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Adriel punched the wall until his knuckles bled, he did feel a bit better and reality hit him again. He was sad. He shouldn’t have said anything. She was better not knowing. This all started with Cali and he should have stayed on topic. He was now worried for her safety. If Julius saw her as a real threat … 
He turned around, almost forgetting that she was there watching, a single tear slid down his cheek. He didn’t want to be a monster. He wished he was smarter..
“Ana I’m sorry”
Seeing the tear she instantly softened. She didn’t know how or what to think of this whole situation surrounding Julius but she knew she loved Adriel. That was the reason she was so concerned. Julius could do what he wanted but It put Adriel in danger. Crossing the room she wrapped her arms around him, burying her head in his chest. 
“I just couldn’t bear it if something happened to you...” 
Unsafe Secrets
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“Don’t make it seem like he is crazy Ana! He has a better idea of things, knows how to get what Phoenix wants without going crzy. Phoenix is crazy not Julius and Julius knows how to do things the right way. To make the world better and I will help him. I know it is scary but you want to know. You have all these questions but are too scared to know the answer! I don’t ant you to be scared I want you to understand and trust me to go along with me to be by my side and support us. I don’t know how to not scare you and ignoring things that are scary like we normally do wont help” he said frustrated. 
He didn’t know what to to make things better, he didn’t know what to say and what not to say or how to say it so she would understand. He walked over to the wall opposite her and started just punching it. Letting out his anger, if she said something he didn’t hear it he just focused on the pain and trying to get the anger out.
The words concerned her to say the least, what exactly was Adriel getting himself involved with... he seemed to being trying way to hard to be his father and it scared her. Scared her more than the way he was punching the wall and the thought that it could have been her. Wiping away her tears she stood. 
“Adriel?” He wasn’t listening to her and she was too scared to interrupt him. She stood awkwardly, wondering if she should just leave. 
Unsafe Secrets
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Adriel was shocked when she went down and cried, though he shouldn’t have been Ana was sensitive and he yelled at her. Treated her like garbage. It seemed to be too much. Too many thoughts, too many emotions he wasn’t sure what to do with them. He let out a sigh and put his hand on his forehead trying to think before running it through his hair, not caring about the blood. 
“Ana please.. I need to know what you think.. I need to know I can trust you with this” he said moving closer to her but hesitating to get too close. Did she even want him near her?
Ana looked up when he spoke, long streaks of dark mascara running down her cheeks and dripping onto her light blue dress but she didn’t really care. Looking at him she wondered why he cared what she thought, was it only to save himself? Or did he actually care about her?
“I don’t know what I think Adriel. I don’t even understand. I think you’re scaring me and what you’re talking about is scaring me. Mr. Lestrange ripped out his own heart over power... and Julius is.. ‘better’ Better in what sense?? Healthier? Or more delusioned?” She felt guilty for speaking poorly of Phoenix but it was true, many of his actions especially recently had been questionable... but she shuddered to think of Julius with the same degree of power.  
Unsafe Secrets
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Adriel looked in her eyes trying to figure out her thoughts though there was no way he could know. He wasn’t good at that kind of magic. He could see concern maybe even fear but how could he not have. He wished he could have known what she thought. 
His father would be so disappointed in him if he knew. Both of their fathers were strong in their loyalty to Phoenix and they were both raised to share the same loyalty to him but after seeing how things were developing and being talked to by Julius and his amazing ideas how could he not switch sides. Though his father might be proud of his loyalty, even if it wasn’t to Phoenix. 
When she spoke it was quieter, softer and ass she said he was bleeding he looked down. So he was. Adriel put his hands behind his back and looked away from her. He was almost mad that she made things so innocent. Made it seemed like things were okay. They weren’t she would most likely leave him. 
“I’m fine baby girl.. It’s hardly anything” he said unable to be harsh to her.. he loved her. She was his. “After all that.. is that all you have to say?”
She thought she could hold herself together but when he called her baby girl she could feel herself breaking. Biting her lip hard she looked away from him nodding slowly. She didn’t know what to say... she couldn’t seem to make heads or tails of the thoughts racing through her mind. 
Leaning her back against the wall she slid down it until she was sitting on the floor, knees pulled to her chest, dropping her head into her lap she started to cry though she wasn’t even entirely sure why she was crying... she just had to let it out somehow. 
Unsafe Secrets
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Adriel stopped clenches his hands and froze for a second, shocked at her actions, she had never yelled at him before and never hit him either. When she finished what she said he looked at her, his brows furrowed. 
