had  been  poisoned.  there  was  no  visible  harm  to  it’s  dull  brown  coat  and  it  felt  warm  as  if  the  poor  thing  had  just  died.  there  was  no  pity  in  wednesday’s  heart.  as  they  never  thought  of  the  dead  as  ever  truly  dead.  wednesday  had  the  dead  rat  wrapped  in  a  white  cloth and  delicately  placed  into  the  inside  pocket  of  their  jacket.  
the  sudden  discovery  of  the  recently  deceased  had  lightened  their  spirits.  heart thumping  at  any  possibility.  one  could  almost  anticipate  the  unknown  while  downtown.  they  found  themselves  roaming  its  attractions  often  out  of  boredom.  with  the  bay  so  close  they  could  smell  the  water.  it  was  delightfully  insidious.  small  wonder  that  they  found  themselves  in  attendance  at  the  fairground.  the  dead  rat  safely  snug  in  their  pocket. 
“  hey,  strife!  ”  a  grin  almost  threatened  to  crawl  over  her  lips  as  the  menacing  girl  absently  patted  her  jacket  pocket.  cloud  stood  inside  the  hazy  circle  of  light  coming  from  the  ice  cream  stand,  advertising  waffle  cones  and  sprinkles.   “  having  a  dreadful  night  by  any  chance?  ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
wednesday  addams  ft.  jaxon vega  /  @twilightcame.
the  night  time  air  had  always  felt  crisp  and  it  filled  wednesday’s  nose  in  a  sharp  cold  rush.  the  feeling  was  painfully  sweet  as  her  lungs  expanded  to  accommodate.  it  was  the  reason  she  preferred  using  her  bicycle  to  travel  around  alucard.  and  it  totally  wasn’t  because  she  couldn’t  afford  a  car.  absolutely  not.
as  she  pedaled  furiously  towards  her  destination  she  let  the  air  move  over  her.  cold,  sharp  wind  caused  by  her  momentum  left  her  face  chapped  and  pink.  it  felt  reviving.  the  dark  sky  didn’t  threaten  to  burst  with  rain  and  the  sun  had  been  quietly  resting  for  hours.
wednesday  leaned  into  a  terrifying  curve,  arriving  at  an  expensive  home  with  a  single  light  on.  it  felt  like  an  ancient  time  waiting  for  jaxon  to  answer  her  expertly  thrown  pebbles.  they  happily  dinked  sharply  off  his  glass  window.  in  a  harsh  stage  whisper wednesday calls,  “  hurry up!  we  have  mischief  to  manage!  ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
with  a  surprised,  low  grunt  tony  releases  the  creamer.  and  as  if  out  of  habit,  a  charming  grin  curls  at  his  lips.  “  and  this  is  why  the  safest  bet  is  to  always  take  your  coffee  black.  ”  the  old  mechanic  adjusts  the  dark - tinted  sunglasses  on  the  bridge  of  his  nose,  pinching  to  relieve  the  pressure  mounting  in  his  head.  a  blinding  mid - morning  sun  glared  through  the  cafe’s  windows,  angrily  reflecting  off  the  floor  and  threatening  to  aggravate  his  hangover.  “  ‘course,  the  old  man  would  never  let  me  here  the  end  of  it  if  he  knew  how  much  sugar  i  was  puttin’  into  my  morning  coffee. ” 
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AFTER POURNG A SEVERE amount of sugar into her beverage, alice stands at the cafe’s add on bar, in search of a stirrer. she doesn’t pay any mind to the person beside her, until they reach for one of the jugs of milk. the feeling is like a jab at the back of her head, and before she can even stop herself— “ wait !! ” a dainty hand raises to gentle push the jug back onto the counter. a light, apologetic smile appears on her face, eyes landing on the other, “ that’s not a good idea. it’s spoiled. you’ll ruin your drink and your day if you use it. ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
ft.   MISA  AMANE   /   nectarlips​.
