pointless-names · 25 days
I think adults need summer vacation. Like let's just close down all our jobs for three months and play outside. Please. I'm so tired.
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pointless-names · 1 month
hiiiiiiiiiiii……. 🚦(WIP)
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pointless-names · 2 months
Honestly one thing I really wish I saw more of in the Trafficblr/Hermitcraft fandom is Grian with brown eyes.
Grian’s “beady, soulless black eyes” have been a running joke for a long time- but people still often draw him with green/yellow/red (traffic life) or purple (watchers) or any number of eye colors.
But here’s the thing. I have brown eyes. I’ve received those exact same comments thousands of times about my eyes, how “soulless” and voidlike they are and that people can’t tell my eye color, especially in photos.
I know a lot of people online make posts about “honey brown” or brown eyes in lighting, but I think we need more representation of brown eyes so brown they’re black. He’s the perfect blorbo for this in my opinion- he’s LITERALLY the phrase “looks at you with my big brown eyes”
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pointless-names · 2 months
I would also like to see you put scarian in situations:
51. Meet ugly/awkward first meetings please?
51. Meet ugly/awkward first meetings (put that guy in situations!)
reblogs do more than likes!
“You tricked me!” Grian’s voice lifts in pitch as he yells. He’s spent all day hunting for that scarred merchant who sold him that ‘wooden cutting board.’ Grian’s not the sort to get so easily scammed, but the merchant had been… very nice looking. He managed to find him after practically running through the Hypixel hub all day.
For his part, the man looks startled by Grian’s arrival, green eyes nervously flicking around their surroundings. No one bats an eye at them. He looks at Grian, “Ah! You’re the red sweater guy from a few days ago! How’s that cutting board treating you?” He smiles, all smooth and polite.
It makes Grian growl with frustration. “You said it was wooden, but the second I went to use it, the whole thing crumbled to dust!” The scarred man blinks at him, feigning some kind of concern. It makes Grian want to grab him by the shoulders and shake him around. “You scammed me out of my diamonds.”
“Why I’d never scam! Everything I have to sell,” he gestures to the large pouch at his feet, “is completely authentic! If you want another cutting board I could—”
“I want my diamonds back,” Grian interrupts him, not even giving him another chance to smooth talk his way into Grian’s wallet. Not again. He’s not letting this handsome guy have his way with him again!
The merchant winces in return, quickly covering it up with a smile, “I’m afraid it was non-refundable! I’d be happy to give you another product in exchange?” He tilts his head before his eyes light up. “How about a couple of rare magic crystals? Or an enchanted book? I have a one of a kind fishing rod with so much luck, a fisherman once found Atlantis because of it!”
Grian’s eyebrow twitches in annoyance, “How in Void’s name did I let you talk your way into making me buy anything from you, dude. It’s so obvious you’re a scam.”
“Has anyone ever told you that you’re so blunt it hurts?” the scarred man quips, the smile never leaving his face. “Does that scare off the ladies?”
Grian snorts, “It’s sent plenty of men running.”
He pretends not to notice how the man’s eyes light up. “You sure have a sharp wit about you. I like that.” The smile on his face softens into something a bit more real, and Grian sees the way it reaches his eyes. It makes his heart skip a beat.
“You’re not smooth talking your way out of repaying me.” He crosses his arms, squinting at the man. “I’m expecting to be repaid — I gave you ten diamonds for a piece of junk!”
The man laughs, and oh if isn’t the nicest sound Grian has ever heard. “May I interest you in a different deal instead, my good sir?” he inquires, taking a step closer.
“Depends on if it involves getting my diamonds back or not.” Grian lifts a brow.
“While I can’t make your diamonds magically reappear, I can make it up to you. If you’ll allow me too.” That stupidly soft smile is still on his face.
Grian’s nose scrunches up and he scoffs. “Thanks but no thanks. I have rent to pay so if you can’t pay me back, I have to go find a different way.” He knew it was a bad idea to begin with! What the heck did he need a cutting board for anyway?! He doesn’t even cook for crying out loud! The man really had just… charmed him with words alone. Well, his looks certainly had something to do with it. It’s not Grian’s fault he’s weak for a guy with fluffy brown hair and nice green eyes!
