pocket-pocket-rocket · 8 months
Maybe I’m just old but I didn’t know about the primary blog vs secondary one so if you really want to know more it’s duskys-mind-palace
Teto profile pic and purple aesthetic
Much better over there https://www.tumblr.com/duskys-mind-palace
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 8 months
Feeling better lol just needed to eat sleep and exercise lnao
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 9 months
Damn I kinda strongly dislike who I am
Im kinda sick of myself lol
I promise you I don’t complain all the time but this is kinda the place to do that so
I’ll try to fill it with positives too
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 9 months
So anyways I downloaded tinder, updates d to come
I was super consistent with my skin care for like 3 months but for the last week I haven’t been doin it
I need to sleep it’s 1am and I have lab tomorrow :(
Stop overthinking, hopefully you won’t have any dreams about him
I know it’s because of the holidays that you are going through it what with his birthday, the anniversary, match-iversary, and Christmas traditions uGH
Just breathe please oh my god just
F if you see this please don’t say anything to me I was doing so good ok this is just a few days of me in a slump. I’ll get over it I don’t need to talk about it just journaling
I mean Im finally ok with being y myself/alone, I’ve accepted that I’ve lost a friend, lover, companion, I’m over not having his parents who I adored very much, what’s left is the bitterness and resentment
The problems we never fixed
And I guess the fact that he is in a seemingly happy relationship while I’m still pouting about it
Im actually really angry that he never took my feelings seriously
I hate his stupid hair that he grew out it looks terrible
He streams but his persona is so lame
He never communicated swept things under the rug
I hate that I was codependent for so long
This is actually really helping writing this down
I hate that I looked at his social media and his girl
Why do I keep thinking about it
Hopefully it will stop after I write this down
Anyways I’m gonna channel this energy into the gym so, which is nice because I was out of forbidden pre.
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 9 months
Dedicate my life to the school, simlab, gym
For the next two years.
This is all I will think about
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 9 months
Dude it’s so simple!!
If you don’t ever get into a relationship again (not that that’s hard lol) you will never be disappointed in that way again.
Aight you good. Dedicate your life to your work, lifting heavy af, and creating comics to tell your story.
Stay close to your select friends so that the “social meter” for your avatar is fulfilled enough but at the end of the day, dawg, it’s a 1P game
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 10 months
Also I finally have skin/body/hair care stuff
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pocket-pocket-rocket · 10 months
currently living without a constant weight dragging me down. I feel as though something is missing.
Maybe I am maturing as I get closer to 25. Idk I still feel like I’m in my early 20s, but also I feel like I’m 30 lol
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at the end of the day dude, he had an emotional affair and then gaslit you about it
No need to off myself girly, things will work out
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i think if I’m still alone by 35, I’m gonna end it all
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just under a year and a half later, I’ve forgotten your touch.
I have forgotten how we feel together.
I’ve lost you forever
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Things I want at my wedding
Live painter
Photo Booth with Clicky click
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I think I am at that point where I do wanna call in love again. It took a lot to get here.
I want to fall as deeply in love as I did before. It’s such a pure and wholesome feeling.
It’s gotta be with the right person tho, there’s no rushing that. I know it will take time to develop too.
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despite everything, I do love you. Fuckin still. I’m sad we couldn’t work through our differences.
I hope I can one day meet someone who makes me feel that sparkle of love again. I do know I’ll still encounter differences but, it is what it is.
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Sayings I live by
Love is always conditional, any love that is unconditional is toxic
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Ok so
This is the last time I will ever get my nails done and they are not a full set
I feel like a fuxkikf baby!! Ah well gotta learn eventually, at least I learned before I got to NY 💀
Next time imma get short almond shaped with pink and red, and strawberries
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