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▐▐ ░ * .  — SHE IS AN EXTROVERT’S EXTROVERT , living on the outgoing & social . alucard’s mall is the perfect setting for someone like her , to which she can spend hours threading through each store & shelf , chat up any random passerby whether they’re an employee or a patron . on any other normal day , she would be a little more focused on her wares and company than the battered-cased cellphone in her hands - because maybe she’s multitasking , SHOPPING both in person & on screen . tinder , because it’s no secret misa is always looking for a pair of arms to hold her when she doesn’t have them … but the black fingernails swiping left on each face she’s sworn she’s already seen five times of each , the furrowed brow . there’s an ULTERIOR MOTIVE .
                 because maybe , her angel can be found in such an easy method . but she can only scroll through the same fake fuckboy smile & the over-compensating biography before she grows tired and frustrated that none of them ring a bell ( and of course , with recent developments in gaining the eyes of a reaper , the lifespans over each similarly-cut haircut are a telling sign she hasn’t found him yet ) . honestly , she’s growing sick of it , because every ping ! she gets with ‘ hey beautiful ’ written with some emoji that is supposed to convey some sort of personality ( for lack thereof ) , she grows more & more irritated . she already has perhaps the beginnings of interests in others , anyway , but she gave this a shot - because maybe she’d find him . but to no avail .
                ❝ huh ?? ❞ she innocently asks , finally giving up the ghost as honey hues look towards wednesday , and plum lips drop in surprise when they focus on the item she’s gifted her with . and misa will peek into the bag , mouth still agape , and then looking up at her friend . ❝ hey - where’d you get that ! w-was it from the jeweler a while back , did anyone see you , dayday ?! ❞
the  cool  glow  of  her  cellphone’s  screen  illuminated  misa’s  face  in  a  pale  light.  it  didn’t  make  much  of  a  change  to  her  appearance  except  to  give  her  an  ethereal  color  she  thought  misa  already  had.  as  if  the  moon  always  liked  to  look  at  her  face  no  matter  the  time  of  day.  wednesday  was  quite  used  to  her  friend’s  constant  stream  of  thought  taking  precedence  over  the  present  day.  fingers  swiping,  flicking,  tapping  against  the  glass  screen.  she  never  minded  patiently  waiting.  when  you  did  have  misa’s  attention,  she  had  a  strange  habit  of  making  you  feel  important,  even  if  you  never  really  were.  the  darker - hued  of  the  pair  dares  an  amused  grin  as  she’s  finally  given  attention,  chin  landing  in  the  palms  of  her  hands.
“  oh,  please.  ”  wednesday  briefly  finds  herself  thinking  back  to  the  jeweler’s  candy  sweet  smile  and  saccharine  voice.  reminiscing  on  the  remorseless  heist  of  her  friend’s  gift.  “  i  don’t  get  caught,  misa.  not  even  the  cameras  dare  look  in  my  direction.  sometimes  i  swear  my  mother  must  have  been  half - void.  ”  her  own  sudden  words  were  not  lost  on  her.  the  mystery  of  her  missing  family  members  had  always  felt  like  an  open  sore.  it  angered  her  that  their  memory  pained  her  still.  it  wasn’t  as  if  she  even  knew  what  her  parents  had  even  looked  like.  as  if  she  ever  really  cared  anyway.  they  had  abandoned  her,  deserving  none  of  the  quiet  anguish  wednesday  put  herself  through.
“  anyway,  if  any  one  asks  --  the  pearl  was  graciously  passed  down  by  a  grandmother  or  some  stupid  shit  like  that.  ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
TONY  STARK   FT.   ???.   /   OPEN. 
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“  there’s  no  way  you’re  draggin’  me  all  the  way  downtown.  ”  what  he  doesn’t  tell  you  is  that  he’d  rather  avoid  a  certain  fairground  that  is  home  to  a  certain  funhouse  with  a  certain  room  full  of  mirrors.  the  memory  still  seems  branded  into  his  mind,  doomed  to  start  --  stop  when  he  realizes  he’s  thinking  of  himself  flying  again  --  then  start  once  more  as  if  it  was  put  there  specifically  to  torture  him.  “   not  with  out  incentive  at  least,   ”   he  teases,  bringing  the  plastic  bottle  of  orange  soda  to  his  lips.  the  caffeine  momentarily  jolts  his  system  and  he  takes  in  a  cool  breath  of  air.
