poisonedcandy · 4 years
Nothing will ever fill the void. Not impulse purchases. Not fleeting praise. Not love. Not tv shows. Nothing. It only feels that for a little until it fades like everything else and I’m empty again.
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
Did anyone else go through a random recovery where your mental health just improved in general which allowed you to kick your ED mentality to the curb and see through body dysmorphia but then gained a decent amount of weight making you unhappy with your body and reverting back to ED habits even though you don’t have the same obsession anymore and now feel like you don’t really have an ED anymore because it’s not that bad you just have disordered eating and also kinda wish your mental health would just fuck up so you could at least go back to being a real Anorexic/bulimic ect. Because boy this feels shit and confusing and I really do feel like I’m faking it now.
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
till deactivation do us part
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
You made yourself fat, now make yourself skinny again.
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
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This user has a triggering blog
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
i hate my stupid, foolish heart! it breaks on a daily basis. and i’m tired of mending it.
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
These kinds of fuckers make my blood boil
The second they ask for pictures you know they're just perverted and definitely do not have your best interest in mind
Everyone please stay safe and stay away from so called "coaches" please.
Thank you OP
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Y’all be careful on here, don’t ever send pics for anyone like this!! You risk being blackmailed and pressured into things you don’t want to do!!
Please be safe guys, posting this to help spread awareness because I know there are many vulnerable young people who are on this part of tumblr and I would hate to see anything bad happen to any of you!!
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
*comes online*
*reblogs 30 things within 5 minutes*
*fucks off again*
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
At least I’m not at my SW anymore
At least I’m not at my SW anymore
At least I’m not at my SW anymore
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
gonna put this out there:
eating 1000 calories will not make you gain weight.  (unless your metabolism is dead - but typically, no.)  so if you feel like you’re going to faint or you’re too weak;  you will not gain weight if your calorie intake is 1000 calories.  most of us (including me) restrict insanely low. 500, 200, 800.  and that’s okay, we’re sick. it’s expected.  but! your safety is important. eating a banana because you almost passed out during chemistry is okaaayyyy. breathe. you’re okay.  you will not gain weight because you ate a little extra.  if you ate 800 and felt too weak to function and ate a little bit of toast to help that and your intake got up to 950, it’s okay.  (specific example. just to make things even simpler.)  so breathe, have some tea. you’re okay. you’re fine. 
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
Don't kill yourself, please.
If you’re suffering from depression and are looking for a sign to not go through with ending your life, this is it. This is the sign. We care.
If you see this on your dash, reblog it. You could save a life.
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
In case you need this today
- you are not a failure - you are not a waste of space - you are loved - you are wanted - i believe in you - you can do it
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
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poisonedcandy · 4 years
Me: *explaining that I'm self harming because that way I don't do drugs, so at least I'm not doing drugs*
Psychiatrist: "self harm isn't good either."
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