“FINE!” he screamed. “You wanna hear it Ana? Huh! I look up to Julius because I believe he has the ability to be better then Phoenix! Do what he want’s to do but better! The way Phoenix is running things you can see it’s not going to work out but Julius is better! You hate him? Fine! I don’t care but what does that make me?! Huh! I am with him and will be by his side forever. I will die for him if I have to, no hesitation. Does that make me a bad person Ana?! Do you hate me?! I am not as great as you think I am. I always have been. I steal, i set shit on fire and soon I will be killing people. I don’t want you to leave me I love you so fucking much but I want you to be here for me!” he said sounding both furious and upset. 
After he said all that he felt almost nauseous. Julius is gonna kill him for saying all that shit.
“Is that what you wanted to hear? Are you not going to break like glass?”
Ana inhaled sharply when he shouted, taking several steps back from him as he spoke. Pressing her lips together she took in the information, trying to remained composed as he shouted... she hated being yelled at. When he had finished she stood dumbfounded. She wasn’t glass and yet at the moment she felt like it, she felt like everything she had known or thought had fallen into a million pieces... She respected Phoenix a lot. Though he was intimidating and some, or most of his actions questionable, and she loved and trusted her father, and she knew where his loyalties lied. 
And yet all of the recent craziness with Phoenix was still fresh in her mind, as were other peoples actions to it. She had always been closer to Dom than Phoenix, simply based on age, and she knew most of his opinion about his family, at least the ones he voiced. And yet she still had no idea how to respond to Adriel. She was worried... worried what exactly being ‘better than Phoenix’ meant... especially in Julius’ eyes. 
“I... Adriel...” Her eyes dropped to the floor and she saw blood that had dripped from his hand and she felt concern well up in her almost immediately, changing her train of thought. “Daddy, you’re bleeding.” 
Unsafe Secrets
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Adriel looked down and noticed how tightly his grip was and let go looking down for a moment ashamed. 
“I didn’t mean to hurt you..” he said looking back up at her but the quick moment turned back to anger quickly, his hands back in fists.
“You are a part of my future and don’t say shit like that. I want to tell you Ana but I don’t want you to worry. You don’t like talking about the dark things and you don’t like talking about the scary. You don’t want to hear this shit and I don’t know how much I can even tell you!”
He wanted to just tell her everything. To scream it so it wasn’t a secret he had to keep from her.. maybe he could… but if she took it poorly Julius would do something. There were too many variables and it made him distressed, so much so he didn’t notice he made his hands bleed from squeezing so tight.
She wanted to scream at him, to hit him, to do something anything to make him stop being so stubborn. She raised her fists and was unable to stop herself from slamming them hard into his chest several times, tears of frustration building in her eyes. 
“What aren’t you telling me and why! I hate him! I hate him so much and you.. you...” She let out a loud noise of frustration letting her hands fall to her sides. “I’m not some fragile piece of glass I can handle things you know!” 
Unsafe Secrets
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Victor Norlander by Markus Bollingmo
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Adriel instinctively took a step towards her ignoring how she looked at him. He didn’t care. 
“You don’t need to understand! It isn’t important and it doesn’t benefit you. You can’t handle it!! I don’t need to explain my reasoning to you. Just need your trust or is it all of a sudden you no longer trust me?!” he said, reaching out and grabbing her arm at the elbow. 
“Julius just has a lot of potential to do great things and I want to be a part of it” 
Ana gasped slightly as he gripped her elbow and she wondered if he meant to do it as harshly as he had. Usually she was more than willing to accept what he said, to follows his rules and she had thought they treated each other with mutual respect, but this felt very different... 
“Adriel, you’re hurting me.” She swallowed hard. He wasn’t making any sense. What didn’t she understand, and why wasn’t it important? 
“I do trust you but it IS important. If it’s a part of your life and your future then it’s a part of mine... unless...” Her voice stuck in her throat for a moment “Unless I’m not a part of your future...” 
Unsafe Secrets
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Adriel didn’t know why he cared so much, defending Julius all the time and he sure didn’t know why her calling him nut’s made his anger flare more. He could feel the heat in his body rise and his his nails dug into his hand, his knuckles white. 
“Don’t you say shit like that Anastasia. I know he is my friend and yes I may be a good guy but I agree with mostly everything he says. Some things I agree with though I know he can go too far sometimes. He should not have done what he did to your sister but I am not going to stop being loyal to him and I am not going to stop being his friend!” he said through clenched teeth. 