He frowns and steps back, turning around. He starts walking away with hurried steps.
“W-Wait!” the man cries out, hurrying after him. Grian’s pace doesn’t slow, determined. They fall into step together, walking side by side. “Just hear me out!”
“No thanks!” Grian starts walking faster, hoping to shake him.
Unfortunately, he doesn’t.
“I promise it’ll be worth your time! Your while even! I’ll knock your socks off!”
“Not interested!”
“Please! Let me take you out to dinner!”
Grian stops short, eyes going wide. His cheeks go red, and he whirls on the merchant to look at him. “What?!”
“Let me take you out to dinner!” he repeats, and Grian continues to stare at him, jaw dropping. “While I can’t give you back your diamonds, I can at least treat you to some Goodtimes.” He winks, and oh Void is he flirting right now?!
“I— you— what—” Grian stammers out, heart thundering in his chest. The man’s smile is doing terrible things to his critical thinking skills.
“You won’t have to pay for a thing! I can talk our way into the best restaurant of your choosing,” he continues on.
Now that… is a curious thing. And Grian feels like he’s about to make another bad decision.
“…if it’s a date, you should at least tell me your name.”
“It’s Scar! Scar Goodtimes,” Scar replies, green eyes bright and pleased. There’s a little smirk on his face. “And you are?”
“Grian.” Is he really doing this? “So… where and when am I meeting you, Scar?” He’s really doing this.
“Let’s say… tomorrow afternoon? Meet me here?” Scar questions, and Grian takes in a breath.
“I expect my socks to be blown off,” he teases.
(It turns out to be the best decision he’s ever made. Even if the first choice was a bad financial investment.)
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pointless-names · 3 months
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what fishing can do to a man
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pointless-names · 4 months
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This time with everyone :D
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pointless-names · 4 months
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pointless-names · 4 months
I am a bit too emotional (my hands are shaky) from the fact that even though Mumbo has been on Hermitcraft from Season 2, he chose to show items from S6 to S9, and most of his memories are connected to Grian.
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Sahara coin? Grian.
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Mumbo for Mayor? Grian.
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Redstone incident report? Grian.
Boatem horse... The richest hermit — Grian too, probably. Who else could've been behind it?
The Grumbot command output with "I MISS MY DADS I MISS MY DADS I MISS MY DADS" in binary code. I CAN'T HOLD IT. The last time Mumbo saw Grumbot in S7 wasn't even his initiative. And everything that Grumbot said in S9, about the world having no purpose without Mumbo — was all because of Grian.
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The mark Grian has left on him. And Mumbo's love and gratitude. He could've put anything, anything that is more about himself. Mumbo was all alone during S2-5. He did so much great things all alone. He did not enjoy collaborations, he did not want to participate in group activities, but it has changed only because there was someone persuasive and passionate, someone who loved Mumbo from the beggining.
He chose these memories. These words.
I. I just can't.
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pointless-names · 4 months
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magic mountain, any similarities to any past mountains is purely coincidental
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pointless-names · 5 months
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Part I
I know it's almost new year but I don't care, it's Halloween again people (this part was supposed to be posed in October but things happen)
Once again thank you @xmaruu11 not only for being the co-writer of the comic but also for doing the flat colors
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pointless-names · 5 months
ngl I'm gonna need this site to stop right the fuck now with whatever rising aphobia has decided to suddenly skyrocket in the last month of 2023
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pointless-names · 5 months
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pointless-names · 6 months
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i say if you’re gonna have the mysterious entities speak in rhyme you might as well commit
(posting an unprecedented Part 1 of At Least 3 bc i actually have the entire script and most of the storyboarding for this done already)
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pointless-names · 6 months
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after 13 years of content, jordan will no longer be posting minecraft content to his main channel, barring finishing up his current let’s play. o7 to the end of an era
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pointless-names · 6 months
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nice view
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pointless-names · 6 months
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pointless-names · 6 months
rb if u want . i dont care abt self dx or professional or if u were diagnosed as a child or not, just if you now consider yourself to be autistic or not.
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