pokevillainvirus · 7 months
Pokémon Villain Virus chapter 2 Gohs Journal
Well uh hello Journal.. What do I put here? I have no idea. A bunch of stuff has happened these passed 6 hours, and I don't like it. I couldn't sleep so I stayed up searching if there were any Mew sightings, finally at 5am I reloaded Goog on my computer, THERE WERE SIGHTINGS.. but they were in Hoenn, I texted Ash right away even though he was asleep, when he woke up my phone got bombed *chuckle* So we met up to go buy plane tickets, here we are in Hoenn.. I'm exhausted, we found Mew though, but a person with red hair came up to us because we caught Mew (YES I FINALLY CAUGHT MEW!!! THANK YOU ASH) .. It could be me but I dont trust this person at all, I'm getting an off feeling, Why are they asking for Mew? They speak in an odd tone too.. I dont know how I would explain. Could they be apart of an evil organization like Team Rocket, COULD THERE BE MORE OF THEM? Oh nonono we could be in danger right now! Or thats just me overthinking. Ash and Pikachu look like theyre having fun right now, this person has a Sneasel though, I'm tired I'm gonna stop writing in here, but I wonder if Ash thinks the same thing? Maybe not.. He will notice when things probably take a turn if that ever happens. Alright bye journal!
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pokevillainvirus · 8 months
Pokémon Villain Virus chapter 1
Goh was up early like always, he was looking to see if there were any recent Mew sightings, he was actually up for hours, but he decided to reload Goog to see if the pages have updated, turns out they did, he almost fell out of his chair, he was happy even though he was tired. He is home alone for about a week because his parents were on another business trip like always, but he's used to it.
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He then decided to text Ash even though its super early and he knew Ash wasn't up but he still texted him anyway.
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Cinderace and Grookey tried grabbing his phone, but he took it away from them and he decided to sleep.. until 3hrs later he woke up from Ash blasting his phone up.
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They then met up, and went to go buy plane tickets to Hoenn. Later on they didn't know what they were about to get themselves into..
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pokevillainvirus · 10 months
Pokevirus current design Ash and Goh
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I have to still give color, im just giving designs right now. Ash is wearing a turtle neck but he ripped up the sleeves after the virus made him insane, during the process of getting the virus his eye slowly melted away without anyone noticing.
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During the virus was being spread around Goh accidentally got his hair dyed in red chemicals and it reversed his hair color. (My apologies for the 1st image I made that months ago and accidentally got the skin color wrong :(
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pokevillainvirus · 10 months
Goh is still trying to catch Mew in a mission to catch it with Ash but then they both get caught in a new Villain team and they collect Mew and steal its DNA because they know its has DNA from all pokemon, the Villain team wants to find out if the DNA is possible with humans too, so the boss gets ahold of Goh along which Ash was lured too because he knows Ash has a special aura and traps Ash as well, but then the DNA breaks out and creates a virus which spreads around the world which caught onto some people, and the other people are trying to figure out how to get rid of it so the people will be normal again but they dont know how to fix it. the villain team is secret and now no one can find them. Ash, Goh, and Pikachu got their memories wiped out about the whole villain team, Gohs memory somewhat starts to remember what happened but he thinks his mind is lying to him, and people try to help Ash, but Ash refuses, some people are hybrids, or just turn manic. Ash cant comprehend anything and one of his eyes burned away during the process of the DNA, Goh accidentally got his hair stuck in red chemicals and it kinda reversed his hair color, Pikachus fur frizzed up so hes a bit spikey now. Ash and Goh used to be boyfriends but the whole virus ruined everything, but Goh really wants to fix stuff, but he cant fix anything with how Ash is acting, The starting of the Au will start where it all happened way before this.
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