poedjarinwrites · 4 months
.3, his favourite daughter
Star Girl, prologue Din Djarin x fem!OC
(gif not mine!)
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She feels his presence and she is glad that the ship has a rocky landing as it hides the way her legs weaken. Vader barely waits for the ramp to lower before he's stepping out, Bela is quick to follow after him.
'Where is he?'
'I have him secured inside, my Lord.'
'I will bring him in myself.'
Bela doesn't follow. She waits outside, her gaze set on the Third Sister who watches Vader until she can no longer see him.
'Why haven't you killed Kenobi?'
She smirks as she turns to face, 'You mean your father?'
She ignores the snide dig. She has no time for petty comments which are only said to try and get a rise out of her. 'If your anger for him runs so deep, so thick, why is he still alive?'
It dawns on her then.
The Third Sister has always been filled with rage. A deep longing for revenge. Only Bela only feels that when Vader is around. Not when they were on the base with Kenobi. But now, with his retreating figure it's even more prominent.
'You're not after Kenobi.'
'Are you going to stop me, Kenobi?'
Bela lifts her head. The Third sister's mouth twitches and she nods with a small satisfied hum. Then with the same dramatic flare she's gone down the corridor after him. ⋆⭒˚。⋆☾⋆⭒˚
Before the Third Sister can successfully land a strike on her target, Darth Vader. A red saber meets her own, stopping it just before his neck.
Bela lifts her foot and kicks her back a few paces, 'General Bela to you, Sister.'
She ignites the other side of her saber and burns her side causing her to yell out as she drops to a knee. Using the force she pushes her aside and moves forward towards Vader.
It takes no effort for him to over power her, taking the double sided saber from her possession and splitting it in half. She yells in frustration accepting his challenge and taking a half.
Bela stands, clipping hers to her belt as she watches them fight.
A powerful Sith Lord against an angry girl.
The Third Sister kneels before him as he wields both sides of the saber against her. He moves slowly, his steps in time with her breathing.
Bela can't help it when she flinches at the saber through the Third Sister's chest. She yells, one final scream of agony - no, a scream of anger and frustration- and then she falls to her side.
'Did you really believe I did not see it, youngling? You are of no further use.'
She steps aside as the Grand Inquisitor moves forward, a sly grin on his ugly pale face. 'Hello, Third Sister. Revenge does wonders for the will to live, don't you think? Your rage was useful. Now it is tiresome. We will leave you where we found you. In the gutter where you belong. Goodbye, Grand Inquisitor.'
Bela doesn't move, she remains in the corner, watching as she struggles to reach her saber.
With a flick of her wrist it's in Reva's hand. And then she's turning, leaving her behind once and for all.
Before she moves away she hears the flickering voice of the Imperial Senator Bail Organa. 'If he's found them, if he's heard of the children. I'll head to Tatooine. Owen - help the boy.' ⋆⭒˚。⋆☾⋆⭒˚。⋆
She watches as Vader's ship lowers to the planet below, the moment the bridge gets the confirmation that he's touched down she heads for a ship of her own.
'I'll assist in the backup. Update me if he gets bested.'
'It's Lord Vader.'
She ignores his comment and heads for the ship, turning to her droid to follow after her. But she doesn't go for the planet, with a few simple cut of some wires her tracking system is down, and she's plotting a course for Tatooine in the star map.
You're going to get us killed.
She sighs leaning back in her pilot's chair as the droid nudges her foot, 'Happy beeps, buddy.'
I'll beep how I want. He replies, Especially in my last few moments.
She rolls her eyes, yet still finds herself resting a hand on his hard metal head. A comforting thing for herself more than for the droid.
I don't like sand. It ruins my motoring abilities.
'Stay on the ship then.'
Reva looks around, an angry yell as she can't find any of her targets. She lifts her arms yet stills unable to move.
Bela feels the panic within her. The fear. She thinks it's Vader holding her back, coming to finish the job.
Reva's eyes glance around and finally she catches sight of her as she steps into her view. 'Kenobi junior.' She hums, as if she's the one in control.
Bela keeps her head held high, a hand by her side to hide the shaking limb from Reva's view. She's not as strong as Vader with the Force, nor Reva. It's always been a struggle of hers, to wield the force as a physical matter. Her strong suit is to listen to the force when it talks, to use it to be able to understand other people. Not to bend it against its own will.
The Third Sister manages to break free and drops to her feet in exhaustion.
'Don't be good, Bela. You're not good.'
Bela shakes her head, 'I'm not. But you are, Reva.'
Reva yells and gets to her feet but she easily twirls away not needing to ignite her own saber. Once again the woman is on her knees, panting as she uses her saber as a staff. It digs into the sandy ground and she slips again while trying to regain balance.