“  wouldn’t  you  rather  see  a  movie?  shoot  pool  at  some  bar  that  smells  like  plumber  farts?  ”  he  doesn’t  seem  nervous,  but  tony  can  feel  the  discomfort  tightening  in  his  throat.  a  threat  that  scares  him  more  than  the memory  of  him  flying.  “  i  guarantee  the  fairgrounds  aren’t  the  only  place  you’ll  find  a  couple  of  idiots  tryin’  to  make  you  laugh.  ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
libraries  seemed  to  make  him  itch,  to  break  out  in  hives,  to  make  him  uncomfortably  sweat  beneath  his  collar.  tony  wasn’t  sure  if  it  was  the  stifling  gaze  of  the  librarian  or  the  sizzling  minds  of  the  students  who  made  their  homes  there.  either  way,  what  the  absolute  fuck  was  he  doing  there?  was  it  some  pathetic  attempt  to  understand  his  dreams,  the delusions  he  sometimes  had  while  walking  in  the  day  time?  he  refused  to  believe  he  was  crazy  and  the  flashes  of  a  memory  he  knew  wasn’t  his  were  merely  the  results  of  a  mushy  old  brain.  a  soggy  organ  slow  to  rise  and  early  to  bed. 
no,  tony  stark  was  not  a  drooling  old  man.  not  yet,  at  least.  sure,  he’d  felt  his  age  while  waking  up  to  aching  bones,  but  he  always  blamed  that  on  the  booze.  he  even  ignored  his  failing  eyesight  as  he  scanned  the  shelves.  his  thoughts  rapid  fire  against  the  quiet  of  the  yawning  building.
a  panicked,  high  pitched  voice  triggered  a  primal  response  in  his  chest.  it  made  his  heart  thump  wildly  until  he  remembered  they  were  inside  a  damn  library  and  who  would  have  a  crisis  in  a  goddamn  library?
“  relax,  relax,  relax.  ”  palms  held  up  and  faced  outwards  in  an  attempt  to  hold  back  the  onslaught  of  stress  oozing  from  the  girl  he’d  just  encountered.  tony  could  practically  feel  the  panic  on  his  own  skin.  “  chances  are  it’s  been  misplaced  an--  ”  a  crimson  color  catches  his  eye,  found  tucked  into  the  back  seam  of  a  chair.  seemingly  as  though  it  had  slid  off   the  table  and  onto  the  seat.  “  --  misplaced  or  its  tryin’  to  run  away  on  you.  ”  tony  pulls  the  object  from  its  hiding  spot,  revealing  it  to  it’s  owner.
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▐▐ ░ * .  — ZELDA’S A PRIME EXAMPLE OF ‘ORGANIZED CLUTTER’ ; thick binders of messy notes , a desk with everything in its own place but still covered from each edge with papers , books , pens . a head full of so much knowledge to the point she can barely keep track of all of it - and with recent events , such is only amplified !! because now she can’t seem to focus on one simple topic , let alone one … zelda . 
                 zelda . that is her name still , yes ?? because sometimes she hears the name hylia whispered in her dreams and it gets SMOTHERING , especially when you’re unaware where it comes from . the burning palms & thoughts of gigantic machines also do not cease , and she tries to distract herself with … real life ?? maybe . even though her distancing relationship isn’t the most fun topic , she tries to keep it on her mind , maybe mend tears where it needs to be . costume planning ?? that certainly helps , a sapphic werewolf the perfect match to what could be marinette’s little red riding hood . problem is , all of her plans were in a red binder - just a list of items with clippings out of magazines , department store locations to go for each . this red binder ALSO includes her makeshift blueprints of the creatures from her dreams … and she can’t find it . in public . where she swore it was on the table mere minutes before she turned her back .  ❝ e-excuse me , ❞ she asks the other , eyes still darting around in hopes to find the binder , ❝ the red binder - there was one here , right ?? a-and where did it go ?? did you see someone take it , or maybe it fell off , or … ❞ panic . panic , panic , panic - because where are her NOTES . where are her STUDIES … what hands could they have gotten into ??