“If I agree does that make me nuts too?! And I get she is your sister but talk to someone who can actually do something! Talk to me about it even. You didn’t even tell me!” he said practically yelling now.
“And I would try and look after my sister the best I could but I know my limits Ana. I am not going to do something that wont help anyone”
She flinched again stepping back from him. There was a part of her that wanted to fall at his feet and tell him she was sorry, that she would never do it again. But there was another part of her that was stubborn and frustrated. That wanted answers.
“No.. yes… i don’t know! I don’t understand it Adriel?! He isn’t flawless, he is just a guy! Is it because he’s older, because he’s a Lestrange, what? Like I’m friends with Dia but I’m not going to throw myself worshipping at her feet like you seem to do with Julius!”
Unsafe Secrets
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Adriel wasn’t the angry type. He often joked and laughed and though he could be serious he wasn’t angry. When he was he didn’t know what to do with himself. He wanted to relieve it somehow, make it go away. He could see the fear in her eyes and although he cared he didn’t try and stop himself. 
“Don’t you dare talk about him that way. He is a powerful man and he will be great. He is important for our future. Yea what he did wasn’t good but what can you do what can I do? I have already said he should stop he didn’t listen and you saying something was just stupid. Why the hell would he listen to you? You don’t mean anything to him!” he clenched his fist unknowing what to do with his hands. 
Julius told him he would have raped her brutally had it been someone else. If she did it again things wouldn’t be nice. He went easy on her and Adriel knew it.
Ana bit her lip, trying to hold onto the anger that made her brave. She didn’t really think that Adriel would hurt her, at least not in a serious way... but she didn’t want to lose him either or have a huge fight. Yet there was a part of her that just couldn’t back down. She didn’t understand his undying devotion to Julius... she didn’t even know what he was talking about. 
“What do you mean he’s an important part of our future? He’s your friend and I get that but it doesn’t make all the wrong things he does okay? You can’t possibly agree with everything. You are a nice guy and Julius... well he’s a little nuts, okay?” Her eyes fell to his fist almost nervously though he had never hit her before. 
“I just... she’s my sister... wouldn’t you do everything you could for your sister?” 
Unsafe Secrets
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Ana flinched when he raised his voice at her. She didn’t like being yelled at especially not by him... it left a pit in her stomach, like the feeling you get when you miss a step on the stairs and your foot falls through darkness for a moment too long. Swallowing hard she crossed her arms over herself, trying not to revert into submission. 
“I know it didn’t help but I had to do something! At least now I can say I tried. None of you ever tried, you just let it happen and why? because it’s Julius? Well what makes him so fucking special?” She rarely swore, and she knew she wasn’t supposed to, looking up at him with wide eyes she waited for his reaction. 
Unsafe Secrets
Continued from here [x]
“He hurt you Ana! He left a mark. You’re lucky it is only bruises! It could have been worse! I found out from him talking to me about it. Said if it was anyone else it would have been so much worse. You didn’t have to do  that it did absolutely nothing. It didn’t help Cali and it didn’t help you!” He said sounding angrier then he meant to. He was so damn worried.
Adriel hung out with the guy often and saw the terrible things he did to people. He never really stopped him before because he agreed with his methods and the things he did were for a reason he more often then not agreed with but he knew Julius’s strength and he knew the lack of hers.
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The “Fight”
          “Hey fucker!” Anastasia’s usually quiet and well mannered voice cut through the silence of the kitchen and Julius turned quickly, mug of tea held in his left hand. One eyebrow slowly raised as he regarded the petite, younger girl. She was thin and flat as a rail, the dancer type, though he never saw the appeal in it. However, as he looked at her he could see she was practically shaking with anger… like a tiny battery overflowing with energy.
          “Hello Anastasia.” He gave her a free pass on her previous comment, after all he did fuck a lot… it was one of his favourite pastimes. Raising the mug he went to take a long sip, only to have it knocked out of his hand. Hot liquid spilled over his shirt and the floor as the mug hit and shattered against the ceramic tile. Looking down he glared at the little vixen that had done it, that shit hurt.
          “You are an ass! I know what you have done to my sister. Stop it!” ahh so that was her problem… Calista, the little slut. It wasn’t even his fault really, he was just doing what anyone reasonable would do when they saw such a juicy little slut, intoxicated and parading herself around… use her. After all, she was practically begging for it, dancing in those short little skirts, drunk out of her mind.
