plywould · 4 years
The Mandalorian
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Sculpture 23, Rudolf Belling, 1923, MoMA: Painting and Sculpture
A. Conger Goodyear Fund Size: 18 7/8 x 7 ¾ x 8 ½" (48 x 19.7 x 21.5 cm) Medium: Brass
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plywould · 7 years
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Tom Waits & Elvis Costello.
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plywould · 7 years
Kylo Ren.
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plywould · 7 years
Comic nerd stuff in the style of art nerd stuff?
Alex Maleev doing Marvel stuff in the style of my man Egon Schiele.
That’s great.
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Artsy avengers by Alex Maleev
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plywould · 8 years
Yeah... NO. This is  just Frida’s face photoshopped onto the Patti Smith photo. The body is identical... and totally not proportioned to Frida Kahlo’s head (or her actual body).
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Frida Kahlo / The image Patti Smith made reference later
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plywould · 8 years
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Playing around with my (sadly oh-so-expensive-and-yet-for-so-long-neglected) wacom... now that I don’t have a job job anymore, it seemed like time to figure out how to use it. Done in Illustrator, using a single pressure-sensitive brush. I give you:
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plywould · 9 years
“... its digital analogues”
What a marvelous turn of phrase.
The Custom Thumbnail Reframing Tool
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My custom thumbnail reframing tool was totally obsolete long before I invented it, and couldn’t possibly be of use to anyone besides myself. Everything I use it for can be done a thousand times more easily and effectively via even the most rudimentary digital means. But it pleases me to behold because it was begat by utilitarian necessity, and thus is humble and pure.
To use it, start with a storyboard thumbnail panel (drawn on a post-it), the framing of which is not quite right (1).
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Now remove the post-it, and place it in the center of the reframing tool (2). Place the tool on a light box, under your blank thumbnail page. Now you can slide the tool and/or page around, looking for a more satisfactory framing (3). The 4 post-its permanently affixed to the tool let the image “float” in a uniform sea of yellow, thus tricking one’s eye into forgetting the original framing choice, clearing the way for a fresh “objective” decision, untainted by attachment to, or distaste for, the original framing. In practice, this sometimes effectively results in a reaffirmation of the original framing, which is totally fine.
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Once you’re happy with your new framing, locate the red registration dots on the framing tool (4), and mark their location on your thumbnail page (5). Usually one mark will suffice (never more than two) since you’re generally not tilting the image, and keeping the edges of the post-it parallel to the panel borders during replacement is easy enough to eyeball. The tool has registration dots on all four corners, so you don’t need to worry about how it’s oriented. Now remove the drawing from the tool and replace it on the thumbnail page according to the registration mark(s) (6), and redraw your panel borders as necessary (7) (or, for a cleaner look, retrace the panel on a new, properly centered post-it). Reframing is complete.
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The big limitation of the tool, especially compared to its digital analogues, is its obvious incapacity to resize an image. I usually end up, when my thumbnail draft is complete, with a handful of unsatisfactorily sized panels that I’ve marked “wider” or “tighter”, which I’m left addressing with a photocopier during the final drafting process. Oh well! Actually, as I’m writing this, I’m envisioning a “custom thumbnail resizing tool”, which would be a thumbnail panel border on a blank page, with the center of the panel cut out*, that you could hold closer to or further from the unsatisfactory panel to gauge a new sizing… but you’d still have to redraw a new panel anyway, so probably it’s not worth the trouble compared to just using a photocopier.
*Speaking of which, this is exactly what the first iteration of the reframing tool was. The “big breakthrough” was the context-neutralization afforded by the post-it ring.
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plywould · 9 years
It’s a trap!
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plywould · 9 years
damn straight.
My open letter to Governor Rauner regarding the Syrian refugee crisis
I wrote a letter to my governor today, because yesterday he announced that he would not accept Syrian refugees into Illinois. I would’ve thought that after the events of last weekend, accepting the refugees with open arms would be the best way of preventing Daesh of getting what they want: Muslims and kuffar at odds with each other.
Keep reading
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plywould · 9 years
By which you, of course, mean: the west wing +lettering or + handwriting.
But it’s missing my favorite: “You’re fired. Sam Seaborn”
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the west wing + typography
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plywould · 9 years
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plywould · 9 years
I think I found mckelvie‘s inspiration for Capt. Marvel’s costume...
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plywould · 9 years
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 Alberto Giacometti: The Artist’s Mother (1950)
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plywould · 9 years
It’s preparation for life after college... where every single person you encounter thinks he/she is your only concern.
why are there so many professors who think we only have their respective class to worry about
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plywould · 10 years
I'm just waiting to see a pic of Macaulay Culkin wearing a shirt with this pic on it...
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Gillian Anderson (wearing a Jamie Dornan shirt), photographed by Matthew Shave for Stylist magazine, Nov 5, 2014.
(click the image for extremely high-res photo.)
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plywould · 10 years
Actually... that's Selma Hayek in her Frida Kahlo movie...
You'd think one of the 92,000 people might have noticed.
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Frida Kahlo (1907.07.06-1954.07.13)
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plywould · 10 years
Hey look! I made this... years ago. Looks like somebody liked it enough to tumbl it. Warren Ellis used to have these weird cover contests. They were all sort of like:
You're a drunk. You have no idea what's going on. You're on deadline to create a cover for X (Fantastic Four, in this case), and you only know Y (it's called fantastic 4 and 4 scientists steal a spaceship, suffer from massive space radiation, and are forever transformed). Go!
That was my solution. Those were fun.
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Fantastic 4 mockup for Whitechapel Uchronal Cover remodel
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