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plumdrunk · 4 years
the  sudden,  sticky  smell  of  hot  pepperoni  and  melted  cheese  filled  her  nose,  making  the  walls  of  her  stomach  ache  with  hunger.  hmm,  wednesday  hadn’t  realized  how  long  it  had  been  since  breakfast.  a  measly  meal  of  half  eaten  poptarts  and  leftover  coffee.  had  she  only  forgotten?  it  was  hard  to  say,  sometimes  she  just  never  had  enough  money  to  spare  for  a  shitty  burger  before  heading  home.  either  way,  a  small  part  of  her  felt  guilty  for  the  tragic  murder  of  his  pizza.  greasy  pools  of  cheese  already  beginning  to  stain  the  sidewalk.  
“  wow,  tragic.  ”   apologize,  a  gentle  voice  reminded  her.  it’s  advice  felt  out  of  place  and  disjointed  with  her  own  learning.  wednesday  addams  never  apologized  for  anything  simply  because  she  never  needed  to.  not  even  now  with  pizza  grease  smeared  over  the  toes  of  her  boots  and  hunger  threatening  to  reveal  itself  with  a  mighty  growl.  but  the  voice  was  insistent,  stern  and  comforting  at  the  back  of  her  skull.   “  sorry  for  the  sudden  collision.  for  a  second  the  sky  seemed  to  yawn  open  and  i  was  wondering  if  it’d  swallow  us  all.  ”
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VICTOR STONE  &  YOUR CHARACTER,  @everyone​. location:  midtown.
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VICTOR’S BEEN HAVING WEIRD VISIONS LATELY,  of a city he doesn’t recognise.  but the visions are so vivid,  that he has no idea where they’re coming from,  if the images are real or not.  it doesn’t help that his body has been aching more and more lately;  phantom pain from the accident,  or at least that’s what he keeps telling himself.  it doesn’t help,  really doesn’t,  not when some of these visions are too real to be fake,  when he’s more machine than human in his visions.
HE HAD TO GO ON LEAVE FROM WORK JUST TO COPE,  especially after abusing his body,  going days without sleep or food.  he hadn’t been this bad since the accident  -  he’d managed to recover after a while,  but it was as if the circus had brought all of that back again.  he felt mildly guilty for going on break,  knowing his co-workers also weren’t doing great.  so,  after finishing all the errands he’s had to run and bringing boxes of pizzas as his apology gift to his coworkers,  he’s just on his way to the mechanic shop when he bumps into a figure.  the boxes fall to the ground,  and vic winces.  oops.
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HE’S ACTUALLY ADMITTEDLY SPEECHLESS for a moment before finally,  “ well,  shit.  it’s a good thing dominos has carryout insurance,  i guess.  ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
wednesday  addams  ft.  alessa  gillespie  /  those-women-in-red​.
{open starter for Alessa}
Alessa felt a sudden dread hit her, the shadder brush in her hand having gathered enough paint at its tip to splash some across the ground as she stepped back. Her eyes flickered over the corners of the canvas, from left to right, scanning and searching for any imperfections, for that one mistake that would send a bottle of paint straight towards it. 
The painting had taken the majority of two weeks. Whenever the sun was out shinning on the streets of ALUCARD, you could find an apron clad brunette carrying about an easel and an array of jarred items. Small leaves along the Pennsylvania roads, the rust that gathered along a building that had stood more than just the test of time, she once swore she could catch the morning fog that passed through too, all for the sake of authenticity. 
Hell, Alessa was her own walking Harvard collection of color. She thrived off those perfect colors, ones people could identify with, that one shade of blue that could get one to say, “Hey, that reminds me of something…”
She realized, only now really, that in her sudden excitement to call her project done, that she had something was off. No matter how long she stood there, she couldn’t catch it; a block of buildings in town a florescent green, rather than a barnyard red.
Running a hand through her hair, she let out a sigh, splatters and mixtures of a corner store she had shaded earlier covering her arm and now cheek. She could hear steps behind her, and rather be her own critic, chose to get another eye on the case.
“Excuse me,” She pipped up, wiping her hand across her apron. “Do you think I could get a second opinion on this?” 