'We were both children, Reva. Taken from our families, our homes. Forced to live the destruction.'
'Did Vader send you to do his dirty work? To finish me off?'
'No.' She pauses, wiggles her jaw and then with a single breath says, 'I killed him.'
'He's dead.'
'Yes.' She says, 'He was fighting Kenobi, distracted, held down by his old Master. Kenobi couldn't bring himself to do it. So I did it. I brought this very saber down on his chest.'
Reva stares for a few moments, then breaks out into a round of hysterical laughing. Her head is thrown back, eyes squinted at the sky as a mad sound escapes her chest. Bela steps back at it.
'Bested by a child?' She lifts her saber, and Bela realises she didn't fall for it, 'By you?'
Bela swallows her annoyance, then lets her eyes linger on Reva's saber. The red moves closer, and suddenly she's six years old again. In the middle of the jungle with an unknown man standing before her. A red saber in his hands and anger in his heart.
'You're a terrible liar.'
'Let the boy go.'
Reva laughs again, 'You don't even know who he is. Why are you here Bela? Not to kill me.'
Bela lifts her shoulders, 'A feeling?'
'A feeling?'
'The Force, it told me to stop you.'
Reva swings her saber at her but she jumps back, 'Now, it sent you to your death.'
With a flick of her wrist she pushes her back, but no matter how much stronger she is when it comes to bending the Force to her will she's still injured.
Bela ignites her saber and swipes at her leg causing her to fall to a knee. Reva yells in frustration and throws her back against the wall opposite them.
With a groan her saber is lost, rolling a few feet away and Reva is then standing before her. Her saber is gripped tightly as she looks down at the girl.
She raises it in the air but when she meets her eyes all she sees is her younger self staring back at her. Terrified as Anakin Skywalker's figure reflects in the youngling's eyes. 'Choose your own path, Reva.'
Bela moves, she stands but lifts her hands at her sides, an opportunity for her to be killed. It's a cowardly move, she believes Reva will kill her. It's her way out. Of the Empire of the life she's trapped herself within.
She steps closer, the step is a wish. A wish Reva will take the darker path, that she'll continue down her road of suffering just to end Bela's. It's selfish, and manipulative, traits given to her by Vader himself. Or maybe they were always within her. They've always said Mandalorians and Jedi don't mix. Maybe this is why.
Together they create selfish, manipulative, hate filled younglings who'll only destroy the galaxy.
Reva shakes her head and turns away, not without her saber grazing Bela's side. She hisses, leans into the heat and then stumbles a step when the saber is put away. Clipped onto her belt and hidden by a dark cloak.
'The boy went towards the dunes.' Reva tells her, then she's climbing out of the small home in the middle of the Tatooine desert.
Bela falls back, leaning on a pile of wooden crates. She's going to give up, to leave, go back to Vader, act as if it didn't happen.
She has no other choice. She was built to serve the Empire.
Save him.
It's a voice in the back of her head. One that appears in her most vulnerable moments.
The Force.
She sees them in the distance. Three figures filled with worry and anxiety.
Owen spots her first. He races to her and cups the boy's face then takes him from her arms. When the boy's gone her arms feel empty.
Obi-Wan is in front of her then. He mirrors Owen's actions, cups her face to look at her better. 'Saviin.'
Beru moves forward to places a hand on her shoulder, 'Thank you.'
'See?' Obi-Wan turns her with a hand on her back to watch as Beru runs after Own, both of them holding Luke. 'You are good, Saviin.'
He faces her again, 'Come with me,' She can feel his desperation leaking through his palms like sweat. 'We could be father and daughter.'
'Vader is my father.'
His hand falls from her back, she readjusts the position of her shoulders to make herself taller, 'No he's not. He doesn't have to be. Come with me. Leave the Empire, we'll be safe here.'
She glances back at Luke and his small family. It warms her heart, she doesn't like it. She can't ruin this family. She can't have her Obi-Wan killed. She needs to get away, to get on a clean ship and to a planet with no connections.
She can't get him killed.
She shakes her head at him, then finally meets his eyes. They're those same scared ones from before. 'My father is the worst man in the galaxy. And I am his favourite daughter.'
0 notes
poedjarinwrites · 4 months
.2, satine
Star Girl, prologue Din Djarin x fem!OC
(gif not mine!)
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'I can feel your anger.'
'Apologies, master.'
'What troubles you?'
She looks toward him, he stands beside her. It's not Vader. She can't feel his hatred or his rage. All she can feel is his longing and guilt. Two emotions she knows belong to Anakin Skywalker.
'It's nothing.'
