Poem Drei
                                                 The Closet
The depression sinks in
Where to begin
The sadness, boredom, anxiety
Experiencing all of this entirely
But wait there is hope
Like a hanging with no rope
I can succeed in life
No pain no strife
I come out to the light
Say goodbye to the night
Here are smiling faces
In all of the faces
I am happy as can be
I am here for all to see
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Poem Dos
                                                 To Be or Not
To be or not like old Shakespeare said
Just like I have been taught 
All these years
Gay or not 
Who really cares
We are all God's children
No matter the stares 
We get
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First Poem YAY!!!!!!!
                                                    Tell Them
They urge me to tell them but what do I say?
I was almost raped?
Or that I am gay?
Do I tell them I want to keep this quiet?
Will they while out and be violent?
I know I need to soon enough
But I don't think this cande of hurt can just be snuffed
Tell them I must
Tell them I will
What do I tell them 
I was almost raped?
Or that I am gay?
Do I tell them he tried that one fateful night
Or will they not listen and only fight
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Hello World
Here you will find my poetryforthestrongermind! It is really fun to make and I hope you enjoy.
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