          “I don’t think I will, perhaps you should talk to her about not being such rape bait.” Julius laughed as Ana’s fists hit his chest multiple times, though she was stronger than he had expected, he brushed her off like she were a temperamental child. “Calm yourself, before I make you calm down.” He could see the anger flare in her eyes as her hand went for her wand. Julius had to stop himself from laughing. She thought she could win a duel against him?
          However, as he reached for his own wand he felt it fly from his hand, she had disarmed him before he could even point it at her… clever girl, perhaps he needed to pay more attention with her… she was clearly more intelligent than her sister. Stepping towards her he watched as she stepped back, throwing curses his way which Julius quickly deflected wandlessly. He might not be a pro at wandless magic, but a simple block was a necessity. And any curses the fifteen year old knew were weak… clearly she was unpracticed.
          “Tell me Ana… have you ever actually cursed someone before or does this all come from a book?” Reaching out he summoned his wand to him, pointing it at her. Julius expected her to look nervous, or even frightened. But her face was set in a hard line, as resilient as ever…. oh she would be fun to break.
          Curses and hexes flew through the kitchen, shattering dishes and breaking cabinets. Most were sent away from their intended targets but several struck the other. Julius had to admit he was impressed with the little girl, she had more skill than he had expected, the fight was halfway interesting. However, it wasn’t long until he grew bored with the game and a single well placed spell had her bound tightly, blue magical bonds swirling around her slender body. Stepping towards her Julius laughed coldly.
          “Come now Anastasia, did you really think you could beat me? It’s cute that you are so delusional. Thinking that you, a 15 year old could take me on wand-to-wand?” Ana glared up at him, trying to free herself as he ripped her wand from her grasp, rendering her almost useless, she opened her mouth but Julius pressed a finger to her lips, silencing her. “Now as for your big sister… I will continue to do as I please until I see fit to do otherwise. She is a slut, a drunken slut who needs to be put in her place. Speaking of places… you would do well to remember yours.
          Ana wasn’t sure why she did, but a rage that she scarcely felt washed over her, and though she was helpless to hit him, she looked up and spit in his face with as much force as she could muster. A smug grin settled on her face as he reached up, disgusted to wipe it off. What she had not expected was his hand to come down across her face as he backhanded her hard, rings cutting into the soft pale flesh of her cheek.
           Julius’ face twisted in rage as he looked down at her, noting as some blood ran down her lip that her teeth must have cut into the inside of her cheek… good. He had hit her hard, and every bit of him wanted to hit her again, to teach the disrespectful bitch some manners. But no. He forced himself to take a breath… she was Adriel’s girlfriend, and the last thing he needed was conflict with the Avery. Though he would have to have a word with the other about keeping his bitch in line. Waving a hand he unbound her, throwing her wand to the ground so she had to lower herself at his feet to retrieve it.
          “Go, before I change my mind and teach you a lesson you won’t soon forget. And be grateful I let you off the hook so easily.” She stood up, turning to walk away. “Oh and Ana? If you ever cross me again you’ll be begging for my mercy, and no connection to my friends is going to help you.”
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Little: *has almost finished the whole bag of goldfish*
Daddy: little one what are you doing..?
Little: *talking with mouth full* nuffing…
Daddy: *makes cop car noises* ma'am step away from the goldfish
Little: you’ll never catch me!!! *runs away with goldfish and stuffie*
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Adriel’s face burned from the hit of the harsh snow but hardly payed attention to it. All focus was on her. She was gorgeous, even more so it seemed when she was playing with the snow, so innocent , the laughing only made him love it more. “Oh you think you have a chance? Really?” He said laughing with her as he picked up more snow and made it into the perfect ball ready to throw.
Ana ducked down behind the wall of snow that she had built for her own protection. The pom pom at the top of her hat sticking over the top as the braided wool strings hung down, the pink standing out against her dark hair. Holding on to the snowball tight she glanced over the wall quickly. 
“I KNOW I have a chance!” 
Snowball Fight
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"How could you do that? Without telling me even? Do know how dangerous that could have been for you?!" (sonxofxdeath)
Ana stared down at her feet, shifting uncomfortably under his gaze. She knew better than to keep things from him, knew better then to put herself in harms way... but someone had to do something for Cali... so what if she had tried to do it herself. Subconsciously she raised a hand to the bruise on her cheek. 
“I know that Julius is dangerous but... I ... well... I had to... I couldn’t just NOT do anything!” 
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