His helmet crinkles as he makes a noise of consideration. 'When you fought Kenobi, what did he say?'
She sighs thinking back to the short fight she shared with the old Jedi. She can picture his confusion as he saw the necklace clearly. She remembers the name he'd called her.
She'd searched the databases for the name. The only thing she had found was some old politician from Mandalore born years before her.
'He called me Satine.'
He looks down at her, she knows he's assessing her. She hates it when he does that. When he's silent.
'Who is Satine?'
'I don't know.'
She purses her lips, chews the corner a little until it stings and then it hurts when she opens her mouth to talk. 'Is Obi-Wan my father?'
He remains silent, and she steps closer to him.
It doesn't make sense. Yet the pieces fall into place quicker than she'd like them to. The Third Sister's hatred for her, stemming from nowhere but the rage she holds towards Obi-Wan. Their similar looks. Her abilities with the force. She has no name. Just General Bela, a name given to her by Vader himself. Perhaps to rid himself of the memories of her father. The man who was like a father to him once, a long time ago.
Her hands fly to her throat, holding onto the skin as he lifts her into the air, 'Anakin is dead.'
'I'm sorry-'
He drops her and she falls to her hands and knees coughing as she regains her breath. 'Master.'
He stares down at her, she leans forward, curling up in a ball. 'You're my daughter. My apprentice. Mine.' With that he turns and begins to head out of the room, 'I want you to fly to Nur.'
He leaves, and she stares after him with a hand rubbing her neck until he's out of sight.
An armoured hand hovers over her back and she glances over her shoulder to the commanding officer. 'General.'
He carefully helps her to her feet and she rolls her head until her neck pops. 'Thank you, Cody.'
'What did Kenobi say to you?'
'It was nothing.'
He keeps his shoulders squared as he walks with her, 'If it's distracting you from the cause-'
'The cause? What's the cause, Commander?'
'To rid the galaxy of the Jedi.'
She shakes her head, 'There's a bigger picture to all of this, there always is.'
She pauses before taking the last door to the landing bay. Vader stands in his throne room staring out at the molten river below him. She senses those feelings again. This is Anakin Skywalker. Still in there, still fighting. Bela won't be the one to bring him out, but maybe Kenobi will.
'Have you ever heard of a Satine Kryze?'
'Can't say that I have, General.'
She raises a brow as she looks him up and down, 'Cody, don't lie to me.'
He lifts his chin, helmet still being held safely under his arm. 'Once, on a mission to Mandalore. She was the Duchess.'
'Do I look like her?'
He pauses to assess her face. Familiar eyes that he's had look into his for years, the same mouth that barked orders and told him off for not always obeying. The same hair he'd often see float past breezily during fights., accompanied by light robes and a green light
'Just your nose, maybe.'
She hums again, then turns on her heel. 'Keep running drills. Prepare the new troopers for our next mission.'
He jogs to catch up with her, 'When will that be, General?'
'When I decide.' She tells him.
'Vader is putting our squadron on the sidelines, the men are getting agitated.'
'As am I.' She admits, she sighs and pauses in the corridor looking out at her ship, she watches M4 race around, no doubt chirping orders at Troopers and other droids. 'With Kenobi on the loose he doesn't trust it's safe for us to hunt others.'
'He doesn't trust you. Not Kenobi.'
'Then, when the time comes I shall prove myself to him.' She purses her lips, sighing briefly.
Cody steps up beside her, although his gaze doesn't linger on those below. It lingers on her familiar eyes.
'What's troubling you?' She finally glances at him, 'I don't need to be one with the force to sense your hesitance.'
She shakes her head, 'It's nothing.' Then her General head is back on and she stands straight again, 'Training.' She commands him and walks away leaving him to do nothing but watch.
'What are you doing?'
She watches the young girl struggle in the Trooper's grip, then casts her gaze to the Third Sister. She'd only just touched down on Nur when she felt the disturbance in the Force. A deep feeling in her gut which was accompanied by a small voice yelling 'help!'.
'Finding a location on the Jedi you let slip away.'
'She is the daughter of an Imperial Senator. A well loved Senator at that. If he turns, countless others will.'
'She's a brat.'
She turns to the two Troopers, 'Let her go.' They stare blankly, casting their gaze to the other woman who stands behind her, 'Let her go now.'
She falls from where she had been shoved into the seat and then scrambles to hide behind Bela's legs.
'No, no,' The Third Sister shakes her head, ignoring her saber at her side, 'You don't get to ruin this for me again!'
The doors open, a woman steps through glancing between them. She's dressed in the usual grey suit of Imperial officers and lets her eyes linger on the people in the room. 'I was told it could not wait.'