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“  needs  more  gargoyles  and  broken  windows,  something  menacing.  a  dark  figure  lurking  in  the  background  or  perhaps  a  sudden  shower  of  rain?  ”  one  could  say  wednesday  had  an  eye  for  art.  or  maybe  it  was  just  an  affinity  for  the  dark  and  dreary.  the  morbid  was  always  beautiful  and  made  for  enchanting  subjects.  alucard  felt  lacking  in  the  melancholy  and  the  overcast,  never  enough  ghosts  and  ghouls.  too  much  sunshine  that  left  her  cheeks  red  with  sunburn.
her  face,  inches  away  from  the  painting,  felt  warm  with  the  high  afternoon  sun.  her  brows  furrowed,  squinting  into  the  mass  of  color  on  the  canvas.  “  there  are  too  many  of  them. ”  wednesday  squints  harder,  enough  to  make  the  spot  between  her  eyebrows  ache  from  the  strain.
“  too  many  colors,  i  mean.  black  and  grey  are  perfectly  suitable  for  a  view  like  this  one.  ”
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plumdrunk · 4 years
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( grim, 25, est )  ─  the mirrors surrounding you did as they were meant to, reflecting back a spitting image of ROBERT DOWNEY JR.  -  but it’s clear something is wrong from the moment that a vision of A DESOLATE PLANET FAR FROM HOME strikes you.  perhaps it was a passing daydream in the frenzy of the funhouse. you reassure yourself  -  you’re TONY STARK,  an FORTY- EIGHT YEAR OLD MECHANIC whose virtue lies in your + INTELLIGENCE & + AMBITION, although you’ve been told that you tend to be quite - DISTANT & - ARROGANT,  and you’re associated with PRETTY LITTLE DRESSED UP LIES, HANDS ROUGH STAINED BY BLACK GREASE, AMBER COLORED LIQUID by those around you.  suddenly,  however,  you’ve found E.D.I.T.H. SUNGLASSES on your person - was that always there? from the moment you leave the funhouse,  memories from your life in MARVEL CINEMATIC UNIVERSE have begun to return - leaving whoever you had been before in the mirror’s reflection behind you.  you can almost hear ROOSTER by ALICE IN CHAINS following in your wake. ( he/him  &  cis male )
( content warning for mentions of emotional abuse, child death, alcoholism. )
you  pull  up  at  STARK  AUTO  PARTS  and  notice  the  rundown  sign,  the  peeling  blue  paint.  there’s  a  garage  attached  to  the  left  side,  it’s  large  white  door  stained  with  dirt  and  grease.  it  doesn’t  look  like  alucard’s  best  auto  parts  shop,  but  it  is.  and  the  man  who  runs  it  is  TONY STARK.  a  mechanic  with  a  weight  on  his  brow  that  you  notice  turns  his  pretty  face  sour.
howard  stark  was  mean.  he  liked  to  take  out  his  frustrations  on  his  only  son  with  sharp  words  and  drunken  tirades.  howard  stark  was  supposed  to  be  something.  but  he  owned  a  shitty  auto  shop  that  sucked  up  the  little  inheritance  he  had.  when  he  died  and  when  tony  lost  his  mother,  stark  auto  parts  became  his  own.  under  his  care,  the  tired  little  shop  actually  seemed  to  make  some  money.
things  to  know  about  his  life  in  alucard:
tony  grew  up  practically  dirt  poor.  howard  inherited  a  bit  of  money  from  his  father  and  used  it  to  open  stark  auto  parts.  unfortunately,  the  location  left  things  wanting.
howard  was  never  physically  abusive.  he’d  never  hurt  his  wife  and  son,  but  he  had  a  habit  of  drinking  so  much  it  left  him  without  a  filter.
tony  grew  up  hating  him  and  preferring  his  mother.  when  they  died  he  felt  relief,  but  he  really  mourned  his  mother.  and  still  does.
he  didn’t  bother  going  to  university,  he  had  a  shop  to  run.
tony  met  his  wife  in  his  late  20s.  they  were  married  at  town  hall.  three  years  later,  his  wife  gave  birth  to  their  first  daughter.
life  was  really  good.  tony  and  his  wife  were  able  to  support  themselves.  their  child  slowly  grew.
unfortunately,  tony’s  life  was  meant  for  tragedy. 
his  wife  and  daughter  both  die  in  a  car  accident  than  left  tony  with  a  lot  of  debilitating  chronic  pain.
he  was  driving,  completely  sober.  the  blame  was  placed  on  an  exhausted  nurse  on  their  way  home  from  the  hospital.  they  fell  asleep  at  the  wheel  and  collided  with  tony’s  car.
