poison-perfection · 12 hours
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"This is a creation of his, this is something that’s come from him, that is pure, that is new, that is living, that is beautiful, that he’s proud of." — Tom Glynn-Carney
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poison-perfection · 12 hours
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poison-perfection · 12 hours
white people go like “is anyone going to redesign this nonhuman evil character as a poc?” and not wait for an answer
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poison-perfection · 12 hours
crazy how fanfic authors drop the most beautiful and gorgeous pieces of work ever, leaving you speechless and sobbing at three in the morning as you quietly contemplate the masterpiece you just read
and they don’t get paid for it they just do it because they’re having fun and they want to share their joy with you
like I would literally die for all of you fanfic authors out there reblog to swear your allegiance to fanfic authors
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poison-perfection · 14 hours
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poison-perfection · 14 hours
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poison-perfection · 15 hours
what doesn't kill you makes you stay on tumblr for 13 years and counting
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poison-perfection · 15 hours
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poison-perfection · 15 hours
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The US government is suing Adobe for allegedly hiding expensive fees and making it difficult to cancel a subscription. In the complaint filed on Monday, the Department of Justice claims Adobe “has harmed consumers by enrolling them in its default, most lucrative subscription plan without clearly disclosing important plan terms.” The lawsuit alleges Adobe “hides” the terms of its annual, paid monthly plan in the “fine print and behind optional textboxes and hyperlinks.” In doing so, the company fails to properly disclose the early termination fee incurred upon cancellation “that can amount to hundreds of dollars,” the complaint says.
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poison-perfection · 15 hours
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poison-perfection · 16 hours
hiii! i love your writing :3
Could I request a PriceGraves fic where Graves is loopy from anesthesia and it’s like that
“my [husband]’ll be mad if [he] sees you touching me like this”
“I am your [husband]”
“*loopy amazement*”
No pressure! Have a great day/night :D
Yeah sure! I love them <3
Price sat by his husband's bedside, silently reading. He was trying to stay up so Graves wouldn't wake up alone. HIs husband had been in a rather long surgery to get the bullet out of his gut that a Konni member had put there. A bullet by itself wasn't a problem, but it nicked the wrong organ. It had went well overall, but the first half had been stressful while they figured out where the blood was coming from.
Price squeezed his eyes shut, trying to not think about it. His husband was safe and sound and stable.
The beeping of the machines jumped for just a moment and he glanced up just in time to see Graves's squinting at him. His eyes closed again briefly before slowly opening just a little bit more than before.
Price got up and turned the lights off, relieved when Graves started to open his eyes a little more. The window let just enough light in for it to stream across his body but not hit his face.
"Good morning."
Graves scrunched his face up at him and tried to curl up before wincing.
Price quickly put his hand on his chest to get him to stop moving. "Hey, now. Don't move too much."
"My husband wouldn't like you touching my chest like this." Graves mumbled, glaring at Price. His accent had never been thicker.
He tried not to laugh, but they spilled out anyway. His hand moved to his jaw to cradle his head. "But I am your husband."
The heart monitor started going crazy as Graves stared up at him. "Oh." His eyes blinked up at him in amazement. "Really?"
"Yep. Four years."
Graves melted into his hand and fluttered his eyelashes at him. "Does that mean we kiss?"
"We do. Are you asking for a kiss?"
Graves nodded, staring up at him moon eyed. "Maybe."
Price shook his head before leaning down. He kissed him softly, careful not to move him too much in case he hurt him or jostled the stitches.
The heart monitor sped right back up.
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poison-perfection · 2 days
Ship Ask Game - The Basics
Learn about each others writings, ocs, and so much more.
For this ask game, choose a pairing and a number, and send an ask to the writer who reblogged this. Remember, be polite!
1. Describe their first date.
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
3. What was their first impression of each other?
4. Who initiates affection? Why does the other not initiate affection as much?
5. Do they argue often? If so, what do they argue about?
6. How do they make up/apologize after an argument?
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
8. What do they love most about the other? Why?
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
10. Do they share any hobbies or interests? How do these things bring them together?
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
14. Do they enjoy PDA, or are they more private with affection?
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
16. Would they ever get matching tattoos? If yes, what would these look like?
17. How well do they communicate? Are they open with their feelings/thoughts or more reserved? Why?
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
19. Do they wear each other’s clothes/jewelry?
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
22. Are they comfortable joking around with each other and being silly/playful?
23. What are the defining characteristics of their relationship?
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
26. What sacrifices do they make for the other?
27. How do they say “I love you” non-verbally?
28. Who’s the better chef? Do they cook for the other?
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
30. What are their respective love languages? Do their love languages work well together?
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
32. Do either of them drink? If so, who’s the lightweight, and how does their partner care for them?
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
39. When and how did they admit that they loved each other? If they haven’t yet, why?
40. Do they have any regrets in their relationship?
41. What would they do if they lost the other?
42. What’s their relationship like with each other’s friends/families?
43. If they picked out outfits for each other, what would they look like?
44. Do they cuddle often? Why or why not?
45. How do they support each other? How do they rely on each others support?
46. Do they consider their relationship casual or serious? Is the answer different depending on who you ask? Why?
47. Do they sleep beside each other? Why or why not?
48. Do they talk about their future together? Why or why not?
49. Do they keep secrets from each other?
50. Would they ever break up? If so, why? Who would handle the breakup better?
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poison-perfection · 2 days
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Alan Wake Night Springs DLC chapters with no context
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poison-perfection · 2 days
I was just checking what languages I could learn in Duolingo and there is a HIGH VALYRIAN COURSE?!?!?!
I could have lived my Dragonrider fantasy way earlier
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poison-perfection · 2 days
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poison-perfection · 3 days
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poison-perfection · 3 days
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i am once again reminded of the fact that toby fox is a genius at comedic pacing
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