The Third Sister glances at them both then steps closer, staring down at the shorter girl. 'I don't care who you are to Lord Vader, I will kill you.'
'You can try.'
Her lip quirk upwards into a smirk and she watches her walk away from the room before turning her attention to the young girl. With one simple flick of her wrist the cuffs have fallen to her feet and her hands are free. 'Stay here.'
'No, wait-' The young girl chases after her, and then slips her smaller hand into one of her's which hangs loosely at her side. Always near the hilt of her saber. 'I'm Leia.'
'I don't care.'
'Wait-' She runs for her and then grabs her arm, 'You have to help me.'
'Why should I help you?'
Leia shrugs, her small round cheeks stare up at her as she continues to hold onto her hand, 'You're not like the others here. You're good. I can feel it.'
As she stares down at her all she can see is her own reflection. A small redheaded girl, staring at her reflection in the shiny wall of an Imperial ship. A drop of blood falling from her nose and a bruise forming on her cheek. Consequences of a failed training session in the Force.
'I'm not good.' The words are said softly, quietly, almost as if she doesn't believe them, 'Go.'
'Who is Satine? Who Am I?'
The man turns quickly, his hand holding tightly onto the one of Leia's. His saber ignites when he sees the red one at her side, gripped tightly between white knuckles, bruised and split from years of training. It burns her shin, she's holding it too close, with little to no care for her own wellbeing.
Obi-Wan remains silent and she steps closer to him with her saber outstretched in a trembling hand, 'Tell me!'
'Satine was my wife.'
'No. Jedi aren't-'
'It was a secret affair,' He admits, he pushes Leia behind him and watches her. The hangar is deserted; his partner for this mission had caused a distraction at the other hangar across the base. 'A select few knew about it. We kept it a secret. We barely saw each other, but we knew our love would last.'
'What happened to her?'
'She died.'
He sighs, stepping in front of Leia further when the young girl peeks around him. He drops the saber, lets the light fade away as he hooks it to his belt. She won't harm him, or Leia. He knows it.
'The Empire.'
'Don't lie to me.'
'I'm not. There was a group called Death Watch. They didn't like the way Satine ruled, they tried to take over. Then a Sith, who once worked for the Empire- Separatists they called themselves at the time- joined the fight. Your mother was murdered in the crossfire.'
She shakes her head, 'My mother?' He pauses, his tongue darts out to wet his lips. 'Why do you hold so much guilt? You murdered her?'
'No.' His head shakes quickly. His eyes hold a desperation she's never seen before. Not in any other Jedi who have knelt before her and begged for their lives, not in her own reflection. 'No. Never.'
'Saviin, listen-'
She only steps further back, her frown deep but the wrinkles between her eyebrows deeper. He's right in front of her now, she could kill him. With a single movement she could have his head on the floor at her feet and deliver it to Vader.
The praise would be unlimited, it would last forever. She'd be held on the highest pedestal the galaxy had to offer her. Given her own fleet, not just one squadron made up of five men. She'd be his partner, she'd rule the galaxy beside him, not lingering in the shadows.
Obi-Wan continues one, bringing her from her thoughts. 'The Sith, his name was Maul. I was young, rash, I didn't think. I let feelings of anger and hatred take over me, and in the end it caused only my own suffering. Don't let yourself fall down the same path of suffering.'
She forces a chuckle, it's breathless.
'Unlike you, Obi-Wan. I don't have a choice.'
'You do.' His hand rests on hers, he pushes the saber down and then lets his other hand cup her cheek, 'Leave with me.'
'And live a life on the run? That's not a life.'
'It's better than what you have here.'
He tugs the saber away from her, it's not ignited anymore, but she still holds it like it's her last lifeline. Her grip tightens, for a moment two images flashes in his head as he stares into her eyes.
The first a baby girl, wrapped in linen cloth as a woman smiles and holds her out to him.
The second is the saber in her hand, poking through his chest as she stares back at him.
He tugs at it again but she doesn't let go, she grips it tighter. 'Please. Leave with me. Help me get Leia home and you and I-' She finally lets go of the saber and he tosses it to the floor.
'Are you my father?'
He nods once, then lifts his other hand to cup her other cheek. He nods even more then, as he takes a final step closer. 'I am.' His green eyes flicker between her own, his thumbs rub at her cheek bones, catching a single tear that leaks from her eye before she can prevent it from happening.
'My name is Saviin?'
'Saviin Kenobi. Our star girl.'
Her hair, which isn't in her usual braids and has been let down to frame her face, is pushed back. He holds her hair behind her ears so he can see her face better. When her face is still she looks like him, yet now, with a quivering lip and confused furrowed brow she looks the image of her mother.
'Leave with us. With me.'