after  his  family’s  death,  tony  became  secluded  in  heart  and  body.  the  trauma  of  the  accident  left  him  with nightmares.
his  drug  of  choice  became  alcohol.  brown  liquor  to  be  exact.  he  has  a  serious  problem  that  he  is  very  good  at  hiding.
tony  can  be  found  practically  living  at  his  shop.  he  avoids  going  home  and  sleeps  on  a  couch  in  his  stuffy  office.
upon  entering  the  funhouse:
it  was  supposed  to  be  a  kinky  thing.  find  a  cute  girl,  follow  her  into  the  funhouse.  he  didn’t  expect  to  get  lost,  lose  her  and  lose  his  mind  in  the  process.
the  house  of  mirrors  sent  a  chill  down  his  spine,  one  that  blossomed  down  his  legs.  watching  each  identical  version  of  himself  move  in  unison.  he  winks,  they  wink.  he  flips  the  bird,  they  flip  the  bird.
“this  is  bullshit.  no  broad  is  worth  this  creepy  shit.”  his  visage  shimmers,  shifts.
he  sees  himself,  but  not  quite  the  man  he’s  so  used  to  hating  in  the  mirror.  this  one  looks  more  like  he’s  been  bathed  in  liquid  crystal  since  birth  and  given  a  silver  spoon  to  suck  on.
he  hated  him  immediately.  hated  his  arrogant,  snarky  grin.
he  leaves  quickly,  shoving  his  fists  into  his  pocket.  he’s  surprised  when  he  pulls  out  a  pair  of  sunglasses.
the  memory  hits  him  like  a  truck.  the  feeling  of  flying,  the  concussive  thrust  of  a  blast  coming  straight  from  his  palm.  both  palms,  in  fact.  it  felt  like  too  much  power  for  a  man  to  have.  especially  considering  with  this  power  he  had  managed  to  save  the  world.
no,  not  him.  iron  man  had  saved  the  world.
the  memory  haunts  him,  invades  his  dreams.  replaces  his  nightmares  with  debris  and  an  open  sky  and  a  voice  in  his  head.  a  voice  that  felt  eerily  similar  to  the  one  he  heard  when  he  had  tried  the  mysterious  sunglasses on.
the  memory  supplies  a  name  and  calls  it  EDITH.
tony  has  no  memories  of  his  death  on  titan.  he  doesn’t  remember  the  avengers,  his  time  as  a  prisoner  in  the  desert  and  what  he  had  to  become  to  get  out.  nor  about  his  health  problems  with  the  arc  reactor.  he  has  no  memories  beyond  the  single  memory  of  saving  new  york  city  with  the  rest  of  the  avengers.  he’s  refused  to  enter  the  funhouse  since.  if  he  were,  he’d  remember  the  snap.  he’d  remember  what  happened  afterward.  giving  up  iron  man  for  his  daughter.  risking  the  life  he  yearned  for  to  find  the  kid  and  bring  him  back.  save  the  universe,  the  usual  crap  he’s  been  forced  to  deal  with.
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plumdrunk · 4 years
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Addams Family Values (1993)
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plumdrunk · 4 years
wednesday  addams  ft.  misa  amane  /  @nectarlips​.
alucard’s  mall  was  a  pathetic  little  shopping  center  with  only  two  entrances.  it  was  so  small  that  most  days  they  never  bothered  having  security.  no  cops  to  waddle  down  the  aisles  looking  for  shoplifters,  no  handsy  pigs  eyeing  you  from  a  corner  --  their  thumbs  hooked  through  belts  strapped  underneath  swollen  guts.  it  would  be  almost  peaceful  if  it  weren’t  for  the  pennsylvania  soccer  moms  and  their  red-faced  brats.  but  they  happily  accepted  wednesday’s  five-finger  discount  here.  and  she  rolled  a  new  trinket  between  her  thumb  and  index  finger,  hidden  inside  her  pocket,  as  she  walked  from  the jewelry  store  to  the  cafeteria.  the  pearl  had  sat  pretty  on  a  glass  counter,  lit  up  crystal  and  gold.  the  poor  saleswoman  didn’t  realize  it  was  gone  until  wednesday  had  already  been  five  stores  down.
