poisonpicked · 47 minutes
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"hmm..." dallas murmurs, a hand finds its way to the small of bodhi's back, fingers gently locking onto the fabric of his jacket to pull him in closer so he can press a brief, almost chaste, kiss to his temple, not wanting to draw attention to them, but still give bodhi some sense of comfort. "we shouldn't be too much longer. we can grab dinner after? you choose, even if it's something quick we can get on the way home." they needed to rest anyway, sit on the information they gathered from the casing so they could relay it to the gang and decide their plan of action from there.
an employee walks by them and he's quick to flash a small smile to them, offering a casual, "no, thank you," when asked if they needed help with the jewlery they were currently looking at. the employees were aware, always watching the customers within the store. they would have to be careful, make sure they don't have any eyes on them as they perform their heist. maybe a distraction would serve them well... they could discuss that with the gang later, as needed.
"Not a chance."
He speaks evenly, hand falling over his own features for a second as he tries his best not to fall asleep further. Casing was such A DRAG, but Dallas had insisted it was important. He'd rather take the opportunity for them to have some privacy considering they hardly ever got the chance to when they were back at the safehouse.
"I'll survive."
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poisonpicked · 8 hours
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Ben Barnes as Billy Russo, The Punisher season 2 (2019)
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poisonpicked · 19 hours
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houston actually laughs at his response, looking down at his heavily bandaged hands, done so graciously by his brother upon arriving at their safehouse. "yeah, yeah, i did everything you said. even gave him a good elbow on my way over the stand." he hardly remembered the moment if he was being honest, but he had seen the video that went viral and it was admittedly a bit impressive. definitely worth the injured hands, injuries that were only exacerbated by the fights and further treatment he had received in the prison.
"it's not like i planned to get caught. i don't know how i did..." but he didn't want to go down that rabbit hole, not now anyway. "...i'm just glad you got me out when you did. i don't know what the fuck concord was planning exactly, but i don't think i was going to survive it if i stuck around."
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@poisonpicked said:
❛ are you saying you care about me? ❜ (houston to bodhi)
"I'm saying you're a lot less of a headache when you're alive and NOT being held in captivity."
OF COURSE there's admittedly still the matter of the fact that Houston almost definitely did what BODHI himself would've done. After he came face to face with the judge, he decided to SEAL himself further by attacking the judge and giving him a nasty black eye for his trouble.
He'd never really admit it, BUT HE WAS PROUD. He'd tried to help by teaching him a few moves here & there for if he'd ever gotten in a bind, but he never really expected them to be actually used.
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"...You close your fist the way I taught you when you clocked that scumsucker? Never mind, your brother was worried about you, maybe consider that next time you get caught yeah?"
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poisonpicked · 22 hours
i love @bldrdsh sm
not only is he one of my best friends but he's also making me banners for my replies and i'm just 🥺🥺🥺
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poisonpicked · 1 day
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MANNY JACINTO as QIMIR The Acolyte (2024-)
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poisonpicked · 2 days
@notthedyingtype gets a starter from dallas to lyla!
dinner's on you. see you where we first met at 7 tonight.
the note, written rather elegantly in a familiar shade of burgundy lipstick, complete with a heart, had been folded and placed neatly on the chest of the dead man and it had only taken dallas a split second to know who was responsible.
though houston, along with chains and wolf and surprisingly even hoxton, had been against him going to meet her and even insisted on accompanying him at the very least (he quickly shut down that idea), here he was, pulling up to that seedy bar they had first met at only a few weeks before to test the waters and hash out details before dallas decided if the gang would be working with her. that initial meeting, as did the following heist, but they hadn't spoken to each other since. he would be lying, however, if he was to say he hadn't been keeping tabs on her ever since, telling himself it was something he did to their allies — which wasn't entirely a lie but truly he had just found himself thinking about her more than he was used to. clearly she had been doing the same though and that's how she knew about this hit on him and had even managed to track down and take out the guy before he and gang could. it was impressive really.
parking in the back, he makes his way inside and quickly spots her, looking almost as out of place as he did, wearing high end dress clothes amongst the more casual attire of the other bar patrons. he sits down next to her at the bar, charming smile already in place. "i didn't take you as one to consider bar food 'dinner,'" it was a jest of course; he assumed they were meeting here for ease and going to a real dinner later, unless she really had some plan to kill or otherwise betray him as the gang seemed to think. he very much hoped they were wrong, but still, his gun rested securely under his jacket, ready to be used if things went south. "besides, a cheap date like that doesn't seem like a good way to repay you for... taking care of my little problem earlier. thank you, by the way."