'I can't.'
He nods, 'Saviin-'
With a lift of her hand the saber is back in her hand, she ignites it and then turns, deflecting the blaster bolt of the Trooper back at him. Obi-Wan hadn't even felt the soldier enter the hangar.
She turns back once more. He's reminded of the final time he saw Satine, when she begged him to leave. 'Go.'
'Saviin, I won't abandon you.'
'You did once before.' She sets her jaw, her brows aren't furrowed anymore but he can still see the confusion and hurt in her eyes. 'Go.'
0 notes
poedjarinwrites · 4 months
.1, like father, like daughter
Star Girl, prologue Din Djarin x fem!OC
(gif not mine!)
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Her knees hurt. She's been in this position too much, too long. One arm is poised on her raised knee, the other hangs at her side, fingers curled around the black hilt of a lightsaber given to her as a child when she had no idea what a weapon was.
She lifts her head, she can no longer hide behind her hair which is brought back by a labyrinth of braids. They're tight, and pull her eyebrows closer to her hairline. Her face feels stiff, and she struggles to move her lips when she replies.
Her eyes finally meet the dark helmet above her, green and twinkling like a child's through thick eye lashes. 'Yes, Master?'
'You are ready.'
'Ready, Master?'
With one nod he turns, his cape follows behind and she knows that's her cue to follow after him. She's up in one easy push and behind him down the long corridors. Her chin is up high, her eyes look down her nose while her hands clasp behind her back.
She squeezes her fingers tightly together to prevent her rapid breathing. The heat from the lava below burns her skin, for once she is thankful when they reach the throne room and he takes his seat.
She stops beside him, keeping her gaze forward and he answers the commission from the Inquisitor.
The Third Sister's face flashes before them in a blue light. Bela's face morphs into a scowl, she's never been a fan of any of the Inquisitor's. They're strung too high with too much free power in their hands. Little control, no remorse if their actions ruin their Lord's plans.
'Where is he?'
'We have probes out. We're tracking all possible exits. He will pay for the Grand Inquisitor's-'
'The Grand Inquisitor means nothing. Kenobi is all that matters now-' As he says the name there's a shift in his demeanour, Bela feels it. The new emotion tugs at her heart and she resists the urge to move while she rubs her sternum to ease the unfamiliar ache in her chest. 'Is that understood?'
'Yes, my Lord.'
He finally leans back into his cold throne, 'I have been watching you, Third Sister. I know what it is, you seek. Prove yourself, and the position of Grand Inquisitor is yours.' Bela watches as the Third Sister's lip twitches, she doesn't have to be on the same planet to feel her pride, 'Fail me, and you will not live to regret it.'
Her face is gone in a flash, but then his attention is on Bela, who straightens more at his gaze. 'What is it, apprentice?'
It's a test. She already knows it is. Yet she still speaks.
'I don't trust, Third Sister. Her ambition will destroy her, and if we aren't careful, us with it.'
Vader says nothing, he rises from his throne and walks to the open window. She flinches when the edge of his cape brushes her shin.
Swallowing and turning after him she's quick to defend herself, 'I don't mean to-'
'If you're going to question me, follow through.'
'Not you, my Lord,' Her words are rushed out and she bows her head slightly to show her respect when he briefly looks over at her. 'Never you- My Lord. It is the intentions of the Third Sister I question.'
'I sense it too.'
He finally turns to her, she lifts her head higher, gulps, he pays no mind to the shuddering breath. 'Prepare to leave.'
'My Lord?'
'Follow her, report back to me.'
She nods, 'Of course.'
'If she alerts me before you get there do not engage.'
She turns and walks out of the corridor, with a sharp whistle her droid, an old M4 series that has been painted black by her to hide the bright orange colours, follows after her.
'Fire up the ship,' She commands, 'Once I've dressed we'll be gone.'
With that the droid rolls to the docking bay, and she retires to her quarters. She removes the uncomfortable black tunic and replaces it with plain trousers and a long sleeved black shirt. Over the top she adds a jacket and clips a utility belt that holds her saber around her waist.
She stops to stare at herself in the only reflective surface in her room. The tinted windows. Her hair has grown, they won't allow her to cut it short. She makes quick work of letting all the braids fall loose. She reties her hair, pulling the normal strands and braided strands back into her ponytail.
When she arrives at her prepared ship Vader is there, he places his hands on her shoulder. She finds comfort in the bruising grip. The touch of a parent.
'If you find Kenobi, do not kill him. Don't listen to him either. He is a liar.'
'As are all Jedi.' She tells him. She feels a small amount of pride well within him when she says that.
'Good luck, daughter.'