“  here, ”  she  grunts  --  tossing  the  pearl  into  the  smallest  shopping  bag  misa  had.  which  admittedly  had  been  quite  a  few.  “  special  delivery from yours truly.  ”  the  cafeteria  was  mostly  empty  as  wednesday  picked  a  few  cold  fries  from  misa’s  tray.
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plumdrunk · 4 years
draco  malfoy  ft.  wednesday  addams  /  lumenflcwer​.
when draco swaggers back into his old crawl with the confidence of an entitled rich boy, he much feels like he’s stepping back into the most boring place he’s ever been in. it had been a year since he was back home in alucard, gone away for school only to be back now. being an adult had only proven to him that life was rather boring. being sent to harvard on the hopes of becoming of a lawyer, representing the less-than-deserved celebrities much like his father had been at his age had only made draco less than thrilled to even try to do anything with his life. but it’s not like he has to let the world know he’s unhappy with his life. 
“glad to see absolutely nothing has changed about this shithole,” he drawls in utter, obvious sarcasm as he sits on the bar of the cafe, “anything actually interesting happen while i was gone?”
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wednesday  made  her  own  fun.  created  her  own  stories  and  weaved  together  her  own  mayhem  as  she  walked  the  streets  of  her  small  town.  thoughts  of  leaving  have  --  of  course  --  crossed  her  morbid  little  mind.  a  few  months  ago  she  had  taken  a  bus  to  philadelphia.  the  bus  reeked  and  the  city  was  even  worse.  she  loved  it.  enjoyed  the  stench,  the  homeless  (  they  were  very  kind  when  wednesday  asked  for  directions ),  the  late  night  fights  that  broke  out  in  the  streets.  a  good  broken  nose  can  leave  wednesday  feeling  like  clouds,  but  she  was  a  creature  of  habit  and  dearly  missed  her  regular  haunts.
 “  oh,  i’m  sure  our  good  dark  lord  is  harboring  plans  for  our  little  town.  ”  wednesday  wasn’t  sure  if  she  wanted  to  bring  up  the  fairground.  it  left  her  with  dreams  she  couldn’t  make  sense  of.  but  what  kind  of  a  ghoul  would  she  be  if  she  didn’t  mention  alucard’s  newest,  spookiest  attraction.  “  the  fairgrounds  have  grown  teeth.  ”  
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plumdrunk · 4 years
diana  volkov  ft.  tony  stark  /  witherxdmisfits​.
SIGHING THE BLONDE — adjusts her sunglasses in the hopes that no one would recognize her. Very RARELY did she ever venture away from the cirque. Cirque du Eradicus was like her HOME. Being part of it gave her a certain sense of familiarity and COMFORT. For once in her twenty two years she felt like she BELONGED. However, like a cat even her curiousity couldn’t be helped. There was a LOT to explore in Alucard and quite frankly she didn’t even know where to BEGIN.
❝ I’m sorry, I’m new to town. Happen to know any place a girl can get a drink around here? Or hang for a bit. Whichever comes first,❞ she chuckles speaking directly to the FIRST person that crossed her path.
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tony  had  just  neatly  stuffed  a  pink  frosted  donut  between  his  lips.  it  quickly  disappeared  down  his  throat  and  sat  happily  in  his  stomach.  tony  stark  felt  hollow  and  dry.  maybe  he  was  just  a  smidge  hungover.  just  a  smidge.  day  drinking  at  his  age  really  left  his  bones  feeling  like  stripped  brakes.  screaming  in  protest.  christ,  when  did  he  get  to  be  such  an  old  man?  it  was  god  damn  embarrassing.  and  he  knew  there  was  only  one  way  to  fix  that.
“ there’s  a  decent  place  not  far  from  here.  booze  ain’t  bad.  bartender  could  use  a  little  work. ”  he  gave  the  girl  a  small  smile,  one  that  never  reached  his  eyes.  thankfully,  the  sun  was  just  not  ready  to  set  yet  and  the  old  man  hid  his  tired  eyes  behind  sunglasses.   “  you  want  an  escort?  ”   maybe,  he  didn’t  want  to  drink  alone  this  time.
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plumdrunk · 4 years
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