podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Genderfluid….. :))
Okay, Hello From The Hallowoods episode 1, let’s go!
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Transgender….. :)
Okay, Hello From The Hallowoods episode 1, let’s go!
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Nonbinary….. :)
Okay, Hello From The Hallowoods episode 1, let’s go!
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Okay, Hello From The Hallowoods episode 1, let’s go!
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Boss seems suspiciously sure that the tapes won’t ever need repair. Maybe… supernatural? 🥺
Teehee they have canned peaches
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Tf is a metadata taxonomy??
Teehee they have canned peaches
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
I can feel the American pleasantry small talk hell oozing from this work environment
This feels gross….
Can’t wait for something to snap
Teehee they have canned peaches
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Teehee they have canned peaches
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Okay yeah I think my TMA hyperfixation is dead and gone, gonna use this channel for live-blogging in general. I’m starting some other podcasts now so we will see what happens
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Meat is meat…
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
(Jon voice) Supplemental: I made myself a bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich today. It was… yummy, though I cannot be certain how long I will be satiated without knowing what lurks beneath me in the tunnels. I plan to venture down there again tomorrow. More updates will follow. End supplemental.
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
I can’t take it!!!!!!!! God I can see how this manipulation and lack of information is killing their trust in each other I’m cryingggg.
Haha I love those little meta jokes
Martin: “[tapes] have a sort of lo-fi charm :)”
Then in MAG 65 the speaker talks about people liking tapes for the nostalgia
Great bit going on here
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Awww no wait this is where Jon and Tim start arguing :(( fuckkkk they could have been such good friends :((((
Haha I love those little meta jokes
Martin: “[tapes] have a sort of lo-fi charm :)”
Then in MAG 65 the speaker talks about people liking tapes for the nostalgia
Great bit going on here
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
HAHAHAHA wait so Jon mad a posting online to get statement from tech savvy people so that he could lure one of them into looking at Gertrude’s computer?????
Honestly from his pov that’s pretty genius lol
Haha I love those little meta jokes
Martin: “[tapes] have a sort of lo-fi charm :)”
Then in MAG 65 the speaker talks about people liking tapes for the nostalgia
Great bit going on here
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
DONT THINK I DIDNT CATCH THAT “nothing about humanity is binary” good god I love transgender people!
But also good point
Not boy/girl, not gay/straight, not right/wrong, not true/false
Alive/dead? Idk there’s debate about it (like when a fetus is technically “alive” or if someone’s body is working but their brain is dead, also resuscitation - like can you die and come back to life?)
Normal/not normal (depends on culture, who you ask, why it’s being measured - like psychology defines not normal as something you can be diagnosed with, but bullies will say it’s bc you’re a minority or like… an introvert or smth)
The fact is most “binaries” are lines that humans have drawn around concepts. Definitely something as organic as one’s identity or characteristics can’t really be put into one of two boxes as far as I can think of.
Cool thought
Haha I love those little meta jokes
Martin: “[tapes] have a sort of lo-fi charm :)”
Then in MAG 65 the speaker talks about people liking tapes for the nostalgia
Great bit going on here
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
Haha I love those little meta jokes
Martin: “[tapes] have a sort of lo-fi charm :)”
Then in MAG 65 the speaker talks about people liking tapes for the nostalgia
Great bit going on here
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podcastliveblogging · 4 months
If there’s one thing I know about Jon is he’s great at making bad decisions and then regretting them forever after
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