She bows her head, and he squeezes one shoulder. Then she's in her ship and disappearing into the dark night sky.
⋆⭒˚。⋆☾⋆⭒˚。⋆ Where are we going?
She just hums in response as she leans back in her cockpit. I'm hungry.
'You're a droid.'
You programmed me to have human emotions.
She rolls her eyes, 'Emotions, not hunger. We're almost there, buddy.'
Vader is going to be there.
She nods, 'He will. His ship has left. The beacon you put on it has activated.'
If he finds out we're dead.
'I'm dead, you'll just be a pile of scrap.'
That's dead to me.
Her comm blinks and she reaches forward quickly to flick the switch on. 'Do not engage once you land, Bela. Await my command, don't be seen. The Third Sister knows I am on my way, she does not know you're already there.'
'Yes, my lord. I'll find a vantage point, watch from above.'
The droid beeps something along the line's of her being a coward which she ignores as she slowly lowers the ship and opens the canopy. 'Stay with the ship, keep in contact.'
Kicking up dust as she walks she keeps hidden in the shadows, watching the Inquisitors as they pace outside of their ship. The Third Sister is anxious, her hand tightens on her saber everytime she hears the slightest of noise. No, not anxious. Impatient.
Her head snaps in Bela's direction, but by the time she moves towards the alley to peek between the small huts the girl has gone.
It takes almost an hour for Vader to land in his ship, thanks to a string of binary from M4 alerting her he's entered the planet's atmosphere and she has a chance to prepare herself.
She hears his heavy breathing before his heavy footsteps. She lurks, waits, watches. When his hand shoots out and she feels the rush of the force around them her own hand instantly goes to her neck.
But a scream from a villager has her pausing to watch as he's lifted into the air. A boy runs after him, 'Dad!'
Bela doesn't flinch when Vader breaks his neck, not a twitch, not a single blink. Not even when he forces the boy's body into the wall and watches him crumple into a pile of flesh.
He walks forward, dragging a woman behind him. In the corner of her eye she sees a man, covered in a hood as he backs away from the village.
'Stop him.'
She keeps her distance, following after the man as Vader takes a different path, no doubt to perform a dramatic entrance.
She can feel the man's fear, it bleeds out of him like a bodily odour. His first mistake.
He stills at the familiar sound of a buzzing saber, staying still he refuses to turn. His jaw is clenched, so tight he thinks he might break his teeth. He tries to reach out in the Force. To link his mind with a young Padawan, then he hears the voice.
His shoulders fall, the tension leaves his body and he turns to meet her. 'I have no quarrel with you.'
'You do. A quarrel with the Empire is a quarrel with me.'
His brows furrow as he steps closer but she lifts her saber. It almost touches his nose, if he breathes in too deep the red may just graze his face.
'I sense your hesitance.' He lifts his hands, but does not reach for his saber like he should. 'Your lack of faith in the empire.'
'I have no faith. Just obedience. To the Empire, to Lord Vader.'
'Put down the weapon,' He requests softly, 'You are just a child.'
'Don't insult me.'
He shakes his head, his idea of reassurance. Kenobi takes this moment to think back to a long time ago. A time where he visited a desolate sandy planet like this one. Where his Master came to him with a young boy who held the same fear she has in her eyes. Then another time, a mission to an outer-rim planet full of slave traders where he'd seen the pain and suffering take over the same boy as he cut down many where they stood. He pushes away the final thought of a planet made of lava.
He shakes his head at her again. To her it's an insult, he doesn't believe she will kill him. She's killed hundreds like him. 'You don't have to fear the empire.'
He stretches a hand out, but his hesitance is clear in the shaking limb. 'Let go. And come with me.'
She lifts her saber and swipes for him but he jumps back before she can hit him. 'What's your name?' He asks her.
She swipes at him again and he catches her arm, spinning her around so her back goes to his chest and the saber at her throat. 'I'm not afraid of you.' She tells him, she lifts her chin, neck exposed to the heat of the weapon.
His hand is positioned so he can easily push it away, part of him believes she'll bring the saber down on herself. 'What's your name?'
'Your real name.'
'Bela.' She says again and then kicks her foot back into his knee. He groans, twisting to the side and catching himself before he meets the floor.
He manages to hit away her saber and then she turns to lift her foot into his stomach. 'You will respond to the Empire for your crimes.'
'I'm not the one committing crimes here. You are blinded by-'
She lets out a low growl as she moves her fist for him but he hits it away, 'You don't know what you're talking about.'
'The Empire has blinded you. Your obedience to Vader has blinded you!'
He lifts a hand, using the force to push away her weapon. It's lost, buried in the sand a few paces away. She wants to prove she's just as good as him. Just as good as the Inquisitors, as Vader himself.