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poisonpicked · 10 days
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story of my life
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poisonpicked · 10 days
hey sorry if i was offputting and strange and bizarre and weird as fuck last night i was just being myself
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poisonpicked · 11 days
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Boyd as Clement Mansell in Justified: City Primeval
4K UHD screencaps
Boyd + smoking
Clement Mansell Edition Justified: City Primeval Edition Part two
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poisonpicked · 12 days
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It’s literally them
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poisonpicked · 13 days
@notthedyingtype said: all right. you got my attention. keep talking. - Varity to Vera
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"oh, now i have your attention? thanks a lot," v laughs, taking her eyes off varity's face long enough to grab the eyeshadow palette, dabbing the makeup brush into the powder for the next color. setting the palette aside, she looks back down at varity, shifting where she sat on her hips so she had a better angle. "close your eyes again." she starts carefully applying the color as she continues, "anyways, yeah me and jackie go meet up with the fixer again in a couple days after we take care of a couple more things for 'im. jackie's sayin' we can finally make the major leagues with this gig."
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poisonpicked · 13 days
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Looks like this is it.
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poisonpicked · 14 days
not @bldrdsh reminding me that johnny, being VERY similar to vera in a lot of ways, for better or worse, ended up ultimately teaching her to love herself (since she, despite absolutely hating him for most of the game, ended up loving him by the time she had to get rid of him and mourned him like she lost a piece of herself after all was said and done)
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poisonpicked · 14 days
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"i understand your need to control and take care of this settlement — i'm here as your guest to do nothing more than help as you requested — but you saw how he acted when i was trying to stabilize mason. he would've had a fucking gun to my head and god knows what else if you weren't there and you know that." rowan didn't like the confrontation; in fact, he didn't really like any sort of confrontation as he tended to stick to himself and those who came around him tended to understand his position in this wasteland. but jax, in a way, scared them. he was as unpredictable as he was dangerous and unhinged and rowan did not sign up for dealing with him again. in fact, they had all but banned jax unless absolutely necessary.
rowan takes a deep breath, trying to decide his next words carefully before he further agitated the conversation. "i want mason to be okay. he's doing okay now and should be up and more like his normal self in a few days. jax was okay when he came by today to see him, but... colonel, he's a raider at the end of the day. i've dealt with him when he got hurt and i've taken care of his... victims before. i just don't want anything to happen to you or any of the people here."
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@poisonpicked said:
“with all due respect, i think it’s stupid to let him stay here. i get wanting to help the kid, but i know jax and he’s nothing but trouble. i wouldn’t be surprised if he robbed us at gunpoint as soon as mason is feeling better” (rowan to jamie)
THERE'S A TOUCH of annoyance in hearing those words. Most of the time he wasn't questioned about decisions like that considering people were either TOO SCARED or simply knew better. Jamie was nothing if not FULLY devoted to ensuring the Minutemen & the settlers they took care of WERE PROTECTED.
So when the mans words reach him, he's amidst scribbling down details of the raid that last came through the settlement. A COMPLAINT lodged and his pen gently raps against the desk as he glares at the medical practitioner.
"Very eloquent thank you."
THE ICE in his tone comes and he doesn't soften much when he continues, THERE'S a frustration that comes. Jamie was nothing if not thorough and while he can understand skepticism, FATHERHOOD in this case was greater than being a raider.
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"I appreciate your very BRAZEN stance on the matter but I assure you I have control over the situation, so perhaps focus instead on tending the wounded considering the fact that there's no shortage of them coming & going throughout the Commonwealth. You let me worry about the potential bad behavior of those I let into the walls of this settlement."
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poisonpicked · 14 days
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poisonpicked · 15 days
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#jordan li once said...
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poisonpicked · 15 days
apologies … sentence starters
“I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
“I’ll try to do better, I swear.”
“You deserve better than this.”
“I’m sorry you went through that.”
“I’m sorry you have to deal with me.”
“I was wrong. I should have listened.”
“I know I messed up. And I said I was sorry.”
“Was I… was I the reason you were crying?”
“I just lost control. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.”
“You shouldn’t have had to deal with that, I’m sorry.”
“I shouldn’t have done that. Can you ever forgive me?”
“They’ll never apologize, so I’ll do it for them. I’m sorry.”
“I’ve never stopped and listened to you, and I’m sorry for that.”
“Oh my god, am I… am I the one who made you cry? I’m sorry.”
“I’m not going to ask for your forgiveness, because I don’t deserve it.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you, but that’s not the point. I still did. And I’m sorry.”
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