pocketmosaic · 4 years
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, 4 biscolatta stix, bacon, egg, mushrooms and bread.
Exercise:- none
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
I know I have been lax with my posts, I have been recovering from an infection and struggling to muster the energy.  I will resume normal service as soon as I can, until then I think it will be a case of posting as and when I can.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, 2 bananas, 6 waffles, spaghetti bolognaise.
Exercise:- none
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Food:- 2 bananas, 2 satsumas, 4 advent chocolates, pasta bolognaise
Exercise:- standing push-ups
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Missed Medication
I am in the process of reducing some of my medications with the help of the gp’s pharmacist.  Unfortunately this means that my managed repeat prescription is not going as smoothly as we would like.  This resulted in me missing some of my medication for over 24 hours.  Now some of what I take would not really have had a major impact on me if I had missed it for 1 day but the one we are reducing is definitely not one of those. It has laid me out for several days and I have not been able to do very much since.  I am hopeful that I am almost back to “normal” now and should be able to function again.  This is the reason for not posting the past few days, hopefully I will be back on it now.
Food 10/01/21: - 40g porridge oats with banana, 2 bananas and mango.
No exercise.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana and raspberries, 8 nuts, 1 softmint, 2 bananas, mashed potatoes, beans and pork chops.
Exercise: standing push-ups.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, cheese and crackers, scrambled egg on toast, 3 nuts, 1 softmint, 1 banana.
Exercise:- standing push-ups
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, 3 pieces of chocolate, handful of mixed nuts, banana, turkey, wedges, eggs and beans.
Exercise:- 4 minutes of run fit adventures
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
2020 is almost over
I know I haven’t posted for a while, I was ill in the run-up to Christmas (which is no surprise as this time of years takes a lot out of anyone, so someone with limited energy really doesn’t stand much of a chance).
I had decided that I was not going to post what I ate over Christmas.  I wanted to be able to enjoy the festive period without feeling guilty if I ate more than I should have, as most people do over this time.  I shall restart posting what I have been eating on 04/01/21, bet you are on the edge of your seats its such a thrilling read lol.
This year has definitely been a strange one and one that I am sure most of us will be pleased to say goodbye to.  Fingers crossed 2021 will be a much brighter year (once we get released for good).  I may have had to postpone my plans for this year but I am definitely not going to cancel them.  I have a lot of things I want to accomplish before I am 50 (relax thats almost 5 years yet).
Lets hope this blog can have some posts about the things I am getting up to outside of my house in 2021.
Be well and stay safe and wishing you all a happy new year.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 35
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, banana, warm bread with jam and butter, beef and mushrooms in gravy with boiled potatoes and mixed vegetables.
Exercise:- standing push-ups, arm circles and arm flaps.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 34
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, 2 bananas, pork chops, mixed vegetables and potatoe wedges.
Exercise:- standing push-ups
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 33
Food:- bacon sandwich, banana, amiracn style pancakes with whipped cream, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables and pork chops.
Exercise:- standing push-ups.
I did manage to weigh myself as well and I have lost 11lbs/4.99kg since I started this blog.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 32
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana and raspberries, 2 satsumas, 2 advent calender chocolates, skinny crunch bar, home-made wedges and garlic and herb chicken.
Exercise:- standing push-ups.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 30 & 31
Day 30 food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, blueberries and raspberries, 2 advent calender chocolates, 2 bananas, 2 satsumas, pasta bolognaise.
Day 30 exercise:- standing push-ups
Day 31 food :- 40g porridge oats with banana and raspberries, 2 satsumas, skinny crunch bar, mashed potatoes, mixed vegetables and chicken thighs.
Day 31 exercise:- none
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 29
Food:- 40g porridge oats with banana, blueberries and raspberries, 3 satsumas, 2 bananas, skinny whip bar, spaghetti bolognaise.
Exercise:- standing push-ups
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 28
Food:- 40g porridge oarts with banana, blueberries and raspberries, 7 biscolatta stix, banana, home-made sweet potatoe wedges, gammon and mixed vegetables.
Exercise:- none.
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pocketmosaic · 4 years
Day 26 & 27
Food day 26:- 40g porridge oats with banana, 3 biscolatta stix, banana, chicken stew with brown roll.
Exercise day 26:- standing push-ups
Food day 27:- 6 egg waffles, salmon, scambled egg and brown toast, 2 biscolatta stix.
Exercise day 27:- none (I am still having to do more than usual so I have no extra energy to do exercises).
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