So she lifts her hand and calls to the Force. But it gives him enough time to run forward. He tries to move past her, but she drops, sticking her leg out to trip him.
When she moves to hold him down he knicks a knee up and hits her back. She grabs his ankle, pulling him onto his stomach and then twists his leg.
She reaches for his robes to pull him back to her but he grabs her hand and twists it behind her back. 'Don't fight the light inside of you.'
'There is no light. Don't you see? As long as the Empire lives there shall be only darkness in all of us.'
'There is both light and darkness in everyone, you get to choose which one you act with.'
She brings her elbow back and knocks him backwards then holds his wrist down while panting heavily. 'You act all high and mighty Obi-Wan Kenobi yet where were you when your fellow Jedis called for help? When we rounded them up and picked them off one by one? Where were you? Lord Vader has told me about you. How you left him for dead-'
'He lies!'
'So do you!' She tells him harshly, 'Most of all to yourself.' She tilts her head at him, 'I can feel it. You know it's the truth. You can't continue to hide from your past, Kenobi.'
He brings his head forward and cringes at the crack of her nose, then once out of her grip and on his knees he pulls her back with his arms around her neck.
She gasps, fingernails digging into his forearm. As she leans forward a chain slips from beneath her shirt, dangling over his arm, cooling the skin it touches. His eyes zone in on the familiar pieces of beskar metal attached to the chain. A piece of metal he had engraved and delivered himself. 
Her brows furrow deeper, her chest heaves with each greedy breath of oxygen. He sits back, lets her go but she doesn't fight. She lifts herself up onto her elbows and watches as he holds a hand out for her.
She turns her face away, doesn't respond, doesn't take it. 'Please.'
She clenches her jaw, closes her eyes and he nods as he steps back. Promising the force he won't give up on this girl.
Then he backs away. Only he doesn't get too far, waiting just over the ridge is Vader hidden in the darkness.
She doesn't move, she lays back in the sand staring into the darkness until it's illuminated by a red light in front of her face.
'Third Sister.'
'You're weak. Like him.'
Bela raises a red brow, 'I won't fight you. We both know I'll win.'
Reva reaches out her hand pushing into her mind, but with a clenched jaw she uses all of her energy and might to keep her out.
'Stubborn,' She hums with a wicked smile, glancing over to where two sabres clash in the distance. She circles Bela like she's some kind of prey. 'Like father, like daughter.'
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poedjarinwrites · 4 months
.0, mother
Star Girl, prologue Din Djarin x fem!OC
(gif not mine!)
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Besides the distant sounds of blaster bolts meeting Beskar armour all the five year old can hear is the laboured breathing of her mother as she holds her tightly to her body. Hidden beneath a dull purple cloak her small hands grip around her mother's fragile neck.
'Hush.' A hand is placed on her head, pushing her into the crook of her neck as she pauses at a stairway. It's silent, the blasters have stopped. But then a loud boom rings out and her mother begins her quick paced journey again.
She grips her tighter, shoving her head into her neck to try and silence her impatience whines. 'We're almost there, star. Just a few more moments.'
'I'm tired.'
'As am I.'
Her words are accompanied with a tired sigh. The doors burst open with her harsh push, she surveys the roof of the building before setting her daughter down. Never once removing her touch form her as she keeps her close with one hand clutched in her own.
'You weren't followed?'
'No, ma'am.'
'You are sure.'
The man before her nods once. The young girl just tilts her head at him, he has dark hair, and armour not quite like the ones of other Mandalorians. He flashes a quick smile in acknowledgment when his eyes lands on her, but his gaze is set when he faces the Duchess again. The face of a soldier.
'Duchess, we don't have much time.' The man tells her.
Satine kneels, her hands cup her daughter's chubby cheeks and forces her gaze away from the stranger. 'You must be brave, star.'
'No, listen to me,' She tells her and forces her gaze away once more, 'Once this is over you will be the last of pure Mandalorian blood. The heir to the troubled throne. No matter how you may be tempted to come back, do not. Never come back here. Escape, build a life somewhere,, do not come back to Mandalore.'
Her small brows furrow, 'But you're here, mother.'
'I will not be.'
'You have a gift, Saviin. Your dreams, they may come true-' The girl's eyes fill with tears the moment she hears it. Her dreams and visions of her mother falling dead at her father's feet, skin a few shades paler but robes darkened by blood flash before her eyes.
'I thought if I kept you from your father you would not inherit it, but it seems you still have.'
'If I stay you will die?'
'No.' Satine shakes her head, 'It's been my destiny since you saw it. A path I can no longer run from. Yours is yet to be paved, survive, hide and survive and then-' She moves some hair out of her face to hold her cheeks better, she wants to see her better, wants to see those eyes that belong to her husband, 'Then, you may choose your own fate.'
She leans back and takes the long silver chain from around her neck hanging it around her smaller frame. 'I'll always be with you. As will the Force.'
'I love you, ad'ika.'
Satine kisses her forehead then stands and retreats back to the stairs. Saviin leaps forward yet the strong arm of the soldier prevents her from moving. 'No!'
'Let's get moving, kid.'
'No! No, mother!'
He hauls her over his shoulder and onto the ship, strapping her down in the chair besides his as he and another man who looks identical to him pilot's them away from the destruction below.
'Where are you taking me?'
'Ever heard of Ithor?'
'I do not want to go.'
'There's a lovely family waiting on a child of their own.'
'They're not my family.'
He sighs and glances at her over his shoulder. 'When the war is over I'll come and find you. I'll take you back to Coruscant, to Naboo, wherever you want to go.'
'I want to go home. To Mandalore.'
'Mandalore is no more. None of us can go home.'
He doesn't say anything else. And the girl is forced to sit in silence for the rest of the flight to their destination.
When they arrive as promised a man and woman stand as they await the promise of their first child. They stand with identical smiles, one with hair so blonde it mirrors the planet's sun, another his hair so dark it looks like the night sky. Their arms are linked, they're in their best robes, which to the daughter of a duchess looks like nothing.
She doesn't let go of the man's hand when he stops in front of them. He sighs, 'Saviin, you must let go.'
'No. Take me with you. I can help.'
He glances to the few paces away where her adoptive parents wait for her. Then he kneels to the ground and pulls off his helmet to set it beside himself on the grass.
'These people will take care of you.'
'No they will not.'
'They will. You're their foundling now.'
She shakes her head, 'By the Mandalorian way one who is orphaned-'
'Just like your mother,' The man says with a smile, and then after a long pause he adds, 'And your father. Both devoted to their ways. You get your stubbornness from them.'
'Take me home.' The final request is desperate. She knows he will not go against his promise to her mother. She is just a child. No one listens to her. Her aunt didn't when she asked her to stay, her mother didn't when she revealed her troubling dreams. This soldier who is devoted to the cause won't either.
Her adoptive father steps forward, 'Saviin-'
His hand, gentle yet not as loving as her mother's, clasps over her shoulder. 'Saviin, you must let him go.'
He looks up at the man, then back at her. 'When the war is over I shall return. I'll live here.'
'I want you to take me with you. Not stay here.'
He unclips the small badge that is attached to his armour and hands it over to her, she squeezes it in her palm. It's a small yellow jewel with his rank and CT number beside it. 'Your father gave me that. It's my most prized possession. I shall return for you to get that back from you in a few years.'
When she's distracted reading over his number, cmd. CT-2224, he takes his leave. She knows he's gone, she feels the warmth of his presence leave. Yet she still fights to break from her new father's grip to chase through the jungle after their ship in the sky.
Somewhere along the way she drops his badge, his reason to return lost. She briefly glances over her shoulder, the small farm house no longer visible, nor the town she could see as they landed.
'Cody!' With a strangled yell of his name, one last attempt to reach him, she falls to her knees. Watching a twinkle appear in the sky as the ship disappears.
Her head hangs low, hair covering her face, not noticing the shadow of the ship that looms over her above.
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poedjarinwrites · 4 months
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'my mother called me her star girl...'
Din Djarin x fem!OC
Kenny, Jyn, Saviin, Bela... just a few of the names she has gone by over the years. Constantly on the run from the empire and bounty hunters alike our heroine must try to survive in this unfair galaxy.
strangers to enemies to friends to lovers -the clone wars, season 7 -kenobi -the mandalorian, season one-
Prologue, the prey
.0, mother
Act One, the apprentice
.1, like father, like daughter .2, satine .3, his favourite daughter
Act Two, the daughter
.4, thief .5, breakfast .6, stars .7, my jyn .8, dead or alive .9, master, father, anakin
Act Three, the bounty
.10, the bounty hunter .11, trade .12, carbonite .13, nothing .14, monster .15, eighty-three .16, bed side manner .17, tin .18, years gone years .19, touch .20, good old days .21, just a kid .22, deepest darkest .23, here with me .24, over .25, saviin kryze .26, din djarin .27, din and saviin
Act Three, the jedi
(originally posted on Wattpad under the username, poedjarin)
Disclaimer; I don't own Star Wars or The Mandalorian, all I own is my own original characters and plot lines. TW; violence, death, anxiety, PTSD, sexual asualt/harassment, torture, and other agressive topics will be discussed
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